iJNTEKiSCHOJLASTIC LEAGUER Vol. XXXIII _ AUSTIN, TEXAS, DECEMBER, 1949 No. 4 Leib Endorses League Deadlines for League Fees, Cards, Nearing League Executive Committee Approves Anti-Recruiting Efforts Administrators and activities sponsors are reminded that sev­ Recommendations of Advisory Council Dr. Karl Leib, President of the bad influences. In such a situation, eral Interscholastic League National Collegiate Athletic As­ the educational program is deadlines are drawing near. Interscholastic League Execu­ a committee composed of school ad­ without any rebate privileges. be prepared that would make any sociation, told schoolmen assem­ doomed, Dr. Leib said, stressing The deadline for paying tive Committee action has already ministrators to proceed with setting The League Executive body also boy ineligible who participated in bled for the 27th annual League the damage done to the boys them­ League membership fees is been taken on almost all phases up a girls' basketball plan of com­ asked that a rule be prepared and an athletic tryout at a college, Breakfast in Fort Worth that he selves. January 15. This is the last of the recommendations made ear­ petition for 1950-51; called for a submitted to the schools, provid­ and asked the League to proceed believed colleges of the nation No athletic contests should be LEAGUER which will reach you ly in November by the League's referendum to be submitted to ing that any athlete participating with setting up a joint committee, would come to the use of a "sanity allowed to distract athletes from before that date, so no further Advisory Council. member-schools on the 19-year, in an un-sanctioned out-of-state composed of representatives from code" governing "recruiting" of their main goal—getting an educa­ reminder can be published. The As recommended by the Coun­ 10-semester rule; and ordered that contest will be held to be in vio­ college athletic conferences in the athletes from high schools. tion to equip them for life. This same date is the final deadline cil, the Committee authorized the golf be added to the Spring Meet lation of the League amateur rule. area, for the purpose of working Contest list for Conference AA out a plan that would eliminate In a question and answer ses­ thesis Dr. Leib emphasized again for joining the Interscholastic League Athletic Director to appoint The body also directed that a rule and again, saying that only ama­ League Press Conference, and the recruiting campaign among sion following his address at the high-school boys. Breakfast in Hotel Texas, Dr. Leib teur athletics fills the bill. thereby making school papers further threw his full support be­ In conclusion, Dr. Leib declared eligible for criticism, bulletin The State Committee accepted hind the League's efforts to regu­ that the sanity code, based on this and advisory services. the responsibility of either approv­ late collegiate recruiting before philosophy of education and sports, The deadline for one-act play ing or disapproving out-of-state is already beginning to function, and music acceptance cards is contests, and of publication of a NEW REGIONAL DIREC­ high-school athletes graduate. He deplored the practice as injurious but that its success depends in further in the future, coming sanctioned list, as requested by TOR—J. Horace Shelton, Busi- part on the support given it by on February 15. But don't be the Advisory Council. The Coun. neu Manager of Howard Payne to both athletic and scholastic pro­ grams in high school, and declared high-school administrators and ath­ caught napping. cil's recommendation that League College, Brownwood, is the new letes. fees be raised also won approval director of Region II. Long he believed colleges would event­ ually outlaw such pre-graduation by the Committee, effective for associated with the Interscho- 1950-51. lastic League work, Shelton has recruiting. He characterized the been track coach at Howard practice as "beneath the dignity" The November LEAGUER reported Payne since 1920, and for 10 of colleges, as dangerous to the 46 Counties Organize on highlights of the Council meet­ years has been president of the boys pressured into attending a ing, and listed the names of the Texas Collegiate Athletic Con­ school instead of being given free 23 school administrators from ference. dom to choose. Grade School Meets every region of every conference who were present as official re­ Following his introduction by Registration for and organization Comanche Ward, Comanche Gram­ presentatives of the schools in W. T. White, Superintendent of of grade school meets for the 1949- mar, Comyn, DeLeon, Gustine, their regions. Space and deadline Dallas Public Schools, Dr. Leib 50 school year are proceeding Proctor, Sidney. considerations prevented the car­ spoke on "The Relation of Educa rapidly in the League Office. Al­ Cooke: Johnny Newby, Era; rying of a fuller report in that tion and Amateur Athletics." He ready nearly 50 counties have Era, Valley View. issue. completed organization, with di­ emphasized the vital role of ama­ Concho: R. Ed Neal, Eden; F. L. MOFFETT R. B. NORMAN WALTER COERS teur athletics as a part of the ed­ rector generals accepting responsi­ It was reported that the Execu­ Eden, Eola, Millersview Rural, tive Committee was urged to ap­ ucational process, but several bility for conducting the meets. Paint Rock. times warned that where athletics These League contests for grade prove League sponsorship of girls' Dallam: T. H. Bass, Kella Hill Game Official Proposes in schools verges on professional schools will include number sense, Three Re-Elected Councilmen basketball. This has already been, (Dalhart); Kella Hill (Dalhart), New League Regulation ism, the education program suf playground ball, choral singing, TMEA Convention done, as noted above. But there fers. He declared that athletics Texline. was insufficient room to report Here in Texarkana we have an music appreciation, ready-writing, Have Long Record of Service cannot be justified in an educa­ Delta: T. J. Scott, Cooper; Pe­ that the move in the Council fol­ active officials organization... declamation, spelling and plain tional program except on an ama­ writing, junior track and field, can Gap, East Delta (Charleston), Three of the men elected last Went of District VIII, TSTA. To Feature Famed lowed a plea by Superintendent We try to furnish officials for sur­ G. M. Blackman of Pettus, repre­ teur basis. junior tennis, volleyball and story Cooper Grade, Enloe, East Ward month to four-year terms on the Coers is the veteran, in terms of rounding schools, and we try to senting a special committee on telling. (Cooper), West Ward (Cooper), Interscholastic League Advisory service on the Council, of the see that these officials know their The originator of the NCAA girls' basketball. Supt. Blackman Orphan Annie (Cooper). Council were already serving on group, having been first elected to Music Educators rules. sanity code explained the condi­ The counties in which organiza­ recommended that the League of­ Duval: A. N. Saenz, Benavides; the advisory panel. In re-electing the League's advisory unit in 1941, The Texas Music Educators As­ tions which led to its development, tion is complete are listed below, fer a plan to cover Conference A Many times we get out in the Benavides, San Diego. these men, the schoolmen of Re­ re-elected in 1945 and again in sociation will present an all-star and predicted that in time the followed by the name of the di­ and B only; that the playing rules field with another official, not in 1949. line-up of music educators from code would be fully accepted by rector general, his home school, Fannin: L. B. London, Bailey; gions IV-A, VII-B and I-AA en­ should be those of the NSWA; our association, and he will say, "I the entire nation as clinicians dur­ all institutions of higher learning. and the schools already enrolled Bailey, Ector, Honey Grove, Leon­ dorsed their records as represent­ The Superintendent of Schools that no girls be allowed to parti­ have not studied the new rules," in each county: ing the annual convention clinic He described the scramble for ard, Windom, Savoy, B a r 11 e y atives of their regions, and rec­ for Orange Grove holds a B.S. cipate in more than three gam*s and then ask, "What are the new in Mineral Wells on February 8- football manpower which followed Arkansas: T. Houston Foster, Woods (Rt. #1, Windom), Ran­ ognized the outstanding service degree from Southwest Texas per week and no.-ir.oi-e- than one changes?" 11, 1950. World War II. This scramble led, Rockport; Rockport, Fulton. dolph. •iree men have given to their State Teachers College and an game per day; that the final tour­ In order to assure better offi­ he said, to the organization of a Austin: Maggie Brune, Sealy; Fayette: Joe J. Kotrlek, Schu- areas through membership on the M.A. from George Peabody Col­ Headlining this list are Dr. John nament be held in Austin the week cials Is it possible for the Inter- NCAA committee to study the Bellville, Sealy, Wallis. lenburg; Flatonia, LaGrange League's advisory body. lege, Nashville, Tenn. A TSTA Finley Williamson, director of the after the boys' annual state tour­ scholastic League to place into ef­ Bell: Connally Neal, Belton; Grade, LaGrange Elementary, and Phi Delta Kappa member, he famous Westminster Choir acting problem. This committee, of which Superintendent F. L. Moffett of nament; that the League fee be fect a rule something like this: Academy (Temple), Union Hill, Round Top-Carmine (Round Top), taught in rural schools of Guada­ as chief choral clinician; Henry Dana X. Bible of The University Center, Superintendent Walter $5 for participation; and that the "All officials, working in games Thompson, Lost Prairie, Bartlett, Schulenburg Grade, Schulenburg lupe County from 1921 to 1927 Fillmore and Frank Simon direct­ League Athletic Director be chair­ of Texas and Jimmy Stewart, ex­ Coers of Orange Grove, and Prin­ for schools that are members of ecutive secretary of the South­ Camp Hood, Moffat, Joe Lee, Elementary.
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