^HE Serving Maywood, BeUwood, Forest Park, Hillside, Westchester, Broadview, Northlake, Berkeley and Melrose Park VOL. LX, No. 26 THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1944 PRICE 5 CENTS Police Enforce Safety Rules Over Fourth See Paste 3 400,000 Extra Bonds Sold in Maywood See Page 3 Wind Storm Sweeps Path Thru Villages See Page : X Recreation i Hall Opens in Forest Park See Page 3 ... the Privilege of Independence" Page 2 The HERALD large scale picnic. Lake excur- Book Campaig Thnisdar. Inne 29, 1944 4th of July sions were popular then, and even Pick Up Salvaged Differs if the -day were blisteringly hot, on -for Vaughan females njore several petticoats Cans Next Week With Years beneath their stiff sailor dresses. Starting Monday, July 3, Hospital Library and continuing for an en- AUTO BODY REPAIR Many, many years ago, when Independence Day, 1944, how- The drive to collect books farffilies were closely knit; when ever, will show a sharp svyerve tire week, tin cans will be Complete Car collected on the regular for use in the new Vaughan Gen- PAINTINO free enterprise was the vogue, from the ti'aditional manner of eral hospital got under way this mwyaYonoiiaouu* Painting and Father did not have to work observa£ce. This year, fire- garbage and ash collection \lO0IIUKill— week in Maywood, under the di- Our Specialty! on the Fourth o_f July; Americans crackers are f)rohibited within days. rection of Winfield Scott Post 219,^ celebrated the occasion in a va- city limits, and a pre-holiday sur- Pick up of salvaged tin Veterans of Foreign Wars. Body and riety of ways. vey disclosed that there will be cans 'will be made only on Fender Work Fiction, Wild West, non-fiction, There might either be the large fewer fireworks this year than the avenues, and house- mystery novels, etc., will be ac- Sll Main St Maywood, IU. family dinner with everyone help- ever before. This year, too, wives are asked to observe cepted; no magazines are wanted ing in the kitchen, and relatives "mustn't use gasoline for pleas- the following rilles in pre- at this tirne. These books will PHONE MAYWOOD 574 from the other side of town par- ure purposes" is a phrase that is paring the vital scrap create many hours of pleasure for ticipating, or there might be a frequently bandied about, and metal: patients and hospital personnel. Charles M. Hayes, president of 1. Wash cans thoroughly No doubt many have such books, the Chicago Motor club, appealed and remove labels. stored away in attics, basements, or closets, and if time is taken to to all motorists to make this the 2r Open both ends of HOMES FOR SALE safest Fourth in all history. sort them out, they will become cans and tuck in. valuable to Vaughan hospital. MORTGAGES INSURANCE The majority of war workers 3. Flatten and save for Books may be left at any one of will continue on scheduled despite pick up. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT the fact that employees of finan- the following locations: Lido the- cial and commercial institutions ater; V. F. W. clubhouse, 25 Madi- son street; Rambo's Pharmacy, DAVIES f^EALTY CO. will be able to enjoy their usual Entertain IOO 17th and Madison; Musser's Phar- holiday. At the Biiick Motor com- 1209 S. Sth Ave. (Since 1899) Maywood 162 macy, 17th and Harrison; Muel- pany, however, a tentative holi- Servicemen ler's Pharmacy, 19th and St. day is scheduled'due to a produc- At St. Eulalia's parish hall on Charles Lake Street drug store; BUY MORE WAR BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS tion cutback. June 5, 100 boys from Vaughan Sth and Lake; Grupe's Pharmacy, Although most State street General hospital, as well as those Sth and Main; Anderson's Drug, stores will be closed on Monday, home on furlough, were enter- 25th and St. Charles road. Dainty Maywood stores will remain open tained at Maywood's second party Shop, Sth avenue and "L," or call on that day, and officially close for servicemen. Maywood 9313 and books will be on the Fourth. picked up. The Rev. Martin Muzik was chairman for the event, which was sponsored by the Eastern Star lodge, Presbyterian church, Flight Nurses Mr. Sun South Side Community club, and St. Eulalia's parish. Pass Steep Test Charles Richter of Beliwood Flight nurses of the U. S. Army put on a magic show, and in ad- Nurse Corps accompany wounded dition dancing, card playing, and soldiers on air trips of thousands ping-pong were featured. Host- of miles, caring for their patients We all enjoy the wonderful outdoor summer activ- esses for the occasion were se- on "flying ambulances" of the Air ities made possible by "Mr. Sun." But when your lected from the several organiza- Transport Command. tions in charge of the party. In the air and at lonely outposts clothes get wilted and .wrinkled, that's something from the wind-swept Aleutians to else again. Don't worry about wrinkled summer the sun-baked deserts of Africa garments, however, for "Evans-Way Process" will" Robert Maurath the flight nurses administer medi- $goo cations and hypodermics to ease smooth them out and restore their beautiful, like Per Gallon Wins Navy Wings pain, reinforce bandages, adminis- new, fresh appearance. Always' keep at least one On« coat gives your bathroom and Robert Roy Maurath, son of ter oxygen and blood plasma, and kitchen a iparkling whita finish that \% as supervise the feeding of their sol- freshly cleaned summer suit or frock in your ward- smooth as glass. Frequent washing wilt Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Maurath of not impair the glois. Also In 32 modern dier patients. robe. colors for your nirniture. 1708 South 7th, Maywood, was DURING JUNE. JULY AND AUGUST graduated June 14 from the Naval Flight nurses are trained^ for STOMSS CLOSE SATURDAY. I P. M. Air/ Training Center, Corpus their special duties in a six-week Cfiristi, Texas, and was commis- course at the AAF School for Air Evacuation at Bowman Field, "EVANS-WAY PROCESS" CLEANING PAYS Robertson & Co. sioned an ensign in the U. S. Naval Air Reserve. He is a for- Kentucky, The Army nurses chos- mer student of the University of en for this work must pass the Chicago. physical examination required of all flying personnel and must be 904 SO. FIFTH AVE. Each Naval aviator is an expert recommended by the senior flight EVANS CLEANERS MAYWOOD 2700 flyer, navigsttor, aerologist, gun- surgeon as particularly adapted AND DYERS ner, and radio operator. for air evacuation duties. CLOSING HOURS Naval aviators fly carrier-based (EST. 1»12) WEEKDAYS _ .._ ...5:30 P.M. The course for flight nurses is 1200 LAKE ST. or land-based planes in combat a strenuous one. It includes, be^' 1510 MADISON ST. SATURDAYS 1:0« P.M. zones, or at naval air stations at PHONES—MAYWOOD 8600-8601 MELROSE PARK 830O sides aerial medicine, aeronautics, home and abroad. tropical medicine, intravenous therapy, field sanitation, compass, map and aerial photography orien- tation, defense against air and gas attacks and other military and medical subjects. Casualties from the far-flung flighting fronts of the world con- stantly are being flown back to general hospitals in the United States for convalescence. Soldiers We Have Served the Moving Public wounded in India and China who would otherwise be subjected to as much as two months of tiring passage in an ocean convoy are flown home in a week. " for More Than Half a Century! More Army nurses are needed. Civilian registered nurses who are not yet 45 years of age may apply for commissions in the U. S. Army Nurse Corps to the Surgeon Gen- 9f eral, U. S. Army,. Washington 25, ^^Beyond Compare for Taking Care D.C, or to the nearest Red Cross Procurement" Office. Pvt. Richard Pilz Takes "On the Line Training" Pvt. Richard G. Pilz, son of • Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pilz, 500 North 1st street, Maywood, is VISIT OUR STORAGE FOLDING CHAIRS now stationed at South Plains and VAN CO. Army Air Field at Lubbock, FURNITURE STORE TBchSSiL AND TABLES Texas. Pvt. Pilz is now taking "on the 5940 Chicago Avenue S t o r a g Q Rented for All Occasions line" training at SPAAF in start-' . at Austin Blvd. Delivered and Picked Up ing the routine which will lead to wings as a pilot, bombardier or navigator in the Army Air Forces. He was graduated frem Proviso high school m 1943; SPAAF is the nation's largest ESIABLASHED IB89 glider pilot training center, and 2 NORTH SIXTH AYE.. AT MAIN ST. TEL. MAYWOOD 3 trains winged commandos in Uncle Sam's giant cargo and troc^ qarfying, gliders, in addition to •Handling' ail- "crl# traiti^'es."' ' '' -; Published Every Thursday by THE PUBLIC PRESS. NO LESS THAN PUBLIC OFFICE. IS A PUBLIC TRUST r MAYWOOD HERALD COMPANY MAYWOOD 7100 EUCLID 3200 8 i 1 South Fifth Avenue, Maywood, IIL Tfco Herald serve's Maywood, Melrose Park, Forest Park, Beilwood, Hillside, Westchester, Broadview, Berkeley and North-Lake Village THE HERALD DELIVERED BY CARRIER BOY FOR 15 CENTS PER MONTH Mail Subscription Price nt^" ^\ ESTABLISHED 1884 $2.00 in advance in Cook County vP*^*^ / $3.00 per yew Outside Cook County >ifonnyks Ragistered in the United States Patent OfRce ' For Single Copy, 5 Cent* Back Number* 5 Cants Entered at the Post Office ot Maywood, Illinois, as Mail Matter of the Second Class VOL LX. No. 26 THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1944 PRICE 5 CENTS 400.000 Extra ^JMA*,, ,/rrr/.j'frfi^J r /' " "'" "• <™v;v,..v.,v.v,. •S* Wind Storm Police Enforce * Sweeps Pa+h Bonds Sold f Thru Villages Safety Rules in Maywood The severe wind storm, ac- Over Fourth companied by rain and hail, which I Since the start of the Fifth stnifck about 5:30 Sunday evening Col.
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