

EventVenuePointsExternal the_geom VENUE_RECN FULL_NAME LEVEL_1_NA LEVEL_2_NA LEVEL_3_NA POINT 71 Fawkner Park: FP - Fawkner Park FP - Lawn 19 (144.980361761018 97 - Lawn 19 North_SB8_Ct1_S8 37.8420796144536 North_SB8_Ct1_S8 _F1 1) _F1 POINT 1345 Newmarket Newmarket Newmarket Ct_S (144.922811163033 51 - Reserve: Reserve 37.7880854080858 Newmarket Ct_S 9) POINT 1312 Docklands: All Docklands All Other Spaces Victoria Harbour (144.942743776534 26 - Other Spaces: Promenade West 37.8191268792845 Victoria Harbour 96) Promenade West POINT 173 Holland Park: HP - Holland Park HP - Football (144.925166060315 43 - Football 2_Cs1 2_Cs1 37.7985290980841 8) POINT 115 Fitzroy Gardens: Fitzroy Gardens FT - Lawn 10/Stage (144.981016948742 7 - FT - Lawn 10/Stage Lawn 37.8123513909679 Lawn 2) POINT 343 Other Park Other Park Bedford Street (144.955504182131 5 - Locations: Bedford Locations Reserve 37.8028169818601 Street Reserve 5) POINT 205 Princes Park: PP - Princes Park PP - Ct1_F1 (144.961256858112 45 - Ct1_F1 37.7854898349368) Page 1 of 116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal BOOKABLE EVENT PROMOTION TRAINING WEDDING SUSTAINABI Y N N N M Y Y N N L Y Y N N Y N N N M Y Y N N M Y Y N N L Y N N N M Page 2 of 116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal SPORT NO_SMOKING DOG_PROHIB DOG_OFF_LE PROP_ID ROADSEG_ID Y N N Y 103756 0 Y N N N 618421 0 N N N 604120 23300 Y Y N Y 105220 0 N N N 103807 0 N N N 110909 0 Y N N N 107696 0 Page 3 of 116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal ADDRESSPT_ ADDRESSPT1 ADDRESSP_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 612595 19.96470731 334 0 0 0 111456 90.64589906 286 110909 13.33835688 137 0 0 0 Page 4 of 116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal POINT 358 Other Park Other Park Errol St Reserve (144.950449844616 94 - Locations: Errol St Locations 37.7995375806164 Reserve 9) POINT 1416 Docklands: All Docklands All Other Spaces Australia Wharf (144.945949002981 96 - Other Spaces: 37.8225314215881 Australia Wharf 2) POINT 175 Kings Domain: KD Kings Domain KD - Lawn 1 (144.972825373269 8 - - Lawn 1 37.8227536340549 26) POINT 402 Other Park Other Park Weedon Reserve (144.988965951135 47 - Locations: Weedon Locations 37.8171274112157 Reserve 4) POINT 342 Other Park Other Park Bayswater Road (144.923774021770 27 - Locations: Locations Park 37.7937389625841 Bayswater Road 86) Park POINT 1354 Fawkner Park: FP - Fawkner Park FP - (144.982936131551 18 - Cordner_T1_T2_T3 Cordner_T1_T2_T3 37.8425742466819 _F2_Ct3 _F2_Ct3 9) POINT 223 Queen Victoria Queen Victoria QV - Lawn 2 (144.970366948703 8 - Gardens: QV - Gardens 37.8217483994822 Lawn 2 25) POINT 363 Other Park Other Park Gordon Reserve (144.974022805638 Locations: Gordon Locations Page 5 of 116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal Y Y N N L Y Y N N Y Y Y N M Y Y N N L Y Y N N L Y N N N M Y Y N Y L Y Y N N L Page 6 of 116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal N N N 103485 0 N N N 624154 23302 N N N 108615 0 N N N 0 21951 Y N N 100894 0 Y N N N 103756 0 N N N 111022 0 N N N 108995 0 Page 7 of 116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal 103453 32.62300772 172 633207 88.43716039 4 0 0 0 110017 29.98397741 77 100894 23.65235611 119 0 0 0 111022 64.32289021 347 543134 63.08410675 196 Page 8 of 116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal 33 - Locations: Gordon Locations 37.8123053609334 9) Reserve POINT 378 Other Park Other Park Macarthur Square (144.971567299331 38 - Locations: Locations 37.7983661653723 Macarthur Square 86) POINT 762 Promotional Promotional Spaces Flinders St Station (144.967480343932 55 - Spaces: Flinders St 37.8181473367247 Station 3) POINT 5 Alexandra Gardens: Alexandra Gardens AG - Henley (144.974834316197 27 - AG - Henley Landing 37.8213818641424 Landing 2) POINT 372 Other Park Other Park Jolimont Reserve (144.980770427413 97 - Locations: Jolimont Locations 37.8164043728830 Reserve 7) POINT 277 Royal Park: RP - Royal Park RP - Lawn (144.955462183731 5 - Lawn 6_Walker 6_Walker East_Ct2 37.7855721467923 East_Ct2 8) POINT 365 Other Park Other Park Hardy Reserve (144.966479635393 63 - Locations: Hardy Locations 37.7853982865948 Reserve 6) POINT 396 Other Park Other Park Sturt Street (144.964853555060 87 - Locations: Sturt Locations Reserve 37.8298031381373 Street Reserve 65) Page 9 of 116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal Y Y N N L Y N N N Y Y N N H Y Y N N L Y N N N L Y Y N N L Y Y N N L Page 10 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal N N N 106290 0 N N N 104034 22195 N N N 100385 0 N N N 111460 0 Y N N N 107426 0 N N N 106380 0 N N N 110628 0 Page 11 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal 106290 10.18379338 70 610669 3.57963057 170 0 0 0 111460 9.69851734 185 0 0 0 106380 41.56399607 177 110628 36.46091337 335 Page 12 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal POINT 63 Fawkner Park: FP - Fawkner Park FP - Lawn (144.979834293168 6 - Lawn 17_SB1_SB2_Ct2_ 37.8393086700860 17_SB1_SB2_Ct2_ S7 34) S7 POINT 67 Fawkner Park: FP - Fawkner Park FP - Lawn (144.982860975989 13 - Lawn 21_T8_S3 21_T8_S3 37.8445902806688 04) POINT 219 Princes Park: PP - Princes Park PP - Lawn 6 (144.961053707960 76 - Lawn 6 37.7786467047341 5) POINT 104 Fawkner Park: FP - Fawkner Park FP - Southern (144.981721460830 33 - Southern Pavilion Pavilion 37.8431405311512 Changerooms Changerooms 3) POINT 130 Fitzroy Gardens: Fitzroy Gardens FT - Lawn 25 (144.978918040622 2 - FT - Lawn 25 37.8142021787537 4) POINT 184 Kings Domain: KD Kings Domain KD - Lawn 9/Pillars (144.976602410982 85 - - Lawn 9/Pillars of of Wisdom 37.8246014774639 Wisdom 15) POINT 214 Princes Park: PP - Princes Park PP - Lawn 1_S4 (144.960909614894 5 - Lawn 1_S4 37.7903005805481 56) POINT 168 Holland Park: HP - Holland Park HP - Pavilion (144.924004246791 Pavilion Page 13 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal Y N N N M Y Y Y N M Y Y Y N M Y N N N M Y Y N Y M Y Y Y Y M Y Y Y N M Y N N N M Page 14 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal Y Y N N 103756 0 Y N N Y 103756 0 N N N N 107696 0 Y N N Y 103756 0 N N N 103807 0 N N N 108615 0 Y N N Y 107696 0 Y N N N 105220 0 Page 15 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal 0 0 0 0 0 0 526307 61.44025708 214 587544 3.76647007 242 111454 35.42281515 159 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 16 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal 98 - Pavilion 37.7987190976776 3) POINT 345 Other Park Other Park Burston Reserve (144.975230373791 76 - Locations: Burston Locations 37.8114195586003 Reserve 5) POINT 36 Carlton Gardens: Carlton Gardens CG - Lawn 18 (144.972270218317 5 - CG - Lawn 18 37.8058705291203 05) POINT 187 Kings Domain: KD Kings Domain KD - Lawn 12 (144.973021941446 - - Lawn 12 37.8271146843765 3) POINT 27 Carlton Gardens: Carlton Gardens CG - Lawn 9 (144.970335206769 7 - CG - Lawn 9 37.8056741050905 7) POINT 37 Carlton Gardens: Carlton Gardens CG - Lawn 19 (144.972000590197 04 - CG - Lawn 19 37.8069689117113 4) POINT 20 Carlton Gardens: Carlton Gardens CG - Lawn 2 (144.972083364420 85 - CG - Lawn 2 37.8018731794090 36) POINT 169 Holland Park: HP - Holland Park HP - Soccer_Cs2_ (144.924420271512 08 - Soccer_Cs2_ Synthetic 37.7976403369361 Synthetic 9) Page 17 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal Y Y N N L Y Y N Y L Y Y Y N M Y N N Y L Y N N Y L Y N N Y L Y Y N N M Page 18 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal N N N 107431 0 N N N 108268 0 N N N 108615 0 N N N 108268 0 N N N 108268 0 N N N 108269 0 Y N N N 105220 0 Page 19 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal 107431 16.24877343 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 546082 89.93045975 159 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 20 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal POINT 1361 Holland Park: HP - Holland Park HP - Running Track (144.923907162299 23 - Running Track 37.7985080627454 4) POINT 143 Fitzroy Gardens: Fitzroy Gardens FT - Lawn 24/Boy (144.979849196780 5 - FT - Lawn 24/Boy on a Turtle 37.8141240765825 on a Turtle 5) POINT 395 Other Park Other Park Stapley Parade (144.982581738968 97 - Locations: Stapley Locations Reserve 37.8262356236202 Parade Reserve 3) POINT 136 Fitzroy Gardens: Fitzroy Gardens FT - Lawn 30 (144.982023633605 6 - FT - Lawn 30 37.8151227987007 56) POINT 405 Other Park Other Park Wildlife Reserve (144.913667449371 45 - Locations: Wildlife Locations 37.8024491579163 Reserve 14) POINT 22 Carlton Gardens: Carlton Gardens CG - Lawn 4 (144.970940025067 28 - CG - Lawn 4 37.8024803293489 7) POINT 1248 Other Park Other Park North Melbourne (144.941311773239 02 - Locations: North Locations Recreation Reserve 37.7990553176439 Melbourne 26) Recreation Reserve POINT 368 Other Park Other Park Hawke, King & (144.949091090022 Locations: Hawke, Locations Victoria St Reserve Page 21 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal Y N N N M Y Y N Y M Y Y N N L Y N N Y M Y Y N N L Y Y N Y L Y Y N N L Y Y N N L Page 22 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal Y Y N Y 105220 0 N N N 103807 0 N N N 0 22644 N N N 103807 0 N N N 102986 0 N N N 108269 0 N N Y 100514 0 N N N 104709 0 Page 23 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal 0 0 0 111453 51.77449546 235 0 0 0 102013 78.77163579 356 102987 99.1742364 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 104709 3.71520312 123 Page 24 of116 09/29/2021 EventVenuePointsExternal 68 - Locations: Hawke, Locations Victoria St Reserve 37.8054597244389 54) King & Victoria St Reserve POINT 91 Fawkner Park: FP - Fawkner Park FP - Lawn 16 South (144.982377444506 77 - Lawn 16 South East_T10_S5 37.8417992705701 East_T10_S5 3) POINT 188 Kings Domain: KD Kings Domain KD - Lawn 13 (144.973729633963 07 - - Lawn 13 37.8276449979787 2) POINT 33 Carlton Gardens: Carlton Gardens CG - Lawn (144.971255278231 84 - CG - Lawn 15/Exhibition 37.8061463353727 15/Exhibition Fountain 3) Fountain POINT 72 Fawkner Park: FP - Fawkner Park FP - Lawn 20 (144.981250440440 48 - Lawn 20 West_T9_T6_Cs1_ 37.8440941104258 West_T9_T6_Cs1_

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