vol� 63(3)/2019, pp� 92–116 DOI: 10�15804/athena�2019�63�07 www�athenaeum�umk�pl ISSN 1505-2192 DO ENTREPRENEURIAL PARTIES MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE FOR POLISH POLITICS? THE CASE OF THE PALIKOT MOVEMENT AND KUKIZ’15* CZY PARTIE PRZEDSIĘBIORCÓW WNIOSŁY COŚ NOWEGO DO POLSKIEJ POLITYKI? RUCH PALIKOTA I KUKIZ’ 15 Beata Kosowska-Gąstoł** , Katarzyna Sobolewska-Myślik*** — ABSTRACT — — ABSTRAKT — Economic crisis together with the overall crisis of Kryzys gospodarczy wraz z ogólnym kryzysem liberal democracy have caused social discontent liberalnej demokracji wywołały niezadowolenie and disappointment with existing mainstream społeczne i rozczarowanie istniejącymi partiami parties, which have been blamed for not being głównego nurtu, które obwinia się o to, że nie able to cope with emerging problems� At the są w stanie poradzić sobie z pojawiającymi się same time new parties, which have presented problemami� W tym samym czasie powstały themselves as an alternative, have appeared i zdołały wejść do parlamentów nowe ugrupo- and entered parliaments� Some of them can be wania, które przedstawiają się jako alternatywa regarded as entrepreneurial ones� In the case wobec istniejących partii� Niektóre z nich można of Poland this is the Palikot Movement, which uznać za partie politycznych przedsiębiorców� managed to overcome the electoral threshold W przypadku Polski należy wymienić Ruch Pali- in 2011, and Kukiz’15, which did the same four kota, któremu udało się pokonać próg wyborczy years later� Both organizations have criticized w 2011 roku, i Kukiz’15, który zrobił to samo the mainstream parties (especially limiting cztery lata później� Obie organizacje krytykowały competition to PO and PiS) and political elites partie głównego nurtu (zwłaszcza ograniczenie and have also proposed some alternatives� The rywalizacji do PO i PiS) oraz elity polityczne, aim of the paper is to address the questions of a także wysuwały alternatywne rozwiązania� * Earlier version of the paper was presented at the ECPR General Conference, 22–25 August 2018, Hamburg� ** Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of International and Political Studies� *** Pedagogical University in Kraków, Faculty of Political Science� Beata Kosowska-Gąstoł, Katarzyna Sobolewska-Myślik: Do Entrepreneurial Parties 93 what the “new quality” proposed within the pro- Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytania: grammes of these entities is and of whether these na czym polega „nowa jakość” proponowana parties really practise what they have preached, w programach tych podmiotów oraz czy głoszone particularly whether they use innovations related przez nie postulaty są realizowane w praktyce, to alternative forms of democracy in their own w szczególności – czy wykorzystują innowacje structures and after entering parliament try to put związane z alternatywnymi formami demokracji their postulates on the state agenda� we własnych strukturach oraz czy po wejściu do parlamentu starają się uczynić swoje postulaty częścią agendy państwowej� Keywords: party programmes; Polish parties; Słowa kluczowe: programy partyjne; polskie entrepreneurial parties; new parties partie; partie przedsiębiorców; nowe partie 1. INTRODUCTION The subject literature has for many years produced discussion on the crisis experienced by political parties� The most frequently advanced arguments to illustrate this very crisis are the decreasing citizen participation, resulting in diminishing party membership numbers, a growing electoral volatility as well as a declining turnout (Whiteley, 2011; van Biezen, Mair, & Poguntke, 2012; Scarrow, 2015)� Another aspect of this problem has been the growing link between parties and state institutions, something that can be especially clearly seen in the cartel party model of Richard Katz and Peter Mair (1995)� It is worth emphasising that these phenomena impact significantly on the way in which a party realises its functions and particularly on the function of representing interests (Enyedi, 2014, p� 194)� On the one hand, all the critical remarks made above relate to political par- ties as such, while on the other, it does somewhat appear that in practice they are concentrated first and foremost on mainstream parties� The consequence of such a situation is, among other things, an extremely clear tendency, one observed as equally in stabilised as in new democracies, for the creation of new groupings which in assumption may be alternative in relation to the poorly functioning “old” parties (Hartleb, 2015; Deegan-Krause & Haughton, 2015)� The expression “new groupings” is used on purpose, because apart from new political parties there is a growing activity of actors who negate the party organizational formula, but still perform functions characteristic for parties such as taking part in elections or creating governments� Good example may be the Italian Five Star Movement (Della Porta et al�, 2017; Natale & Ballatore, 2014)� 94 ATHENAEUM vol. 63(3)/2019 Polish Political Science Studies The subject of analysis are two entities on the Polish political scene, namely, the Palikot Movement (Ruch Palikota, RP), which attained enough votes to enter parliament in 2011, and Kukiz’15, which managed the same four years later� Both have been deemed by us to constitute entrepreneurial political parties (Kosowska-Gąstoł & Sobolewska-Myślik, 2017)� Their creation and activity will be examined within the context of the above mentioned phenomena connected with the deficiencies in the functioning of mainstream parties� Both analysed subjects at the moment of their inception declared their intention to create a new political quality, clearly distancing themselves from political parties hitherto functioning in Poland� It is important to add that Kukiz’15 expresses its separateness equally in its organisational formula, deciding not to adopt the form of a political party itself� Hence the article’s aim is to answer the questions as to on what the new quality proposed within the programmes of these enti- ties is based, as well as whether they manage to implement the solutions they actually propose, in particular within their own structures and parliamentary operations, and with the same whether they actually make any difference for Polish politics� The hypothesis we put here is that even if those actors strive to be perceived in Polish politics as new quality, in fact they present weak alternatives to mainstream parties both in terms of specific issues they put forward as well as organizational innovations� The article has been divided into four parts� In the first, the Polish party system has been sketched out, showing the place taken within it by the parties under examination� The second characterises the political programmes of the Palikot Movement and the Kukiz’15 formation in relation to their criticism against mainstream parties as well as the whole politics in Poland� Presented equally are the proposed innovations and alternative solutions� The subsequent part analyses the statutes as well as the candidate selection process in order to check whether there are reflected the proposed innovations� While the final part constitutes an attempt to answer the question as to whether, following entry into parliament, the parties have tried to realise the solutions earlier postulated� This matter is analysed on the basis of parliamentary addresses made by members of both parties during Polish parliamentary sessions (at the Polish Sejm) as well as the legislative initiatives advanced by them� The fundamental method employed in the writing of the article was a qualita- tive content analysis� The programmes and statutes of the parties were subject to examination as were the parliament addresses and speeches made by their members along with the legislative initiatives advanced by them� Analysed were Beata Kosowska-Gąstoł, Katarzyna Sobolewska-Myślik: Do Entrepreneurial Parties 95 the transcripts of parliamentary sessions accessed on the Polish Sejm’s website (www�sejm�gov�pl)� In the case of the Palikot Movement, the entirety of the 7th parliamentary term was taken into consideration (2011–2015), while for Kukiz’15, the period from the beginning of the 8th parliamentary term in 2015, when the organization was elected to parliament, to the end of March 2018, when research was brought to a close� Given the large number of speeches and addresses, a 10% sample of the said, randomly selected, was chosen utilising Research Randomizer for this aim (www�randomizer�org)� After the data had been compiled, all the texts were analysed in relation to the appearance within them of references to key concepts and notions such as: representative democ- racy as well as alternative forms of democracy, rule of law (including the idea of legalism and the principle of decent legislation), elections, organs of state power, rights and the freedoms of the individual, state-church relations, political elites, bureaucracy, particracy, corruption, nepotism� The subjects present in the docu- ments analysed were ordered into two groups: in the first were placed criticism in relation to mainstream parties and Polish politics itself, while in the second – the propositions for the changes postulated� The analyses – illustrated by quotes and their interpretation – allowed us to identify the main trends occurring within each party and to answer the research questions� 2. ENTREPRENEURIAL POLITICAL PARTIES AND THEIR PLACE WITHIN THE POLISH PARTY SYSTEM The Polish party system started to stabilise midway through the first decade of the 21st century� Following
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