aiai7Biaa®ia(Diia&tfi]® iaaQoaa VOLXLIII AUSTIN, TEXAS, NOVEMBER, 1959 NO. 3 50TH NOTES TILF Secures Council Hears Reports School newspapers and bands are playing a large part in publi­ cizing the League's Golden Anni­ Scholarships Plans School Ballot versary throughout the state. For J. O. Webb, chairman of the mester and $250 after enrollment The Interscholastic League's Legislative Council spent a example: Texas Interscholastic League Foun­ for the second semester. busy seven hours at its annual meeting in Austin on November dation board of trustees, has an­ 1 and came up with a number of rule revisions—mostly minor Colleges Specified nounced that 50 new $500 college Newcomers —in speech, music and typewriting, one item to be submitted The Robert Lee High School 4. Scholarship winners must at­ HOOFBEAT had a page 1 story in scholarships will be made available Fourteen new members were to a referendum vote of all member schools, three new sub­ to League contestants during the tend The University of Texas in its September 18 issue outlining the elected to the League's Legislative committees to study potential problem areas (including some next Ave years. Austin or Texas Western Univer­ Council last month and all of them League's activities and statistics sity in El Paso. proposed basketball restrictions) of the League program, and about participation. These scholarships, the firsx to attended the annual meeting in be secured from outside sources by 5. Scholarship winners will be Austin on November 1. The new­ a new chairman, Supt. Fred Covin of Pittsburg. the newly-formed Foundation, have selected by the Texas Interscholas­ comers are: One so-called "hot potato" of the and that each contestant be requir­ tic League Foundation board of The Cuero High School TURKEY been made possible by a $25,000 Conference AAAA: Region II— session, involving proposed legisla­ ed to retain his topic slip when trustees. TALK, in its October 19 issue, fea­ grant from the Houston Endow­ Dale Douglas, principal, Woodrow tion concerning miles traveled, drawn, rather than returning it to 6. The first scholarships will be tured a story on the anniversary ment Corporation of Houston. They Wilson High School, Dallas; Region school time lost and number of the topic container (approved). established at the conclusion of the from the angle of local participation will be awarded on the basis of ten BAND SHOW AUTHORS—I. E. Clark, left, Schulenburg, and Robert III — W. I. Stevenson, principal, meets entered by track and field 6. That a.uniform set of time sig­ current school year, and will be in various League contests. $500 scholarships per year for the Fielder, Abilene, are responsible for two of three special 50th Anniver­ Milby High School, Houston; Re­ teams, turned out to be a cold spud. nals be adopted for all speech con­ next five years, and will be known available for the 1960-61 school sary football halftime shows written in honor of the University Inter­ gion IV—Clyde M. Gott, principal, The sub-committee that studied tests (approved). as the Jesse H. Jones Texas In­ year. scholastic League. The shows written by Clark and Fielder, along with Thomas Jefferson High School, San the situation during the past year 7. That some form of rule or con­ The Regan County High School terscholastic League Foundation Additional details about the Antonio. reported it would not be feasible to test code, such as the football code, one created by Durward Howard, Temple High School band director, (Big Lake) OWL'S HOOT outlined Scholarships. scholarships, including how to ap­ Conference AAA: Region I— attempt legislation at this time re­ be devised for the protection of journalism contests and- student ply and the criteria for selecting were reproduced in the League Office and mailed to more than 900 Supt. O. W. Marcom, Levelland; Re­ garding school time lost and mileage judges in speech and one-act play newspaper activities in its 50th an­ Provisions scholarships winners, will be pub­ school bands in the state. Fielder is director of the Abilene High School gion III—Supt. George Thigpen, El traveled, but did offer a recommen­ contests (no action taken). lished in the Leaguer and made niversary story in the October 16 The announcement of the grant band and Clark teaches journalism, speech and commercial subjects at Campo. dation, on which no action was issue. came in a mid-October letter from available to the schools at a later Schulenburg High School. Conference AA: Region III — taken, concerning the number of Typing Changes * * * John T. Jones, Jr., of the Houston date. Supt. Joe Barnes, Georgetown. meets entered. It said: The typing contest rule changes Endowment board of trustees. It Conference A: Region I — Supt. "No high school track and field The Thrall High School TIGER approved'by the Council (see story stipulated: Huelyn Laycock, White Deer; Re­ team be allowed to participate in TALE dedicated an entire page of on page 3) were suggested by Dr. 1. Regional and/or State Meet gion II—Supt. Randell Simpson, more than three invitational meets its October 16 issue to the League f-^rociamati A. Faborn Etier, newly appointed winners in any of the League's A nnwerdaru ion Keller; Region IV—Supt. W. C. An­ in which more than'four high school program and its 50th anniversary. literary and academic contests, ex­ state director of League commercial In connection with the League's 50th Anniversary, poetry reading, original oration, extemporaneous drews, Gregory. teams participate, prior to the last contests. * * * cept typing, shorthand and one-act Conference B: Region I—Supt. date for holding district meets. All being observed throughout the entire 1959-60 school .speaking, one-act play, ready writing, journalism, They provide for conducting five- play, may apply for one of these Bert Ezzell, Matador; Region IV— other track and field meets shall be The Lyford High School BULL­ year, Governor Price Daniel has issued an official spelling, typewriting, shorthand, slide rule, story minute tests at the district and scholarships. The contests specifi­ proclamation designating the week of December 6-12, telling,- picture memory, baseball, tennis, basketball, Supt. Garland P. Ferguson, Union limited to not more than four school DOG GROWL not only had a short cally included are: debate, declama­ regional levels and ten-minute tests 1959, as "University Interscholastic League Week in golf, volleyball, track and field, and football, and Grove, Gladewater; Region V — teams per meet." news story about the Golden An­ tion, poetry reading, original ora­ at the State Meet contest, and per­ Texas." WHEREAS, the University Interscholastic League Supt. W. C. Underwood, Barbers niversary in its. October 16 issue, tion, extemporaneous speaking, mitting all contestants, at all levels, A week in December was selected because that was last year had 2,450 member schools and almost 300,- Hill, Mont Belvieu; Region VI— Music Changes but pointed out that the correct journalism, number sense, slide rule to take two tests and turn in the the month, back in 1910, that the first organizational 000 student participants, and ranked as the largest Supt. D. A. Swope, Bartlett; Region name is University Interscholastic and ready writing. In the music field, the music sub­ better one for official grading. VIII—Supt. D. C. Moore, Valentine. League—not Texas Interscholastic meeting of the League was held in Abilene. (See organization of its kind in the world, and committee also refused to recom­ These changes go into effect im­ 2. Applicants for the scholar­ separate story on this page about special December Space prohibits running pictures League. WHEREAS, the University Interscholastic League mend any legislation to restrict mediately. ships must be students in schools in observance to be held at Abilene). The proclamation, of all new members in this issue, * * * is observing its Fiftieth Anniversary during the 1959- travel by school bands, feeling that Scheduled for a referendum vote conferences AAA, AA, A or B; con­ which was signed on November 9, stated: but some will be found at the bot­ 60 school year and will culminate this observance at this situation can best be controlled is a proposal to remove the restric­ The Edinburg High School Band, testants from conference AAAA tom of page 2, and others will be WHEREAS, the llniversity Interscholastic League the 50th Annual University Interscholastic League at the local level. It did, however, tions imposed by Article VIII, Sec­ directed by Ralph Burford, did a schools are specifically excluded. printed in future issues of the was founded in Abilene, Texas, in December, 1910, and State Meet to be held in Austin, Texas, on May 5, 6 receive Council approval of three tion 11, of the League's Constitu­ 50th Anniversary half-time show at 3. Funds for these scholarships Leaguer. WHEREAS, the University Interscholastic League and 7, 1960; recommendations: tion and Contest Rules. The request Edinburgh October 16 football will be paid to the Texas Inter­ has been operated since that time as a Bureau of the NOW, THEREFORE, I, as Governor of Texas, do 1. That regional fees for the for this action came from the dis­ game. scholastic League Foundation board Division of Extension of Th$ University of Texas) hereby designate the week of December 6-12, 1959, rental of sight reading music be trict 16-AAA committee in a letter * * * of trustees and allotted to the win­ Austin, Texas, and as UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE Anniversary ning applicants on this basis: $250 increased from $35 to $50 per from Committee Chairman Mar­ WHEREAS, the University Interscholastic League WEEK IN TEXAS and urge all school administrators, region. Also on October 16, the Irving after enrollment for the first se- Tape Available shall Storey, principal of San Be­ has experienced a continuous growth during the last classroom teachers, students and citizens to pay 2.
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