'AiIif_ r CENSUS 198-1 PARTS XIII-A & B TOWN & '/ILLAGE 'DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE ,I ,PRIMARY CENSUS SERIES-S ABSTRACr~ GUJARAT DISTRICT SURAT CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK R. S. CHHAYA 01 tbe Indian Administrative S,nice Director of Censul Operlltio", . (fuJllr,1 CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Census of India, 1981 Series-5 Gujarat are being published in the following parts Part Subject Covered Number .I-A Administration Report-Enumeration I-B Administration Report-Tabulation ·II-A General Population Tables-A-Series .II-B General Population Tables - Primary Census Abstract III-A General Economic Tables - B-Series (Tables B-1 to B-IO) III-B General Economic Tables - B-Series (Tables B-ll to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables - C-Series (Tables C-l to C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables - C-Series (Tables C-7 to C-IO) V-A Migration Tables - D-Series (Tables D-l to D-4) V-B Migration Tables - D-Series (Tables D-5 to D-13) VI-A Fertility Tables - F-Series (Tables F-l to F-19) VI-B Fertility Tables - F-Series (Tables F-20 to F-28) • VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population VIII-A Household Tables (Tables HH-l to HH-16) VIII-B Household Tables (Table HH-17) VIII-C Report on Households IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes ~ X-A Town Directory X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns x-c Survey Reports on Selected Villages XI Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on -Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XII Census Atlas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK '{ . XIII-A Vill~ge: and town DireQtory XIII-B Villag~ -and Townw;ise Primary Census Abstract • PubliiM8:~'''' Note: (1) All the maps included in this publication are based upon Survey of India Map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. (2) The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate Base Line. (3) (e) Government of India Copyright 19&6. ," ..w:-/:,. Poet Narmada was born at Surat on 24th August, 1833 and was a primary school teacher. With Narmad began the Renaissance in Gujarati Literature. He was the harald of the Modern Age. He imbibed new spirit of the West and brought it into his own poetry. Gujarati Poetry, which was uptil· now predominantly devotional poetry took a new turn Narmad wrote lyrics, narativ 3 poetry, natu re poetry, patriotic poetry. There was no prose worth the name in Gujarati Literature. Narmad started writing in Prose. He wrote essays-both personal and objective and became our Montaigne. He saw that the best medium of spreading one's views was news-paper and started 'DANDIO'-a fortnightly. Through this he at·tacked fearlessly all that was sham, corrupt, hypocritic and irrational. He also compiled the first ever Dictionary in Gujarati known as 'NARMA KOSH', wrote the history of the world known as 'RAJYA RANG' Narmad was our first social reformer. He opposed everything that WdS superstitious, irrational and against the best interest of the people. As such, he attacked the custom of child-marriage, advocated the widow-remarriage, exhorted the people not to believe in Ghost and witch-crabt. He openly challenged tile Bhuvas to administer theIr Black-Magic on him. No one came forward. It was his greatest victory. He also opposed publicly through his speeches and writing the corrupt religious practices. He died in February, 1886. In a short life-span of fiftythree years, Narmad became a pioneer of Modern Gujarati. His name will ever be cherished and remembered as 'Veer Narmad' • J: III ! I i • fLJ a.. u • o lCJ <Xl iii ~ o lL (j)©!! i. " • 00 I I I ~ x • ... A /! v . '0". '~. ~ "0 z <; "o "C iii .. <{ i a. o J: U 9 U KRKAl'A District I SURAT Pale Particulan Col. For Read Page Particulars Col. Por Read ' No. No. No. No. 2 3 4 5 l 3 --------------------..--- .. -----------------------~ f0REWORD 63 L.C.No. 12(l~Limodara 20 N2; TJ N2 M : :3 iO 1st Half,SI.No. 16 4 Not cit ar ~O lInd Half 1st para Local Local 2nd Half Sl.No. 61 3 Not elfaf 58 ; ~th line 9th word 71 1st Falf SI.N", 115 2 Rorvad Rosvad . (v) lInd Half-2nd para Counlry Country 76 lit; w L.C.No. 68-Maritba - Blank .Uninbabited 19th line-3rd word 77 L.C.No. S7-AmJi 18 6.14 (viii) 1st Half-lst line spelings : pelling~ 78 'L.C.No. 72-Areth 7· S H, 8th word N, 80 l,C.No. 90-Rflkhas Khadi 7 W (viii) 1st Half -5th para C overment Government W,TW 3rd line -last word 8 W,TW· -(-.5Kms) L.C.1"o. 100-Karunthl (viiif' 1st Half-Sth para Goverment Government II PR KR • 8th line-lst word 1.C,No. l04-Jhari 3 3~0. ~7 3JO.37 D .. dhvada L.eNo. IC6-Bbatkhai ANALYTICAL NOTES 9 -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms L.C.N<,. 105-Bhatkhai 10 BS -(-5 Kms) L.C Nt.>. 109-Usked Khurd II KR PR,KR tv) I st Hal fist para- admint­ adminis­ 19th line-last word stration stration L.C.No. II I-llad 11 KR PR,KR lV) ]st Hair lInd para- Indepe­ Indepen­ L.e.No. 112-NandDor II 7('4 (! 3 2) 70' (132) 27th line~6th word nence dence 83 L.C,No. 131 Amalchuni 15 19,98 129.98 (v) lInd Half-2nd para stata state 84 L.C.No. 135 Magatra II PR PR,KR 1st line 4th word L.C No. 138 Yankl. 11 PR PR;KR (vi) 1st Half-1st para- Cnsns Census 3rd line-last word L.C No. 13. RHjvad 11 PR PRKR 89 1st Half SI.No. 106 (viiI 1st Half-lInd para- at of 5 76 74' 4th line: 7th word 1st H.Jf SI.No. 1:!3 4 Not clear 104 (vii) 1st Half-Last para­ distlct district 2nd Half SI.No. 163 2 Not c~ear V>dda P lst line-5th word ·Bhensect (x) Livestock Table­ 4 Not Clear 88,u97 2nd Half SI.No. 177 2 Not clear Virthava SI.No. B(2) 90 L C.No. II Satkasbi 3 3.304;85 4, 0 •. 85 (xix) Table 1-S1.No.13 2 Palasna Palsana 91 L.C,Ne. I Samarkuva 14 Kice Rice lxix) Table I-SI.No.13 9 Not clear (85.71) L,C.No. 3 Amaldi IS 1,749.0;) -Palsana 1,2l6.00 L.C.No. Ajvilr IS 1,2.16.80 (XX) Table 2-SI.No.12-Mahuva 4 10,741 JO~,241 1,749.8() L C No.8 Mandvi Pani 12 Vkai-40 Ukai 41)· (Xx) T~ble.l-fll.No.~-Mahuva 8 (30.92) 00,62) 93 L.C.No. 6 Bodi Sayar (xx) Table 2-SI.No.13-P.lsana 9 (91.46) (93.80) 15 43.00 L.C.No. 27 Y~ghn!ra IS (xx) Tllble 2-Total 7 Not clear ) ,003.529 43.00 L c."o 36 N~d Khervan \xxiv) Table 7-SI.N ... I-Cborasi S Not clear· (SO.l!) 16 OC(8.00) GO 8.001 LC.No, 38 Palhard.f. 16 \V E(l.CO) GC!:.lO): (xxix I Ta ble II'-SI, No.16-Sural 3- Blink See Consti­ Urban Agglomeration 6 tuent Units I L.C.No. 41 Ghod. 16 GC(30.00) WE(30.00) (xxxii) Table 13-Sl.No. 4-Mangrol 8 10,27 JO.127 96 L C,I"o 69 Kikakui 10 OS,KS BS.RS (xxxii) Table 13 Sl.No. 6-Son~aQh 8 Not clear 27,0;7 97 L C No. ~O Champuvadi 13 EA (xxxiii) 1st Half-lsI para- rates. late 98 L c.~o. 91 Dhimodi S P P,O I'th line-7tll word L.C.No. to! Bat Amrai 9 -(-SKms) -(10+ Kms) L.C No, 10,' Chimkuva :; 9 -(IO+Kms):--HKms) VILLAGE DlRBCTORY 104 L C No. 167 Malungdev 4 7H 9H .. (1~0) (170-) :1 Medical Ameni i:s SI.No. S 3 Blank HC 107 L.C.No. 176 Rasmati 14 Kodra, Kodra, Health Centre J~war. Jowar. 28 L.C.No. M:"Orml 16 HiS I 165.61 klc<.Wheal Wh<at L.C.No, 177 U~ai 14 K du, 29 L.CNo. 74-2nd line 16 CC(143.0~) GC,143.(0) Kodra,low~r S,\\an Rrsettl~mellt Jowar, Rice, Wheat .• Whellt 11 L.C.No. !l8 Segwachhama 16 GC023.00) GC{183.00) 16 \\E(MO.lO) WE(40.00) Serial L C. No. 177 Ukai 1 77 177 Resettlement 39 L.C.No. i-Col. 17-Gbaludi 2(0.00 207.0() Grand Total 20 C(29) C, 2't, 40 L.C.No. 19 Khoh",d 4 4,98" 4.~86 T,74) 1 (7) 42 L.C.!IoJo.37-Navasam II I R "K PR.KR 111 lst Half SI.No. 11 2 Chandliav- Chadhav- 47 Total 17 Not clear 1!'.46~.1 bunde b,mde SO SI.No.4 S 54 S6 lst Half SI.NO> 11 . 3 43 .. 33 j 51 SI.No. 88 1 Nana Nana 1st HJlf Sl.l'\o. 13 4 . Nvt clear 114 .: ..... Borsanl Banara 1st Half Sl.No, 2S 3' Not CleAr 18 58 L.C.No. 77-Sarda 2 Sarda~ SJlda :nd Hlllf 51.No. 46 2 Paakbli Pankhri E It • A T A-c".ttl. Col. Por Read Page Particular.
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