Hydrology in Mountainous Regions. J - Hydrological Measurements; the Water Cycle (Proceedings of two Lausanne Symposia, August 1990). IAHS Publ. no. 193, 1990. A lysimetric snow pillow station at Kùhtai/Tyrol R. KIRNBAUER & G. BLÔSCHL Institut fur Hydraulik, Gewâsserkunde u. Wasserwirtschaft, Technische Universitât Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, Austria ABSTRACT For properly forecasting snowmeIt-runoff the understanding of processes associated with a melting snow cover may be of primary importance. For this purpose a snow monitoring station was installed at Kuhtai/Tyrol at an elevation of 1930 m a.s.l. In order to study individual physical processes typical snow cover situations are examined. These situations include cold and wet snow under varying weather conditions. Based on a few examples the diversity of phenomena occuring at the snow surface and within the snow cover is demonstrated. INTRODUCTION Within a short-term flood-forecasting system a snowmelt model should be capable of representing extreme conditions. As Leavesley (1989) points out, a more physically based understanding of the processes involved will improve forecast capabilities. Subjective watching of phenomena together with measuring adequate data of sufficient accuracy and time resolution may form the foundations of process understanding. Most field studies performed so far concentrated on investigating the energy input to snow, particularly under melting conditions (see e.g. Kuusisto, 1986). Differences in the relative importance of processes during contrasting weather conditions have been reported by numerous authors (e.g. Lang, 1986). Considering these differences some of the authors (e.g. Anderson, 1973) distinguished between advection and radiation melt situations in their models. In this study meteorological data and snowpack observations from an alpine experimental plot are presented. Following an approach adopted earlier within the context of a model sensitivity analysis (Blôschl et âL-< 1988), it is believed that individual processes appear more explicitly in typical situations. Therefore, the investi­ gations presented here focus on selected periods of characteristic weather and snow cover conditions. THE KÛHTAI EXPERIMENTAL PLOT The snow monitoring station was set up on the site of the Kiihtai meteorological station near the Langental reservoir located about 30 km west of Innsbruck at an elevation of 1930 m a.s.l. (see Fig. 1). The research station site was graded prior to the installation of the instruments. Thus the site is flat with a slight slope to the west. It 173 R. Kirnbauer& G. Blôschl Il A FIG. 1 The lysimetric snow pillow station at Kuhtai/Tyrol (for abbreviations see Table 1). is situated within the high relief environment of the Austrian Alps. In December, therefore, the station is barely met by the sun. The experimental plot is surrounded by typical timber-line vegetation with Alpine roses, meadows and scattered cembra-pines. The climate is characterized by mean annual precipitation of about 1100 mm, 45% of which fall as snow. The snow cover period typically starts in November and lasts until May. Maximum snow depths of about 150 to 200 cm are reached in March. The instrumentation comprises meteorological devices as shown in Fig. 1 and listed in Tab. 1. and a lysimetric snow pillow. The design of the lysimetric snow pillow is based on a device described by Engelen et. a]^. (1984). The hexagonal rubber pillow of 10m2 in area, filled with antifreeze, is connected to a stand pipe with a floating 175 A fysimetric snow pillow station atKiihtai/Tyrol TABLE 1 Instrumentation of the Kiihtai experimental plot. Variable Instrument Abbrev. in Fig. 1 global radiation pyranometer (Schenk) RG reflected s.w. radiation pyranometer (Eppley) RR net radiation net radiometer (Swissteco) RN air temperature resistance thermometer TA humidity capacitive sensor HA wind speed cup anemometer WS wind direction WD precipitation raingauge PG precipitation recording raingauge, heated, PR tipping bucket type snow temperatures; at resistance thermometer TS 8 levels above ground snow depth snow stake SS snow depth ultrasonic device SU water equivalent snow pillow & PI stand pipe SP melt rates snow lysimeter & LY tipping bucket TB gauge. The meltwater draining the pillow is collected in a gutter at the edge of the lysimeter and measured by a tipping bucket of 0.05 mm resolution. Lateral inflow to the lysimeter is prevented by a drainage surrounding the device and a 20 cm metal lip. Cross checking of lysim­ eter and pillow data indicated that lateral inflow was negligible. During two weeks in April 1989 additional observations of snowpack characteristics were made. These included profiles of snow tempera­ ture and liquid water content at intervals of three hours. Snow temperatures were measured by a thermistor. Liquid water content was measured by a capacitive probe designed by Denoth & Foglar (1985). Each time at least two profiles were examined for assessing the horizontal variability of snow cover parameters. Under most conditions this variability was small as compared to temporal fluctuations. SELECTED PERIODS OF TYPICAL WEATHER AND SNOW COVER CONDITIONS Mid winter - low humidity conditions As an example of cold snowpack conditions a period in December 1987 is presented in Fig. 2. It comprises bright and overcast days, horizon shading being most obvious on clear-sky days such as 22 and 24 December. Solar radiation clearly affected the diurnal variations of air temperature. At the beginning of the period humidity gradually decreased to a minimum of 1 mbar vapour pressure equivalent to 20% relative humidity. The snowpack first was at 0°C, subsequently cooled down and only returned to an isothermal state on 27 December. Snow R. Kirnbauer& G. Blôschl ne GLOBAL 400 " RADIATION (W m-2) 300 200" 100 A I A .A. AIR 8 TEMPERATURE CO 4" M. 0 .V-VW ^v . ^y Av-"^- 4 VAPOUR B PRESSURE (mbar) 2 SNOW 0 TEMPERATURES CO DEC.22 DEC.23 DEC.24 DEC.25 DEC.26 DEC.27 FIG. 2 Meteorological and snow temperature data measured during a mid winter period in 1987. temperatures were monitored at 10 and 30 cm above ground, the upper sensor being approximately 10 cm below surface. As may be observed from Fig. 2 the overall cycle of snow temperature at 30 cm is similar to that of air temperature. However, there are tendencies and day-to-day variations (e.g. 23-25 December) which do not correspond to air temperature. These variations indicate the influence of additional variables such as cloudiness and humidity. These influencing factors control surface energy exchange in terms of long wave radiation and latent heat flux. Particularly on fair weather days such as 22 and 24 December one may identify a substantial loss of energy due to long wave radiation. Prevailing evaporation conditions on days of very low humidity (e.g. 24 December) are assumed to significantly accelerate the cooling down of the snowpack. The considerable differences between air and snow temperatures observed during the major part of the period analyzed may be attributed to the combined effect of long wave emission and evaporation. Melting period conditions Fundamentally different phenomena may be observed during the melting period. Fig. 3 summarizes results of a 23 day period in April 1989. In this period the snowpack was ripe and experienced night time refreezing at the surface. Snowdepths varied at around 70 cm. Net radiation (in terms of potential melt rates) and lysimeter outflow are compared. For Fig. 3 the daily sum of net radiation is evaluated by integrating hourly values between 1900h and 1900h of the previous day considering the effect of night time radiative loss on the state of the snowpack in the morning. The daily sum of lysimeter outflow is 177 A lysimetric snow pillow station at Kiihtai/Tyrol FIG. 3 Melting period 7-29 April 1989. Accumulative lysimeter outflow and radiation on a daily basis. based on the interval between 1200h and 1200h of the following day due to the well known fact that the melt wave lags behind energy input. Fig. 3 indicates that cumulative net radiation approximately equals cumulative meltwater outflow over the period considered. Hence one may infère that overall net radiation dominates melting processes. However, this is not true of individual days. Smaller and larger slopes of the graph in Fig. 3 indicate gain and loss of energy due to turbulent fluxes respectively. In the sequel four days within the period are discussed in more detail. Overcast and clear sky conditions Two contrasting weather conditions are presented in Fig. 4. 13 April represents a typical rainy day whereas 24 April was a fair weather day. On 13 April changes in air temperature and net radiation were small. Humidity was near saturation and approximately 3 mm of mixed rain and snow were observed. The snowpack started draining in the afternoon yielding a maximum melt rate of 2 mm h-1. On 24 April there were pronounced fluctuations in air temperature, low humidity and substantial radiation loss during the night. The melt intensity was about half of that observed on the overcast day. In analyzing the differences in melt rates one may first look at Fig. 3. The graph shows that the daily net radiation values on 13 and 24 April were 7 and 8 mm whereas the daily melt rates were 12 and 7 mm respectively. On 13 April positive air temperatures along with high wind speeds indicate substantial melt due to sensible heat. On 24 R. Kirnbauer& G. Blôschl AIR 8 TEMPERATURE -^V 0 V -4 VAPOUR 6" PRESSURE (near) 4 2 WIND 4 SPEED (m s-1) 2 ^->/ VA- NET 300 RADIATION (W m-2) 200 100" /v 0. PRECIP. \ g" («s h-1) 0.8 „ „ mrJln LYSIMETER 3" OUTFLO* (mm h-1) 2™ f mm^^Jllihr Jk Oh 12h 24h Oh 12h 24h APRIL 13 APRIL 24 FIG. 4 Comparison of a clear sky and a rainy day in April 1989.
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