The Basics of Titles and Graphics page 44 EVERYDAY ® YOUR GUIDE TO CREATING AND PUBLISHING GREAT VIDEO JULY 2015 Professional ON Streaming LIVETHE FLY for the Masses REVIEWED • NewTek TriCaster Mini • Canon 7D Mark II • Audio-Technica System 10 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Photon Beard PhotonBeam 80 LED * GY-HM200 Manfrotto Sympla Shoulder Mounted Rig THAT’S JVC Integrated 12x Dual SDHC/SDXC 4:2:2 60p 50Mbps Live Streaming Ultra HD Lens Card Slots Ideal for general HD Easily deliver live HD A precision 29.6-355mm Record hours of 4K Ultra production work. to content delivery zoom lens delivers razor HD onto convenient, 50Mbps files are stored networks such as sharp imagery. 24X economical media. in the Quicktime (.MOV) USTREAM and YouTube. contents contents dynamic zoom in HD. format for easy editing. BUYer’s Guides contents full screen full screen • Field Monitors full screen print 2K / 4K thatsjvc.com • Motion Control print * GY-HM200 shown with optional microphone. THE CAMERA Your mightiest tool. Make sure you know it inside and out at: videomaker.com/MyBestFriend FullPageAD_NEWTemplate.indd 48 3/6/2015 8:49:34 AM 338 July 2015 cover.indd 1 5/19/2015 9:53:17 AM LIBEC ALLEX_Videomaker_o.pdf 1 3/10/2015 9:33:07 AM Contents Volume 30 • Number 01 www.videomaker.com July 2015 Features 22 Buyer’s Guide: Focus on Field Monitors 32 NAB Wrap Deciding on new camera gear is always tough. This The National Association of Broadcasters Show was back article discusses the benefits of using a field monitor to in las Vegas and bigger than ever. NAB is where compa- enhance the production quality of your videos and helps nies from around the world gather to show off the newest you focus on which product is right for you. products for the television and film industries. by Brad Watanabe by Odin Lindblom 28 Motion Control Buyer’s Guide 36 2015 NAB Show Award Winners The range of options of motion control systems can be Each year, April finds the Videomaker editors in las Vegas overwhelming. There are many scenarios where motion for the annual National Association of Broadcasters show. control can be used, so there are also variety of systems We comb the floor looking for the best and most exciting to accommodate each different situation. new products from industry giants and new-comers alike. by Christopher Settineri by Videomaker’s Editors 22 28 48 60 6 Columns Departments On the Cover Canon 7D Mark II, Audio-Technica System 2 Viewfinder 4 What’s On Videomaker.com A Term for What We Do Ad Index 10 and NewTek TriCaster Mini HD-4i by Matthew York 61 44 Basic Training The Basics of Titles and Graphics Reviews by Kyle Cassidy 6 Canon EOS 7D Mark II 48 Profit Making DSLR How to Win Business from NGOs by Brian Peterson by Morgan Paar 12 Photon Beard PhotonBeam 80 52 Distribution LED Redhead Light Festivals Worth Participation by Cameron Farboud by Andrew Putschoegl 14 Manfrotto Sympla 57 Editing Shoulder Mounted Rig Stages of Editing by Ty Audronis by Chris Gates 17 Audio-Technica System 10 60 Audio Wireless Microphone System How to Avoid or Fix Reverb by David G. Welton by Blag Ivanov NewTek TriCaster Mini HD-4i Next Month 19 • Social Media for Filmmakers 64 Production Tips Video Switcher • Audio Editing Software Buyer’s Guide The Value of learning from by Chad Fransen • Matching Sound your Peers • 3D Raytracing in Adobe After Effects contents by Russ Fairley contents On Sale: July 28, 2015 full screen Subscribe to Videomaker and save up to 76% off full screen the newsstand price! print Subscribe Try an issue risk-free at: videomaker.com/subscription print VIDEOMAKER >>> JULY 2015 1 FullPageAD_NEWTemplate.indd 48 3/10/2015 9:37:01 AM 338 D1 Table of Contents.indd 1 5/20/2015 9:00:33 AM VIEWFINDER Videomaker empowers people to make video in by Matthew York a way that inspires, encourages and equips for success. We do this by building a community of readers, web visitors, viewers, attendees and marketers. What’s in a name? publisher/editor Matthew York associate publisher Patrice York director of content Mike Wilhelm Until recently, the term “videotaping” associate editor Nicole LaJeunesse has been an adequate and accurate multimedia editor Chris Monlux description of the act of capturing art director/photographer Susan Schmierer motion pictures with a camcorder. contributing editors Kyle Cassidy Videotape has been so central to the Chris “Ace” Gates process that the term “videotaping” Mark Holder became part of household nomencla- Mark Levy ture, but the technology of videotape Terry O’Rourke has changed drastically since those early days when Beta and VHS duked director of advertising Terra Yurkovic it out for dominance. There have been advertising representative numerous iterations of tape-based telephone (530) 891-8410 video, but today, we find ourselves on senior account executive Gabrielle Green account executive Olin Smith the precipice of a new era. recording.” However, we presently use As tapeless solid-state media “DVR” as a noun to name the black marketing manager Joseph Ayres becomes the norm, and the days of ac- box with an internal hard drive that marketing coordinator Jackson Wong tual “tape” fade into folklore, “taping” allows digital capture and playback of no longer seems an appropriate term. television programs. We also use the information systems manager Seth Hendrick Purists will agree that “filming” is not a term as an infinitive verb when we say web developer Jill Lutge viable option, as the word “film” poses we are going to “DVR a show” so we exactly the same problem. Film is a can watch it later. Although the present director of finance Stephen Awe completely different technical process participle “DVRing” could communi- accountant Jessica Anderson customer service that has never been part of video tech- cate the idea of capturing digital video /fulfillment coordinator Tiffany Harness nology. “Videoing” seem incomplete through a lens onto solid state media and overly generic. — as in, “Our video production team Changing terminology isn’t new. The will be DVRing today’s ceremony” — term “dial” in regard to making a phone the point is moot since the term has call came from the days of rotary tele- already been defined in our culture. phone technology. Most people haven’t So what are we to do? For now, we subscription information literally dialed a phone in decades, wait and see. As in all cases, our ter- Videomaker Subscription Fulfillment but we still understand what the term minology will evolve as society natu- P.O. Box 3780, Chico, CA 95927 means. Likewise, today’s music artists rally seeks to describe new actions. telephone: (800) 284-3226 don’t typically make actual “records” In the meantime, we might revisit the e-mail: [email protected] or “albums” any longer, but over time the words of the famous star-crossed address the concepts have taken on a life that is lovers of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and P.O. Box 4591, Chico, CA 95927 larger than their technology of origin. Juliet,” where Juliet makes a profound telephone: (530) 891-8410 fax: (530) 891-8443 We are also constantly adding new observation: “What’s in a name? That terms to our collective vocabulary. A which we call a rose / by any other surprisingly short time ago, no one name would smell as sweet.” Seman- Videomaker (ISSN 0889-4973) is published monthly by Videomaker, Inc., P.O. Box 4591, had heard of “texting;” now we do it tics aside, it may not really matter Chico, CA 95927. ©2015 Videomaker, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publica- tion in whole or in part without written consent of the publisher is prohibited. The Video- every day. I recently passed an app what we call what we do, as long as maker name is a registered trademark, property of Videomaker, Inc. Editorial solicitations welcomed; publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited material. Editorial- developer’s office that displayed a sign people understand what we mean. related photos and artwork received unsolicited become property of Videomaker. Single- copy price: $5.99; $7.99 in Canada. Subscription rates: one year (12 issues) $19.97; $29.97 announcing that he was busy “apping.” in Canada (U.S. funds); $44.97 Foreign Delivery (prepayment required, U.S. funds). Send subscription correspondence to Videomaker, P.O. Box 3780, Chico, CA 95927. Back issues of Although I had never heard the term, I Videomaker are available for order online at www.videomaker.com or by calling Customer Service at (800) 284-3226. Periodicals postage paid at Chico, CA 95927 and additional mail- knew exactly what he was doing. ing offices. Canada Post International Mail Sales Agreement #40051846. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Videomaker, P.O. Box 3780, Chico, CA 95927. CANADA POSTMASTER: Nevertheless, the question remains: Please send Canadian address changes to: IDS, P.O. Box 122, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6S8. contents contents What should we call the act of video- Matthew York is Videomaker's Publisher/Editor. Videomaker makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to contents the completeness, accuracy or utility of these materials or any information or opinion taping when tape is no longer part of contained herein. Any use or reliance on the information or opinion is at the risk of the user, and Videomaker shall not be liable for any damage or injury incurred by any person full screen full screen the process? In the most technically arising out of the completeness, accuracy or utility of any information or opinion contained full screen You can comment on this article by going online: in these materials.
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