VOLUME 34, NO. 11. PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 2, 1893. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. A RIVAL FOR THE H THE WORK OF REORGANIZATION WILL BE THE GAS BELT LEAGUE PROGRESSING. OF INDIANA, President Fogel Will be Able to Call Such a League Now Being Organized the Delegates Together For Confer For Next Season An Eight-Club ence in About Two Weeks Six ol Allair With lore or Less Trolley the Eight Clubs Needed in Line, Line Backing the Probable Outcome, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 28. Editor Muneie, Ind., Nov. 27. "Editor "Sport- "Sporting Life:" President Horace Fogel, Ing Life:" A Gas Belt Base Ball League of the reorganized Atlantic League, to-day Is assured for next season. All the pre spoke most encouragingly of the outlook liminary details have been, arranged. The for the organization. Said he: "The At cities included in the League are Elwood, lantic Base Ball League has nearly com Alexandria, Marion, Anderson, Muneie, pleted its circuit for next year and will- Fairmount, Kokomo and Richmond. The be ready to hold a meeting for permanent plans for the organization are thought to organization in about two weeks. Si(x of be such that the league will be success the eight clubs have been organized, with ful from the beginning.- In each of the good business men and plenty of capital cities the ball grounds are to be located back of them, and the other two are now ou the electric line of the Union. Traction under process of formation. The policy Company, and teams can travel between, of the new administration is to go slow, cities readily and at comparatively small get good men and plenty of capital back expense. The railway company will, it is of each club, so there will be no break said, bear the expense of preparing the down at any time during the season to grounds in this city. The local organi disrupt the organization. That has been zation at each point is to gather up the the great fauIFljeretofore with most minor necessary players and manage the af leagues, and the Atlantic League means fairs of the club. The salary limit will be to profit by that experience. When finally $500, and it is thought plenty of good ma completed the Atlantic League will have terial can be obtained at that price. The one of the best circuits ever arranged for season will opea about May and close Sep a minor league, with good cities, all its tember 1. Hubs well backed financially, a short, in expensive circuit, and a salary limit which will be strictly enforced. Catcher Fred Jacfclitzsch, ol Philadelphia, ADVANCEMENT, EH? Frisbee©s Case as an Illustration of BONNER©S BOOST. How the Intent of the Drafting DUNGAFS DAY. FARRELL©S FANCY. Law is Frustrated by Farming. Tlie Hartford Scribes and Fans The injustice of the farming rule is seen "Want Barnie to Get Him Back For The Crack Western League Batsman A Very Prophetic Eye Not Needed Once More to Have a Chance in the to Discern Future Greatness in in the case of outfielder Frisbee, of the Next Season. Major League. Jimmy Hughes. Bostons. Frisbee was turned over to Tom Loftus, of the Grand Rapids team in the Hartford, Conn., Nov. 28. Editor "Sport It is a long lane that has no turn and Jimmy Hughes was singled out by Duke ing Life:" The local enthusiasts are anx Sam Dungan has at last been rewarded. Farrell as one of the future pitching Western League, along with $1000, in the ious to have Billy Barnie secure Frank No fielder in the Western League has been great, on the day of Jimmy©s debut as a deal for backstop Sullivan. This ex Bonner for second base of the 1000 team. of more value to a team in the past four major League twirler. Hughes opened change of dollars and one human being When Bonner was sold to Washington one seasons than the bald-pated one, but each the season of 1898 in Washington, shut for a likely player gave Frisbee a right of the local writers remarked in connec fall he has out the Senators, and twirled a one-hit to file a large and vociferous wail, and tion with the transfer that it would "re BEEN OVERLOOKED game. This lone single safety was of he is backod in his grievance by some quire some mighty fine engineering" on the by the agents who were purchasing play the doubtful order, a line drive from Mc- National League managers, who are de part of Barnie "to reduce the wrath of ers for major League clubs, and was also Guire that Stenzel dropped after a hard sirous of signing so promising a player as the people here who pay money at the passed coldly by when the drafting com run. "That new red-head of Hanlon©s the athlete who was relegated to the Grand, -gate." Bonner©s success in that city made menced. The only way to account for this pitched a fair ball, but he will probably Rapids farm. In other words, the Boston, him exceedingly popular with the people, is that when once a man has had a trial go akiting before he goes down the line Club handicaps the future of one good who regarded the infield as perfect. Then in fast company arid fails to hold up his on the other ten clubs this season," said player for the sake of experimenting with when the sale took place and Bouner went end they do not stop to think that he may Jack Doyle after the young Carlifornian©s another. In the obscurity of a minor to Washington the "inconsiderate cranks" improve, and the impression, prevails that debut at National Park. "Don©t be tell league Frisbee may run to seed and his could not be appeased, for the deal did he is an old fellow. Now, Dungan may ing yourself lies, Jack. That lad will be hopes of a future be blasted by the selfish not find a responsive chord with them. be bald and old enough to vote, but he pitching ball when some of our pitching ness of grasping magnates. And this is Hartford lost by the sale in more ways is still a young man and is good for many stars are working their arms in tank called advancing players in their profes than one, as the writers "got after" Bar years of service in the diamond by reason water towns," was Farrell©s prophecy. sion, in the very words of the National nie in a warm style and the attendance of his good habits. He has always been Farrell saw a great pitcher in Hughes, on Agreement! Out upon such perversion of was affected. The fans here claim that A TOP-NOTCH HITTER, the strength of Jimmy©s one game in law and justice. New York "Telegram." notwithstanding his turn down by Irwiii but when he first-joined the Chicago Club Washington, and his prophecy was real he is still a great player, and they are the outfield was a new position to him aud ized ere half the season was over. Brook Quite a High-Roller. correct in their estimate of his ability. naturally he did not shine as a gardener. lyn "Eagle." Since playing the position regularly Dnn- Backstop Al Smith, of the Orioles, la among the talent now in Washington for Which American Association? gan has improved wonderfully aud now Just One Little Thing. covers a world of ground, is one of the the fall race meeting. Alec had a swell Manager Selee is authority for the state best throwers in the business, and also "There isn©t a great deal of difference commission down on the Jeffries end of the ment that the National League circuit will has the faculty of picking the ball out in the curves and speed of League pitch Jeffries-Sharkey s©aughter a la Armour be reduced to eight clubs before another of the sun, so Chicago will doubtless use ers.©© says catcher Uobiusou, of the Balti- stock yards rules, and also pulled clown season opens. He also predicts that the him in that left garden, where the sun has mores. "It©s the knack of putting a ball .f 1000 of his own coin, which he wagered at League and the American Association will,IjMHI! used many a player to make u failure, where the batsman is not looking for it odds averaging 100 to 75. Washington work in harmony. Boston "Herald," etroit "Free Press." that makes a pitcher successful." "i©ost." f SPORTING- LIFE. established. "The old Brotherhood man. and hope that yon will slick." "Stick," says Ebbetts, "you© know what aught a lesson which. I think, has not a porous plaster can do, don©t you?" That been forgotten," said he. "Knowing ends the incident. FOUR CLUBS this failure men will not put money into are hanging around like fish hawks over BROOKLYN©S PRESIDENT DISCUSSES his venture." freshly drawn nets waiting for the ex BY NO MEANS YET AN ACCOMP plosion that they expect will come at the National League meeting, for it is be- THE SITUATION. lieved>by some of these organizations that LISHED FACT. FOSTER©S FACTS. there is going to be a smash-up, whether or no, and that certain base ball magnates Nobody in Brooklyn Worrying Over seeing nothing ahead of them but failure, He Speaks ol Syndicate Ball The the Club©s Status in the League or are going to sell out at the last moment Only Part ol (lie Necessary Amount Over the Antagonism in Certain to whoever will bid the highest price for Proposed Rival American Associa their players.
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