EARN CPD HOURS REUTERS/Kevin Coombs CURRENT ISSUES IN INSOLVENCY 2010 WEDNESDAY 8TH DECEMBER, LONDON MORNING CONFERENCE: CUTTING EDGE DEVELOPMENTS IN INSOLVENCY LAW Key topics include: • Development of cross-border insolvency • Developments in insolvency law: a view from the Insolvency Service • Insolvency and bank failures Chair: Professor Len Sealy, Cambridge University AFTERNOON CONFERENCE: CURRENT PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN INSOLVENCY LAW Key topics include: SAVE £95 • Pre-packs, including Landlord & Tenant issues when you • Practical changes introduced by new Insolvency Rules book for • Personal insolvency law update both events* Chair: Professor David Milman, Lancaster University IN ASSOCIATION WITH: CURRENT ISSUES IN INSOLVENCY 2010 WEDNESDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2010 The Bloomsbury Hotel, 16-22 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3NN These essential half-day events are brought You can choose to attend just the morning IN Attending You wIll benefIt from: to you by Sweet & Maxwell in conjunction session, just the afternoon session, or both • An excellent value-for-money way to with 3-4 South Square – the pre-eminent – this allows you to determine the areas get up to date with all of the latest insolvency chambers. of most interest to you, whilst also earning developments in insolvency law CPD hours accredited by the Solicitors They provide you with the perfect • Expert guidance on how recent, ongoing Regulation Authority (SRA) and Bar opportunity to keep up to date with this and forthcoming changes in legislation Standards Board. rapidly changing area of law, and to acquire will affect your day-to-day practice knowledge on key developments arising The high-level morning event examines • The opportunity to interact with leading from the current economic climate at both the current economic trend and policy practitioners and commentators, and national and EU levels. developments in insolvency law, covering: ask your own questions You will hear the latest from leading experts • The development of cross-border • Spending a day networking with in the field, with the most significant cases insolvency your peers presented to you by barristers who have • Developments in insolvency law: a view • Earning CPD hours accredited by the been actively involved in most of the major from the Insolvency Service SRA/Bar Standards Board – 2.5 for the insolvency litigations of the past decade. morning event, 3 for the afternoon event • Insolvency and bank failures and 5 if you attend the conference as a The practical afternoon event examines key full-day event. developments in insolvency law practice and procedure, covering: • Pre-packs, including Landlord & Tenant issues • Practical changes introduced by new Insolvency Rules • An update on personal insolvency law Follow this event on *Bookings to attend both events must be made at the same time to receive the discounted price. benefIt FROM A CoMPrehensIve PROGrAMMe of TOPICs mORNINg CONfERENCE: CUttINg EDgE DEVElOPmENtS AftERNOON CONfERENCE: CURRENt PRACtICAl IN INSOlVENCY lAw PROblEmS IN INSOlVENCY lAw 8.30 REGISTRATION WITH COFFEE 13.00 REGISTRATION WITH COFFEE 9.00 CHAIR’S wElCOmE 13.30 CHAIR’S wElCOmE Professor len Sealy, Cambridge University Professor David milman, Lancaster University 9.10 DEVElOPmENt Of CROSS-bORDER 13.40 PRE-PACKS, INClUDINg lANDlORD INSOlVENCY – EU REgUlAtION ON & tENANt ISSUES INSOlVENCY PROCEEDINgS 2000, marcus Haywood, 3-4 South Square AND CROSS-bORDER INSOlVENCY blair leahy, 3-4 South Square REgUlAtIONS 2006 • Pre packaged administrations: the criticisms gabriel moss QC, 3-4 South Square and responses to them Professor Ian fletcher, University • Recent cases College, London • Applications for permission to forfeit in • Developments under the European Insolvency administrations Regulation • Rent as an administration expense • Mobile COMI: good and bad forum-shopping – 14.40 PRACtICAl CHANgES INtRODUCED bY tHE Opinions of A-G Colomer in Staubitz-Schreiber NEw INSOlVENCY RUlES and Seagon; WIND Hellas and Mittelfellner cases • COMI of SPV’s – Kaupthing Neville Kahn, Deloitte • Boundary with Jurisdiction and Judgments • Pre Appointment administration costs Regulation: Madoff • To trade or not to trade – Challenges to • Investment Undertakings exception – Madoff expenses incurred • Universality under the Insolvency Regulation: • Modernisation for the electronic era – the ECJ ruling in MG Probud websites, emails etc • The Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 15.40 TEA in the Court of Appeal: the significance of the Stanford and Rubin decisions 15.55 PERSONAl INSOlVENCY lAw UPDAtE • COMI under the Cross-Border Regulations: Chris brougham QC, 3-4 South Square Stanford and Fairfield Sentry Adam Al-Attar, 3-4 South Square 10.10 COFFEE • Procedural fairness • Adjournment of petition 10.30 DEVElOPmENtS IN INSOlVENCY lAw: • Turner v RBS principle A VIEw fROm tHE INSOlVENCY SERVICE • Annulment Nick Howard, Director of Policy, • Transactions at an undervalue Insolvency Service • Transactions defrauding creditors • Personal insolvency issues 16.55 CHAIR’S CONClUSIONS/ClOSE • Corporate insolvency issues Of CONfERENCE • Regulatory issues 11.15 INSOlVENCY AND bANK fAIlURES Hilary Stonefrost, 3-4 South Square georgina Peters, 3-4 South Square • The Special Resolution Regime • Bank Administration • Bank Liquidation • EU Cross-border Bank Insolvency • Potential Future Developments 12.00 CHAIR’S CONClUSIONS/ClOSE Please note that programmes are subject to change without notice. Lunch is not Of CONfERENCE included when attending both the morning and afternoon events together. bOOK YOUR VISIT www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/insolvency-law-2010 PlACE tODAY OR Return the order form overleaf fOR fURtHER EMAIL [email protected] INfORmAtION CALL 020 7393 7589 CURRENT ISSUES IN How to book INSOLVENCY 2010 WEDNESDAY 8TH DECEMBER Post THE Bloomsbury Hotel, 16-22 Great RUSSELL STREET, London WC1B 3NN * Conferences & Courses Please complete a separate form for each delegate, photocopy if necessary Sweet & Maxwell Freepost MORNING CONFERENCE: CUTTING EDGE DEVELOPMENTS IN INSOLVENCY LAW Material No.: 485147 PO Box 2000 Andover AFTERNOON CONFERENCE: CURRENT PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN INSOLVENCY LAW Material No.: 485149 SP10 9AH United Kingdom FULL DAY CONFERENCE Material No.: 485148 Fax Title First name Surname 020 7393 8051 Job title 2 Details Organisation Online Nature of business : www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/ Address insolvency2010 Postcode For enquiries, please call Tel Fax ( E-mail 020 7393 7589 or email [email protected] Dietary requirements 8 Promotion code Please tick only one box (please quote in all correspondence): Morning conference delegate fee: £245.00 + £42.88 VAT = £287.88 0302801 A Afternoon conference delegate fee: £245.00 + £42.88 VAT = £287.88 BOOKING TERMS AND Full-day conference delegate fee: £395.00 + £69.13 VAT = £464.13 CONDITIONS Payment must be made before the Fees Fees include course materials and refreshments, but not lunch. Once payment has been received a VAT receipt will be issued. conference, unless specific arrangements have been made to the contrary. A VAT invoice I am unable to attend. Please send me the full-day conference documentation will follow acknowledgement of booking. (Subject to our 30 day Satisfaction Guarantee applicable to EU customers only)* Once submitted this booking form constitutes £125.00 (this product is zero VAT rated and the price includes delivery) Material No.: 414270 a firm booking which can only be cancelled in accordance with our cancellation policy set Total Fees Payable (please complete) out below. Once we receive your booking form £ we will send you a booking acknowledgement, with directions to the venue. If you have not received this acknowledgment prior to date Please invoice my organisation of the conference, please contact us on 020 Using my account number (if known): 7393 7589. P O number (if relevant): Cancellation Policy Bookings may only be cancelled by written Please charge my credit card: American Express Visa Mastercard Switch/Maestro notice (by fax to 020 7393 7790 or email to [email protected]) NO. received by us not less than 10 working days before the date of the conference (i.e. 24th START DATE EXPIRY DATE ISSUE NO. (Switch/Maestro only) November 2010) This must be followed by a telephone call to us to confirm receipt. You will then be sent a refund of your delegate Card billing address (if different from above) fee, less an administration charge of £50 + VAT for each delegate booking that is cancelled. Telephone cancellations will not I enclose a cheque payable to Sweet & Maxwell for £ be accepted. Refunds of delegate fees for late cancellations (i.e. cancellations other than in accordance with the above paragraph) will Signature Date not be given. Failure to attend the conference will constitute late cancellation and payment Print name will still be due or forfeited if already paid. We Payment and payer details reserve the right to change the programme, Payer name (if different from delegate/organisation specified above) date, content, price, speakers and venue as Payer address (if different from delegate/organisation specified above) necessary; or cancel the conference totally in which case we will refund any payment made in respect of the cancelled conference. All orders are accepted subject to the terms of this booking form and our Terms of Trading (see www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk). By submitting this order form, I confirm that I accept these terms and I am authorised to sign on behalf of
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