Agenda Group Name: Trust Board – Open Session Date of Meeting: 1 March 2018 Venue: Parent Education Seminar Room, F Level, Princess Anne Hospital Time: 9.00-11.00am Apologies to: Sue Diduch, Corporate Affairs Administrator 9.00 1. Chair’s Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 1 February 2018 Enclosure 1 3. Matters Arising/Summary of Agreed Actions 9.10 4. Integrated Performance Report for Month 10 including: Enclosure 2 • Quarterly Infection Prevention & Control 9.45 5. Quality & Safety Discussion Items 9.45 5.1 Improving Air Quality Enclosure 3 (Fiona Dalton, Chief Executive/Debbie Chase, Public Health Service Lead, Southampton City Council/Neil Tuck, Sustainable City Team Leader, Southampton City Council/Ben Marshall, Consultant Respiratory Physician and Honorary Associate Professor of Medicine/Shannon Lennock, Foundation Year 2 Doctor) 6. Finance Discussion Items 6.1 Finance Report for Month 10 Enclosure 4 (David French, Chief Financial Officer) 7. Operational Performance Discussion Items 7.1 Draft Five-Year Staff Strategy 2018-2023 Enclosure 5 (Fiona Dalton, Chief Executive/Steve Harris, Human Resources Director/Joanna Mountfield, Director of Education) 10.45 8. Governance Decision Items 8.1 CRN: Wessex 2017/18 Quarter 3 Performance Report and Enclosure 6 2018/19 Annual Plan Enclosure 7 (Derek Sandeman, Medical Director/Rebecca McKay, Chief Executive, CRN: Wessex) 8.2 Chief Executive’s Report including items for ratification Enclosure 8 (Fiona Dalton, Chief Executive) Discussion Items 8.3 Briefing from Chair of Strategy & Finance Committee Oral (Simon Porter, Chair, S&FC) 8.4 Briefing from Chair of Quality Committee Oral (Mike Sadler, Chair, QC) 9. Any other business 10. To note the date of the next meeting: Thursday, 29 March 2018 in the Conference Room, Heartbeat Education Centre, F Level, North Wing, SGH In attendance: Debbie Chase, Public Health Service Lead, Southampton City Council Neil Tuck, Sustainable City Team Leader, Southampton City Council Ben Marshall, Consultant Respiratory Physician and Honorary Associate Professor of Medicine Shannon Lennock, Foundation Year 2 Doctor Steve Harris, Human Resources Director Joanna Mountfield, Director of Education Rebecca McKay, Chief Executive, CRN: Wessex Items Circulated: The following items have been circulated to the Board since the last meeting. Executive directors are happy to take questions from individual members, before the meeting, by e-mail or telephone, or to meet separately to discuss in more detail. 29 January 2018 Press Release: Saints legend backs children's emergency department appeal 5 February 2018 Press Release: Researchers to address "mismatch" in care for patients with neurological conditions 9 February 2018 Press Release: Eye experts in Southampton to trial pioneering drug to prevent sight loss 12 February 2018 Press Release: Southampton researchers find arthritis drug could reduce dementia risk 21 February 2018 Press Release: Children's ED campaigners launch drive for next million EXCLUSION OF PRESS, PUBLIC AND OTHERS The public and representatives of the press may attend all meetings of the Trust, but shall be required to withdraw upon the Board of Directors resolving as follows “that representatives of the press, and other members of the public, be excluded from the remainder of this meeting as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted” 11.15-11.30 Follow-up discussion with governors 11. 45-1.00 Clinical Visit UHSFT – Directors’ Actions Summary for 1 March 2018 Trust Board – Open Session ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Action & Minute Reference By whom Target Date Current Status Trust Board 1 February 2018 Guardian of Safe Working Hours Quarterly Report (Minute Ref 6/18) KN/DS to ensure the next Guardian of Safe Working Hours KN/DS 26/4/18 Agenda TB 26/4/18. Quarterly Report includes additional detail in relation to locum spend and whether this was gross or net of staff costs which would otherwise have been incurred. Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI)/Workforce Race Equality Standards (WRES) Action Plan Quarter Report (Minute Ref 7/18) • GG/GB to establish whether there is national guidance in GG/GB 26/4/18 To be included in the next report – Agenda TB 26/4/18 relation to Trust Boards supporting the EDI agenda, and share this information as necessary. • Report format to be updated to include an activity summary GG/GB 26/4/18 The report format will be updated for the next report as above. and to reflect the organisational commitment to diversity and inclusion. as at 19/2/18 Page 1 of 1 Enclosure 1 Trust Board Minutes – Open Session Minutes of the Open Trust Board meeting held on Thursday 1 February 2018, in the Conference Room, Heartbeat Education Centre, North Wing, University Hospital Southampton, commencing at 09.00 and concluding at 10.50. Present: Mr P Hollins, Trust Chair PH Ms F Dalton, Chief Executive FD Mr D French, Chief Financial Officer DAF Dr C Marshall, Chief Operating Officer CM Mrs G Byrne, Director of Nursing & Organisational Development GB Dr D Sandeman, Medical Director DS Mr S Porter, Senior Independent Director/Deputy Chair SP Ms L Lockyer, Non-Executive Director LL Dr M Sadler, Non-Executive Director MS Ms J Douglas-Todd, Non-Executive Director JD-T Prof C Cooper, Non-Executive Director CC Ms J Bailey, Non-Executive Director JB In Attendance: Ms A Lowe, Associate Director: Corporate Affairs AL Mr B Bird, Lead Governor BB Dr K Nash, Consultant Hepatologist and Interim Guardian of Safe KN Working Hours Ms G Genco, Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity GG Mr N Pearce, Associate Medical Director for Patient Safety NP Mr Ellis Banfield, Head of Patient Experience EB Ms N Cadavieco, Corporate Affairs & Policy Manager (minutes) NC Ms R Davies, Divisional Head of Nursing/Professions, Division A RD (shadowing Mrs G Byrne) Ms L King, Cost Improvement & Transformation Lead Programme LK Manager (shadowing Ms J Hayward) Dr M Jonas, Staff Governor Cllr S Blatchford, Appointed Governor 2 members of staff 1 member of public 1/18 Apologies Apologies were received from Ms J Hayward, Director of Transformation & Improvement. Action By 2/18 Chair’s Welcome, Opening Comments and Declarations of Interest PH welcomed JB and CC to their first Trust Board meeting since their appointments as Non-Executive Directors. There were no declarations of a conflict of interest with any items on the agenda. 3/18 Minutes of Previous Meeting (Agenda item 2. Enclosure 1) The minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2017 were AGREED as an accurate record. 4/18 Matters Arising/Summary of Agreed Actions (Agenda item 3) 4/18 a) Minute Ref 139/17: Action Complete. 4/18 b) Minute Ref 147/17: Progress against this action would be included as part of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI)/Workforce Race Equality Standards (WRES) Action Plan Quarter Report, scheduled on the agenda. Page 1 of 7 4/18 c) Minute Ref 148/17: Action complete. 4/18 d) Minute Ref 156/17: Action complete. 4/18 e) The Board NOTE the progress updates provided. 5/18 Integrated Performance Report for Month 9 (Agenda item 4. Enclosure 2) 5/18 a) FD summarised the report and reflected on performance in month, noting that December saw the highest ever levels of Emergency Department (ED) activity, which contributed to bed pressures. FD noted that these high levels of activity were exacerbated by Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth declaring a major incident on 31 December, which led to UHS taking 186 additional ambulances and nearly 60 additional admissions. 5/18 b) Safety GB noted an anomaly in the falls data on the patient safety report, however the data was correct in the IPR. GB confirmed that ‘SIRIs overdue by 60 days’ had been reduced to zero. 5/18 c) Clinical Effectiveness There were no comments on this section of the report. 5/18 d) Patient Experience including Quarterly Patient Experience Report GB advised of the low response rate for the ED Friends & Family Test (FFT), adding that the rate had been a focus for improvement during the summer with support from volunteers. In order to meet the internal target and improve the data presented,1000 responses per month would be required.GB proposed that this data instead be reported either quarterly or twice yearly. MS highlighted the discussion at Quality Committee in relation to this noting that the population able to provide responses was limited, making a quarterly review preferable. MS suggested that a series of ‘deep dive’ reviews into specific experiences would be helpful. JB agreed that picking targets and ensuring the right questions were asked would provide more valuable information. EB highlighted the new report format, noting a greater focus on key themes and qualitative information some of which correlates to FFT responses; in particular, ward environments and communication. EB advised that there had been an increase in concerns and complaints between Q2 and Q3. EB advised that there has been an embargoed release of the National Inpatient Survey Data which indicated that the Trust was above average in six areas, but below average in areas such as noise at night and care provided by non-clinical staff. JD-T said that the work being done seemed excellent and queried whether there had been a deep dive into patient concerns. EB noted that the team were planning to roll-out a revised inpatient survey in order to better pinpoint some of the issues raised; CC queried the increase in complaints over the past five years. GB confirmed that the total number of complaints had actually decreased, but the number of concerns had increased. CC sought clarification in relation to how the Trust prevents concerns from becoming complaints. EB provided an overview of the process noting that the concern route would only be offered where it is believed that the issue can be resolved within the stipulated 48 hour timeframe.
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