Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/19888 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Suurland, David-Arthur John Title: Secular totalitarian and islamist legal-political philosophy Date: 2012-09-27 bibliography 855 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abrahamov, Binyamin. Islamic Theology: Traditionalism and Rationalism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998 Abu Amr, Ziy ad. Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza: Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad, Indiana Series in Arab and Islamic Studies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994 al-Banna, H. Message of the Teachings: N.Pub., 1990 al-Jaziri, 'Abd al-Rahman. Islamic Jurisprudence According to the Four Sunni Schools. Translated by Nancy Roberts. Vol. I acts of Worship. Lousiville: Fons Vitae, 2009 al-Raziq, Ali. Der Islam Und Die Grundlagen Der Herrschaft: Übersetzung Und Kommentar Des Werkes Von Alî Abd Ar- Raziq. Translated by Georg Ebert and Assem Hefny. 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