Your United Fund Donations Aid Lutz Junior Museum r- See Page 11 The Weather ATwnwe Dafly Net Pren Ron ForeoMt of O. IL WenSbw BoreM For the Week Ended Ootober 6, IMS Folr and mild tonif ht. Leev SO to 06. Tpeeday mriable (doodlBees 13,799 and ohanoe of aentteved ahowen. Member of flie Aadlt High 15 to so. • Bnremi e< drenlntton ManefiMter— A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1968 (daoatfled AdrertlBng ea Fnge IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOL. LXXXm, NO.« (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Red Elephants . WASHINGTON (AP)—Fed- eral Aviation Agency Ad­ ministrator Najeeb E. Halaby 122 State Towns Vote, says the Soviet Union appar­ ently Is having its foreign aid troubles, too. Storm Jolts Cuba’s In testimony before a House Appropriations subcommittee made public today, Halaby Local Issues Topmost told of seeing four-engine tur­ boprop Soviet' planes at the airport in Accra, Ghana. By THE ASSOCIATED PBE80 fgoing to the poUa. It held lU elec-eof the communltlea. Democrats are ’ITiey cannot even get them Local issues and personali­ rionln Mav I In power In 36. In the air because they are so Staggering Economy Mayoralty cohtesU In Bristol More than 416,OM complicated, so difficult to ties were expected to be de­ and 'Arrington were the chief ones lion re g lst^ d voters In Coimectl- maintain, and so Irrelevant to cisive today as voters in In elections which generally are a cut are eligible to vote today. the needs of that country, Hal­ 122 Connecticut communities poor barometer of-6 state. or na­ Bristol, where Republicans aby said. tional political leanings. ended decade-long Democratic rule «lu- went to the polls in municipal Bristol and Torrlngton are ad­ four years ago, former Democratic Mayor James P. Casey is again at­ elections. ministered by Republicans, but <«/• 4-Day Blow Four area towns wdll elect new both eUtes gave President Kennedy tempting a comeback. first selectmen today—^Bolton, hea'vj^urallties In 1960 and also His opponent is Republican Ed­ State News Coventry, Hebron and Vernon. lU' went Democratic In last year’s ward Wozenskl, running for office Deals Huge cumbent first' selectmen ante not gubernatorial race for the first time. WoBenskl has seeking re-election. All other communities voting to­ the support of Mayor Walter J. In Coventry and Vernon, no In­ day, with the exception of Win Murphy Jr. who defeated Casey in Roundup cumbent member of the board of Chester - Wlnsted, are electing 19S9 and 1961. m Crop Loss selectmen la a candidate for re- board of selectmen. Murphy is not seeking re-election. t election, ao completely new boards Wlnchester-Wlnsted. a town- A third candidate Is Arthur I. 'Will be named. city, Is holding a non-partisan Farrar, a city councilman, nuinlng Six Die on Roads -8^ % .KiMHi r im y ; 4# MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—Hurri­ South Windsor and Columbia council election. on the Independent Political Group cane Flora slashed northward arcare also holdingnoming electionaeiwuuita today.i.uuajr. Republicans.vcpuu......... ......hold the—~ key^ offices _ _ D u a >rhrMit Over the Weekend 9/ «F«I Andover Is the only area town not —mayor or first selectman—in 88 I (Continued on Page Three) back into Cuba today and, for the fourth straight day, the By THE ASSOCIA‘TBD PRESS #- «w» V am * ■amSsStomn Mw ' I island was battered by howl- Six persons were killed in mmams I ing wind and driving rain, Frank Russo traffic accidents in Connecti­ g m m fWbto am vOSea sm af:, 1 ^ f S t^ j The already staggering economy Rescuers Seek Group cut over the weekend, an­ ' of Fidel Castro's regime had suf- other drowned and another i fered a cru.shing blow. The Agra- Controversy^ i rian Reform Institute said half of was fatally wounded in a hunt­ I the sugar, rice, coffee, cotton and In Mexican Wilderness ing mishap. ■>dt m sAm I coca crops may have been de­ No Strangers In addition, five Connecticut f a t 4 stroyed. residents lost their lives in out of I Sugar, the backbone of the Cu­ state highway accidents. CJHfflUAHUA, Mexico (AP)—The United States govern­ HAR'TFORD (AP) — Prank W. ban economy, has been used by The victims; I Ca.stro to trade with the Soviet ment moved in helicopters and a para-rescue team today in Russo, who hopes to defeat U.S. Mrs. Mary Ellen Blood. 42. of Union for military and other as- the mounting search for a group of American adventurers in Sen. Thomas J. Dodd and win the Stamford, in a one-car accident in Democratic nomination for that si.stance. desolate northwest Mexico, Dariek^unday. t tu rn s m m t Forecasters searched their rec­ Utah river runners, two California post, has shown m affinity for Martha Howes, 22. a University ords' to learn whether a hurricane The river expedition of 12 men involvement in public limelight and and two women hasn’t been heard business executives on a vacation Of Connecticut student from Sara­ had hammered so long at a single from or seen In more than a week camping trip and a ecology pro­ controversy for much of his young sota, Fla., in a one-car accident on area. during their quest to conquer the fessor. adult life. a Conn. Tpke. exit ramp in East Flora moved in over eastern uncharted Rio Urique. ’Die 16th ’The search area is about 300 For the 31-year-old Hartford Lyme Sunday. Cuba's Oriente Province on Fri­ member Is hospltallied here after air miles from this Mexican state man, an extrovert partial to his Brian Carey, 19, of West Hart­ day and sat there for nearly two he had been sent for addiUonal capital. niokname of "Golden Boy,” sewns ford, In a collision ht West Hart­ days. Then it drifted just off the supplies. 9 James D. Dean, 31, of Salt Lake to have gravitated to buea-saw ford Saturday. south coast and for another 48 The exploration-adventure group City, Utah, reached here last Fri­ controversies. Mrs. Eleanor Stiles, 64, of Lake­ hours stalled in the Caribbean, set out 18 days ago In four 16-toot day after an exhausting 16-mile He now faces his biggest as he side. in a collision on Rt. 7 in f-.’dtL. JIa while its winds blasted Cuba from rubber boats 'to travel the thin hike across rough terrain. He had prepared to do battle i^th Sen. Canaan Saturday. Camagucy to Santiago. canyon which stretches along the to swim another seven miles. Dodd and Democratic State Chair­ George L Rander, 42, of Nor­ '*Wx Today the storm struck Cuba winding, twisting Barranca Oobre Dean and Larry Da'vis of Price, man John M. Bailey and the party walk, In a one-car accident on the again near Santa Cruz del Sur. It —Copper Gulch. They had with Utah, were sent by the expedition organisation. Ck>nn. Tpke. in Stamford Friday was whirling very slowly toward for more food. night. the city of Camaguey and there them only enough food for a few At HUlyer CoUege (now part of 0«a»- days. They planned to pick up The explorers found the river’s William J. Parker, 24, of Water- was no telling how long it might rovlslons from mining camps at water level so low that It was the University of Hartford) the bury, in a motorcycle accident in stay over Cuba this time. itervals along the river. young dynamo , was leader in .Just Naugatuck Friday night. ’Die Miami Weather Bureau gThe explorers Include '^teran (Coattnued on Page Four) about every campus actl'vlty and Anthony J. Martel. 63, of Paw- foreca.st a northward drift at not completed his coufbe there in catuck, drowned in the Pawcatuck more than five miles an hour be­ three rather than four years, grad­ River Saturday. ^ ginning late today or tonight. uating in 1 ^ . He got his law de­ Howard Fuller, 18, of Westport, The Cuban radio broadcast re­ gree In ^968,from the University Miot by aooropanUm while bunting ports of the crop destruction, of of Richmond. squirrels In Westport Saturday. collapsing homes and buildings, High Court Convenes, Politics was one of his major in­ Mrs. Lillian Rabinowits, 64, of The final page of the limited nuclear-test ban treaty bears the signature of President and of serious floods that forced terests and in 1966 he became New Haven, in a three-car .col­ the evacuation of nearly 35,000 campaign msmager for then-mayor lision on Rt. 1 In Dedham, Maas., Kennedy after he signed the agreement today, formally ratifying the pact between persons from Santiago de Cuba Dominick DeLucco. But the yqpth- Sunday. the U.S., Russia and Great Britain. The treaty bans nuclear weapons tests in the at­ and Victoria de Las Tunas. 600 Actions Expected ‘Ihomas Halloren, 36, of Bridge­ mosphere, outer space and under water. (AP Photofax.) With more than 400 dead earlier (Continued on Page Eight) port, as he was crossing the in her wake in the Caribbean, Cross-Westchester Parkway In Flora now threatens the Bahama WASHINGTON (AP) — The Su-fIng the summer. The number to Yonkers, N. Y., on foot Sunday. Islands and Florida. preme Court .convenes today for be announced Is expected to ex' James Blue, 26, and his brother, Before Flora moved into Ori­ ceed 600, compared with 488 acted a. new term, confronted with the Nixon: Race Crisis Matthew, 21, of New Haven, in a ente, the principal sugar produc­ on at the start of the 1962-68 term.
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