FENIX OUTDOOR CSR 2016 CSR_2017 170330_MG.indd 1 2017-03-30 15:18 CONTENTS Foreword by the CEO ..................03 1. Overview: Sustainability Management Approach ...........04 2. Nature ...............................12 Fact sheet: Nature 2016 .......21 3. Economy ............................22 Fact sheet: Economy 2016 ....25 4. Society ..............................27 Fact sheet: Society 2016 ......33 5. Well-being .........................34 Fact sheet: Well-being 2016 ... 37 6. Reporting ...........................39 2 CSR 2016 FENIX OUTDOOR INTERNATIONAL AG CSR_2017 170330_MG.indd 2 2017-03-30 15:18 by dealing with the known and not to panic based on assumptions or ru- mours – the so-called “unknown”. As early as 2012, Fenix Outdoor has developed and anchored its philos- ophy and ethics in a document we call “The Fenix Way”. We want to move towards a better and more inclusive world that respects the boundaries of our natural systems. But we also want to move forward in our own pace and in acknowleding our own specific char- acteristics. Hence, even in rough times and environments we have a stable and reliable anchor and follow our Fe- nix Management Compass which will guide us even in unknown waters. Our company culture is based on sustainability. We are committed to the principles of the UN Global Compact and we also are determined to shape our business in a way that DEAR READER, it contributes to a more sustainable 2016 was one of the most exciting and economical system. successful years in our entire com- We believe, that through interac- pany history. We were able to signifi- tion with various stakeholders and cantly progress on the turn-around in addressing their expectations we plan for Globetrotter Ausrüstung and can and will contribute to a better, a grew in all our business segments. We more sustainable life. We very much also made some progress in our sus- depend on the exchange with the dif- tainability efforts, expecting 2017 to ferent groups who influence us and be a milestone year in ecological and those, who are influenced by us. We social progression. aim at being a reliable and depend- And yet, 2016 was a year, many able partner for all of those who share of our staff members and customers our vision. Against this background I felt to be a year of less stability, less very much regret that in 2016 we did confidence and heightened insecurity. not conduct our scheduled stakeholder The refugee crisis in Europe, terror- roundtable and that we had to post- ist attacks and significant political pone it to 2017. changes in two leading world econo- We invite you to join us on our mies will re-shape the global socio- path and to read our Fenix Way. We economic landscapes. We will closely trust that it has a radiance beyond monitor these developments and keep our own company and that it can help our sustainability radar on. It becomes grounding us in unstable times. We obvious that only a holistic view from look forward to your comments and a strategic perspective will allow us to suggestions for the future. further develop and manage the chal- lenges ahead of us. The only way how Yours, to approach the changes and shifts is Martin Nordin, President & CEO CSR 2016 FENIX OUTDOOR INTERNATIONAL AG 3 CSR_2017 170330_MG.indd 3 2017-03-30 15:18 1. OVERVIEW: SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT APPROACH Our Sustainability Mission. SUMMARY OF GOVERNANCE AND tainable sourcing, manufacturing, and jority of the activities in 2016 focused STRUCTURE OF CSR ACTIVITIES product distribution for all its entities on the deepening of our activities Fenix Outdoor International AG is through guidelines and mandatory within the Sustainable Apparel Coali- a leading supplier for high quality procedural protocols. The brands focus tion (SAC) and to improve our activi- outdoor equipment. The group on engaging their consumers through ties with the Fair Labor Association has its origins in Örnsköldsvik and their responsibilities for product de- (FLA). We also developed a set of new has a portfolio of five brands and sign, marketing, retail, and sales. In guidance documents for social compli- three retailers. In 2016, the organiza- all these endeavors sustainability is a ance activities, streamlined our Code tional structure was streamlined. guiding principle. of Conduct for suppliers and enhanced Frilufts Retail, Brands and Global The structural setup is given in the our Chemical Guideline. Furthermore Sales are now three distinct organiza- following graphic. we undertook a systematic assess- tional units, led by a Global Vice Pres- As established in 2012, also in ment of and search for an IT tool for ident each. In order to accelerate the 2016 the Chief Sustainability Officer the group-wide GRI reporting process. integration of Globetrotter Ausrüs- was directly reporting to the CEO of In 2012, Fenix Outdoor developed tung into the Fenix Outdoor Group, the Fenix Outdoor Group. We fur- a managerial guidance document that the head office for CSR was moved to ther strengthened the role of the CSR incorporates the company’s values, Hamburg, Germany. The legal depart- manager at Fjällräven and the CSR ethical principles, and overarch- ment was moved to central Munich manager at Globetrotter Ausrüstung. ing sustainability goals. Those are (Germany). Likewise the global PR In addition, the CSR manager role of documented in The Fenix Way. It units of Fjällräven International and Frilufts, the house brand of Globetrot- also includes a Code of Conduct and a Hanwag were moved to central Munich. ter, was regularized. generic blueprint of a Supplier Code, Fenix Outdoor structures the sus- From a group perspective, the ma- thereby combining sustainability and 4 CSR 2016 FENIX OUTDOOR INTERNATIONAL AG CSR_2017 170330_MG.indd 4 2017-03-30 15:18 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE CEO Martin Nordin VICE PRESIDENTS Martin Axelhed Alex Koska Henrik Hoffman FRILUFTS RETAIL COMMON BRANDS GLOBAL SALES EUROPE AB IT ADMIN. CSR LOGISTICS NATURKOMPANIET PARTIOAITTA GLOBETROTTER BRUNTON HANWAG FJÄLLRÄVEN TIERRA PRIMUS MULTIBRAND DISTR. COMPANIES compliance. The latter has been up- activities and re-organizing our offset- SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM AND dated several times for those entities, ting strategy. PARTNERSHIPS involved in production. It has been Communication of the sustain- Our business model requires that we 1. OVERVIEW: SUSTAINABILITY re-issued as brand supplier code in ability strategy, goals and current are able to rely on and develop a vast alignment with the FLA Workplace developments is an on-going process and strong network of partnerships. MANAGEMENT APPROACH Code. Therfore, the updated Code is at Fenix Outdoor. Twice a year, dur- Since we are a values-based com- the valid and binding guideline for our ing the so-called kick-off meetings for pany, we are an active signatory to Our Sustainability Mission. suppliers. each season, the CSO gives an account the UN Global Compact and take part 97,2 % of our brands’ suppliers had of the status of implementation of the in the Nordic Network under the um- signed our Code of Conduct by the end sustainability goals and reports on the brella of the Swedish national group. of 2015. In 2016 approximately 91,2% progress made. On emerging issues, In 2016 we have continued to rein- had signed our Code. This develop- information is delivered on an ad-hoc force our membership in the Sustain- ment is a result of two factors. On the basis directly to staff members affect- able Apparel Coalition (SAC) and one hand we have discontinued certain ed. Other means are general mailings engaged in various working groups, products and product ranges where we and the Intranet sites as well. As of namely those, involved in develop- had a strong backing for our Code; on 2016, regular CSR and Social Compli- ing Design and Materials Modules, the other hand we strive to consolidate ance meetings were held. The focus the Environmental Facility Module our supplier-base and adjust it to our was on streamlining, cooperation and and its up-date, and the Adoption and specifc needs, which - at least in some information exchange across the Fenix Verification Modules. We apply the areas - led to an increase in new sup- Outdoor group. The set-up has proven Higg Index internally in our textiles pliers to our system. Notwithstanding to be workable and, hence, will be con- and footwear brands. this, we trust that in 2017 the signa- tinued in 2017. We are also a member of the Fair tory rate will go up again. Each Fenix brand has developed Labor Association (FLA) and have The house brand of Globetrotter its own individual Agenda 2020 with engage in a more structured and com- Ausrüstung ,“Frilufts”, developed its distinct sustainability goals and im- prehensive manner in 2016. own sustainability agenda and goals plementation plans. On that basis re- The FLA is a multi-stakeholder over the past year. “The Frilufts Way” sponsibilities were asigned and dead- initiative that raises the social condi- was adopted and issued by the team lines for implementation were set. tions of factory workers by providing and is now going to be implemented. In order to better coordinate these independent monitoring as well as Among the overall 2020 sustain- efforts, all brands were asked to fill a support and training for companies all ability goals, the reduction of our CO2 project plan and submit it for approval around the world. For us it constitutes emissions is one of the key areas. to the CSO. The respective plans are a forum and possibility to improve While we aim at being carbon neutral, frequently updated and presented to our approach to ethical sourcing. This in 2016 we continued our efficiency the CEO of the Group. membership enables us to raise the CSR 2016 FENIX OUTDOOR INTERNATIONAL AG 5 CSR_2017 170330_MG.indd 5 2017-03-30 15:18 Product test in the Bavarian alps, well equipped with Hanwag and Tierra gear.
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