DIRJ<.:CfuRY .] SU~SEX. BRIGHTON AND HuVE. 173 Ellman Ernest, I Cleveland road Fansbawe Capt. Lionel R.N. 17 Fineburg Louis, r Grosvenor man- Elmslie Miss, 43 Selborne road, Hove Boundary road, Hove swns, Osborne villas, Hove Elphick E., 67 Waldegrave road Fanstone James, r6 Arnndel street, Finlason Thoma!> Williarn, 8 Langdale Elphick Mrs. 24 Grand parade Kemp town gardens, Hove Elsom Alfred Howard, 8 :::iackville gar- Farcombe Henry, 25 Warleigb road Finlay John, 20 Second avenue, Hove dens, Hove Farcy Mrs. 28 Gwydyr mansions, .l:iove Finney Thomas Francis Henry, 77 Elvidge Thos. Jas. 5 St. Aubyn's,Hove Fargus Mrs. 7 Park crescent SacKville road, Hove Elwes Mrs. 13 Goldstone villas, Hove Farley A . .A. II Warleigh road Finnigan William, 4 Wilbury av.Hove Emerson Mrs. 55 Fontiliill road, Hove Farmer Mrs. 3 Lansdowne sq. Hove Firmm Richard, 34 Park crescent 1 Emery Frcderick, 29 West Hill road : Farmiloe G. 53 The Drive, Hove Firminger Fruncis W. 9 Marine sq. Emery Henry,35Walsingham rd.Hove I Farnall Miss, III Lansdowne pl. Hove Kemp town Emery Miss, II Victoria road Farncombe Isaac, 38 Beaconsfield vils Firmstone Mrs. 34 Albany viis. Hove Emmerson George Lionel, 21b, Pal- Farquharson Major J ames C. 37 Fisher Benjamin, 23 Southduwn road meira mansions, Church road,Hove Montpelier crescent Fisher Henry Alfd. 9 Alexandra villas Endacott H. 30 Goldstone villas, Hove Farquharson Miss,18Palmeira sq.Hove Fisher Howard Tarrance, 5 Carlisle Endean John, 21 Ranelagh villas, Hove Farr Thomas ]):night, BB Highdown rd. road, Aldrington England Mr:;. M. B. 16 Sackville road,. Hove Fisher J. 25 'v entnor villas, Ho"Ve Hove 'Farrant Frank, 6o Southdown avenue Fishsr Mrs. 2'5 Lancaster road Erck Rev. John C., M.A. 24 Norton 'Farrant Jn. 18 Walpole rd.Kemp twn Fisher Mrs. 49 Ventnor villas, Hrw·e road, Hove i Farrant Mrs. M. r6 Hanover crescent Fisher Richard Charles, 2 Walsing- Erskine Major-Gen. George Elphimon. Farrar Mrs. 129 Queen's Park road ham road, Hove n Church road, Hove Farrell Mrs. 7 Hove Lodge mansions, Fisher William Baldwin, 83 Freshfield Escott T. H. S., M.A. 33 Sackville rd. Hove street, Hove road, Kemp town Hove Farrer S. H. 2 King's gardens. Hove Fisk Miss, 48 St. Leonard's roa-d, Hove Eskell Mrs. 4 Walsingham terrace, Farrow Wm. Hy. 148 Ditchling road Fisk Mrs. 42 Florence road King's road, Hove Farthing Mrs. 20 Clermont ter.Preston Fisk Mrs. 8 Wellington road Etheridge Major-General Alfred Thos. Faskell Mrs. 58 Brunswick sq. Hove Fiske Mrs. gB Highdown road, Hove C.S.I. 47 Selborne road, Hove Faulkner Frank, 6o Round Hill cres Fitzgerald Lady, 20 Adelaide cres- Evans Rev. H. M. M., B . .A.. (Orut<h. ), F'aulkner J. 52 Grant ham road cent, Hove The Presbytery, 6 Wellington road Faulkner Mrs. 62 Buckingham place Fitzgerald Bernard Patrick, 5 St. Evans Benj. Wm. 24 Cissbnry rd. Hove Fawke Fr:wcis E. Kenilworth, War- Leonard's road, Hove Evans Chas. Fredk. 65 Edburton aven cester villas, Hove Fitzge1ald Mrs. 28 Higboroft terrace, Bvans F.Lavington, 5 Palmeira sq. Hove Fay Henry, 37 Clarendon villas, Hove Dyke Road drive Evans Freke, 7 Palmeira square, Hove Fcarn l\Irs. 24 Belle Vue gardens, FitzHugh Miss, 30 Southdown avenue Evans Henry, 43 Cromwell road,Hove Kemp town Fitzmaurice Capt. Jame!t Turns, Evans Henry, 17S Westbourne ~t. Hove Feather Ernest, 23 Sudeley street, Mercia house, Lansdowne rd. Hove Evans Hugb, 36 Florence road Kemp town Fladgate Miss, 22 Wilbury rd. Hove Evans Innes, 34 Buxton road Featherstone Mrs. 94 Ditchling rise Flanagan Rev. Frederick D.D.(Catho- Evans John Meredyth, 15 Hove Park Featherstone Waiter, 29 Cissbury rd. lie), The Presbytery, Up. North st villas, Hove Hove Fleet Charles, 8 l'ark crescent Evans John, n8 Sackville road, Hove Feist John, 8S St. Leonard's rd. Hove Fleetwood Charles, 14 Rugby road Evans Miss, 3 Hove Lodge mansions, Feldwicke Chas. 27 Hove Pk. vilR.Hove Fleming Waiter Ambrose, 13 Bruns- Hove street, Hove Fell J oseph, 7 Albany villas, Hove wick terrace Evans Misses, 73 St. Aubyn'~. Hnve Fellingham James,II7 Hollingbury rd Flemming Miss, ro8 The Drive, Hove Eva.ns Mrs. 43 Goldst.Qne villas, Hove Fellingham Thos. 4 Addison rd. Hove Flernwell Mrs. Gleneyre, Pembroke Evans Mrs. 17 Medina villas, Hove Feltharn Robt. E. 7 Hova viis. Hove avenue, Hov_e Evaus Mrs. 93 Preston drove, Preston Fenn Charles Howard, Montpelier st Fletcher Hegmald George, Mount Evans Mrs. 5 St. James' avenue I Fenn Mn. 88 Springfield road Harry, Surrenden road Evenden George, ss Rugby road Fenner Louis Marchant, 26 Rugby rd Flinn J oseph, 63 Preston road Evered Mrs. Withdean ball, Preston Fenoulhet Mrs. H. 13 Montpelier st Flowers Chas.Percy,BB Waldegrave rd road, Withdean Fenton Mrs. 13 Langdale gdns. Hove Flynn Rev. Canon John Stephen Everest Clare Augnstus, 64 Mont- Femvick George Daniel, 35 Highdown M.A., B.D. (incumbent of St. John pelier road read, Hove t!he Bapt-ist), 22 Salisbury rd. Hove Everest E. T. 9 Gold~mid road Ferguson Miss, 10 Sackville rd. Hove Foat S. T. ro Clermont rd. Preston Everett Arthur, 5 Harrington road, I Ferg-usson Mrs.42 Cleveland rd.Preston Folkard :vliss, ro St. Gemge's place Preston Ferry J. 147 Preston road Folkes ~'lr,;. 12 Queen's PaTk terrace Everett Mrs. r68 Sackville road, hove 1 Ffolliott Mrs.27 Westbourne vils.Hove Font ana Mrs. r 1 Sackville rd. H 'JVe Evershed Arthur, 17 Walsingham rd., Fickus Mrs. 2 Crornwell road, Hove J.<'ooks Henry Symes Shorland, 12 Hove I Field Rev. Sydney Benjamin (vicar of Highcroft villas, Dyke Road drive Evershed Ernest Charles, x6r Eastern Patcham), 6 Ventnor villas, Hove Foot Miss, 66 Clarendon villas, Hove road, Kcmp town Field Edward, 40 Cpper Lcwcs road Forbes Miss, 43 St. Aubyn's, Hove Evershed Frederick James, 1:28 & 130 Field Josiah, 143 Queen's Park road Forbes Mrs. 31 Gwydyr mans. Hove Eastern road, Kemp town Field Miss, 39 Carlisle rd. Aldrington Ford Charles, 72 Round Hill crescent Evershed Herbert, Bristol gate, East- Field Miss, 35 Lancaster road Ford Miss, 58 Florence road ern road ) Fipln Mi!'Cs, 7 S<1ckvillfl road. Hove Ford Miss, 26 North road, Preston EvershedMiss,22Bristol rd.Kemp twn Field Mrs. 25 St. Aubyn's, Hove Ford Mrs. 44 Brunswick road, Hove Evershed Miss, 82 Ditchling road Field Mn. 55 Stanford avenue Ford Mrs. :.64 Ditchling road Eves Mrs. Washington, 34a, Sackvillc 1 Field William Alfred, 51 Brumwick Forder Alfred N. 16 Walpole terrace, gardens, Hove square, Hove Kem.p town Eves Percy Stanhope M.D. I St. Peter's FiPlden Mrs. 19 Selhorne road, Hove Forest Artfuur, 59 Roundary rd. Hove place Fieldgate Robert, 9 Edburton avenue Forfar George, 6J Hova villas, Hove Ewart Sir Joseph M.D., F.R.C.P., Fielding Manrice D. 2 Richmond place Form by Mrs. Cottsmore, Montefiore F.Z.S., J.P. Bewcastle, Dyke road Fieldus Mrs. 47 Grantham road, road, Hove Ewen Misses, Woodford house, Wal- Preston Forrest Miss,rs St. Leonard's rd.Ho.,-e pole terrace, Kemp town Field wick Thomas, 65 Stanford aven Forsey Harry, 5 r Westbourne st.Hov~ Eyles Frank, 43 Compton avenue Figgins James, 63 The Drive, Hove Forstcr Miss, 8 Powis villas Eyre Mrs. Elms Lea, Preston road, l''iggis Rev. John B., M.A. (Countess Forster Mrs. S. 26 Hova villas, Hove Withdean of Huntingdon's Connexion), 28 forsyth Maj.-Gen. Alexander Gregor, Ezekiel Marmaduke D. 47 Tisbury Compton avenue 15 Cromwell road, Hove road, Hove Figgis S. B. 48 Stanford avenue Foskett J oseph, 6 Albert road Fagge Miss, 45 Goldstone villa!!, Hove Fillrner Horatio Rutter, 22 Barring- Foskett \V. J. 26 Adelaide cres. Hovs Pair James, 11 King's gardens, Hove ton road, Preston Fossett Misses, 27 Norfolk square Pairba.irn Sir .A.rthur Henderson bart_ Fillrner Mrs. A. B. 20 Harrington Fossey Alfred, 224 Ditchling road 45 Brunswick square, Hove road, Preston Fossey Wm. 29 Upper Rock gardens F'airbrother Miss, 46 St. George'11 road Finch Maj. -Gen. Alex. Urquhart Foster Edward M. 39 Florence road Faith James, 5 Clifton bill Hamilton R.E. 20 Salisbury road, Foster James, 64 Portland road, Huv& Faithful Miss, 48 York road, Hove Hove Foster John, 108 W e-stbourne 11t.Ho.,-e F'aithfull Mrs. Edward, 8 Hartingtor. Finch Charles, 33 Upper Westbourne Foster Miss, 4 .A.lbert mans. Church villas, Hove villas, Hove road, Hove F'aithfull Stewart, 8 Hartington villas, Finch Juhn, 64 Buckingham place Foster Misj!, 8 Walpole ter.Kemp town Hove "!."incham Frederick, 29 Rutland gar- Fost-er Mrs. 40 Carlisle rd.Aldrington Pallows Mrs. 17 Paston pl. Kemp towu dens, Hov., Foster Mrs. 25 Springfield road .
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