IFC SPECIAL FIAT LUX IFC SPECIAL Vo.l 51, No. 11 ALFRED, NEW YORK, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1963 Phone 587-5402 Four Preps to Star at IFC Weekend Quartet Is Noted For Versatility Richard Maltby Orchestra The Four Preps, one of the na- tion's most famous vocal groups, •Will highlight the Interfraternity "Wleekend with a Saturday after- Will Play at Friday's Ball noon concert in Alumni Hall The annual IFC Weekend spon- The featured event at the Ball from 1:45 to 3:45. sored by Alfred's six fraternities will be the crowning of the IFC The Preps became national cel- will be held this Friday and Sat- Queen, who will be selected from ebrities with "26 Miles," record- seven candidates chosen earlier ed in 1958. They began recording urday. with Capitol Records in 1957 with by the Interfraternity Council. Highlight of the weekend will "Dreamy Eyes." Other smash hits Sigma Chi ,Nu will be repre- included "Down by the Station," be the appearance of the Four sented by quieen candidates Gail "Big Man," and "Cinderella" from Preps whose college perform- the motion picture "Gidget." Gregory and Gerry Slavik. Nom- ances havie taken them to every The quartet is composed of inees Madeline Gallo and Myrna Bruce Belland, Glen Larson, Mar- state of the union. At the Uni- Ottaway are residents at Kruson. vin Ingram, and Ed Cobb. The versity of Minnesota, Illinois and Kihm Richardson is representing boys attended Hollywood High The Four Preps will perform Saturday afternoon at 1:45 in South Dakota, to mention a few, the Castle. The other two can- School together, and got their Alumni "" Hall as feature attraction of IFC Weekend, they broke all existing attendance didates are freshmen Maureen »tart when they sang in a high in Las Veigas and Harrah's Club planned on musical careers. They records. Klein and Sue Schreier. school talent show in 1955. Of the Lake Tahoe. were all active in sports; Glen four, only Ed is a native of Hol- Listening to and viewing The The versatile vocal group will lywood. Glen was born in Long and Bruce were track stars, Ed The jeweled crown will be plac- Preps' smooth vocal blend, out- appear at 1:45 p.m., Saturday Beach, Calif., Marv in Shreveport, was an All-Oity football player ed on the queen at midnight by rageous quick wit, and uncanny afternoon in Alumni Hall. La., and Bruce in Chicago, 111. sense of timing, one must mar- and Marvin lettered in basket- Otto Eleiiteri, president of IFC. Since high school days, the vel at the fate that brought to- ball. They also had their careers The IFC is particularly happy Preps have appeared on many tel- The fraternities will have par- gether four lads of such com- chosen. Glen planned on being with their choice of the dance levision shows, among them the patible talents, said one review- ties on both Friday and Saturday Ed Sullivan Show and the Ernie a TV writer; Bruce, a public re- band which will play at the Ball, er. nights. This will be the first Ford Hour. Their college appear- lations man; Marvin, an attor- Friday night in the Men's Gym, If there were any doubts about big weekend for the newly tapped ances have taken them to every the Preps' versatility, one of their ney; and Ed, a research chem- according to Jay Wanderman, IFC state of the union. In addition, hit records, "More Money for You ist. publicity director. Richard Malt- fraternity pledges. ithey have played almost every and Me," should have cleared Glen and Ed attended Los An-, by is one of the top conductor- major state fair in the country The Friday night parties will them up. In it, The Preps spin geles City College until their ca- arrangers in the country, Wan- and all of the top night spots, in- off amazingly accurate imitations be regular partieb while the Sat- derman added. Life Magazine cluding Los Angeles' Cocoanut of other vocal groups ranging reers monopolized their time. urday night parties might feature Grove, Hollywood's Crescendo, Re- from The Fleetwoods to the Four Marvin and Bruce attended U.C. called Maltby "an enterprising bands. On Saturday, cocktail par- no's Riverside Hotel, San Fran- Freshmen. L.A., Marvin long enough to ob- band leader in tune with the ties and biiffet diniw;rs"wTlT~f oT- cisco's Facks II, the Dune Hotel In high school, the boys had not tain a bachelor's degree. timed." low the ooncert. Calendar of Events Friday Evening IFC Ball at 9 p.m. In the Maltby Orchestra Rated Outstanding Men's Gym. Richard Maltby Or- Richard Maltby and his orches- chestra will play. 'tra will perform Friday night of Fraternity parties before and IFC Weekend In the Mens Gym at after the Ball. 9 p.m. Saturday Maltby has transferred the big Four Preps will perform from band image into living reality, 1:45 to 3:45 p.m. In Alumni aimed at the feet of the dancing Hall. public. Through the years the Fraternities will have parties Maltby formula has remained 8aturday night. clear and bright. He is a multifac- eted musician—conductor - ar- ranger - instrumentalist—all fus- Tickets ed into a signature highly honor- Tikcets are available for both ed in musical circles. ths/Four Preps and the IFC To cite Maltby as an innovat- Ball. Tickets for the Preps are or, one need only mention such 97 per couple; for the Baall,l $3 solid hits as "St. Louis Blues per xouple. Mambo," which practically start- ed the standard-to-mambo-beat fad, or "Theme from the Man IFC Special With The Golden Arm," which This special issue of the FIAT proceeded by a number of years LUX was paid for by the Inter- the current boom in motion pic- fraternity Council. Members of ture theme song recordings. The the Council are Delta Sigma Richard Maltby Octet is a nu- Phi, Kappa Psl Upsilon, Klan cleus of the big band which can Alpine, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi alee act as a separate entity. Epsilon PI, and Tau Delta Phi. Consisting of only reeds (4 reed Band leader Rietiard Maltby will bring his orchesrta to Alfred Friday evening to play at the HFC Ball. men playing 21 reed instruments the sound is solid, the arrange- Little's outfit to barnstorm the in every conceivable combination) Fiat Lux ments are distinctive, and the country on one-night stands. and rhythm, plus Maltby on the selections are those today's danc- aforementioned Instruments, and Maltby left the one nighters in lers demand. 1940 and stayed in his hornet devoid of the contrapuntal trum- NOM er try Tuesday of Bepiestntad ter aadeaal ad. town Evanston, 111, where he se- Ih HbMl yea* by a statai pets and surging brass, the usual Maltby's startling career almost THtUai by Hattos*) ita cured a staff arranger's Job at Matt Altered as aaeoad dui Maltby trademark, the Octet gen- ended before it began. His first tialn» Barrica, Im, 4M Ila* professional engagement was with WBBM, writing everything from •attar Oet 9, IIIS, at UM erates a surprising big band'out IM ITSH, Maw Tort; CM», Fritz" Miller's dance band at the romantic background music to Fata Office in Jütnt, Hew burst. York, «ata A* et ltonfc S. New Tork. MMoiptta H Royal Frolics Club on South Wa- dramatic shows including the ori- Whatever the trend, one can bash Avenue which was control- un. ready. ginal musie heard on the Army,. always expect the Maltby group led by Al Capone. Amid the flur- Navy, Air Force and Marin» to offer a variety of styles, some- ry of gangland revels, the 16 shows during the war years. Alfred University's Student Newspaper times marked by * wistful re- year old trompeter wasn't exact- He later moved to New York, straint and A relaxed, smooth ly • good insurance risk. He started his own musical series on feeling, sometimes by a raw ur- stayed one night and moved his Alfred, New York, Thursday, December 5, 1963 •ABO radio and participated in a gency and a stunning emotional trumpet chair to Little Jack number of recording sessions. PAGE TWO FIAT LUX, ALFRED, NEW YORK THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1963 7 Coeds Nominated for IFC Queen Myrna Ottaway Blue-eyed Myrna has blond hair and is a junior English major from Oriskany. She resides at Kruson and has interests in horse- back riding and swimming. ' ' Madeline Gallo Sue Schreier Brown-eyed Madeline is a sophomore Eng- Sue, a freshman from Honolulu, Hawaii, is lish major from Northport. Active in cheer- 5'7" and has brown hair and hazel eyes. She leading arid iatramural sports, she is 5'4". plans to major in chemistry and in interested in golf and riding. Kihm Richardson A junior English major from Buffalo, Kihm has blond hair and blue eyes. She is a sister in Sigma Chi Nu and is interested in danc- ing, art, and music. Maureen Klein Moe, a freshman from Woodmere, plans to Gail Gregory major in biology. She has brown hair and Brown-haired Gail is 5'5" and has bine hazel eyes and is active in swimming and eyes. A senior from Port Allegany, Pa., she other sport«. is an English major with interests in swim- ming and dancing. Gerry Slavik A junior in Ceramic Design from Tslip, Gerry is 5'6" and has blond hair and bine eyes. She is a sister of Sigma Chi Nu and is active in art, dancing! arid swimming.
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