Downloaded from orbit.dtu.dk on: Dec 20, 2017 Preparation of carrier free iodine target for speciation analysis of 129I in environmental samples by AMS. Hou, Xiaolin; Luo, Maoyi; Xing, Shan; Zhou, Weijian Published in: Programme and Abstracts Handbook Publication date: 2014 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link back to DTU Orbit Citation (APA): Hou, X., Luo, M., Xing, . S., & Zhou, W. (2014). Preparation of carrier free iodine target for speciation analysis of 129I in environmental samples by AMS. In Programme and Abstracts Handbook: The Thirteenth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS-13) (pp. 206). Marseille University. 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AMS-13 The Thirteenth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 24−29 August 2014 Aix - Marseille University - Montperrin Campus Aix en Provence France Programme and Abstracts Handbook Conference Convenors R´egis Braucher Didier Bourl`es AMS-13 Aix en Provence 24 - 29 August 2014 2 AMS-13 Aix en Provence 24 - 29 August 2014 Table of content 1 Scientific Advisory Panel 5 2 Local Organising Committee 5 3 Sponsors 6 4 General information 7 5 Topic codes 9 6 Sunday 24 August 16h-18h30 10 7 Monday 25 August- Morning Sessions 10 8 Monday 25 August- Afternoon Sessions 11 9 Tuesday 26 August- Morning Sessions 13 10 Tuesday 26 August- Afternoon Sessions 15 11 Wednesday 27 August- Morning Sessions 16 12 Wednesday 27 August- Afternoon Sessions 17 13 Thursday 28 August- Morning Sessions 18 14 Thusday 28 August- Afternoon Session 20 15 Friday 27 August- Morning Sessions 21 16 Friday 29 August- Afternoon Session 22 17 Abstracts, in order of presentation 23 17.1 Monday 25 August - Morning......................................... 23 17.2 Monday 25 August - Afternoon........................................ 38 17.3 Tuesday 26 August - Morning......................................... 56 17.4 Tuesday 26 August - Afternoon........................................ 73 17.5 Wednesday 27 August - Morning....................................... 176 17.6 Wednesday 27 August - Afternoon...................................... 191 17.7 Thursday 28 August - Morning........................................ 203 17.8 Thursday 28 August - Afternoon....................................... 219 17.9 Friday 29 August - Morning.......................................... 309 17.10Friday 29 August - Afternoon......................................... 324 18 List of registrants on June 11 2014 327 Authors index 330 Topic index 339 3 AMS-13 Aix en Provence 24 - 29 August 2014 WELCOME to AMS-13 ! It is a pleasure to welcome you in our lovely Provence to attend the thirteenth international conference on Ac- celerator Mass Spectrometry taking place in Montperrin campus, kindly made available by the Aix-Marseille University. During these five days, you will be able to meet and exchange with your colleagues and friends coming from more than 30 countries. AMS13 will gather together more than 250 scientists working in the field of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. We encourage our youngest colleagues to take advantage of this event to share orally with experienced "senior" scientists. 305 hundred abstracts have been submitted that have been distributed among 125 oral presentations and 180 posters. We are very greatful to our colleagues from the advisory scientific panel that firstly accepted to be part of the review process and that effectively did it. This greatly helped us. Aside the conference, a guided tour of the historical center of Aix en Provence will end up at a welcome reception offered by the municipality in the gardens of a 18th century residence : the "Pavillon Vend^ome. Wednesday afternoon, you will have the opportunity to reach the "Plateau de l'Arbois" that not only hosts the TGV station but also the "CEREGE", one of the top french laboratory dedicated to the geosciences. Between your visit to "ASTER", the 5MV French AMS national facility and the newly installed Aix-Micadas, you will enjoy a buffet offered by the "Syndicat Mixte de l'Arbois" that manages the entire site. Finally, Thursday afternoon will bring you to the "Camargue" (the Rh^onedelta) where you will assist to regional traditional activities such as "Ferrade", Herder's game, "Course camar- guaise" and and hopefully appreciate the gala dinner animated by a Gypsy show. Once again, we hope that you will enjoy your stay in Aquae Sextiae (Aix en Provence), the Roman thermal city that also sheltered the childhood and the maturity of Paul C´ezanne. Benvengudo en Ais de Prouv`en¸co! R´egis Braucher and Didier Bourl`es. Paul C´ezanne, Le Mont Sainte-Victoire au-dessus de la route du Tholonet, 1896-98 (The State Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg) 4 AMS-13 Aix en Provence 24 - 29 August 2014 1 Scientific Advisory Panel Anjos Roberto Brazil Bard Edouard France Bourl`es Didier France Braucher R´egis France Christl Marcus Switzerland Dewald Alfred Germany Fedi Mariaelena Italy Fink David Austalia Heinemeier Jan Danmark Kieser Liam Canada Korschinek Gunther Germany Merchel Silke Germany Nadeau Marie Jos´ee Germany Ognibene Ted USA Possnert G¨oran Sweden Schimmelpfennig Irene France Smith Andrew Austalia Wallner Anton Australia 2 Local Organising Committee R´egis Braucher Didier Bourl`es Georges Auma^ıtre Karim Keddadouche with the help S. Bertin and G. Dingwall from the Aix en Provence Tourism Office 5 AMS-13 Aix en Provence 24 - 29 August 2014 3 Sponsors We thank our sponsors and exhibitors for their valuable support 6 AMS-13 Aix en Provence 24 - 29 August 2014 4 General information Registration and Information Desk The registration and information desk will be located in the hall of the Montperrin University from 16.00 to 18.30 on Sunday 24 August and from 8.00 to 9.00 each day thereafter as well as during coffee breaks and lunches. Luggage On Friday there will be a luggage storage area available for registrants. Name Badges Please wear your name badges at all times to be identify as participants. The staff of the University will have the right to prevent you to access the conference site without these badges. Breaks and lunches Morning teas, lunches and afternoon teas will be served in the main hall or outside depending of the weather. Please, inform us of any special any special dietary requirements. Internet Free WI-FI will be available. Personal code will be attributed to each participant. Those who have an EDUROAM email address will be able to connect the network with their own password and login. Presenters A quiet room with a computer will be dedicated to test you presentation. Please report to the staff in the room in which you are presenting during a break well in advance of your presentation. Talks will be 15 min long plus 5 minutes of questions except for sessions 2A (Monday morning), 6B (Tuesday morning) and 12B (Thursday morning) for which talks will be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes of questions. The available softwares will be : Powerpoint Office 2010 (version 14), LibreOffice 4.1.6 and Adobe reader XI. Plenary sessions will held in the "Grand Amphith´eatre", low level and parallel sessions will be held in the two upper level Amphitheaters (session labeled "A"in amphitheater 1 and session labeled "B"in amphitheater 2) . Poster sessions will be organized in the public area of the campus. Posters will be 841 mm wide by 1188 mm high (A0 size). The first session posters may be installed Sunday 24 August at the Icebreaker and should be in place by Monday 25 August. This poster session is planned for Tuesday after lunch. These should be removed no later than morning tea time Wednesday 27 August. The second session posters may be installed at lunch time on Wednesday 27August and this poster session is planned for Thursday after lunch. These posters should be removed at the end of the conference on Friday 29 August. On Friday evening, remaining posters will be trashed. 7 AMS-13 Aix en Provence 24 - 29 August 2014 Manuscript Submission As for the previous conferences, participants at AMS-13 have the opportunity to publish their work in a NIM-B proceedings volume. The guest editors are R´egis Braucher and Didier Bourl`es. The signed contract with elsevier stipulates the review process for this special issue is conducted in an appropriate manner and in line with normal review practices for the journal. In order to facilitate the review process, Elsevier will arrange access to the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) for the Guest Editor. The Special Issue is expected to comprise less than 300 papers. In order to facilitate a timely publication schedule, the proposed deadline for all manuscripts to be submitted to EES is December 1 st , 2014 and the deadline for all manuscripts to be ready for production (i.e. final decisions made on all papers and communicated to all involved parties)
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