' ; ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦' ' ' ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ :' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ; ' • • ¦ • -/• ' -Tft ^ > s POLITICAL, LITERARY, AND COMMERCIAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER , A ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ - ¦ - ¦ \ .. AND . # RECORD OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES, BANKS, RAILWAYS, MIKES SHIPPING, &<v : iGfe ' VOI.. X. No. 461 ] SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1859. P^cb {Sa5Jg±fflgES • : : Profi t and Loss Account of the City Bank , for the Hall - TWENTIETH REPORT COMMERCIAL BANK OF LONDON . , 1858. , ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 'year ending 31st December ¦ • ' • ' OF THE • . £ *¦ . Tho DIRECTORS HERE BY GIVE NOTI CE that a Dr. 8- DIRECTORS OE THE DIVIDEND on the PAID- T7P CAPITAL of the Company^ To Curren t Expenses , includin g Salaries , at the rate of SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM , for the Rent , Stationer y, Directors' Remu ne- LONDON endin g 31st December, 1858 free from income- ration , proportion of Buildiuj r Ex-. COMMERC IAL BANK OF Half-year . ¦ ' doubt- ending 31st December , 1858. tax , will be payable at the Bankin g-house in Lothbur y on penses,. Allowance for bad. and For the Hal f-year an d after MONDAY , the 31st Of Janua ry instant. ful Debts , Income -tax, &c. - ' ¦- 10 ,093 9 0 At a HALF- TBARLT GENERAL MEETING of the To Amou nt carried to Profit and Loss New ¦ Shareholders, held at the Barikin grhouse, Lothbur y, on By order of the Board , Account , being Rebate on Bills Dis- -__ ' _ Tuesda y, the 18th Januar y, 1859— A. R. CUTBILL , Mana ger. counted , not yet due .. •- •• 2,899 5 -7 DIKEC TOB3. Dated 18th Januar y, 1859. To Dividend Account for the Payment of a , . Esq.. Chairman . Dividend at the rate of 52. per cent, ¦ MARK HUNTER, ,0002., the Amount Edward Stilliiigfleet Cayley, Sir Jose ph Paxt pn. M.P. SIXTH REPORT per ann um, upon 300 , of paid-up _ Capital on (5000 Shares .. 7,500 0 0 Esq., M.P. Robert Stacey Price Esq. OF THE To undivide d Profit transferred to Profit _ John Alfred Chowne. Esq. John Savage^. Esq. ?¦ ' ¦ 6,982 19 n Geor ge Clive, Esq., M.P. Herbe rt Taylor . Esq.. CITY BANK , LONDON . aud Loss New Account • • v , Esq . Joseph Thompson , Esq. Jonathan Hopkinson At a> General Meet ing of the Shareh olders ' hel d at the 27,475 14 6 William Jackson, Esq., M.P. Thomas Winkworth , tsq. ¦ ' —' — • ¦ ¦ London Tavern , on Tuesda y, Jan uary 18, 1859 , : Cr.. ., • . Ma nager-—Mr. Alfred Cutbi ll. By Balan ce,, bro ught down , viz.: . ¦ . ¦ "Soiacrr pBS.—Messrs. Tatham , Upton , Uptofl , and J phnson ; Alderman Sir Robert Walter! CaRden ;. M .P. Chairman. ur plus Profit brou ght forward from last _ nd Messrs . Norris aTid Son. S \a Petek Bele, Esq ., Deputy Chairman. lialf-yeaf .. .. •• •• , •• «,z'£si !• X Pr psentr-Fort y-eight Pro prietors. Since added .. •• .. •• - 24,884 4 '0 ; BISECTORS. ' ¦ ¦ ¦ The Manager read the advertisement calling the Meeting , " ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦: " - ¦ :¦ ' ¦ - , and afterwards the following Peter Bell, Esq. I Andrew Lawrie , Esq. , . £-27,475 14 6 . Sir Rober t W. Garden , M.P. Joh n Lidgctt, Esq. , and do approve the above accounts. REPORT. | Esq;. _ We have examined of Henry Vi(<urs East , Esq; Rober t Lloyd, WM. ANNING, I AucutorsAuditors . The Directors have now to lay before the Shareholders William Gardner, Esq. Win. Alaciiau ghtan , Esq ; OWEN LEWIS, / the bank the balance-sheet for the half-year endin g 31st John Hackblopk , Esq. Jonathan Thor p, Esq. London , 13th Jan uary , 1859- December , 1858, showing a net profit (including 1391?. 8s. 3d. John Vanner , Esq. bro ught forward from last half-yearj of 13,8222. Is. 5d., after John Jones , Esq. payment of all expenses, and making provision for bad and The Manager ^-A.J. White , Esq. THE CITY BANK, doubtifaUdebts. Solicitors—Messrs. Pea rce. Philli ps, Wiuckwort h , and ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ CORNER OF FINC H-LANE, THREADN EEDLE ' Tfie Director 's pr opose to declare a dividend for the half- .Pearce . year at tfee rate Of 62. per cent , per annum , payable ou and . STREET LONDON. after the Slab inst . The followiug Report was presented :— ^ The dividend' will require 90002., and after allowing 31202. The Directors , hav e the gratifi cation to report that the Incorporated by Royal Charter 1855. 19s. 5d. for rebate on current bills not yet due, there will business of the Bank has throu ghout , the past half-year Subscribed capital •• .. .- ..£600,000 remain a balance of 14012. 2s. to be earned forward to tho continued the same steady course of extension which has Paid-up capital .. .. 300,000 pr oseut half-year. marked its pr ogress fro m the commencemen t of its opera- Reser ve fund .. .. .. .. .. SO.OOO tions; and they have the pleasure to announce that , not- Current accounts are made up to the SOth of June and Comxbbciax Bane ; op London Balancb- sheet to 31st withstandin g the low rate of interest which has preva iled the 31st of December in each year ; and if the credit Dbc., 1858. during the whole of the period to which the accompanying balance shall not , at any time during the half-year , have Dr. accounts relat e, they are enabled,after paying all the cur- been below 5002., interes t at the rate of 2 per ceut. per Capital subscribed .. .. ..£1,500,000 rent expenses of the establishment , an d makin g a liberal annum is allowed on the minimum monthly balances. If Capita l paid-up 20*. each on 15,000 shares .. £300.000 0 0 pr ovision, for bad and doubtful debts, to declare the usual not below 200Z., interest at the rate of 1 per cent, per Guarantee Fund .. .. .. .. i. 75,000 0 0 , , Incom e-tax , 902,881 5 7 dividend of 51. per cent per annum free of annum is allowed on the minimum month ly balances ; but Balances due to the customers of the bank an d to carr y forward tho sum of 6932Z. 19s. lid. to the if under 2002. no interest is allowed. Balance of undivided profit, credit of the new pr ofit and loss account , for disposal at ¦ Deposit Accounts.—Mone y is received fro m the public SOth Juno , 1858 .. .. £1,391 8 3 thq end of'th o financial year. , generall y, and interest allowed thereon at the current rate Net profit for tho half-year after Tuesda y, the the rate of ending 31st Dec. 185S, after The dividend will bo payable on, and of the day, the Bank notifying any change in 25th inst . J , „ , • interest by adver tisement in one or more of the leading paying income-tax and de- After the Register of Shareholde rs and , Register of Tra ns- London newspapers. ducting all charges and ex- the » ... penses, and makin g pr ovi- fers had been authenticated by impress ing thereu pon The agency of country and foreign banks , whether joint - sion for bad and doubtful Corporate Seal of tho Bank , the Secretar y road the Report stock or private , is undertaken by the Bank . debt * .. .. .. ,. 12,430 13 2 and Accounts , and Letters of credit, payable at any of the chief commercial ,822 1 5 It was resolved unanimousl y,—Tha t the report now read towns and cities of the world , are granted by the Bank. Balance carried down .. -.——-— 13 bo received and adopted. Circular notes are issued by the Bank , addressed to all, ,201,700 7 0 Whereupon a Dividen d was declared , for the period end- and payablo at any, of the places oh the Continent where £1 ing the 81st December last , at and after the rate of is/, per tho bank has an agent. • OB; cent, per annum , free of Income-tax. Dividends , Ac, on Government and other stock * innui- Cash in tho ban k and at call, at tho Bank of It was then resolved unanimousl y, — tios, pension s, &c, are received for customers of the Bank England, Exchequer Bills, India Bonds , That the thanks of this Meeting bo tendered to the without char ge ; and every descript ion of bankin g busines s and Govern ment Securities .. .. £285,045 4 0 Chairman and Directors , for their important services as is transacte d. Bills discounted ; loans on stock , and other shown in tho very satisfact ory report now presented. London , J an. 18, 1859 securities ,.; " .. 1,003,061 2 0 . That tho boat thanks of this Mooting bo givon to Mr. HtrongTroom, fittings , and furnitur e (pre- White for tho ener gy and talont displayed by him as NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. mises hold ou lease) .. .. .. .. 000 0 0 mana ger. 3, That tho thnnks of tho Meetin g bo tendorod to tho ' £1,291,706 7 0 Auditors , for tho efficient manne r in which they have dia- BANK pi^EPOSIT, ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦ ohar god thoir duties. DK. " ' ! No. 3, Fall-wall East London , S.W. Dividond at tho rat e of Of. nor cent, per (Signed) ROBERT WALTE R OARDEN , Chairm an. , ann um, for tho half-year endin g Slat Doc, Tho WARRANTS for tho HALFrYEARLY Interest , at _ W •• ?• .. ... .. •• <o,ooo o o Extracted from the Minutes. tho rate of 5 per Cent , per Annum, on Doposit Accounts , to Rebate of inter est on current bills carried COOPER J, WORTH , Secret ary. tho 31at Decembor , arc read y for doll very, ana payablo _ tp proftt and loss, new account .. .. 3,420 10 5 dally betweon tho hours of 10 and 4. Balan ce carri ed to next half-year .. .. 1.401 2 o THE CITY BANK, London. PETER MORRISO N, Managl nfif Direct or. January, 10, 1859, . £13,822 X 5 Liabilities mid Assets, on tho 31st day of December , 1853, ¦ , , Dr. £ s. d. ProspootUsos and Forms sont tveo on application . 08.
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