THE KELOWNA COURIER AND OKANAGAN ORCHARDIST V O L U M E 27 . Kelowna, Britisli Columbia, Thursday, April Otli, 1931 NUMBER ‘CANADA ON PARADE” CONAN DOYLE’S MEDIUM JUNIOR HIGH SCHOQL ORCHARDSURVEY ON FRIDAY NIGHT ALL TOGETHER IS CONFESSED FAKIR STABILIZATION JOURNAL EASTER NUMBER LIGHT THROWN All-Canadian Broadcast By Genera NEW YORK, April 9.—Asserting Holiday Issue Of “Black And Gold” Is UPON LIFE PROVIDE DATA Motoro Of Canada FOR A REAL that ‘‘i>coplc want to be fooled” am Very Creditable Production that for eleven years bo had jii.st done OF INTEREST Over twenty-live radio atatioiia from CLEAN-UP! that, Nino Fccaruro, “mystic,” whom IS SOUGHT The ICastcr edition of “Black and INSURANCE coast to coast of the Doiiiinioa, ‘‘Can the late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle .id- Gold,” tlic Kelowna Junior High KcloiRma Area Contains Over One Camp.aign Is Now In Full Swing And Co-operative And Independent Ship School journal, is bright, informative Mr. E. O. MacOiimio Describes To ada on Paraile,” sponsored by the Gci; inittcd to have won him over to spirit­ Rotariann Modem Developmcnta Third Of Orcliard Acreage Of eral Motors of Canada, makes its dc Energetic Committee Mas Details ualism, last night declared bis seances pera Appoint Committee To Dcviac anti sparkling with items of gener.'il Plans For Handling Crop Of Protective Finance Okanagan And Similltameen but to Kelowna listeners tomorrow Well In Hand \vcrc “all a fake.” He said: “Uve nev interest. And that is perhaps the out­ standing feature of the holiday nnni- night ih the first of u scHcs of regular cr seen a ghost and I don’t believe any “Life insurance is the only thing A survey of orchards in the Okana Next week, April 13th to 18tb inclus- While the Imlcpcndcnt Growers As­ ber of this paper published by the stud- one-hour programmes each Friday ev­ ivc, is “CIcan-up Week,” and the an­ one ever has.” sociation arc inakiiiK efforts to institute father can buy on the instalment plan gan Horticultural ' District, made in ening. nual drive to clean up and beautify the In a demonstration, I'ccararo allow­ voluntary control throURli the cstab enl.s of the Junior High, for one would that mother doesn’t have to finish pay­ 1930 by the Department of Agriculture, Between 8 and 9 p.m., listeners may Orchard City is now under way in ed himself to be securely bound, then lisinnent of a price reporting bureau .a- almost expect to find its contents con­ ing for if lie dies,” was Rotarian E. O- reveals some interesting facts. The dis tune in on CKY, Winnipeg; CKX earnest. A centr.il committee, of which freed himself and wrote two messages long the lines decided upon at their fined to .school activities. But the ed­ MacGitmis's opening remark in a voca­ Mr. A. J. Hughc.s is chairman and Mr^ convention here in February last, the itorial staff has wisely selected material tional .address delivered to the Rotary trict fronj Salmon Arm and Lytton on Brandon; CJGX, Yorktoii, or i^JRW, L, R. Stephens is secretary, was ap­ one of which was “from Doyle” and the Associated Growers of B.C., Ltd., ah( Club at its regular weekly luncheon in the north to Oliver and Keremeos con­ Fleming. Between 9 and 10 p.m., the pointed at a mcctiiig last week to take other “from Houdini.” The handwrit various independent shippers of fruit that has wide appeal, and this demon­ the Royal AnnC Hotel.on Tuesday. tains 22,146.5 acres devoted to fruit programme will be heard from CNRV, care of the details of organization of ing comparerl favourably with authcu and vegetables controlling in all about strates that the school student of today Explaining the sccui'ity of life in­ trees, 18,964.1 , acres being set put in Vancouver; CFCT, Victoria; CKLC, .the campaign, and this coinniittcc has tic originals by the famous men. ninety per cent of the total tonnage ol has a broader outlook on life and a bet­ surance ns an iristitution, he stated been very active since then. Sub-coin the valley, arc considering plans of a ter grasp of world affairs than many that the govermneht requirements ns to apples and crabapplcs and 1,974 acres Calgary, and CJCA, Ednioitton. LONDON, April 9.—Lady Conan different nature for the stabilization ol mittecs have been appointed to take have given him credit for. common and preferred stocks tliat in stone fruit. According to the survey, As the opening number, the Genera! care of the eighteen zone.s into which Doyle said today that slic had never markets during the coming^ season. It would qualify tlicm as investment med­ ^hcrc arc 1,137,851 apple trees, includ­ Motors Concert Orchestra, with Dr, the city has been divided, aiuf these heard of Nino Pccararo, and she ex is understood that the ^ Associated It is not intended here to convey the iums were very strict. Thus in pre­ ing crabs; 43,770 apricot trees; 47,157 subsidiaries will endeavour to interest Growers arc not prepared to co-oper impression that “Black and Gold” is ferred stocks, the company must have Ernest McMillan conducting, will play every resident in their respective dis pressed resentment that the name of ate with the independent growers in the peach trees; 35,257 cherry trees; 16,- the overture ‘‘Figaro” of Mozart. This Sir Arthur had been mentioned in con­ not essentially a school paper. It is. paid regular dividends on such stock tricts in cleaning up and beautifying his operation .of the market plan doyised and a good one. The Easter number i.s or on their common stock for at least 689 plum trees; 31,029 prune trees and will be followed by an ^ensemble ol’ property. If the campaign is to be a nection with Pccararo’s revelations. by the latter, as the co-operative organ­ five years preceding the date of pur- ■ 84,589 pear trees. success, the co-operation of every in­ ization has opposed it just as strongly composed of twelve neatly inultigraph- gifted vocalists, the all-Caiiadian sing­ as the independents have fought conl- chasc.r ' With regard to .common stocks, The Kelowna area has 7,679 acres ers, under the direction of Dr. Hcaly dividual is imperative. cd pages. The front page is; stencil­ insurance companic.s inight invest in Copies of letters for use by the sub pulsory central selling. It appears of fruit, trees, of which 975 acres are Willan, rendering a glimpse in minia led in red with lettering iind the illus­ the common stock of any company up­ committees in enlisting the help of ORANGE HALL . therefore, that, unless some scheme of tration of an Easter bunnic. and the on which annual dividends of at least from one to five years old, while 1,400 turc of “The Mikado,” vvith Lawrence property owners and residents have voluntary control is devised that is mu­ 4 per cent per annum; or, in the case acres arc from six to ten years old. The Defoe as Nanki Poo and Miss Enid been prepared by the central commit­ heads of" the msidc pagc.s arc decorated of stock of no par value at least $4 per tee, and these will be distributed among PREY OF FIRE tually satisfactory to both factions, in black. Glancing through the paper share per anmini, had been paid for a southern section of the valley has Gray as Yum Yum. the householders in every zone. there will be little or no control over 7,744 acres in fruit trees, with a large the reader is greeted first with a well period of seven years preceding the As the guest artist from overseas, a Helpful hints in the beautification of the industry as a whole. purchase of such stocks. There were 'percentage of young trees. Penticton feature that will be offered; each, week, the home grpunds are offered this" even­ OUTBREAK wj'ittcn editorial, follov/cd ■ by reports In less than a week (yoni the time of the Students Council and the Liter­ certain restrictions as to the amount of leads' the valley in qijaritity of peach the first broadcast will present Louis ing in the I.O.O.F. Temple, where Mr. any one issue that coiild be bought. W. T. Hunter, Superintendent of the Interior Of Building Gutted By Blaze the proposed Growers’ Sales Act was ary Club. Next conics the “local” trees, having 14,779, while the Olivcr- Musy, of the Opera Comique, one of Dominion Experimental Station, Sum­ thrown out of the Provincial Legisla­ In ordc\ to show by comparison the Osoyoos area is already the biggest Of Mysterious Origin On Sunday page, which tells of current events in a the greatest of French singers. He will mcrland, will give an illustrated lecture ture, independeni and ; co-operative readable manner, and laughs are pro­ amount of life insurance in British planter of apricots, ivitH 16,103 trees render huinbers from ‘‘jBerivenuto Cel­ bn the subject .of “Beautifying the Afternoon shippers were beginning a movcpicnt Cplumhia, Mr. MacGinnis took the val­ ' Leadership in cherries goes to'Kel­ Home Grounds of Canada," The slides vided in the contributed jokes on the lini” and ’“Tales 6f Huffman.” , designed to bring the Various market­ next page. At this point a short story ue of the fruit crop qt $5,000,000 and owna, with 6,896 sweets and 1,199 sours. and accompanying text matter were Fire of unknown origin almost com­ Next, the General Meftors Cadets will supplied'by the Department of Agricul­ ing factions together in a voluntary eL' is presented, the literary endeavour of showed that the annual premiums paid ycrhph leads 'in prunes, having 11,- be introduced, with Ltiigi Romanclli ture, Ottawa, and should be'especially pletely destroyed the Orange Hall, fort to stabilize the marketing of the i n this province were almost three times lelpful to any one endeavouring to im- Bernard Avenue, on Sunday, afternoon.
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