The Inventory of the Terence De Vere White Collection #566

The Inventory of the Terence De Vere White Collection #566

The Inventory of the Terence de Vere White Collection #566 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center WHITE, Terence de Vere Purchase 1972 I. Manuscripts Box 1: A. Novels 1. AN AFFAIR WITH THE MOON. Gollancz, 1959. Setting copy. Typescript with holograph corrections, 295 pp. (Folder Ill) 2. THE LAMBERT MILE. Gollancz, 1969. a. Setting copy. Typescript photocopy with holograph corrections and a few carbon typescript pp., 423 pp. (#2) b. Front matter and text pages, typescript with holograph corrections, 5 pp. (#2) Box 2: 3. LUCIFER FALLING. Gollancz, 1966. a. Typescript with holograph corrections, 375 pp. (#1) b. Front matter. Typescript with holograph corrections, 8 pp. (//1) 4. THE MARCH HARE. Gollancz, 1970. Typescript with holograph corrections, 413 pp. (#2) Box 3: 5. MR. STEPHEN. Victor Gollancz, 1971. a. Setting copy. Typescript with holograph corrections, 369 pp. (Ill) b. Front matter and printer's instructions. Typescript with holograph corrections, and holograph, 11 pp. (#1) 6. NEVERGREEN. Typescript with holograpg corrections, 321 pp. (#2) White, Terence de Vere page 2 Box 4: 7. THE REMAINDERMAN. Victor Gollancz, 1963. a. Typescript with holograph corrections, 294 pp. (Folder #1) b. Front matter. Typescript with holograph corrections, 7 pp. (Ill) 8. TARA. Gollancz, 1967. Typescript and typescript photocopy, both with holograph corrections, 287 pp. (Incomplete) (#2) B. Non-fiction 1. A LEAF FROM THE YELLOW BOOK. Richards Press, 1957. a. Setting copy. Typescript with holograph corrections, c. 215 pp. (Incomplete) (#3) b. Photograph of George Egerton, 4" x 5". (113) 2. KEVIN O'HIGGINS. Methuen, 1948. Notes and misc. draft pages, typescript, carbon typescript, and holograph, c. 75 pp. (#4) Box 5: 3. LEINSTER. Faber & Faber, 1968. Setting copy. Typescript with holograph corrections, c. 400 pp. (Including front matter) (#1) 4. THE PARENTS OF OSCAR WILDE. Hodder & Stoughton, 1967. a. Typescript with holograph corrections, 504 pp. (#2) Box 6: b. Setting copy. Typescript with holograph corrections, 429 pp. (Including front matter, index and notes) (#1) c. Misc. pages. Typescript with holograph corrections and carbon typescript, c. 125 pp. (#2) d. Notes. Typescript and holograph, c. 125 pp. on c. 75 leaves (113) White, Terence de Vere page 3 5, THE ROAD OF EXCESS, Browne & Nolan, 1946. Photocopies of portraits and illustrations. 4 pieces. (Folder 114) C, Play "The Remainderman". a, Carbon typescript, 105 pp. (115) b, Letter. "--------" to TdeVW, ALS, Feb. 15, 1969. (//5) Box 7: D. Short Fiction (Ill) 1. "Dinner with the Dean". Typescript with holograph corrections, 17 pp. 2. "How the Christ Kind Came to the [illegible]." Holograph, 14 pp. on 7 leaves. (Incomplete) 3. "The Mirror". Typescript with holograph corrections, 14 pp. 4. "A Xmas Idyl". Holograph, 18 pp. on 9 leaves. 5. "The Pilgrim Sister". Typescript and carbon typescript, both with holograph corrections, 47 pp. (Incomplete) 6. "The Prince Obsessed". Holograph, 5 pp. 7. Untitled. "The bar was in a lane beside •••• " Typescript with holograph corrections, 61 pp. E. Poems (#2) 1. "The Shannon" • a. Holograph. 3 pp. on single folded sheet. b. Holograph, 5 pp. 2. "These I have loathed". Carbon typescript, 1 p. F. Short Nort~fiction (/13) 1. "Expression". Essay. Trinity College, 1930. Holograph, 10 pp. 2. "Freemasonry in Ireland". The Thomas Davis Lecture. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 20 pp. White, Terence de Vere page 4 3. "F. E. - The Life of the First Lord Birkenhead". Book review. Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp. on 2 leaves. 4. "Irish Snobbism". Essay. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp. 5. "A Lost Correspondence". Article. Typescript and carbon typescript both with holograph corrections, 39 pp. 6. "Michael Collins by Rex Taylor". Book review. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 8 pp. 7. Untitled essay. "Jack Yeats first entered •••. " Carbon typescript, 21 pp. (Incomplete) 8. Untitled essays. "Stalin, Franco, Salazar and Smuts - Eaman de Valera in one respect •... " Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 7 pp. G. Miscellaneous writings (#4) 1. "The Indefinite Article". Dramatic sketch. Typescript with holograph corrections, 4 pp. 2. "Broadcast from Dublin". Transcript of interview: Professor Thomas Bodkin and Sir Alec Martin. Carbon typescript with a few holograph corrections, 7 pp. 3. Pages from untitled play. (page numbers 7, 8, 13) Typescript with holograph corrections. 4. Notes in form of fictional? Holograph notebook, 70 pp. on diary 37 leaves; loose sheets in holograph, 14 pp. Loose sheets contain translation of a German article about his cousin, George Egerton. H. Notes and comments on TdeVW and his writings (#4) 1. Re: THE DISTANCE AND THE DARK, A FRETFUL MIDGE, and other works, by 4 unidentified persons. Typescript and holograph, 8 pp. on 7 leaves. White, Terence de Vere page 5 2. "Profile: Terence de Vere White", by Michael George. Typescript and carbon typescript, both with holograph corrections, 4 pp. 3. Lecture review of THE ROAD OF EXCESS, by Stephen Markham. Carbon typescript, 5 pp. II. Printed A. Book reviews and articles by TdeVW, 1959-1967. c. 50 pieces. (Folder 1/5) B. Book Reviews 1. KEVIN O'HIGGINS. c. 25 pieces. (1/6) 2. PARENTS OF OSCAR WILDE. 18 pieces. (1/7) 3. THE ROAD OF EXCESS. c. 20 pieces. (1/8) Box 8: 4. AFFAIR WITH THE MOON; MINISTER FOR JUSTICE; MR. STEPHEN; LEINSTER; FRETFUL MIDGE; LAMBERT MILE; THE REMAINDERMAN; TARA; LEAF FROM THE YELLOW BOOK; MARCH HARE; PRENEZ GARDE; LUCIFER FALLING; IRELAND. c, 100 pieces. (1/1) C, KEVIN O'HIGGINS. Serialization in SUNDAY INDEPENDENT, Oct. 31- Dec. 12, 1948 (1/2) D. Misc, news clippings and printed items, 1952-1960. c. 40 pieces. (t/3) III. Photographs Friends of TdeVW and other subjects. 8 pieces, (1/4) IV. Book Contracts (1/5) 1. KEVIN O'HIGGINS. Methuen & Co., 1948. 2. MAHAFFEY AND THE DUBLIN OF GEORGE MOORE'S TIME. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1954. 3. A LEAF FROM THE YELLOW BOOK. Richards Press, 1957. White, Terence de Vere page 6 4. AN AFFAIR WITH THE MOON. Victor Gollancz, 1958. 5. BIOGRAPHY OF SIR WILLIAM AND LADY WILDE. Chapman & Hall, 1965. 6. BIOGRAPHY OF SIR WILLIAM AND LADY WILDE. Hodder & Stoughton, 1966. 7. A READERS GUIDE TO THE MODERN IRSIH NOVEL. Thames and Hudson, 1967. 8, IRELAND. Thames and Hudson, 1967. 9. THE LAMBERT MILE. Little, Brown, 1969. 10. THE MARCH HARE. Victor Gollancz, 1970. 11. MR. STEPHEN. Victor Gollancz, 1970. 12. MR. STEPHEN. Gambit, 1970. V. Holograph Notes (in various hands) and Miscellaneous Items. 14 pieces. (Folder #6) VI. Correspondence Box 9: A. General 1940 (#1) - 1 ALS Cusack, Maureen (Cyril Cusack's wife) 1946 (f/2) 7 ALS 4 TLS 2 CTL 1947 (f/3) 15 ALS 9 TLS 8 CTL White, Terence de Vere page 7 1 Postcard Incl: Gregg, Sir Cornelius, TLS, July 15, 1947 1948 (Folder #4) 16 ALS 26 TLS 29 CTL 1 TL 1 Postcard Incl: McLaren, Moray, ALS, Dec, 13 1949 (1/5) 5 ALS 12 TLS 10 CTL 1 Misc. 2 Postcards Incl: McLaren, Moray, TLS, Jan. 20 1955 (1/6) 1 ALS 1 Postcard 1957 (//7) 12 ALS 16 TLS 7 CTL 6 Postcards 1 TL Incl: Fitzgibbon, Constantine, TLS, Sept. 18; TLS, Sept. 28 White, Terence de Vere page 8 1958 (Folder #8) 11 ALS 17 TLS 2 CTL 2 Postcards Incl: Kee, Robert, ALS, Oct. 14; ALS, Oct. 23 1959 ({/9) 19 ALS 16 TLS 1 CTL 1 Telegram 2 Postcards 1960 (f/10) 11 ALS 11 TLS 2 CTL 3 Misc. 1961 (1111) 39 ALS 18 TLS 6 Postcards 2 Misc. Incl: Fitzgibbon, Constantine, TLS, Mar. 22; ALS (postcard), Apr. 7 1962 (f/12) 13 ALS 20 TLS White, Terence de Vere page 9 1 CTL 4 Postcards 7 Misc, 1 CTLS Incl: McLaren, Moray, TLS + CTLS, May 26 1963 (Folder #13) 2 ALS 1 TLS 1964 (1114) 3 ALS 1 TLS Box 10: 1965 (Ill) 23 ALS 54 TLS 5 Postcards 1 TL 6 Misc. 1966 (112) 33 ALS 58 TLS 1 TLS (photocopy) 1 TL 1 CTL 2 Postcards 6 Misc. Incl: Montague, John, ALS, Nov. 1 White, Terence de Vere page 10 1967 (Folder #3) 25 ALS 52 TLS 4 Postcards 1 TL Incl: Howe, Mary Manning (actress, widow of Mark De Wolfe Howe), TLS, July 26 1968 (114) 38 ALS 56 TLS 2 CTL 1 TL 1 Postcard 2 TLS photocopies 4 Misc, Incl: Montague, John, TLS, Dec. 11 Orwell, Sonia, ALS (postcard), Sept. 19; ALS, Oct. 2, 1968 Plunkett, James, TLS (+map sketch of Glencree), TLS, Aug. 6 1969 (//5) 14 ALS 20 TLS 1 TL 1 Postcard Box 11: 1970 (Ill) 25 ALS 28 TLS White, Terence de Vere page 11 2 CTL 1 Postcard Incl: Barlow, James, TLS, Apr. 25 Bowen, Elizabeth, ALS, Aug. 17 Davison, Peter, TLS, Feb. 6; TLS, Feb. 19; TLS, Aug. 31 1971 (Folder #2) 31 ALS 36 TLS 3 Postcards 1 TLS photocopy 2 Misc. 1972 (113) 18 ALS 23 TLS 2 TLS photocopies 1 Postcard Incl: Travers, Pamela, ALS, June 3 B. Undated: General c. 1957-1958 (114) 5 ALS 1 TLS c. 1958-1962 (115) 28 ALS 9 TLS Incl: Blakiston, Noel, ALS, Oct. 15 White, Terence de Vere page 12 c. 1967-1968 (Folder #6) 14 ALS 2 TLS 1 Postcard Incl: Cotterell, Geoffrey, ALS, Oct, 15 c. 1969-1970 (#7) 7 ALS 2 TLS 1 AL c. 1950-1970 (//8) 19 ALS 6 TLS 1 Telegram 2 Cards 3 Postcards 1 TL 3 Misc. Incl: Cotterell, Geoffrey, ALS, Sept. 26 C. Incomplete Letters: General c. 1954-1970 (#9) Typescript and holograph, 17 leaves. Box 12: D. Author File (Alphabetical Order) Amery, Leopold S. (Government official; author) (#1) 1947-1953 7 TLS 1 CTL, TdeVW to Amery White, Terence de Vere page 13 Angell, Roger (staff of the NEW YORKER) (Folder 111) 1969 - 2 TLS Baldwin, Stanley (Prime Minister of England) (#1) 1947 - 3 ALS Barnsley, Alan Gabriel - see Fielding, Gabriel Beckett, Samuel (writer) (#1) ANS, Apr.

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