ANNUAL REPORT FY2014 Dear Friends, Northern Public Radio is 89.5 WNIJ. North- ern Public Radio is Classical WNIU. Northern Public Radio is NIRIS. We are each of these. We are all of these. And we are here because of your continued support 89.5 WNIJ continues to invest in excellent national programs, like Morning Edition and All Things Considered, and our award winning reporters consistently produce excellent news stories and features about our region. Classical WNIU provides the best in classical music programming to our audience 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our volunteer readers provide access to local news and periodical articles to more than 650 print-impaired citizens via NIRIS (Northern Illinois Radio Information Service). Northern Public Radio is made possible thanks, in large part, to our generous listener-members, support from Northern Illinois University and the vital support of our local businesses and organizations through underwriting. Thank you. Sincerely, Staci Hoste Director and General Manager Northern Public Radio MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Northern Public Radio is to enrich, inspire and inform adults in northern Illinois through programs and services that share ideas, encourage thought, give pleasure and create community. AWARD WINNING JOURNALISM Jenna Dooley, reporter and current host of All Things Considered, was awarded the Donald R. Grubb Distinguished Journalism Alumni Award from Northern Illinois Univer- sity April 25, 2014. WHAT IS NIRIS? NIRIS is a free, unique broadcast service that provides current print information to any person who is unable to read, hold a book or turn a page because of a visual, physical or learning disability. NIRIS users are loaned a receiver at no cost that picks up the NIRIS transmission. Our NIRIS volunteers read more than 25 newspapers, local food and shopping ads, book, popu- lar magazines and special interest pieces to NIRIS listeners every week. NIRIS programming is transmitted within a 60-mile radius of Lindenwood, Illinois. Within that listening area, there are an estimated 38,000 that may qualify for NIRIS service. NIRIS depends on public support — finan- cially, through volunteerism and by helping us get information about our service to those who might benefit from its use. Find out more by calling (815) 753-9000 or go online at northernpublicradio.org/niris. ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS Submissions for public service announce- ments, or PSAs, can be mailed to 801 N. First St., DeKalb, IL 60115, faxed to (815) 753-9938, or emailed to Guy Stephens at [email protected]. Our community events calendar is avail- able online and lists educational, arts and entertainment events happening through- out Northern Illinois. To submit your event, visit wnij.org, wniu.org and select Submit Your Community Calendar Item under the Events tab. All events are reviewed and approved before appearing on the site. AuxilliaryAAuxxiilllliaiaryy EnterprisesEnntteerrppririsees $4,837$$44,,883737 <1%<1% NorthernNoN rtr heh rnn IIllinoisllininooiis UUnUniversityiivvere sis tyy $436,909$$44366,99099 24%2244% MembershipMMembbere shhipp $678,894$6$ 788,8894 37%377% CorporationCCoorpporattiioon forffoor PublicPuubblicic BroadcastingBror addcac ststiing $230,895$$23030,889595 13%1133% MiscellaneousMiMiscs ele llaneeouous GrantsGGranantsts $89,973$$889,9 979 3 UnUnderwritingdderrwwriititing 5%5% $389,361$$338989,336161 21%21% UnderwritingUnU dderwrwrirititing & GrantGrG annt SolicitationSSooliiciitatatiionon $$1$119,5131919,5513 FuFundraisingunddraiissiinng 7% TOTAL REVENUES: & MeMMembershipmbbere shipip $ 1,830,959 DDeDevelopmentevveelloopmp ent $1$$175,994757 ,99944 9%% TOTAL EXPENSES: $1,902,156 MMaManagementnaagegemeentnt & GeneralGGeeneeraral PrProgrammingoggrar mmmiinng & For a complete copy of $283,894$$228383,889494 ProductionPrP odductitionon our FY2014 audited 11515%5% $1,030,798$1$ ,,00300,77988 55454%4% financial statements, please visit About Us at PrProgramrogograram IInInformationnfformrmatatioion northernpublicradio.org & PrPromotionommototioion or call (815) 753-9000 to $$5$59,06859,9,00668 33%% request a printed copy. BrBBroadcastingoaaddccaasstiing & EngineeringEnE gigineeriinng $232,889$$2322,888989 11212%2% PLEASE SUPPORT THE BUSINESSES THAT SUPPORT NORTHERN PUBLIC RADIO 1st Step Chiropractic Gordon Hardware & Supply Pinecrest Community AARP Illinois Great Clips Pita Pete's Abreo Restaurant Great Harvest Bread Co. Plum River Farm American Institute of Architects-NI Chapter Greenfire Market Princeton Theatre Group Anderson Japanese Gardens Greenwich Village Art Fair Princeton Tourism Angelic Organics Harper College Priority Promotions of Sycamore Annies Little Pots Hauser-Ross Eye Institute Procure Centers Artists' Ensemble Theatre Hayes' Body Shop Randall J Manus, Attorney At Law Arts Mineral Point Hazzard Free Farm Raue Center For The Arts Aspen Counseling and Consulting Hearing Help Express Reiki Energy International Aurora Greenfest Heartland Bank and Trust Company Renew DeKalb Austin's Violin Shop Hemmens Cultural Center Rock River Valley Blood Center Autumn On Parade Hicks Insurance Agency Rock Valley College Barb City Manor Hidden Timber Gardens Rockford Area Music Industry-RAMI Basketcases Unlimited Highland Community College Rockford Christian Schools Beloit College Holly Mathiesen of Thrivent Financial Rockford Coronado Concert Association Beloit Health System Hornbaker Gardens Rockford Dance Company Ben Gordon Center Huntley Horticulture Service Rockford Health System Benassi Family Dentistry Hy-Vee Rockford Lutheran School Blackhawk Technical College Illinois Railway Museum Rockford Nephrology Associates Blumen Gardens Illinois Renewable Energy Association Rockford Orthopedic Associates BMO Harris Bank Center Illinois SBDC At Elgin Community College Rockford Park District Bockman's Auto Care J Carlson Growers Rockford Symphony Orchestra Books On First Janesville Performing Arts Center Rotary Botanical Gardens Brian Bemis Toyota Jeff Keicher State Farm Schmeling Building Supply Burpee Museum of Natural History Johnson Creek Hardwoods SERVPRO of Rockford Byron Museum of History Jonamac Orchard Severson Dells Environmental Foundation Cacoa Cuvee Just Goods, A Fair Trade Marketplace Shawn Blobaum of Thrivent Financial Campbell, Johnson & Hotopp P.C. Kate's Pie Shop Sinnissippi Centers Candlelight Walk Association of Oregon Keith Country Day School South Street Coffee Cherryvale Tire & Auto Service Ken Spears Construction Spectrum Progressive School Choices Natural Market Kickstand Productions Spring Creek United Church of Christ City of Elgin Kilbuck Creek Resort St Charles Singers Comfort Keepers of Northwest IL Kimberly Barrios American Family Insurance St Olaf Band Community Foundation of Northern Illinois KishHealth System Starved Rock Lodge and Conference Center Creative Therapeutics Kishwaukee College Stratford Inn Mitchel Lounge David Boccignone of Ameriprise Financial Kishwaukee Symphony Orchestra Sunday Knits Dekalb Chamber of Commerce Klehm Arboretum and Botanic Garden Sundog IT Discover Sycamore Ladd Upholstery Service Sweet Earth Jewelry & Gifts Dixon Main Street Lake Geneva Symphony Orchestra Sycamore Antiques Downtown Beloit Association Lakeside Legacy Arts Park The Friends of NIU Libraries East West River Festival Lehan Drugs The Law Office of Jim Black & Associates Edgebrook Center Lincoln Inn Family Restaurant and Bakery The Little Traveler Egg Harbor Cafe Live Nation Comedy The Music Academy Electric Limo Co Mark Gerard of Charles Schwab The Nature Conservancy Elgin Community College Arts Center McHenry County College The Next Picture Show Elgin Master Chorale Members Alliance Credit Union The Rock River Times Elgin Symphony Orchestra Mendelssohn Performing Arts Center Timber Lake Playhouse Ellwood House Museum Midway Village Museum Todd Tompkins of Thrivent Financial Emmanuel Episcopal Church Miller Eye Center Turner Law Offices Enders Flowers Mineral Point Artisans Guild Unitarian Universalist Church First Lutheran Church Montessori Private Academy Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rock First National Bank and Trust Company NICOR Energy Valley Fish Window Cleaning Nitelite Promotions Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of DeKalb Fit Me Wellness NIU Convocation Center Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva Five Forks Market NIU Department of University Relations University of Illinois Extension, Winnebago County Foster & Buick Law Group NIU- Ellington's UPS Store- Midwest Fox Valley Harp Studio NIU Graduate School Valley Plastic Surgery Center Fox Valley Orchestra North Winnebago Chapter, Thrivent Financial Vintage Illinois Wine Festival Fox Valley Repertory Northern Illinois Hospice Visit Beloit Franklin's Frames & Art Northern Illinois Water Works Wesley Willows Senior Living Community Garrett's Restaurant & Bar Northern Rehab Physical Therapy Specialists Winnebago Buy Local Gary W. Anderson & Associates, Architects Octane Restaurant Womanspace Genesis Home Healthcare Orom Restaurant Woodstock Mozart Festival Gilvydis Vein Clinic OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center Woodstock Opera House Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois Otto's Nightclub YWCA of Rockford Goodwill Industries of Northern Illinois Paramount Theatre 2014 IN NEWS January: Janet Yellen is confirmed as the first woman Fed Chairman … Massive Encore is a series hosted by Eric Hradecky protests cause turmoil in Ukraine … A that broadcasts recordings of recent local relentless winter takes its toll on northern arts performances on Classical WNIU. Illinois residents and on salt supplies.
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