Council Makes 6 Changes '-In ' Renewa'I~Plari By BRAD KIESEY commercial redevelopment. Building owners in the two-block area U urban renewal goes through. the Uni· Street parking lot (already owned by the AsD the council moved to eut a 30 !GIlt St,ff Writer "In _ceo the COUDciI bas said, 'ThIs under the new plans would have the 0p­ wrsity would be in a po5itiOD to acquire city I and could be begun imrnfdlatel)' strip from the .'eSt side of the propoled tion of rehabilitating their buildinp or plaia a, the comer of Collete and Du­ The transition zone between the Uni· modified plan is the one we want smt In the western halves 01 both blocks cleared ~ ithout waiting for a decision 011 urban versity and the central business district to the federal government for review:" selling to the city Cor clearance and re­ by the city, to redevelop they please. buque streets and malte thlt land avail­ renewal. U urban renewal goes through, lOBO) was eliminated from the proposed Lundberg said. placement by a new, privately buill strue· A line runnlog south from the present able for private redevelopmeal. urban renewal plan by the Iowa City "Transition 1_" _ure. municipal parking lot across from Scha f· property could then be acquired 011 the That lfGUId maie property wblch faees council in a meeting Thursday with Bar· In tbe original urban renewal proposal Ten 01 the 13 buildings in the area car· fer Hall would be the line of d marcat ion north for the twin of the south ramp. 011 the l'IIIll available to ICCOmmodate f'! D. Lundberg, director of planning and presented to the public Oct. 19, the two ry a substandard rating, accordin: to between University redevelopment and Lundberg also suI« ed that two bulldInJs that could mea ure 70 feel from urban renewal. square blocks directly 80Uth of Schaeffer Markusse. CBD use. ramps of equal size might be a beUer· CroIII to back rather than the 40 feet the This and other revisions made by the Hall were designated .. transitioo lODe" in "Nift-Conforml", Uun'J Can Stay Partc.lnt Ra"" Ch."," look.log structure architecturally. original plan called for. council would lower the number of bus­ which the University and redevelopers Lundberg said lOme businesses, pee. Presentatioo 0( the renewal plan Oct. 2 M.n-PII.. ChMtts ... SWtwa. C..,... loesses to be relocated [rom 143 to 92, ially auto-oriented firms, would be allow· would take each others interests Into ac· 19 contained plans for two parking ramps 1\\--0 changes were also made In the 1be COUDciI abo directed the planne.ta according to David J. Marlrusse, assistant count wben planning expansion. ed to remain as "non-eonforming users" connected with a bridge acr Coliege mall-plaza propo al presented last month, to eliminate the proposal for dewalk director of planning and urban renew· The enUre two-block area was to be or businesses whose type of activity does Slrett. As originally planned the southern according to Lundberg. 'lbe rll'St plan canopies downtown. al. cleared of buildings and IOld to redevel· not fit in with that of neighboring busi· ramp would have been larg r than the called for acquiring the Snyder Building That wvuld eliminate a bstantial por· Lundberg was also directed to cut thc opers who would dealgn structures that nes . northern ramp and would have extended lion of the MBO,OOO estimated cost of the land area to be occupied by a downtown Lundberg expressed dismay at the de­ and tearing it down to provide a service would accommodate places of business to Burlington Street on the west haH of alley to the center of the block whicb Mall and pla!.8S combined. parking ramp by one· fourth and to plan and University oUices. letion of the transition concept from the the block. a new route for an alley. The changed would connect with a present alley com­ Lundbert said that It would be up to a However, University officials objected proposal. The council called for making the south route would allow access to the Jeffer­ to leasing the space from a private cle­ "M the planners, we feel we have giv­ ing in from th we side of the block. rehlbilJtatlon designer or architect to ~ son Hotel without requiring the acquisi· en up the thing that made a great plan ramp smaller 10 that tbe two ramps 'A'ould But that left the Jefferson Hotel and that harmony of design among the down· veloper. Aha, bUJinessmen were not hap­ be t<jual in slu. tlon of the Snyder Building as first plan· py witb the proposal and the council was out of a good plan," he commented. "We other nearby businesses ithout service town busln wu achieved without the ned. Under the original plan a pedestrian not lure it would work, according to Lund· had envisioned hoteb, resUlurants, a con­ 11Ie land area covered by the ramptl access since Du buque Street was lo be canopies. mall would have made the botel inacces­ berg. vention center and auch hlgh-type devel­ will be cut by rouebly a fourth. But since turned into a mali for shoppers only. He said the councll wanted to preserve sible to service vebicles. The council directed Lundberg to draw opments, for th transition zone." there has been no decision on the height The Cnuncii moved to change that by lIOITIe 01 the early flavor of downtown arch­ The council asked that the plaza plan­ up plans showing the eastern half oC each "Wblle we still have University expan­ of the building, it is und termined how ellmloallng the proposed alley on the Itecture which has been d stroyed by hap­ ned ror the corner of College and Dubuque of those two blocks retained for commer· ion, retail expan&lon, and a large de­ the change in area will affect its cap c· Snyder Building site and allowin, service hazard redevelopment In recent years. He Streets be narrowed by 30 feet from the cial use and the western balf of each partment store in the plan, we gave up a Ity. vehicle to use a portion of the pedest­ said the council relt that that end could originally proposed dimensions and that block made available to the University very dynamic portion oC the plan," Lund­ The south ramp would fit entirely on rian mali as an acc route la the Jef· best be accomplished without use of canop­ the extra space be made available for lor new development. herg nid. the we t half of tbe present CoUeee ferson Hotel area let. * * * Advisor Vote On Renewal ail Iowan Is Proposed Serving the and the People of Iowa City The Iowa City Council is considering an Established in 1868 10 cent. a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa Cit)', Jowa-Saturday, November 19, 11. "advisory vote" on urban renewal, Barry D. Lundberg, director o[ The Department of Planning and Urban Renewal, said Fri­ day. Such a vote would not be binding on the council. THE RID CROSS FLAG I. btl", Lundberg said the council mel Thursday flown btl_ the U.S. fl', on Old Cap' noon to make some revisions in the propos­ Ite! thl. w" In cOI'Ilundion with the ed urban renewal program and discussed AI", Phi Omat. frat.rnlty "ltOII Johr;tson To leave Hos.pit.al, the possibllily of such a vote. drlva, The 1Mtr'n1ty'. ,.01 I. 251 pint. The meeting was not announced In ad­ If "'tOIl. lloed will bt to1lon o.c. 1 vance to the press. on the third ...., If the Union. Since the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled - Photo EIl,.btth H_n that using taxpayers' money for such refer· "y tlldlJms 1s JJJegaJ, the straw vote wouJd have la be pald [or out of contributions (or Begin Texas Recupera iQn that \)urpGse (rom organl7.aUons and in­ dividuals. Rusk 'Says Stale law provides only for a council WASHINGTON t.fI - President John­ the beart of the ta capital. Joh on year are in the making and Johnson Is least a week, and one of the White House vole on whether to have urban renewal. aon woke up Friday (eeling Ileal. He is has seen It but never made any real ue eXpe(ted to know within the next few medical _aU IJ expected to snip them In Presumably, a referendum for the same leaving the ho pital today and Oylng down of It. I\' lu whether he wtiJ ask the new Con· Teus. purpose would be an unauthorized use of Xmas Truce to Texlls to COf\tlnue recuperating Crom a White House Texa headquarters will gr for a tn increase or whether the WheII IhI doetan at the hO$pital came tax money. pair o( operation . hift back [rom San Antonio to Austin, governm nt can squeeze by without one In to lee Jolllllon lOOn after he got up Em.il G. Trott, an Towa City attorney, A noncancerous lump was removed from where they used to be. in pite of higher costs of the Viet Nam Friday, be told tlIem be felt great al­ suggested Tuesday night at the regular his vocaJ cord Wednesday and an old In­ Presidential pre~ secretarY Bill D. war. thOUlb be aald IhIrt .tIll i lome lOre­ council meeting that the urban renewal Is Possible cision, wblch had weakened and produced Moyers IBid that things probably wouldn't Johnson wants to gel out of the hO$pltal n s. quutlon appear on the ballot of the city a hernia, was patched.
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