County People Prepare for Byrne Inaugural SEE STORY, I1CTI RESPiCtS 10 \M) li The Weather Increasing cloudiness today, high about 30. Mostly cloudy, FINAL not quite as cold tonight and tomorrow. EDITION F^BEGISTER 24 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Xewspaper V0L96 NO. 110 RED BANK-M1DDLETUWN, N.J. MONDAY, JANUARY It, 1974 TEN CENTS M1IIIIMIII1I MMI1MIIIIII IIMIIItlKIIIIIXIIIIII II Impoundment of Sewer Funds May Cost State $200 Million NEWARK (AP) - Presi- "This cut just means the situ- it'll take about four or five age Authority to clean the Charles Bums, an engineer dent Nixon's decision to im- ation is worse." years before people at the bot- Raritan Bay. for the Two Bridges Sewerage pound sewage treatment con- Nixon impounded $3 billion tom of the list get their proj- In 1973, the authority re- Authority, which is planning a struction funds could cost out of (7 billion Congress had ects funded," Friedel added. ceived $57 million to update multi-million dollar treatment New Jersey nearly $200 mil- appropriated for the next fis- Friedel would not comment its treatment facilities as part system for Fairfield, Lincoln lion, according to state offi- cal year to help finance con- on which projects would have of a bay area cleanup. Patten Park and Pequannock, said cials. struction of waste treatment to be cancelled, saying next said the authority will seek an the authority has learned George Friedel, director of plants. Friedel said New Jer- year's priority list would not additional $75 million to build from the Department of Envi- the state Division of Water sey was to receive 6.3 per cent be released until July 1. 25 miles of sewer trunk lines ronmental Protection that Resources, says the cut could of the total. That percentage Rep. Edward J. Patten, D- with the project in 1976, and supplementary funds will be mean that only about 30 of the of the impounded $4 million N.J., said the impoundment those funds could be held up available for the project. BeaJamlnH. Daaskla Mrs. AM D. Flyaa Webster B. Todd water treatment projects on equals $189 million. could hold up operations by by the cutbacks the President Burns said the project is rank- the state's priority list will be "At the rate we're going, the Middlesex County Sewer- ordered. ed seventh on the state's list. funded next year. "If we got all the money Congress had appropriated this year and for next year Todd Heads GOP, and added it all together, we Schools ^—s^ austilul wouldn'wuuiun ti havnave cuuu&enoughu fourn M ' _ -Tfc • /•- ¥Tl "I just this year's list," he said. Eye Shift LountyKitt Hinted Find Body By JIM McCORMICK Mr. Todd, 74, served as the state chairmanship. Mrs. In Hours state chairman from 19(1 to Flynn became acting state By The Associated Press TRENTON - A major 1969. He was backed by sup- chairman upon Mr. Spoltore's Of Boy In crack may be forming in the porters of Rep. Charles Sand- death. Concern for the safety of usually solid Monmoulh Coun- man, while Mr. Danskin was The county chairman began students has prompted about ty Republican organization boosted by allies of Gov. Wil- lining up support, and last Kidnaping 30 New Jersey school districts because County Chairman liam r. Cahil). night he said that more than JAMESTOWN, N.Y. (AP) to begin classes later because Benjamin H. Danskin believes Rep. Sandman defeated 15 of the state's 21 county — The partly frozen, bruised of daylight saving time, and that Mrs. Ann D. Klynn, vice Gov. Cahill in a divisive Re- chairmen supported him for body of a 14-year-old kidnap hundreds of other districts chairman of the state GOP publican primary election last the top post. victim has been found tied to were considering it. committee, worked against June. Mr. Sandman lost the But a major problem was a tree in a heavily wooded Most of the districts that him in his unsuccessful bid to gubernatorial election to that the county chairmen area near his home, author- become state GOP chairman. made the change are in rural Democrat Brendan T. Bryne were not the ones who had to ities said. or suburban communities, Mr. Danskin charged last by more than 700,000 votes, vote Mr. Danskin into office. Investigators said the snow- where many children have to night that Mrs. Flynn, of Deal the largest margin in a gu- That task fell to the 42 state covered body of Daniel Ebcr- walk to school along streets worked with Fred Coldren, bemational election in state committee members. sole, who had been missing with no sidewalks executive director of the state history. Mrs. Flynn confirmed last since Tuesday night, was City schools also were con- GOP committee, "to pola- Mr. Todd fills the unexpircd night that the 40 committee found slumped against the sidering the later class starts, rize" the state committee and 3^-year term of John Spot- members present Friday tree yesterday by an agent of but schedule changes were the county chairmen's associ- tore, who was elected state voted as follows: 23 for Mr. the Federal Bureau of In- »f Wlrt»MI» more difficult for them be- chairman last June and died Todd; 12 for Mr. Danskin and vestigation and a deputy sher- EXPRESSION OF OPINION — Minnesota Vikings fan Lee Mollers ot St. cause of Interlocking trans- Dec. 11. five for Frederic Remington, iff. Paul left little doubt what he thought of the team's Super Bowl perform- portation systems and region- The state committee Seeks Saspsrt Essex county chairman Investigators said a glove al education programs. Friday, meeting in a closed Mr. Spoltorc wis Rep. Sand- Mrs. Flyaa Rapped ance as he watched the fourth quarter of the game yesterday in a St. Paul had been stuffed in the bar. The Vikings were 24-7 victims of the Miami Dolphins, (see page 14.) Most of the schedule executive session, elected man's choice for chairman, Mr. Danskin charged that youth's mouth and held in changes provided that classes Webster B. Todd state chair- and Fred Coldren. a staff as- Mrs. Flynn and Mr. Coldren place with surgical tape. They will start half an hour or an man In the secret ballot. sistant to Mr. Sandman, was "polarized the state com- said a ski mask had been hour later than usual. The Mrs. Flynn last night said the congressman's choice for mittee members against the pulled over his face, covering changes were intended to stay that "if my friendship over executive director of the state party structure." his eyes. in effect until the middle of all these years puts this doubt committee. "The stuff coming from Authorities said the cause of Sadat and Kissinger next month, when the sun In his (Mr. Danskin s) mind, Mr Danskin, shortly after state headquarters indicated death had not been deter- will again be rising before then he hat to do a lot of Mr. Spoltore's death, an- that Mr Coldren and Mrs. mined and that an autopsy is children leave for school at growing up as a politician.' nounced that he would seek See CsMly, page 1 scheduled today. about 7: IS a.m. The body was found after Discuss Israeli Offer Last week, most children an anonymous telephone call had arrived at school before Daniel's parents. Dr. and By The Associated Press raeli and Egyptian lorcts calls for Israeli forces to with- the sun rose at about 8 20 Mrs Glen M F.bersole of the along the Suez Canal draw more than 20 miles from a.m. Could Have Produced Jamestown suburb of Labs* Mar) nf state Henry A. Kissinger and Sad.it met it the Suez (anal, "takes into Several superintendents wood, had paid $15,000 ransom Kissinger met tgali today Aswan, the winter resort in account" Sadat s thinking said travel hazards, aggra- for the boy Thursday Author- with President \riu,n s.nl;it upper Kgypt where Nail However, all Indications vated by snow. Iree/ing rain ities arrested three MM teen- of Egypt to discuss ."i I been recuperating from point to KKVptian rejection of and congested traffic, pro- agers Saturday, charging proposal he hmu^ht MM J*> chilis MMMir SHIII 'i a key point in the Israeli pUn voked complaints last week More Oil, Firms Say them with kidnaping rn for separation nf Is- raeli plan, which reportedly H calls (or a si/ahle thinninu from anxious parents In out of F.gyptian fnni's H Ihe WASHINGTON (AP) - <>f- stages." said one nf the offi- "The combination of gov- Camde.n. a 14 year-old girl east side of thr canal, in the 'il MM "I lbs Ml cials ivf in ernment pnlirii"! and thp lack wai raped on her way to Sinai Deseil .ind ihe with Urgent ml > i>m{>•• ni• product- that ml and with Ihe of new lenses made in- school in the dark ami Ml drawal hack into Iffft n( knmtlHlur that Ik) we could have gotten vestment hy Ihe ml companies miithi i lil.uui'd Ihe •Had on then I > iiiil CMM have piINIU< rtl nt>" (HI it under feder 4l pru I in Ihn i ountry tomewhat Speaker at king Idles regulation in pml vurt, we unMttraitivi- wM Niirmsa , Nep- 1 I hiihileil In yr«ri bui .i- would torn lint mime* DtBay manage! ul in MM To Miper il 111 lull bH-aiiM- il MMkli havr bttn NlttlMI l»i Ihe i.ulf Oil MM COJlftfflM Wlttl ISJMl.
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