Minutes of Old Newton with Dagworth & Gipping Parish Council Wednesday 4th September 2019 at Old Newton Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm Present: J Miller (Chair), M Clements (Vice-Chair), M Reeve, K Baker, J Harbidge, A Perkowski, M Helliwell K Hall-Price (Clerk), District Cllr K Welham, and 5 members of the public. County Cllr Andrew Stringer arrived late. 1. Apologies: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the September meeting. Apologies were received from District Cllr R Eburne. Cllr K Goudy passed his apologies for tonight at the August planning meeting as he is away on holiday. Chairman raised that a long-standing member of the parish council Sue Hill had passed away two weeks ago. The Chairman requested a minutes silence to remember and honour Sue in recognition of her contribution to the parish council and the village. The Chairman thanked the Parish Council and the meeting continued. 2. Dispensations: a) To consider any requests for dispensations – No new requests received. b) To note existing dispensations. The standing dispensation for Cllr Clements in respect of the proposed development land between Silver Street and Finningham Road and Cllr Reeve in respect of the proposed development of the Greenacres Site. 3. Co-Option – 1 x Vacancy – Candidates given a few minutes to speak to the council and then vote to be taken. Christina Barber, Heather Thomas and Andrew Tween spoke to the parish council about standing for the vacant position of parish councillor. Will Ratcliffe spoke to the parish council at the extra planning meeting on 7th August and apologies received for not being in attendance at tonight’s meeting but he is away on holiday. All candidates were asked to leave whilst a vote was taken and the position of Cllr following multiple votes was won by Will Ratcliffe… Clerk asked to write to all candidates and thank them for their offer of service to the parish council. Clerk to contact Will and inform him of the vote and ask him to attend and sign his office of acceptance papers at the October meeting. 4. To receive any declarations of personal/prejudicial interest. Cllr Perkowski declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application DC/19/03760 - Demolition of existing bungalow and redevelopment of the site to provide 4no two- storey two/three bed houses and 1no two bed bungalow. Location: 27 Church Road, Old Newton, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 4ED. 5. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2019, Extra Planning Meeting on 24th July 2019 and additional Extra Planning Meeting of 7th August 2019. It was proposed and seconded to approve all sets of the minutes and they were signed accordingly by the Chairman. 6. Clerks report following previous meeting. • Crier submission was submitted for the August and September edition. • RTI and Nest Pension submissions were completed • All cheques for payment following the July meeting and August sign off were issued. • All planning application responses were submitted to BMSDC by the agreed deadline dates. • Clerk has forwarded to all Cllrs the minutes from the neighbourhood planning committee • Clerk has received a quote for replacement laptop. New 15.6” Laptop for Parish Council as follows: either: Acer ES15 with 8Gb, 240Gb SSD, Windows 10 £440.00 or: HP Probook 450 with 8Gb, 240Gb SSD, Windows 10 £630.00. Either machine would be suitable for normal Parish Council purposes, but the HP one has a faster processor (i3) and higher resolution screen (full HD 1920 x 1080). Price includes transfer of Office 365 licence, installation on new machine, update of all software to current, and transfer of any data stored locally on the old machine. Chairman to investigate the pricing of an overhead projector as this is not something that Faxbase Ltd can assist with as it is outside their normal remit. After discussion it was proposed and seconded for the Clerk to order the Acer ES15 with 8Gb, 240Gb SSD, Windows 10 as this should be more than adequate for the parish council needs moving forward • Full Cleansing Grant funding has been applied from MSDC for qtr ending June 2019 £160.10. • Annual CAS membership has been applied for. This is of zero cost to the Parish Council. • To date the Clerk has received feedback on the PiiP from two village organisations. PiiP is an agenda item for tonight’s meeting. Separate report has been provided to all Cllrs. • Clerk has drafted the meeting dates for 2020 and has issued to all Cllrs this evening. 684 Cemetery - There was a complaint raised regarding the cemetery and how it was sad to see that little care and attention was being paid to the pathways and the headstones etc, also behind the memorial wall was very overgrown again. Clerk raised this with Adam Alexander who agreed to sort it. Lady who made the initial complaint has confirmed that the cemetery is looking lovely again and thanked all concerned for taking her comments on board. She has also mentioned that there are some mole / rabbit holes that are making some of the headstones unsteady… She has agreed to monitor this on my behalf as she knows there is very little we can do regarding rabbits and moles in the cemetery. Adam has also stated that there was some broken glass from a solar light on one of the graves that cut through his work shoes, this is potentially a hazard and has asked if it was possible for any signs to be made asking people not to put lights on the graves. Cemetery committee to walk round and enforce the rules. Report back for the next meeting. Online system of graves / burial – clerk to investigate packages. Police Report / Crime Map Statistics • Police are appealing for information following a theft of farming machinery in Creeting St Mary. A Kabota UTV, registration AY68DXA was stolen from an open sided building on All Saints Road. The theft occurred between 6pm Friday 23rd and 8am Saturday 24th August. At the same location, during similar timeframes, two pedal cycles, power tools and fishing tackle were stolen from a shed. • The home in Lime Tree Place was broken into sometime between 9am Monday 19th & 4.15pm Wednesday 28th August after a window was forced open. Once inside an untidy search took place throughout the property and cash was stolen. • Bogus telephone scams are about again claiming to be from HMRC. • Police are urging residents to keep garages and outbuildings secure, and to remain vigilant of suspicious activity, following a series of burglaries in the mid-Suffolk area. There have been 12 incidents reported in the area over the last month, details of which were provided to the meeting. Officers are currently keeping an open mind regarding whether these incidents are linked and enquiries are ongoing. MONTH DETAIL OF INCIDENTS / CRIMES May 2019 1 x Violence / Sexual offence on or near Greenacres 1 x Vehicle Crime on or near Cross Green June 2019 1 x theft (other) on or near Falconer Avenue July 2019 1 x theft (other) on or near Brown Street 1 x Violence / Sexual offence on or near Brown Street August 2019 Data not yet available 7. Financial matters & Financial report Scottish Widows have confirmed the Clerks contact details have now been amended. Bank Account Balances: • Barclays July Statement Balance £25,811.13 (30.07.19) • Barclays August Statement Balance £21,229.07 (30.08.19) • Scottish Widows 60 Day account balance = £3,378.20 (01.07.19) • Scottish Widows Deposit account = £253.43(01.07.19) • Public Works Loan – Annual Statement – Balance outstanding at: 06.04.19 - £26,892.38 Accounts for payment – July 2019: • KAREN PRICE - Salary July incl. holiday pay, expenses and less tax & NI and pension = £1,042.06 Chq 101165. • HMRC – PAYE NI & Tax – Employee NIC £33.87, Employer NIC £38.95 = £72.82 Chq 101166 • NEST Pension Contribution DDR – employee 5% £40.06, employer 3% £30.04 = £70.10 • Adam Alexander cemetery maintenance July 19 - £210.00. Chq 101167 Cheques all approved and signed off by Cllrs Miller and Harbidge on 3rd July 2019 as agreed at the June meeting. Cllr Harbidge does need to sign the invoices as well as the cheques and cheque stubs when authorising the parish council cheques. 685 Accounts for payment – August 2019: • KAREN PRICE - Salary August includes holiday pay, expenses and less tax & NI and pension = £889.38. • HMRC – PAYE NI & Tax – Employee NIC £11.02, Employer NIC £12.68 = £23.70 • NEST Pension Contribution DDR – employee 5% £32.44, employer 3% £24.33 = £56.77 • Adam Alexander cemetery maintenance August 19 - £255.00 • Chipper-Tech Tree removal Ward Green £1,272.00 • CGM grass cutting village hall July £170.96 • Data Protection Fee £40.00. This can be done by DDR and will receive a reduction of £5 or can be paid by cheque as has been done historically. Proposed and seconded to pay by DDR • Public Works Loan Repayment – DDR 27/08/19 - £2,613.62 Monies Received – July & August 2019: • Coop Cemetery fees received for Mr John William Eldred £50.00 (payslip: 100116) Proposed and seconded to pay the accounts. All Cllr’s present agreed. The cheques were signed accordingly. 8. Correspondence Received & Circulars: • Silver street complaint as there are two days for collection and some are not being collected at all. • Claire Pizzey – Stowupland Parish Clerk – Training re: Gang Culture and County Lines training. • SCC Highways - Grit Bins – Update / Guidance • SCC Highways – Response regarding footway works scheduled next week • Cemetery Complaint received • Footpath complaint received • MSDC – CIL Bids – round 4 – 1st October • Network Rail changes to level crossings Various circulars received for information purposes.
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