
THE PACIFIC CITIZEN Established 1929 National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League (75c Postpald us.) 25 Cents #2,581 Vol. 110 No.25 ISSN: 0030-8579 941 East 3rd St., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 Friday. June 29. 1990 • New Notional JACL Officers Toke Office RESOLUTION PRAISES WWWS NISEI DRAFT RESISTERS SAN DIEGO, Calif. - Candidates for the ix ational Board Offices were JACL A H I C W d elected last week at the 31st Biennial JACL Convention. All ran without oppo - cts to eo ommun.ety oun 5 ilion but required a imple majority. The new JACL national officer.;, with the number of vote received, are: ~ident-Cressey akagawa (inl:), 88; vice pre ident for generaf operauons-PrisciUa Ouchida {mc.),73; Lillian Kimur'd (write·in), I; vice pl"C.'ldent for public affairs Floyd Mon, 72, vice pre ident for planning and development-William Kaneko. 9: Vice president for membership and >ervicl!lr- Ted 1asurnoto, I; secretary·treasurer-Tom akao Jr , 50; Randolph hibata (write-in). 1 AI 0 elected were the two board member.; repre enting youth. Kim Tachikl defeated Joe Takano for the po t of youth repre entalive, and Tri ha Murakawa, runmng unoppo ed. was elected national youth council chatr Only the youth repre entatlve cast ballots for the e offices 31 st Biennial JACL Convention in San Diego Ends; LEC Honors 12 • By Harry K. Honda from EnomOto; en Spark M. Matsunaga, POSl­ - humou Iy from Shig Wakamatsu; Sen i}aniel SAN DIEGO - Curtains for the 31 t Photo by Koren Serigucho K Akaka (D-Hawaii) In absenua from Mae Biennial ational JACL Convention Takahashi; Rep. orman Mmeta (D-CaJif.) from NO DISSENT HEARD-Representatives from the Pacific Northwest enjoy carne down low Iy-taki ng up four Henry Tanaka; Rep Robert MatsUI CD-Calif) the Notional Council's unanimous vote for a resolution regarding the hours-at the ayonara Banquet and from Denny Yasuhara, Rep. Barney Frank (0- draft resisters. From left are PNW District Governor Bob Sato, Seattle Dance last Fnday (June 22) at the Mass ) from Grayce K Uyehara; Thomas H Kean (former two-term governor of ew Jer- Chapter President Vicki T oyoharo-Mukai, and Notional V ice President Pacific Ballroom of Prince Resort but ContiT/lled OT/ Page 5 for Public Affairs Cherry Kinoshita. in a memorable. in ptring and meaning­ ful fasluon As for highlightl. they were the pre- entation of the Japanese American of ith th me obJe live. the chapter the Bienmum Award to educator Dr. Peter Irons Challenges JACL to Be Concerned had ubmitted J re olullon at the 19 Ronald Takaki m absentta. film pro­ convention that ked the JAt:L to ducer Steven Okazaki and Rep . Robert of Others in 'Exile' and 'Concentration Camps' apologize for a tion taken during T. Matsui . the LEC' Redre Celebra­ WWII that au d the o<a1led o-No tton and awarding one-of-a-kind By Harry K. Honda tinued the JACL made the tatement public from "denoun mg the Japan Boy "injune. prun and injuuce." ceramIc plates created by Fre no San ei SAN DIEGO - Peter Iron • an attor­ aI 0 urgmg Japane e American to ac­ as di loyal and dangerou ." That olutlOn generated on iderable ceramicist Robert Ogata to 12 hon­ ney deeply involved with the coram cept" acrificing ome of our privileges lrop. added, "the price of thi po i­ debate. orees; and in tallation of the national nobi legal team which challenged the and rights of citizen hip" to keep the tion. · eem to a lawyer and But. Toyohara-Mukai aid. "It was JACL officer.; for the next blenmum. wartIme internment of the three i ei­ ru torian, was to cheapen the Con dtu­ ne er our intent lh I Reolution No. 7 Nakagawa Reelected YasUl. Korematsu and H.irabayashi and tion." reate the emouonal dl ord and di ~nt a political cience profe or at UC San National JACL Then he quickJy added. "Fortu­ that occurred " Cre sey akagawa was reele ted na­ nately. the JACL upported the Coram Unable to ome to a con en us In ttonal presIdent. running unopposed but Diego. wa the keynote peaker at the ational JACL Awards banquet Mon­ Creates Legacy obi Legal Team when It began the 19 8, the atlonal CounCIl referred the uch eleclton al 0 required a majority effort in 1983 to clear the criminal re­ re lulion to a Presidential elect Com­ of the chapten. present and voting to day night (June 18) at the Princes Re­ ort convention center. Endowment Fund cords of Gordon . M.in , and Fred." mittee, whIch was to i ue Its finding be ated Other officer.; aI 0 ran unop­ o mention was made of the J CL In 1990. posed. They were: In the cour.;e of hi peech," ome AN DIEGO - new endowment or V ICtOry for Humanity." which refer.; to legacy fund that will provide In ome brief m upport of the Korematsu case Toyohara-Mu al reported that an m­ The only other mcumbent Pn cilia Horace Martn' exhortation to for national and chapter program got before the U. upreme Court in 1944. dependent eanle-area commmee, Ouchlda, v.p. general operatton; Mt. graduate of Antioch College of l859. approval from the ational Council last whi h was later publi hed as '1'he Case compri ing hapter memben. and isei Olympu chapter preSIdent Floyd Mon. a glimpse of wartime JACL ru tory week. for the isei" that included the court' veteran ,had al 0 ludied the i ue. and p. I pubJi affair.;; Wilham Kaneko, materialized that "perhap (was) the teering committee compri ing the opmion of the majority and minority that Its finding ' were "trikinglyimilar v p. I plartning and development; mo t di turbing" to rum when national pre ident, national ecretaryl juri ts CCIII/Im/eci un Puge 5 OlympIa chapter past pre ident Ted Htrabayasru's lawyer.; had asked the treasurer. national duector and the eight The 20-minute talk covered ru e - Ma umoto. v.p. Imember.;hlp ervlces; JA L to file a upportmg appeal bnef district governor.; will begm work im­ perien over the past decade with the Convention Tote Bag Cleveland chapter past pre ident Tom and were rebuffed. mediately on a fund-rai ing campaign. wartime IOternment c e that he de- akao 1r, . ecretary-trea urer; and Iron recalled that JACL leader.; had The auonal Board has et a goal cribed were "the mo t fulfilhng and Filled With Goodies youth council chau Tri ha Murakawa earher refused to upport Min YasUl' of 10 ITUlhon. to be rru ed 0 er a 3- exci ting" and proceeded to weave them and Impressiye Booklet and youth counctl repre entatlve Klm challenge to the 1942 curfew ord r . year penod begmnlng thi eptember. from a ru torical per.;pecli e . "move­ Tachiki The 1 CL tatement read. "I ational Earning from the fund are to be dis­ ments for ocial change." DIEGO - orne heavy can- Rep. Robert Matsui of acramento Headquarters I' unalterably opposed to tnbuted as follow.: 65% for nallonal WhIle the m pinngtory of the red­ 3lo tote bag emblazoned WIth the blue­ •• wore m the officer.; te t case to deterrmne the con titutton- program , 20% to hapt r.;. 10% for re movement I a time for celebration. green 1990 J C convenll n log and Remark ' were extended by atlOnal ahty of military regUlation " chapter and dl lnct program • and 5% Iron remmded thaI other movements the royal blue mon Bank of Cahfomla ~ J CL Pre Ident akagawa of San The author whose recent book delve to be retamed as a pro vi ion for growth agrunsl injulice need upport, u h logo on the out. ide were ready r del­ Franci co, who chatred and managed deeply on the coram nobl ase con- of the fund. the Internal e ile WIthin . (the egate regl tenng dunng the y,.eek of ~ to adjOurn the naltonal council meetmg homele . community of gay' and Ie - June 17 - 2 at the an DIego Prin e. • with 90 minute to 'pare He bnefly bian ) and exil from their homelands Re ort • It was filled WIth tnfonnauon 01 Im­ re iewed the event · and direction of in Pale tine, EI Salvador and those In Former Calif. Assemblyman Floyd Mori: medIate use to the VI Hor.-h .... 10 get JACL over the past bienntum "a w outh America. around an Diego n I~ popular red tep mto the '90s ~ ith optimim." Nat~1 He also ugg~ted there w a" hlte Mt. Olympus JACLer Elected to n of uburban segregatt n around [rolle) to the Tijuana rder a pur.c erving as ITU 'Ire of eremontes Oashlight from Pa Ilk Gas Ell! tric . .. the nec of the bla k urban underclas were Dent e )- amalia, KN D -Chan­ Board as V.P. for Public Affairs has created a fonn of con entratton h re to eat in nearby Paclli Bea h nel 10 new, anchor. for the mrun ban­ and dl ouO! come-on for ,uuvenir the ftrSt CaM rnla tate trade faIr and camps that breed cnme, drug use and quet; Peggy Liggett of Fresno and d pair " Menko ton of W t Lo Angele , for exhtbltion 10 T kyo in 19 2. He aI Cre y akagawa. In artnoun mg th LE elebrat\on. tnmated the ftrSt W tem Governor.;' • conferen e on internauonal trade the Ralph cas a:. inner of the Edi n same year Uno Ci il RIghts Award.
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