.********,4*****;**********, Y WAS', TRICIA flEARST ID NAPPED? ****************************, _ # (Cover story: according to James McCord's book, "A Piece of Tape," on June 21, 1972. John Dean asked L. Patrick Gray who was in chirp of handling the Watergate investigation. Ahswer: Charles Bates — the same FBI official in chatge of handling the si.p investigation.) , TABLE OF CONTENTS, Introduction: I. Why Was Patricia Hearst Kidnapped? ." You only need to have a tape recorder to set up a revolutlon- ary' movement today." II Cast of Characters —FBI Director Charles Bates, San Francisco III Chronology of Events IV. Why Was the SLA Created — the There are three SymbiOnese Liberation Armies. This article is about SLA-BC., Motives? V: The Tell-Tale Revolutionaries: SLA-BC (Before Cremation) Conspicuous Banditos or Provocateurs' A small band of people brotight together in the San Francisco Bay Area California. Through various manipulations, military VI. Tactical Support — Where Did It intelligence infiltrated radical groups, specifically the prison's Come From? Black Guerrilla Family, Vietnatii Veterans Against the War, VIT. How Dangerous Was the SLA? United Farm Workers, Chino Defense Fund, Venceremos and the Women's Movement. These targets of the FBVand police were VIII. Why the Charges Against Patty? to be associated with the importation of,perions from out of state. 'IX., The Death Trap Some local women were incorporated in the group to lend au- , X. 'How Do You Tell a CIA Espionage Plot thenticity. from a Revolutionary, Radical, Terrorist SLA-AC (After Cremation) - • Guerrilla Army? Radicals or concerned citizens who responded with sympathy 1. Coyer Story ' and horror at the public cremation of six SLA members by the 2. Coincidence? ' military SWAT team. Continuous government murders such as 3. Dummy Fronts those committed at the Orangeburg massacre, Jackson State, 4. Use of Media and Propaganda Kent State, Attica and San Quentin, police murders of Black 5. CIA Collusion Pa'nthers, Black Muslims and hundreds of others, necessarily 6. cause a genuine response. Silence in the face of these acts esca- FBI Collusion lates genocide. Public disapproval escalates police armies. 7. Tom Charles Huston Plan, Combined Military, Justice Department, CIA, FBI; SLA-CIA Police Departments, Department of More "liberation armies," fictitious messages, forged do'cu- Corrections, Stanford Research Institute, ments, infiltrators and spies will surface. Legitimate reform President Richard Nixon, Vice-President groups will continue to be discredited by acts of violence com- Gerald Ford, Attorney General Saxbe mitted in their names. Peaceful rallies will be destroyed by intelli- gence agents. The organized disruption of the anti-war move- XI. Indications the SLA Was Part of a ment and rock concerts that took place during the '60s will esca- Larger National Conspiracy late. The kidnappings and bombings will be blamed on the SLA, XII. Was This Plan Necessary? or "dedicated, to the memory of the six slain SLA members." These planned acts of violence will include chemical warfare. The public cremation in Los Angeles on May 17, 1974, was not Research Projects Agency (AR PA).2 The aim was to, provide the end of the SLA. It was only Stage One. Vietnam has arrived in methods of anticipating various social groups. and personality California. - characteristics 'that might emerge in response to given specific • The families-of the deceased SLA members wish they under- military actions. Politica became a reality when Salvadore Al- stood what the SLA was about. Aside from empty rhetoric, noth- lende was murdered and Chile was delivered into the hands of ITT ing was accomplished that justified their early deadis. The SLA's and other investors. printed analysis of fascism in America was accurate enough; but The Phoenix Program was applied to Vietnam the way Poli- their actions did not elucidate any constructive programs for tica was Used in Chile. Now-CIA Director William Colby was in altering society. The military intelligence agents simply illus- charge of the Phoenix Program. It included a continuous policy trated how easy it is to be wiped out once the issues are declared. of political assassinations: rigged elections, political imprison- Police have made it perfectly clear what can happen to you if you ment in American-made tiger cages, torture and slanted raisin- don't like what you are getting. formation spread by uncontrollable CIA agents. Colby promised A 15-member team of psychiatrists, criminologists and suicide at his Senate confirmation hearings in July, 1973 that he would _ specialists has assembled to piece together what they call "psy- curb the CIA's activities at home and abroad. Instead, he has im- chological autopsies" to answer the "puzzling question" of why ported the Phoenix Program into the United States. the SLA members "chose to die." Yet Nancy Ling Perry was The SLA script is to America what Politica is to Chile or the gunned down outside the hideout, after she fled from the flaming Phoenix Program is to Vietnam. Methods of political control house. through manipulation and terror have been perfected. Our re- Why isn't a psychological profile prepared of the police who did sponse to America's "first political kidnapping" will determine not allow her to surrender alive? Her body was found outside the how well these machinations will succeed. , , house. What does that tell the so-called experts? • The "psychological autopsies" of the SLA are a typical CIA Cast of Characters technique for producing irrelevant facts from a person's life. They The California Connections will dangle these facts before us as "motives" for violence; but Donald DeFreeze, Camilla1Hall, Nancy Ling Perry, Patricia their analysis will make no reference to how the victims were led Soltysik, Joseph Remiro. , - and tricked into dying. Importations—Migratory Birds • Donald DeFreeze may have had fantasies of becoming a great black leader. A genuine void existed, because of the systematic as- Angela Atwood, Gary Atwood, Emily Harris, William Harris, Russell Little, Robyn Steiner, William Wolfe. sassination of black leaders. ,The same agencies that murdered George Jackson, Malcolm X, .Fred Hampton, Martin Luther Patsies King, Che Guevath and Jonathan Jackson were not about to pro- Donald DeFreeze, Patricia, Hearst. ,. 'vide Field Marshal ,General Cinque with his own personal army, Victims without having some purpose of their own. Was Cinque s vision Dr. Marcus Foster, Donald DeFreeze, William Wolfe, Cam- of freeing society's slaves born at Vacaville Medical Facility, il!a ,Hall, Angela Atwood, Nancy Ling Perry, Patricia Soltysik. known and dreaded for its experimentations on the human niind? Military Agents, Intelligence Agents and Police DeFreeze didn't outsmart the law enforcement agencies from Wes Davis, Dr. Fredric Hacker, William Harris, Ron Karenga, the time of his "escape," as the SLA communiques would have us Ludlow Kramer, Joseph Remiro, Chris Thompson, Colston believe. These agencies permitted his freedom only until the time Westbrook, Attorney General Evelle Younger, Six migratory came when they wanted him dead. birds from the East. To act out his dreams, DeFreeze needed assistance. His tragic Allowed to Vanish figure can best be summarized when, on the last day of his life, he Peter Benenson, Jean Chan, JoAnn Little DeVito and Joseph was draping his body in ammunition belts, while at the same time DeVito, Amanda De Nofmanville, Dave Gunnell, Bernard unsuccessfully trying to recruit an 18-year-old neighbor on 54th Keaton, Tom Mathews, Mary Alice Siem, Thero Wheeler, Three Street and Compton Avenue to join his "revolution." The street unnamed black agents of LA PD. was choked with Los Angeles police agents, and DeFreeze was an escaped convict, wanted for murder, kidnapping, bank robbery c4f4 4.4).41 and assault. He never managed to persuade a single black person Angela Atwood, alias Deborah Kay Crus, General Celina, An- to join the SLA. The only support given to the SLA by blacks was gela DeAngelis given- by police agents, informers and collaborators, who con- •Graduate, University of Indiana. 'spired to lure him .into his death trap: Trained by CIA think tank, College of Foreign Affairs, Uni- The man was mechanized and robotized by the CIA and other versity of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana. agencies. He is a , pathetic example of the way our society uses Worked in a "mod squad," setting up narcotics arrests for In-, black males in its sadistic, imperialistic greed. Legitimate dreams- telligence Division of Indiana State Police. are perverted by the military intelligence system. One black male, Angela's father a Teamsters' Union Official, in New Jersey. surrounded by whites, and all of them led step by step to their Never discussed with best friend how she met husband, Gary, death by police informers, was presented as a serious army, a or why she married him. "Nobody could get near him." threat to all the nation. And the nation responded, like a hypno- Moved to Oakland, California, with husband Gary Atwood, tized, robotized zombie; like Camilla Hall, or Donald DeFreeze, Emily and William Harris, summer, 1972. or Patricia Hearst, drawn slowly, step by programmed step, to- Upon arriving in Oakland, Angela immediately volunteered to ward destruction. work for United Farm Workers and Los Venceremos, both highly Are there really such vicious and immoral people, making long- infiltrated by the lFedçräl Government at the time: range plans and conspiring against us? Of course there are. And Visited Vacaville Medical Facility, and prisoners in the Black the more carefully they plan, the more difficult it is to detect and Cultural Association (BCA). unravel the master game. Described personally as warm, sensitive; wanted to be an act- Politica was a game plan devised by Abt Associatet in Cam- ress. bridge, Massachusetts. The Pentagon and CIA wanted a course Not politically sophisticated upon arrival in California. of action against developing Third World cou,ntries, including Employed as .a waitress, at Great Electric Underground, in Chile.
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