National Domestic Listing Workplan: Fiscal Years 21-25 5-Year Workplan (January 2021 Version) Key to Action Types: 12M/PLPCH – 12-month finding on a petition to list a species. If listing is warranted, we generally intend to proceed with a concurrent proposed listing rule and proposed critical habitat designation, if critical habitat is prudent and determinable. Discretionary Status Review/PLPCH – Status review undertaken by discretion of the Service. Results of the review may be to propose listing, make a species a candidate for listing, provide notice of a not warranted candidate assessment, or other action as appropriate. PLPCH – For species that are already candidates for listing, a proposed listing determination would either propose the species for listing or provide notice of a not warranted finding. We generally intend to propose critical habitat designations concurrent with proposed listing rules, to the extent prudent and determinable. PCH – For species that are already listed, a proposed critical habitat rule will propose to designate critical habitat for the species, if we find critical habitat is prudent. Note: Bolded entries where the species’ common name is accompanied by an * have court-ordered dates associated with them. Priority Bin Lead FWS DOI Unified Package Name Common Name Action Type Ranking or Planned FY Range Scientific Name Legacy RO Region LPN Burrington jumping-slug 12M/PLPCH R1 9 5 FY21 OR, WA Hemphillia burringtoni Dalles sideband snail 12M/PLPCH R1 9 5 FY21 OR, WA Monadenia fidelis minor sand dune (or silvery) 12M/PLPCH R1 9 4 FY21 CA, OR Phacelia argentea phacelia streaked horned lark* PL R1 9 N/A FY21 OR, WA Eremophila alpestris strigata New Mexico Plants glowing indian-paintbrush 12M/PLPCH R2 7 3 FY21 NM, Mexico Castilleja ornata New Mexico Plants Tharp's blue-star 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY21 NM, TX Amsonia tharpii Toothless and toothless blindcat 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY21 TX Trogloglandis pattersoni Widemouth Blindcats Page 1 of 27 Priority Bin Lead FWS DOI Unified Package Name Common Name Action Type Ranking or Planned FY Range Scientific Name Legacy RO Region LPN Toothless and widemouth blindcat 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY21 TX Satan eurystomus Widemouth Blindcats Arizona eryngo* 12M/PLPCH R2 8 2 FY21 AZ, Mexico Eryngium sparganophyllum blanco blind salamander 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY21 TX Eurycea robusta bushy whitlow-wort 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY21 TX Paronychia congesta cactus ferruginous pygmy- Glaucidium brasilianum 12M/PLPCH R2 8 N/A FY21 AZ, Mexico owl* cactorum CO, KS, NM, OK, lesser prairie-chicken* 12M/PLPCH R2 7 N/A FY21 Tympanuchus pallidicinctus TX Navasota false foxglove 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY21 TX Agalinis navasotensis Rio Grande cooter 12M/PLPCH R2 6 2 FY21 NM, TX Pseudemys gorzugi Texas kangaroo rat 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY21 TX Dipodomys elator Western and "Ouachita" AR, KS, LA, MO, western fanshell 12M/PLPCH R3 4 3 FY21 Cyprogenia aberti Fanshells MS, OK GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MI, MO, Hall's bulrush 12M/PLPCH R3 3 3 FY21 Schoenoplectus hallii NE, OH, OK, SC, TX, WI Tennessee Clubshell, Tennessee Pigtoe, and AL, GA, KY, NC, Cumberland moccasinshell 12M/PLPCH R4 2 2 FY21 Medionidus conradicus Cumberland TN, VA Moccasinshell Page 2 of 27 Priority Bin Lead FWS DOI Unified Package Name Common Name Action Type Ranking or Planned FY Range Scientific Name Legacy RO Region LPN Tennessee Clubshell, Tennessee Pigtoe, and Tennessee clubshell 12M/PLPCH R4 2 2 FY21 AL, KY, TN, VA Pleurobema oviforme Cumberland Moccasinshell Tennessee Clubshell, Tennessee Pigtoe, and AL, GA, MS, NC, Tennessee pigtoe 12M/PLPCH R4 2 2 FY21 Pleuronaia barnesiana Cumberland TN, VA Moccasinshell Western and "Ouachita" Discretionary/ "Ouachita" fanshell R4 4 3 FY21 AR Cyprogenia cf. aberti Fanshells PLPCH Georgia bully (swamp 12M/PLPCH R4 2 3 FY21 FL, GA Sideroxylon thornei buckhorn) hairy-peduncled beaked-rush 12M/PLPCH R4 2 3 FY21 AL, FL, MS, NC Rhynchospora crinipes Miami tiger beetle* PCH R4 2 N/A FY21 FL Cicindelidia floridana oblong rocksnail 12M/PLPCH R4 2 2 FY21 AL Leptoxis compacta AL, AR, KY, LA, pink pigtoe* 12M/PLPCH R4 2 2 FY21 MS, NE, OH, OK, Pleurobema rubrum TN, VA Suwannee alligator snapping 12M/PLPCH R4 2 4 FY21 FL, GA Macroclemys suwanniensis turtle* 3 Cave Amphipods Cooper's cave amphipod 12M/PLPCH R5 1 2 FY21 WV Stygobromus cooperi 3 Cave Amphipods minute cave amphipod 12M/PLPCH R5 1 2 FY21 WV Stygobromus parvus 3 Cave Amphipods Morrison's cave amphipod 12M/PLPCH R5 1 2 FY21 VA, WV Stygobromus morrisoni Discretionary/ NY, WI, Canada bog buckmoth R5 1 2 FY21 Hemileuca sp. PLPCH (Ontario) Page 3 of 27 Priority Bin Lead FWS DOI Unified Package Name Common Name Action Type Ranking or Planned FY Range Scientific Name Legacy RO Region LPN Chowanoke crayfish 12M/PLPCH R5 1 3 FY21 NC, VA Orconectes virginiensis DC, MD, NC, NJ, green floater 12M/PLPCH R5 1 2 FY21 NY, OH, PA, TN, Lasmigona subviridis VA, WV AL, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MS, MO, MT, NE, red knot* PCH R5 1 N/A FY21 Calidris canutus rufa NH, NJ, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, RI, SC, SD, TX, VA, WV, WI Great Basin silverspot 12M/PLPCH R6 7 5 FY21 CO, NM, UT Speyeria nokomis nokomis North Park bugseed 12M/PLPCH R6 7 3 FY21 CO Corispermum navicula Lepidomeda mollispinis Virgin River spinedace* 12M/PLPCH R6 7 4 FY21 AZ, NV, UT mollispinis 11 Southern Nevada Amargosa tryonia 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 CA, NV Tryonia variegata Springsnails 11 Southern Nevada Ash Meadows pebblesnail 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Pyrgulopsis erythropoma Springsnails 11 Southern Nevada crystal springsnail 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Pyrgulopsis crystalis Springsnails 11 Southern Nevada distal-gland springsnail 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Pyrgulopsis nanus Springsnails 11 Southern Nevada elongate-gland springsnail 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Pyrgulopsis isolata Springsnails 11 Southern Nevada Fairbanks springsnail 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Pyrgulopsis fairbanksensis Springsnails Page 4 of 27 Priority Bin Lead FWS DOI Unified Package Name Common Name Action Type Ranking or Planned FY Range Scientific Name Legacy RO Region LPN 11 Southern Nevada median-gland Nevada pyrg 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Pyrgulopsis pisteri Springsnails 11 Southern Nevada minute tryonia 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Tryonia ericae Springsnails 11 Southern Nevada Point of Rocks tryonia 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Tryonia elata Springsnails 11 Southern Nevada Southeast Nevada pyrg 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Pyrgulopsis turbatrix Springsnails 11 Southern Nevada Sportinggoods tryonia 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 NV Tryonia angulata Springsnails Kern Canyon slender 3 California salamanders 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 CA Batrachoseps simatus salamander 3 California salamanders Kern Plateau salamander 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 CA Batrachoseps robustus 3 California salamanders relictual slender salamander 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 CA Batrachoseps relictus Lassics lupine 12M/PLPCH R8 10 2 FY21 CA Lupinus constancei Shasta salamander* 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 CA Hydromantes shastae southern rubber boa 12M/PLPCH R8 10 5 FY21 CA Charina bottae umbratica Tiehm’s buckwheat 12M/PLPCH R8 10 1 FY21 NV Eriogonum tiehmii western spadefoot 12M/PLPCH R8 10 2 FY21 CA Spea hammondii Cascades frog 12M/PLPCH R1 9 3 FY22 CA, OR, WA Rana cascadae Page 5 of 27 Priority Bin Lead FWS DOI Unified Package Name Common Name Action Type Ranking or Planned FY Range Scientific Name Legacy RO Region LPN Columbia oregonian snail 12M/PLPCH R1 9 5 FY22 OR, WA Cryptomastix hendersoni evening fieldslug 12M/PLPCH R1 9 5 FY22 OR, WA Deroceras hesperium Arizona Talussnails Pinaleno talussnail 12M/PLPCH R2 8 4 FY22 AZ Sonorella grahamensis Arizona Talussnails San Xavier talussnail 12M/PLPCH R2 8 4 FY22 AZ Sonorella eremita Edwards Aquifer mimic cavesnail 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY22 TX Phreatodrobia imitata Invertebrates Edwards Aquifer Texas cave (or Edwards 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY22 TX Haideoporus texanus Invertebrates Aquifer) diving beetle Edwards Aquifer Texas troglobitic water slater 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY22 TX Lirceolus smithii Invertebrates Rio Grande Mussels Mexican fawnsfoot 12M/PLPCH R2 6 2 FY22 TX Truncilla cognata Rio Grande Mussels Salina mucket 12M/PLPCH R2 6 2 FY22 TX Potamilus metnecktayi Spot-Tailed Earless Plateau spot-tailed earless 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY22 TX Holbrookia lacerata Lizards lizard Spot-Tailed Earless Tamaulipan spot-tailed 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY22 TX Holbrookia subcaudalis Lizards earless lizard big red sage 12M/PLPCH R2 6 4 FY22 TX Salvia penstemonoides Cascade Caverns salamander 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY22 TX Eurycea latitans dunes sagebrush lizard 12M/PLPCH R2 8 2 FY22 NM, TX Sceloporus arenicolus Page 6 of 27 Priority Bin Lead FWS DOI Unified Package Name Common Name Action Type Ranking or Planned FY Range Scientific Name Legacy RO Region LPN Kiamichi crayfish 12M/PLPCH R2 6 2 FY22 OK Orconectes saxatilis Quitobaquito tryonia 12M/PLPCH R2 8 4 FY22 AZ Tryonia quitobaquitae Discretionary/ roundtail chub R2 8 3 FY22 AZ, NM, CO Gila robusta PLPCH Sonoran desert tortoise* 12M/PLPCH R2 8 LPN 5 FY22 AZ Gopherus morafkai Texas salamander 12M/PLPCH R2 6 3 FY22 TX Eurycea neotenes Sacramento Mountains Discretionary/ R2 6 1 FY22 NM Euphydryas anicia cloudcrofti checkerspot butterfly PLPCH AK, AL, AR, CN, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, Discretionary/ MO, MS, NC, ND, Three Bats little brown bat R3 3 4 FY22 Myotis lucifugus PLPCH NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, VA, VT, WI, WV, Canada AL, AR, DE, DC, GA, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, Three Bats northern long-eared bat PLPCH R3 3 N/A FY22 MO, MT, NE, NH, Myotis septentrionalis NJ, NY,
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