S9574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 19, 2007 Now, as I mentioned, this is the sec- I also thank the members of Senator of whom will be named conferees, and, ond time in as many Congresses we KENNEDY’s staff for their hard work: of course, Senator ALEXANDER and Sen- have been on the brink of systemic re- Michael Myers, who is doing a mar- ator DOMENICI, who were really the form. We are going to make it through velous job of coordinating with us; Car- leaders on our side, in conjunction with the reform this time. I am so pleased at mel Martin; J.D. LaRock; Missy Rohr- Senator BINGAMAN, in developing this that. The students of America, what- bach; Emma Vadehra; Erin Renner; important bipartisan legislation. ever age, will benefit from this legisla- Raquel Alvarenga; and David Johns. Senator ALEXANDER kept pushing tion. We talk about the need for edu- Finally, I thank all the members of others forward. But, in fact, we all cation from the time you are born the HELP Committee and their staffs knew who the real leader on our side until the time you retire. We have for all their hard work throughout this was on this issue. He, in a very selfless some other pieces yet that we need to process. It has been hard work making way, helped move a bipartisan group do, such as the Workforce Investment sure everybody had an understanding together to form this important legis- Act, but we are on course to get that of all of these difficult issues and get- lation. I commend Senator ALEXANDER done too. ting us to this point. in particular for the role he played in The American system of higher edu- So again I thank the chairman for all of this. cation is renowned throughout the his hard work and cooperative work to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there world. America’s students will now be be able to get this done for the kids of objection? provided with the tools and assistance America. Without objection, it is so ordered. contained in both bills to complete I yield the floor. The bill (H.R. 2272), as amended, was their higher education and training to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. NEL- read the third time and passed. acquire the necessary knowledge and SON of Florida). The majority leader is The Presiding Officer appointed Mr. skills to be competitive in a 21st-cen- recognized. BINGAMAN, Mr. INOUYE, Mr. KENNEDY, tury economy. f Mr. LIEBERMAN, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. I supported reporting both bills out KERRY, Mr. NELSON of Florida, Mr. AMERICA COMPETES ACT of committee. I did ask they be consid- DOMENICI, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. ENZI, Mr. ered together and had that expecta- Mr. REID. Mr. President, there is a ALEXANDER, Mr. ENSIGN, and Mr. COLE- tion. So I am very pleased that the lot of good news today legislatively. MAN conferees on the part of the Sen- Senate Democratic leader has worked I now ask unanimous consent that ate. with us and provided an opportunity to the Senate proceed to the consider- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- have an open and full debate on the as- ation of Calendar No. 159, H.R. 2272, the ator from Massachusetts. pects of the Higher Education Act. House competitiveness bill; that all Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I join As debate on this bill comes to a after the enacting clause be stricken the two leaders in thanking our col- close, it is necessary to thank those and the text of the Senate companion, leagues and thank them for moving who worked long and hard on this bill. S. 761, as passed by the Senate, be in- this process forward in naming these First and foremost, I thank Chairman serted in lieu thereof; the bill be read a conferees on the America COMPETES KENNEDY. The bill we will be doing third time and passed, the motion to Act. I wish to underline the excellent Monday is virtually a bill the two of us reconsider be laid on the table, the work that was done under the bipar- worked out last year, for which we got Senate insist on its amendment, re- tisan leadership of Senator BINGAMAN to that brink of getting done, and then quest a conference with the House, and and Senator ALEXANDER, and the other it did not get done. So now we are pre- the Chair be authorized to appoint con- members of our committee. They have senting it again. I thank him for his ferees. worked long and hard on this legisla- commitment to keeping this process Mr. President, let me say this is the tion. bipartisan. end of a long haul to do a bill that is A very distinguished leader in busi- Education is bipartisan. There is no extremely important. This is a bipar- ness, Norm Augustine—who has been partisanship in that. I think that will tisan bill. There are a number of people the head of many of our defense indus- be displayed throughout the process. who have worked extremely hard on tries and is a real statesman in terms And I appreciate his working with me this legislation but no one harder than of defense policy—was enormously im- and my Republican colleagues on the Senators BINGAMAN and ALEXANDER. I portant in helping guide the bipartisan HELP Committee throughout this en- apologize for only mentioning their group, to get recommendations from tire process. We have a different proc- names. I am sure there are many oth- the National Academy of Sciences, the ess than some of the other committees. ers who worked just as hard as they National Academy of Engineering, the We use the markup to kind of find the did. I remember they were the first two National Science Foundation, and oth- direction, the intent and the intensity who talked to me about it, and there ers, to help prepare this legislation, of the feelings on the issue, and then has been a lot of time spent on this leg- and to make recommendations to the we actually keep working with people islation. House and the Senate. through that time to either correct the It is a bill that was passed in the This is an enormously important ef- situation or to get an understanding of Senate with little opposition. I am so fort to ensure that the United States what it is we are really doing. Some- happy we can now go to conference. can continue to be competitive in the times that even requires coming up The House has already passed some- world economy for years ahead. I think with a third way. But that is what has thing. We can come back with a bill this is a very solid and important bi- happened in both of these bills, and it that I think will really help produc- partisan effort. I join with our two gets us to this point. tivity in our country and help the edu- leaders, thanking them for their rec- Now, it involves a tremendous cational aspects of students, especially ommendations in terms of conferees, amount of work on the part of mem- in the scientific fields. and join in commending the bipartisan bers of the committee, but it also in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there effort that has seen this as continuing volves a tremendous amount of work objection? progress. by our staff. They work through week- The Republican leader is recognized. f ends. They work late into evenings try- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, re- ing to resolve a lot of these things so it serving the right to object—and I will COLLEGE COST REDUCTION ACT can get to the decision at the Member not object—there have been a number OF 2007—Continued level. of people on both sides of the aisle who Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I So I particularly thank Katherine have been deeply invested in this think with the consent agreement we McGuire, my legislative director; Beth America COMPETES Act. Several of are prepared to yield back the time we Beuhlmann, who heads up the edu- them will be shortly announced by the still have. I want to join, first of all, in cation shop; Ann Clough; Adam Chair as conferees. thanking my friend and colleague from Briddell; Amy Shank; Ilyse Schuman; Particularly, I want to single out Wyoming, as I did in the opening of the Greg Dean; Kelly Hastings; and Lind- Senator STEVENS, Senator ENZI, Sen- discussion and debate on education. say Hunsicker. ator ENSIGN, and Senator COLEMAN, all This reauthorization legislation—the VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:00 Jul 20, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19JY6.086 S19JYPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with SENATE_CN July 19, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9575 one we will consider on Monday—is leg- Wyoming in the hope we will not ex- going to say that if there was a sub- islation that had Senator ENZI’s name tend these amendments that have no stantive debate, we are prepared to on it until the change in the makeup of relevance to the education of the offer several second-degree amend- the Senate. We had worked on it in a young people in this country. They are ments. I hope I don’t have to do that bipartisan way. I think with the excep- entitled, I believe, to the kind of re- because I agree with the Senator from tion of the ethical issues, which have spect they should receive with an im- Massachusetts that we are dealing with been developed more recently, it is by portant piece of legislation that has higher education now, a very impor- and large a reflection of a really strong been bipartisan, it has been worked tant issue, and I think we should keep bipartisan effort, as our reauthoriza- through, and reflects the Nation’s judg- it clean and move forward.
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