Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 ad Edited by Robin J. Lane Fox BRILL LEIDEN • BOSTON 2011 CONTENTS List of Illustrations ix Introduction: Dating the Royal Tombs at Vergina 1 R. Lane Fox Chapter 1. Macedonian Studies 35 M. B. Hatzopoulos Chapter 2. Macedonia and Macedonians 43 M. B. Hatzopoulos Chapter 3. Macedonians and Other Greeks 51 M B. Hatzopoulos Chapter 4. Archaic and Early Classical Macedonia 79 M. Marl Chapter 5. Aiani—Historical and Geographical Context 93 G. Karamitrou-Mentessldl 6. The Chapter Kingdom of Macedonia and the Chalcidic League ... 113 S. Psoma Chapter 7. Chalcidice 137 B. Tslgarida Chapter 8. Coinage and Finance 159 S. Kremydi Chapter 9. Classical Art 179 S. A. Paspalas Chapter 10. 399-369 bc 209 R. Lane Fox vi CONTENTS Chapter n. The Cities 235 M. B. Hatzopoulos Chapter 12. Vergina—The Ancient City of Aegae 243 S. Drougou Chapter^. The 360's 257 R. Lane Fox Chapter 14. The Arts at Vergina-Aegae, the Cradle of the Macedonian Kingdom 271 C. Saatsoglou-Paliadeli Chapter 15. The Palace of Aegae 297 A. Kottarldi Chapter 16. Philip of Macedon: Accession, Ambitions, and Self-Presentation 335 R. Lane Fox Chapter 17. Philip's and Alexander's Macedon 367 R. Lane Fox 18. Pella Chapter 393 I. M. Akamatis Chapter 19. Amphipolis 409 Ch. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki 20. Chapter Philippi 437 Ch. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki 21. Traditional Cults Chapter and Beliefs 453 M. Marl Chapter 22. Macedonia in Thrace 467 L. D. Loukopoulou Hellenistic Art Chapter 23. 477 0. Palagia CONTENTS Vii Chapter 24. "Glorious Servitude...": The Reigns of Antigonos Gonatas and Demetrios II 495 R. Lane Fox Chapter 25. Court, King, and Power in Antigonid Macedonia 521 J. Ma Chapter 26. Thessalonike 545 P. Adam-Veleni Chapter 27. Art in the Roman Period, 168 BC-337 ad 563 Th. Stefanidou-Tiveriou Chapter 28. Early Christianity in Macedonia 585 D.J. Kyrtatas List of Contributors 601 Index 603 Figures 1-73 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Allfigures can befound In the special quire at the back of the book) Map of Macedonia and its Neighbours, ca. 350 BC Figures 1-6 belong to Chapter 5, "Aiani—Historical and Geographical Context" (G. Karamitrou-Mentessldi): Fig. 1. Building with the Stoa. Capital of a half-column Fig. 2. Inscribed tile Fig. 3. Tomb A. Gilded silver ivy leaves and gold rosettes Fig. 4. Head of a kore Fig. 5. Mycenaean finds Fig. 6. Aiani, the ancient town. Rim of a pithos with linear symbols Figures 7-15 belong to Chapter 9, "Classical Art" (5. A. Paspalas): Fig. 7. Kouros. Europos (early 5th c. bc). Source: I. Touratsoglou, Maxe- Sovla. Icrcopla, Mvypiela, Movvsia (Athens, 1995), p. 272, fig. 348 Fig. 8. Funerary relief. Region of Thessalonike (ca. 440 bc). Source: G. Despines etaL, KaxaXoyo^ rXuTtrcov tov Ap/atoXoyixov Movaeiov Qeao-cdovlxYjs I (Thessaloniki, 1997), pi. 23 Fig. 9. Funerary relief. Pella (late 5th c. bc). Source: supplied by the author Fig. 10. Funerary relief. Dion (ca. 450 bc). Source: I. Touratsoglou, Maxe- Sovia. Ioropta, Mvyjfxsla, Movasla (Athens, 1995), p. 264, fig. 339 Fig. 11. Funerary stele. Pydna, Western Cemetery (beginning of the 4th c. bc). Source: M. Besios, LTtEplSw ZTstpavo^: LJvSva, Me&dvy] xai 01 ccpxcuSryTSt tyj<; SSpscag IIiepla.<; (Katerini, 2010), p. 121 Fig. 12. Funerary stele. Pella, Northern Cemetery (4th c. bc). Source: P. Chrysostomou, "H £7riTii|/(3ia arf\kr\ vqq tytkaq MevdvSpou aro5 tt)v n&Xa," in D. Tsiaphake, ed., ATAAMA. Mzkkzq yia xyvApxcdct TIXaaxixYj i:po<; rtfiijv tov rtdbpyov AeaTtivy] (Thessaloniki, 2001), p. 235, fig. 1 Fig. 13. Painted cist grave. Aineia, Tumulus II (3rd quarter of the 4th c. bc). Source: H. Brecoulaki, La peinturefiineraire deMacedoine. Emplois etfonctions de la couleur IV-IP s. av.J.-C. II (Athens, 2006), pi. 111,1 Fig. 14. Gilded ivory figure of Persephone. Sedes. Grave T (3rd quarter of the 4th c. bc). Source: B. Tsingarida and D. Ignatiadou, 0 Xpva6g X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS t(ov MaxsSovcov. ApxctioXoyixo Movaslo GecrcraXovixYjc; (Athens, 2000), p. 87, fig. 92 Fig. 15. Gilded silver appliques from a funerary context. Sphendame, Pieria (3rd quarter of the 4th c. bc) Figures 16-21 belong to Chapter 12, "Vergina—The Ancient City of Aegae" (5. Drougou): Fig. 16. Aerial view of the palace, theatre and surrounding site, Aegae Fig. 17. Clay sealing from a papyrus, showing head of Herakles, Metroon area, Aegae Fig. 18. Gold coin of Pixodarus, Heuzey A tomb, Aegae Fig. 19. Searing on tile fragment, showing goat's head, appropriate for Aegae Fig. 20. General plan of the ancient site, Aegae Fig. 21. Plan of theatre, Aegae Figures 22-30 belong to Chapter 14, "Vergina—The Ancient City of Aegae" (C. Saatsoglou-PaliadeU): Fig. 22. Clay head (early 5th c. bc) Fig. 23. Gravestone of a Macedonian hoplite (430-420 bc) Fig. 24. Marble statue of Queen Eurydice, mother of Philip II (mid 4th c. bc) Fig. 25. The hunt frieze on Philip's tomb (336 bc) [Reconstruction G. Miltsakakis] Fig. 26. The abduction of Persephone, Tomb I of the Great Tumulus (mid 4th c. bc) Fig. 27. Isometric reconstruction of Philip's tomb Fig. 28. Wreathed silver hydria, Tomb III of the Great Tumulus (320-310 bc) Fig. 29. Inscribed painted gravestone of Kleonymos (350-325 bc) Fig. 30. Inscribed relief gravestone of Antigonos (340-330 bc) Figures 31-36 belong to Chapter 15, "The Palace at Aegae" (A. Kottaridi): Fig. 31. Palace of Aegae, East side Fig. 32a. Floor plan of the current excavation of the palace Fig. 32b. Reconstructed floor plan of the palace Fig. 33. Ground plan showing the foundations of the palace, Aegae Fig. 34a. New reconstruction of the monumental entrance and facade, palace at Aegae Fig. 34b. Reconstruction of the east side of the west section from the peristyle, palace at Aegae LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xi Fig- 35- Capital of a pillar with double-sided Ionic semi-columns from the facade of the portico's upper storey Fig. 36. Palace Room E, floral mosaic after the latest restoration in 2009 Figures 37-39 belong to Chapter 18, "Pella" (/. M. Akamatis): Fig. 37. General view of Agora and ancient site, Pella Fig. 38. Section of topographical plan, Pella Fig. 39. Topographical plan of Palaistra and surrounding monuments Figures 40-48 belong to Chapter 19, "Amphipolis" (Ch. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki): Fig. 40. Ancient Cities in Eastern Macedonia Fig. 41. The restored silver larnax and the gold wreath found inside it. Archaeological Museum of Amphipolis (author's archive) Fig. 42. North circuit wall. Part of the internal face to the NE of the Gate A. Staircase to the battlement of a later phase and drainage conduit of the earliest phase (from D. Lazaridis, Amphipolis, fig.7) Fig. 43. Small terracotta plaque with masks of actors ofthe New Comedy. Grave offering. Archaeological Museum of Kavala (photo archive of the 18th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities) Fig. 44. The grave stele of Amyntas. Archaeological Museum of Kavala (from D. Lazaridis, Amphipolis, fig. 80) Fig. 45. Gold wreath. Grave offering from a cist tomb. Museum of Amphipolis (author's archive) Fig. 46. Clay bust of a female divinity. Grave offering. Archaeological Museum of Amphipolis (photo archive of the 28th Ephorate of Pre¬ historic and Classical Antiquities) Fig. 47. Clay figurine of a dancer. Archaeological Museum of Amphipolis (from D. Lazaridis, Amphipolis, fig. 73) Fig. 48. A pair of gold earrings. Grave offering. Archaeological Museum of Kavala (photo archive of the 18th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Clas¬ sical Antiquities) Figures 49-53 belong to Chapter 20, "Philippi" (Ch. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki): Fig. 49. Philippi: Aerial view of the excavated part of the city Fig. 50. Part of the eastern circuit wall with a tower. Behind the wall the eastern retaining wall of the theatre (author's archive) Fig. 51. Forum. Commercial Market, Palaestra (2nd c. bc) (from M. Seve, L' Espace Grec, 124) xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 52. Forum. Temple of the Imperial cult (from Ch. Koukouli-Ch. Bakirtzis, Philippi, fig. 28) Fig. 53. The city plan of Philippi (S. Provost-Boyd, AEMTh 16 [2002], 103, fig- 7.) Figures 54-61 belong to Chapter 23, "Hellenistic Art" (0. Palagia): Fig. 54. Man pointing at a globe. Pella, Tomb of the Philosophers. Photo after M. Lilimbaki-Akamati, Ki8wri6oxW°S T<x<po$ /us faypacpixy 5iax6- ay.YjtJY) and vrp> TleXXa (Thessaloniki, 2007), pi. 33 Fig. 55. Macedonian soldier guarding the entrance to the Tomb ofAgios Athanasios. Photo after M. Tsimbidou-Avloniti, MaxeSovixol rcupoi arov <Polvixa xai arov Ayno A&avdaio QsaaaXovixys (Athens, 2005), pi. 39 Fig. 56. Central scene of banqueting frieze. Tomb of Agios Athanasios. Photo after M. Tsimbidou-Avloniti, MccxeSovixoi rdxpoi arov <Poi'vixcc xai arov Ayto A9avdcrio ®£aaa\ov(xY]<; (Athens, 2005), pi- 34a Fig. 57. Silen with drinking horn. Funerary couch of Potidaia. Thessa¬ loniki Museum. After K. Sismanides, KXivz<; xai xXivotiSdq xaraaxeui^ roov MaxsSovixuv rd<poov (Athens, 1997), pi. 5a. Fig. 58. Phorbas, Theseus' charioteer, from the mosaic of the Rape of Helen, House of the Rape of Helen, Pella. Photo after Ch. Makaronas and E. Giouri, Oi oixkc; Apnayys ryjg EXivys xai Aiovuaov ty; TIi?Xa<; (Athens, 1996), p. 16 Fig' 59- Floral border of stag hunt mosaic. Pella Museum. Photo after M. Siganidou and M. Lilmbaki-AKamati, IlsXXa (Athens, 1996), p. 4 Fig. 60. Relief dedicated to the heroised Hephaistion. From Pella. Thessaloniki Museum 1084. Photo 0. Palagia Fig. 61. Reclining river god from the north pediment of the so-called Hieron of Samothrace. Vienna, Ephesos Museum I 343. Photo 0. Palagia Figures 62-66 belonging to Chapter 26, "Thessalonike" (P.
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