January 1, 2016 56 seasons by flyingdeadman (France) https://flyingdeadman.bandcamp.com/album/56-seasons-2 released January 5, 2017 When You're Young You're Invincible by Dayluta Means Kindness (El Paso, Texas) https://dayluta.bandcamp.com/album/when-youre-young-youre-invincible released January 6, 2017 Icarus by Sound Architects (Quezon City, Philippines) https://soundarchitects.bandcamp.com/track/icarus released January 6, 2017 0 by PHONOGRAPHIA (attenuation circuit - Augsburg, Germany) https://emerge.bandcamp.com/album/0-2 released January 1, 2017 Chill Kingdom by The American Dollar (New York) https://theamericandollar.bandcamp.com/track/chill-kingdom released January 1, 2017 Anticipation of an Uncertain Future by Various Artists (Preserved Sound - Hebden Bridge, UK) https://preservedsound.bandcamp.com/album/anticipation-of-an-uncertain-future released January 1, 2017 Swimming Through Dreams by Black Needle Noise with Mimi Page (Oslo, Norway) https://blackneedlenoise.bandcamp.com/track/swimming-through-dreams released January 1, 2017 The New Empire by cétieu (Warsaw, Poland) https://cetieu.bandcamp.com/album/the-new-empire released January 1, 2017 Live at the Smilin' Buddha Cabaret by Seven Nines & Tens (Vancouver) https://sevenninesandtens.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-the-smilin-buddha-cabaret released January 1, 2017 EUPANA @ VIVID POST-ROCK FESTIVAL-2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcX3VKgaVsE Published on 1 Jan 2017 Clones by Vacant Stations (UK) https://vacantstations.bandcamp.com/album/clones released January 1, 2017 Presence, Volume 1 by Andrew Tasselmyer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://andrewtasselmyer.bandcamp.com/album/presence-volume-1 released January 1, 2017 Hibernate Sampler Volume 8 by hibernate https://hibernate.bandcamp.com/album/hibernate-sampler-volume-8 released January 1, 2017 Donna by Féroces (Besançon, France) https://feroces.bandcamp.com/album/donna released January 2, 2017 Brother fear by And Also The Trees, from 'Maësharn,' a documentary and live film following The Trees on their 'Born into the waves' tour in France, at the end of 2016 (release date March 3, 2017). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d- MyZTXPujw&feature=youtu.be Published on 2 Jan 2017 Recrudescence by Cousin Silas (weareallghosts - Motherwell, UK waag_rel095) https://weareallghosts.bandcamp.com/album/recrudescence-waag-rel095 released January 2, 2017 Thalamic Incongruity by Thisismenotthinkingofyou (Adorno Records - UK) https://adornorecords.bandcamp.com/album/thalamic-incongruity released January 3, 2017 The Sleep In Me by Collapse (Grenoble, France) https://collapseband.bandcamp.com/album/the-sleep-in-me released January 3, 2017 Evoke Vastness by Various Artists (Humming Frequencies - Basingstoke, UK) https://hummingfrequencies.bandcamp.com/album/evoke-vastness released January 3, 2017 Essay Revisited by Warmth (ARCHIVES - Spain) https://archivesdubmusic.bandcamp.com/album/essay-revisited released January 9, 2017 Lost rivers by Black Hill (Hungary) https://blackhill1.bandcamp.com/album/lost-rivers-mini-ep released January 3, 2017 Zero Sum by tsone (Phoenix, Arizona) https://tsone.bandcamp.com/album/zero-sum released January 3, 2017 Momento Kolekto by Bogatzke (Germany) https://bogatzkelectro.bandcamp.com/ released June 6, 2016 Burden Limbs (demo) by Burden Limbs (UK) https://burdenlimbs.bandcamp.com/track/burden-limbs-demo released November 15, 2016 Cura Cósmica by Ciberpajé (Lunare Music - São Paulo, Brazil) https://lunarelabel.bandcamp.com/album/cura-c-smica released January 1, 2017 Take Away My Gold Star by MrSteJ (Liverpool, UK) https://mrstej.bandcamp.com/releases released January 2, 2017 the cure for Lenau by murkok (Vyborg, Russia) https://murkok.bandcamp.com/album/the-cure-for-lenau released January 4, 2017 Vanished by A Light in the Dark (Podolsk, Russia) https://alightinthedark.bandcamp.com/album/vanished released September 28, 2016 The Protected Shards by Kevin Hufnagel (New York, New York) https://kevinhufnagel.bandcamp.com/album/the- protected-shards released January 2, 2017 I Made My Sacrifice Accordingly by They Grieve (Ottawa, Ontario) https://theygrieve.bandcamp.com/album/i-made-my- sacrifice-accordingly released December 19, 2016 Differences - visions of contemporary composition by Various Artists (Unexplained Sounds Group - Italy) https://unexplainedsoundsgroup.bandcamp.com/album/differences-visions-of-contemporary-composition releases January 7, 2017 Baby Teeth by Deadstar (Bangalore, India) https://deadstar777.bandcamp.com/album/baby-teeth released January 3, 2017 Elegeia by Faltre (Giessen, Germany) https://faltre.bandcamp.com/ released November 26, 2016 DO / RE by Blair Coron (Glasgow, UK) https://blaircoron.bandcamp.com/releases released December 18, 2016 One Might Wonder by King Sigh (Belgium) https://kingsigh.bandcamp.com/album/one-might-wonder released December 22, 2016 Our Hands Clasped Tight by I Drink Therefore There's Darkness (The Recording Industry Is Dead Records - Blackpool, UK) https://therecordingindustryisdeadrecords.bandcamp.com/album/our-hands-clasped-tight released January 6, 2017 Echolocation by Gone Is Gone (Mastodon, Michigan) https://goneisgone.bandcamp.com/album/echolocation released January 6, 2017 The Serpent Stone by Luna Moth (Norman, Oklahoma) https://lunamoth.bandcamp.com/album/the-serpent-stone released January 1, 2017 January 9, 2017 Alpha State by North End (West Chester, Pennsylvania) https://northend.bandcamp.com/album/alpha-state released January 10, 2017 MIASMA by ROSK (Warsaw, Poland) https://roskband.bandcamp.com/album/miasma released January 11, 2017 Star Roving by Slowdive (UK) https://slowdive.bandcamp.com/ released January 12, 2017 sun and clouds by lochheed (Arizona) https://lochheed.bandcamp.com/track/sun-and-clouds released January 7, 2017 Kinship: The Full Cycle Volume 2 from Her Name is Calla (Leeds, UK) https://hernameiscalla.bandcamp.com/merch/kinship-the-full-cycle-volume-2 shipping out on or around January 25, 2017 Embers by Koshari (Falls Church, Virginia) https://koshari.bandcamp.com/ released January 7, 2017 Luna by 100 day delay (Salt Lake City, Utah) https://100daydelay.bandcamp.com/album/luna released January 9, 2017 Our Memories Are Here To Haunt Us by Ghosts in the Photographs (Oxfordshire, UK) https://ghostsinthephotographs.bandcamp.com/releases released February 20, 2015 Illuminations (The New Year 2017 free compilation) by Various Artists ( DRONARIVM - Russian Federation) https://dronarivm.bandcamp.com/album/illuminations-the-new-year-2017-free-compilation released January 7, 2017 Macchina Spirituale by Senzafine https://senzafine.bandcamp.com/ released March 18, 2016 Tales - Today, Our Last Day On Earth by The Chasing Monster (Antigony Records - Italy) https://antigonyrecords.bandcamp.com/releases released January 13, 2017 Dependent Secondary by Dora the Destroyer (Portland, Oregon) https://dorathedestroyer.bandcamp.com/album/dependent-secondary released January 13, 2017 No Longer Fire. Now Marble. Now Cold. by Gimu (Assembly Field - UK) https://assemblyfield.bandcamp.com/album/no- longer-fire-now-marble-now-cold released January 15, 2017 LP3 by ALTO! (Portland, Oregon) https://altoexclamationpoint.bandcamp.com/album/lp3 released June 17, 2016 Live From The Byre by John Bassett (Sligo, Ireland) https://johnbassett.bandcamp.com/album/live-from-the-byre released January 15, 2017 Death of a Giant by Sea Yarns (Providence, Rhode Island) https://seayarns.bandcamp.com/ released December 5, 2016 Nothing but the rain... by Puzzle. (Laval, France) https://puzzlepostrock.bandcamp.com/album/nothing-but-the-rain released May 11, 2012 January 16, 2017 There Is No Stillness by Glories (Birmingham, Alabama) https://glories.bandcamp.com/ released January 20, 2017 Hemispheres: Volume I [Side A] by A Thousand Arms (Bozeman, Montana) https://athousandarms.bandcamp.com/album/hemispheres-volume-i-side-a released January 20, 2017 Hemispheres: Volume I [Side B] by A Thousand Arms (Bozeman, Montana) https://athousandarms.bandcamp.com/album/hemispheres-volume-i-side-b released January 20, 2017 The Human You by winterThieves. (UK) https://winterthieves.bandcamp.com/album/the-human-you released January 19, 2017 II by The Swan Thief (San Luis Obispo, California) https://theswanthief.bandcamp.com/ released January 20, 2017 Dear Avalanche by Lights & Motion (Deep Elm Records) http://deepelmdigital.com/album/dear-avalanche released January 20, 2017 Oscillations by Carpet (Salisbury, UK) https://carpetnoises.bandcamp.com/album/oscillations released January 15, 2017 The Beauty Of Winter by Anscharius (Ilza, Poland) https://anscharius.bandcamp.com/album/the-beauty-of-winter released January 15, 2017 Sixteen Reflections Define Years by Amp Rive (Italy) https://amprive.bandcamp.com/ released January 16, 2017 Seconds before a disaster by Forficula (Istanbul, Turkey) https://forficula.bandcamp.com/track/seconds-before-a-disaster released January 13, 2017 New Sickening Madness by Coven (Madrid, Spain) https://coven-project.bandcamp.com/album/new-sickening-madness released January 16, 2017 Hope & Black Cloud by Hope and Black Cloud (Lille, France) https://hopeandblackcloud.bandcamp.com/album/hope- black-cloud released October 26, 2016 Vanishing by Mutes (Birmingham, UK) https://mutesuk.bandcamp.com/track/vanishing released January 16, 2017 I Went Outside, I Could Hear The Houses Breathing, They Were Alive by Paragraphs (England) https://youstolemydomain.bandcamp.com/album/i-went-outside-i-could-hear-the-houses-breathing-they-were-alive released January 1, 2017 I by Altair
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