GERT SIBANDE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY GSDM FINAL DRAFT IDP 2018 - 2019 CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONS 4 EXECUTIVE MAYOR’S FOREWORD 5 MUNICIPAL MANAGER’S OVERVIEW 6 CHAPTER 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 1.1 BACKGROUND AND MANDATE 8 1.2. POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE CONTEXT 9 1.2.1. NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL FRAMEWORKS GOVERNING GSDM 11 1.2.2. NATIONAL SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE (NSDP) 11 1.2.3. NATIONAL GROWTH PATH 13 1.2.4. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 13 1.2.5. GOVERNMENT OUTCOMES 14 1.2.6. MEDIUM - TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 15 1.2.7. MPUMALANGA GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT PATH 16 1.2.8. INTEGRATED SUPPORT PLAN (ISP) FOR ACCELERATED MUNICIPAL SERVICE DELIVERY 19 1.2.9. BACK TO BASICS 20 1.2.10. MUNICIPAL STANDARD CHART OF ACCOUNTS (MSCOA) 21 1.3. STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT 22 1.3.1. SWOT ANALYSES 22 1.3.2. VISION 23 1.3.3. MISSION 23 1.3.4. CORPORATE VALUES 23 1.4. IDP PLANNING PROCESS 24 1.4.1. DISTRICT IDP FRAMEWORK PLAN 24 1.4.2. SUMMARY OF COMMUNITY/ STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION 27 CHAPTER 2: GERT SIBANDE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY AT A GLANCE 30 2.1. STATE OF GSDM DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT AND DISTRICT POPULATION DYNAMICS: 30 2.1.1. REGIONAL CONTEXT 30 2.1.2. DISTRICT DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 33 2.1.3. AGE AND SEX STRUCTURE 34 2.1.4. EDUCATION LITERACY AND EDUCATION LEVELS 35 2.1.5. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX 36 2.1.6. POVERTY ASPECTS IN GERT SIBANDE 37 2.1.7. UNEMPLOYMENT AND EMPLOYMENT LEVELS 38 2.1.8. GERT SIBANDE ECONOMY 40 1 2.1.9. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 41 3.1. KPA1: MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 45 3.1.1. MUNICIPAL POWERS AND FUNCTIONS 45 3.1.2. ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN 49 3.1.3. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING 52 3.1.4. ICT SERVICES 52 3.1.5. KEY ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED ON KPA 1 55 3.2. KPA 2: BASIC SERVICE DELIVERY AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT56 3.2.1. DISTRICT COMMUNITY HEALTH AND WELLNESS 56 3.2.2. MUNICIPAL HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 64 3.2.3. GERT SIBANDE LIBRARY SERVICES 70 3.2.4. SAFETY AND SECURITY 71 3.2.5. DISASTER MANAGEMENT 72 3.2.6. ACCESS TO SERVICES: REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION 74 3.2.7. RUDIMENTARY WATER SUPPLY (RURAL AND FARM AREAS INCLUDING SCHOOLS) 78 3.2.8. WATER CONSERVATION AND WATER DEMAND MANAGEMENT 78 3.2.9. SCIENTIFIC SERVICES 80 3.2.10. ROADS AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES 83 3.3. KPA 3: LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 85 3.3.1. UNEMPLOYMENT AND EMPLOYMENT LEVELS 85 3.3.2. SECTORAL EMPLOYMENT AND OUTPUT 90 3.3.3. GSDM SOCIO -ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (STATE OF DEVELOPMENT) 91 3.3.4. REGIONAL ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SPATIAL FEATURES 93 3.3.5. GERT SIBANDE TOURISM CORRIDOR 96 3.3.6. POTENTIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORRIDORS 98 3.3.7. CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACT 99 3.3.8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 100 3.3.9. COMPREHENSIVE RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 101 3.3.10. DISTRICT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM 103 3.3.11. EXPANDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME 104 3.4. KPA 4: MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL VIABILITY AND MANAGEMENT 106 3.4.1. CREDIT CONTROL AND DEBT COLLECTION STRATEGY FOR LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES 107 3.4.2. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND THE INTRODUCTION OF THE CENTRALIZED SUPPLIER DATABASE AND E-TENDER PORTAL 109 3.4.3. FINANCIAL VIABILITY 110 3.5. KPA5: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS, GOOD GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 112 3.5.1. INTERFACE BETWEEN IGR, COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 112 3.5.2. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORKERS (CDWS) 113 3.6 KPA 6: SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS AND RATIONALE 116 3.6.1 LAND USE MANAGEMENT 119 3.6.2 HUMAN SETTLEMENTS: 120 2 3.6.3 SUPPORT PROVIDED TO MUNICIPALITIES 123 CHAPTER 4: GSDM PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 125 4.1. ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 125 4.1.1. ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 125 4.1.2. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 126 4.2. RISK MANAGEMENT 128 4.3. ANTI -FRAUD AND ANTI - CORRUPTION POLICY 130 CHAPTER 5: STRATEGIC GOALS, STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES, PROJECTS & PRIORITIES 132 5.1. GSDM IDP STRATEGIC GOALS, OBJECTIVES & PRIORITIES 132 5.2. IDP SCORE CARD 140 KPA 1: MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION AND INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATION 140 KPA 2: BASIC SERVICE DELIVERY AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT 146 KPA3: LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 161 KPA 4: MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL VIABILITY AND MANAGEMENT 164 KPA 5: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS, GOOD GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 167 IDP KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DEFINITIONS 174 NATIONAL KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2017/2018 214 CHAPTER 6: GSDM STRATEGIES, SECTOR PLANS, POLICIES AND SWOT ANALYSIS 217 6.1. SECTOR PLANS 217 CHAPTER 7: SECTOR DEPARTMENTS, PARASTATALS, PRIVATE SECTOR PRO 219 7.1. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS 219 7.2. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS 229 7.3. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 238 7.4. DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY SAFETY SECURITY AND LIAISON 240 7.5. DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE SPORTS AND RECREATION 246 3 7.6. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INTRODUCTIONS 4 Executive Mayor’s Foreword Integrated Development Plan Review 2018/19 This Integrated Development Plan (IDP 2018/19) remains the cornerstone of our planning and implementation due to the extensive work that has been put into it. The year 2018 has been declared the centenary celebration (100) year of Nelson Mandela, it is a year of Unity Renewal and Jobs. Nothing will be more befitting in the celebration of the life of this hero than achieving these afore-mentioned goals during this year. His dedication to the freedom of South African people is unquestioned; he bared his life and soul for the people of this country so that they may be free someday. His humility, grace, forgiving and caring nature remains a pillar of strength for all the people of South Africa. As Gert Sibande District Municipality we are envisioned and deeply inspired to follow on the foot- steps of this Giant. Our plan has allowed us to implement our programmes and projects with confidence because of the credibility of our 5 year Integrated Development Plan. As we review our IDP we are certain that the adjustments will be minimal and will be in-line with our current programmes and projects. The public participation and izimbizo programmes spearheaded by both the Executive Mayor and the speaker, have took us to every part of our district and have continually enforced our commitments to the emancipation of our people. Delivering quality infrastructure to our people remains at the pinnacle of our commitment to service delivery. The RBIG schemes in Lusushwana and Amsterdam are in track to be completed in time. This will allow us to speed up the connection of our people to clean, safe and drinkable water. Our laboratory accreditation has also given us confidence that we will be able to produce the desired results with speed. Other projects such as community halls renovations, maintenance of high mast light and pothole patching have been going well and will continue to feature in our 5 year plan. The road blading and regravelling project is also a critical feature in the improvement of the places where our people live. This is one of the projects that will receive a lot of support even from the province. We will continue to focus on improving on our bursary scheme to make sure that our kids go to school, Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world” these words go a long way in assuring us that we are on the right track. There are many other programmes that the District is involved in, and all of these programmes are aimed at fighting all the inequalities in our communities. These programmes are the Mayoral Super cup, the famous GSDM Marathon and many more. The youth of Gert Sibande District is always close to our hearts in the District, we are therefore compelled to have programmes that are going to open employment opportunities. These programmes are driven by the youth manager in the office of the Executive Mayor. Women, children and people living with disability are also catered for in the office of the Executive Mayor. We will continue to work hard in order to change the lives of our people; the values that were shown by leader like Nelson Mandela will continue to give us strength even when all seems lost. …………………………………. COUNCILLOR M.G. CHIRWA EXECUTIVE MAYOR 5 Municipal Manager’s Overview Integrated Development Plan Review 2018/19 As we are about to embark to a new Financial Year 2018/19, it is the requirement of the Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) that each municipal council, within the prescribed period after the start of its elected term, must adopt a process set out in writing to guide the planning, drafting, adoption and review of its Integrated Development Plan (IDP). The IDP is a strategic plan that guides and informs all planning processes, activities, decision making, budgeting and management in the municipality. According to Section 34 of the Municipal System Act (Act 32 of 2000) a municipal council must review its IDP Annually. The IDP is the key instrument to achieve developmental local governance for decentralised, strategic, participatory, implementation orientated, coordinated and integrated development. Preparing an IDP is not only a legal requirement in terms of the legislation but it is actually the instrument for realising Municipalities’ major developmental responsibilities to improve the quality of life of citizens. It seeks to speed-up service delivery by securing a buy-in of all relevant role-players and provides government departments and other social partners with a clear framework of the Municipality’s development trajectory to harness implementation efforts.
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