Annual Performance Report Ð 2007 Annual Performance Report 2007 � � CONTENTS � � Introduction Page 2 Summary Page 3 Commitment One: We will maintain and enhance a strong, successful and environmentally Page 8 sustainable economy Commitment Two: We will create the environment in which everyone in Jersey has the Page 22 opportunity to enjoy a good quality of life Commitment Three: We will promote a safe, just and equitable society Page 39 Commitment Four: We will maintain and enhance the natural and built environment Page 53 Commitment Five: We will create a strong recognised identity for Jersey and promote a real sense Page 67 of belonging Commitment Six: We will ensure that States services are necessary, efficient and of good quality Page 71 Annex – Public Sector Performance Additional References Page 1 INTRODUCTION� In June 2006, the States approved the Strategic Plan 2006 to 2011 which set the direction which the government of Jersey intends to follow from 2006 through to 2011. The Strategic Plan also set out against each of the main objectives the indicators which the States believe will measure the success of the Plan. When presenting the Strategic Plan to the States, the Council of Ministers undertook to report back each year with an Annual Performance Report. The Annual Performance Report is intended to keep the States and the public of Jersey fully informed about year-on-year progress towards delivering the commitments set out in the Strategic Plan. Accordingly, this Annual Performance Report is based upon the raft of performance indicators that were approved by the States in the Strategic Plan. As an organisation, we must regularly take stock and review whether we are making progress towards delivering these strategic aims. Measuring performance helps inform Ministers and their advisers about key trends, indicating whether their policies are effective and resources properly allocated. Informed decisions can then be made about any necessary adjustments to keep the Island on course through the annual business planning process. This joined up approach contributes to the process of ushering the government in Jersey into a new age of transparency and accountability. Just as a private company reports on its performance to its shareholders, so government needs to publicly report on what it has achieved against its stated goals. Not only does the Annual Performance Report give an overview of such progress, it also provides a long term insight into the impact of policy decisions and the efficiency and effectiveness of the services implementing them. Providing a concise insight into performance across a broad range of economic, environmental and social objectives represents a significant challenge and the format of the Annual Performance Report will undoubtedly evolve over time. Experience has already shown, for example, that some of the key performance indicators identified during the development of the Strategic Plan need refinement if they are to serve their intended purpose. Nevertheless, the 2007 Annual Performance Report provides information against which ongoing progress towards the commitments set out in the Strategic Plan 2006 – 2011 will be measured. HOW�THIS�REPORT�IS�STRUCTURED� The report closely follows the format of the Strategic Plan. The main body of the document reports on performance against Strategic Plan commitments. The Annex relates to strategic objective 6.2 - “Public Services that are recognised as efficiently and effectively meeting people’s needs” – and reports at departmental level on the detailed service efficiency and effectiveness indicators set out in the Annual Business Plan. Progress reports against each of the individual initiatives/projects set out in the Strategic Plan are already published every six months Given that the Strategic Plan was built upon the foundation of many existing States policies, performance in 2007 has, where possible, been set in the context of performance from previous years. In all cases the most recent data available at the time of production has been used. In some cases this will be data for 2006 where 2007 data is not yet available; and where we have relied on surveys, the data will reflect the most recent survey undertaken and will set the baseline. Coloured indicators show an assessment of the current position against each of the indicators as follows: ��on track ��slightly off track ��cause for concern Whilst it is inevitable that some refinement will be required for future reports, especially in relation to the number of indicators reported, it is expected that the same core indicators will be used year on year to show trends in performance. Where possible we have relied on the independent Statistics Unit for data, so some of the graphs and figures will have been previously published by them. This report attempts to set them in the context of the Strategic Plan. Page 2 SUMMARY� � What�we�measured:���������������������������������������������� � � Commitment�One:��We�will�maintain�and�enhance�a�strong,�successful�and�� �������������������������������������environmentally�sustainable�economy� 1.1� Show�the�world�that�economic�and�environmental�success�can �work�together� 1.1a Energy consumption (2006 baseline data)��� 1.1b Water consumption� � 1.1c CO2 emissions�������������������������������(2006 baseline data) �� 1.1d GVA/Waste��������������������������������(2006 baseline data) � 1.1e Waste produced including recycling rates� �� 1.2� Economic�growth �is�sustained�through �improved�productivity 1.2a Economic Growth (Gross Value Added)��������������������(2006 baseline data) �� Labour productivity (GVA/FTE) 1.2b �� (2006 data) 1.3� Low�inflation�is�sustained 1.3a Inflation (RPIX) �� 1.4 The�potential�of�the�Island’s�workforce�is�maximised 1.4a Overall employment � 1.4b Change in employment � 1.4c Labour productivity (GVA/FTE) 1.2b 1.4d Employment/economic activity by age group/gender � 1.5� The�economy �is�diversified�and�developed 1.5a Distribution of the workforce by sector � 1.5b GVA by Sector (2006 baseline data) � 1.5c Net change in business undertakings � 1.5d Change in employment 1.4b 1.6� Jersey�is� a�world� class�business �centre� 1.6a Cost of travel � 1.6b Total profits of Finance Industry 1.8a 1.6c GVA by sector 1.5a 1.7 The�economy�is�more �competitive 1.7a Inflation (RPIX) 1.3a 1.7b Labour productivity (GVA/FTE) 1.2b 1.7c Tax as a percentage of GNI compared to other jurisdictions (2006 baseline data) � 1.7d Average Earnings Index � 1.7e High wealth individuals newly resident in the Island � � 1.8 There�is�a�flourishing�finance�industry�with �an�international�reputation�for�integrity 1.8a Annual Profits and GVA in real terms of the Finance Sector (2006 baseline data) � 1.8b Bank Deposits and value of funds administered � � � � Page 3 � Commitment�Two:�We�will�create�the�environment�in�which�everyone�in�Jersey�has�the�� ������������������������������������opportunity�to�enjoy�a�good�quality�of�life� � 2.1� Jersey�is�well�prepared �to � meet�the�challenges�and��opportunities� presented �by �an �ageing �population 2.1a� Pension provisions: proportion of households with various types of pension (2005 baseline data)��� 2.1b� Value of pensions: % uprate for contributory benefits and pensions �� 2.1c � Households receiving home care �� 2.1d � Economic activity of people above retirement age �� � � 2.2� Better�health �and�well �being�for�all�the�people �of�Jersey� 2.2a� Public access to healthcare �� 2.2b� Life expectancy at birth �� 2.2c � Mortality rates from heart disease, stroke and cancer (people under 75) �� 2.2d � Mortality rates from suicide and undetermined injury �� 2.2e � Adult/child smoking rates �� 2.2f� Primary care costs (to individuals with chronic health conditions) � �� � 2.3� Health�and�Social�Services�are�of�a�consistently�high�standard� 2.3a� Elective waiting time: % of elective surgical patients waiting greater than 12 weeks after a �� decision to admit 2.3b� Ambulance response times (% of responses to Category A calls within 8 minutes) �� 2.3c � Patient satisfaction with health care �� ��� � 2.4� Regulatory�services�are�appropriate� and�are�impartially� and efficiently�delivered� 2.4a� Reduction in “red tape” �� �� � 2.5� Full�employment� � 2.5a� Overall employment 1.4a 2.5b� Registered unemployed for under-25s �� 2.5c � Employment/economic activity by age group 1.4c �� � 2.6� A�skilled,�motivated�and�qualified�local�workforce�able�to��meet�the�Island’s�economic �and� social�objectives� 2.6a� Employment/economic activity by age group 1.4c 2.6b� Graduate/ school leavers recruited into finance sector (2006 baseline data) �� 2.6c � Employment of locally qualified people �� 2.6d � Comparison of skills gap/availability �� �� � 2.7� Access�to�high�quality�learning�opportunities� 2.7a� Examination Results – GCSE/A-level �� 2.7b� Higher education/university participation rates and results �� 2.7c � 3-5s with free nursery place �� �� � 2.8� An�active�programme�of�cultural�development� � IndicatorsfforfthefCulturalfStrategyfareftofbefdeveloped n/a 2.8a� People studying Jèrriais through l’Office du Jèrriais �� �� � 2.9� Increased�participation�in�sport� 2.9a� Participation in Sport by the population over the age of 16 �� 2.9b� ACTIVE members �� 2.9c � Visits to Sports Centres �� � � Page 4 2.10� Island-wide�transport�systems�and�policies� which�meet�the�needs�of�the�community � 2.10a� How people travel to work �� 2.10b� Bus usage �� 2.10c � Road Traffic Collisions �� 2.10d � Air Quality 4.4b �� � 2.11� Inward�migration�matched�to�the�Island’s�needs�
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