E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2018 No. 195 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Now, the reason Ray missed the first of McLaurin Heights United Methodist called to order by the Speaker pro tem- half of that game was so that he could Church in Pearl, Mississippi, Ray is the pore (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania). attend his daughter’s wedding re- father of three daughters, four grand- f hearsal dinner. After listening to the children, and two great-grandchildren. game on the radio during much of the While he is proud to be known as the DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO dinner, Ray left as soon as the dinner representative and the Voice of the TEMPORE was ended so he could announce the Pearl Pirates, he is proudest to be The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- second half of the game. known as Daddy and Pop. fore the House the following commu- Ray’s commitment to the Pearl com- Ray’s wife, Shirley, has shared his nication from the Speaker: munity was recognized several years passion for serving others. Shirley WASHINGTON, DC, ago when leaders of the Pearl Public served for two decades as the first city December 11, 2018. School District decided to name the clerk for the city of Pearl and after I hereby appoint the Honorable GLENN football stadium Ray Rogers Stadium. that was a director of personnel for the THOMPSON to act as Speaker pro tempore on Ray was one of the first students to Mississippi Department of Corrections. this day. attend Pearl High School when it Like Ray, Shirley is an active member PAUL D. RYAN, Speaker of the House of Representatives. opened in 1948 and was the first quar- of their church, and she is a loving and terback for the first football team in supportive wife, mother, and grand- f 1949. mother. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Ray has been a public servant and Mr. Speaker, I appreciate having the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- leader for Pearl and Rankin County in opportunity today to honor Ray Rog- ant to the order of the House of Janu- many other ways. In 1983, he was elect- ers—my State representative, the ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- ed to serve District 61 in the Mis- Voice of the Pirates, proud father and nize Members from lists submitted by sissippi House of Representatives and grandfather—and to congratulate him the majority and minority leaders for has been reelected every 4 years since, on his impressive record of public serv- morning-hour debate. most recently in 2015. ice. The Chair will alternate recognition Ray has spent 35 years in the State Thank you, Ray, for your friendship between the parties. All time shall be legislature working to improve our and for setting an incredible example equally allocated between the parties, schools and infrastructure. As chair- for all to follow. and in no event shall debate continue man of the Military Affairs Com- f beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other mittee, he has been a tireless supporter FORGING A BETTER NATION than the majority and minority leaders of our National Guard and veterans and and the minority whip, shall be limited was instrumental in the effort to build The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. to 5 minutes. three veterans homes in Mississippi ROGERS of Kentucky). The Chair recog- f with the help of then-Congressman nizes the gentlewoman from Con- Sonny Montgomery, who served the necticut (Ms. ESTY) for 5 minutes. HONORING RAY ROGERS Third District of Mississippi. Ms. ESTY of Connecticut. Mr. Speak- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ray has been a long-time member of er, I rise today for the last time as a Chair recognizes the gentleman from the Management and PEER Commit- Member of Congress. For the past 6 Mississippi (Mr. HARPER) for 5 minutes. tees—a testament to the respect and years, it has been an extraordinary Mr. HARPER. Mr. Speaker, I rise trust that his fellow legislators have honor to serve the residents of central today to honor my friend, Representa- for him. He has served as a mentor and and northwest Connecticut as their tive Ray Rogers of Pearl, Mississippi. role model for many incoming rep- Representative in the House. On November 17, 2018, Ray completed resentatives over the years, and Ray’s The title for this job is a humble one: his 55th and final season of service as example has been invaluable to me. He Representative—not emperor, not the Pearl High School Voice of the Pi- has taught me by the way he lives, by knower of all things, but Representa- rates. For 55 years, Ray volunteered his what he does, and by how he treats ev- tive. time and energy as the public address eryone with respect. Congress was not my dream, but announcer for the Pearl Pirate football Ray Rogers has lived a life of service making a difference was. In 2005, my games and was so committed that, in to others, and I know that he believes then 15-year-old daughter challenged 55 years, he missed just one-half of one his most important service has been to me to either run for the local town game in 55 seasons. God and his family. An active member council or stop complaining. I ran. I b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10031 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:15 Dec 12, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11DE7.000 H11DEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H10032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 11, 2018 found that I could get things done, first Mr. Speaker, you shouldn’t run be- vest and to providing marketing for on the town council and then as a cause you know you will win; you U.S. commodities. State representative. should run because there are things There are also important enhance- I came to Congress with a desire to worth fighting for. ments to dairy policy included in the make a difference for people, to help If we remember our common values conference report. Building upon in- solve their problems, fight for afford- rather than call into question each vestments made to the dairy safety net able quality healthcare, ensure edu- other’s integrity, there is much we can as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act of cation that addresses the needs of do together. Democracy is something 2018, we are offering new coverage lev- every child, work across the aisle for we do; it is not something we tweet els for the first 5 million pounds of pro- better jobs and better pay for Ameri- about. duction, which drastically reduces pre- cans, and keep us all safe and free. Democracy is hard. It is not a spec- miums on certain levels for larger pro- Yet I arrived in Congress in the after- tator sport. You don’t need permission ducers. math of the terrible shootings of 20 6- in this great country. Democracy gives These are just some of the many up- and 7-year-old children and six edu- us—each and every one of us—the op- dates in the 2018 farm bill that will set cators in the town of Newtown in my portunity and the right to run, to our American farmers on a better path district, 6 years ago this coming Fri- serve, and to make a difference. for the next 5 years. day. My task immediately became how American democracy is a great thing, The 2018 farm bill strengthens the to truly care for and represent those but it requires us to pitch in and to do farm safety net, protects crop insur- families and be an effective voice for our part. We have the opportunity— ance, maintains and preserves con- taking action to prevent gun violence. and in these challenging times for our servation funding, improves SNAP pro- At the time, I did not even know how Nation and the world, I believe we have gram integrity and incentivizes work, to find the elevator to get to my attic an obligation—to get involved. and, importantly, provides certainty to office in the Cannon House Office I want to thank my amazing family rural America. Building. for their love, their support, and their This agreement reached between the John Dingell, the longest serving sacrifices over more than a dozen years House and the Senate strengthens and Member of Congress, took me under his of elected office. I thank the voters maintains important programs like the wing and helped me navigate these who entrusted me to work on their be- Price Loss Coverage, the Agriculture Halls. He gave me invaluable advice. half. I thank my excellent staff who Risk Coverage, marketing loans, dairy He said: have worked so hard and ably. I thank margin coverage, livestock disaster Elizabeth, always remember this: What the many colleagues who generously programs, and crop insurance. you do is very important. But you are not guided me and worked with me on As vice chairman of the committee, I important. issues of common concern for the know that a lot of work went into He also told me: American people.
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