Subsidy Rolls for Co. Londonderry 1662 [Sorted by Surname, Barony, Parish and Townland]

Subsidy Rolls for Co. Londonderry 1662 [Sorted by Surname, Barony, Parish and Townland]

Subsidy Rolls for Co. Londonderry 1662 [Sorted by Surname, Barony, Parish and Townland] Record Surname Surname as spelt in Forename Barony Parish Townland On what Valuation Subsidy Notes No. [Standardised] Subsidy Roll valued levied Land & 169 Adams Adams William N. E. Liberties Coleraine Town of Coleraine £9.00 £4.80 Goods Tamlaght 98 Aiken Akin Gawen Keenaght Broharris [Broghariston] Goods £3.16 £1.70 Finlagan 237 Alexander Alexander Robert Coleraine Errigal Mayboy [Meyboy] Not in Hearth Roll 300 Alexander m'Calsoner Andrew Loughinsholin Magherafelt Dunarnon [Drumronan] Goods £4.00 £2.13 250 Allen Allen John [elder] Coleraine Aghadowey Bellm’ally More 205 Anderson Anderson Allen Coleraine Dunboe Altibrian [Artebrean] Goods £3.00 £1.60 265 Arbuckle Arbuckell James Coleraine Desertoghill Magheramore [Magherymore] 274 Armstrong Armstrong Francis Loughinsholin Ballyscullion Bellaghy [Ballyaghy] Goods £3.00 £1.60 85 Ashe Ash John Tirkeeran Faughanvale Killilany [?] Goods £5.50 £4.40 306 Aspy Aspy John Loughinsholin Derryloran Cloghog [Cloghoge] Goods £6.35 £3.35 294 Aubrey Aubery Charles Loughinsholin Magherafelt Magherafelt [Magheryfelt] Goods £6.00 £3.20 149 Bacon Bacon William Keenaght Aghanloo Ballycarton Goods £3.00 £1.60 Gortycavan [?] [Gorteshanan 199 Barr Barr John Coleraine Dunboe Goods £5.00 £2.67 or Gorteshonan] 284 Bennett Bennett Alexander Loughinsholin Artrea Moyola [Meola] Goods £5.78 £3.00 City & Liberties of 4 Benson Benson Peter N. W. Liberties Templemore Goods £12.00 £6.40 Londonderry 212 Beresford Beresford Mary Coleraine Dunboe Unidentified [Dumbo] Lands £13.09 £10.47 170 Beresford Beresford Tristam Esq. N. E. Liberties Coleraine Town of Coleraine Lands £30.65 £24.50 193 Bickerstaffe Bickerstaffe Richard Coleraine Dunboe Grange Beg Lands £9.95 £7.97 Agent of Clothworkers Company. 194 Bickerstaffe Bickerstaffe Richard Coleraine Dunboe Grange Beg Lands £9.95 £7.97 For the Lord Kirkcudbright. 285 Birkett Birkett John Loughinsholin Artrea Moneymore Goods £4.00 £2.13 249 Blair Blair Major William Coleraine Aghadowey Bellbritten 248 Blair Blaire Hugh Coleraine Aghadowey Killy W. Macafee 1 24/03/2012 Subsidy Rolls for Co. Londonderry 1662 [Sorted by Surname, Barony, Parish and Townland] Record Surname Surname as spelt in Forename Barony Parish Townland On what Valuation Subsidy Notes No. [Standardised] Subsidy Roll valued levied 198 Blair Blair Thomas Coleraine Dunboe Ballystrone [Ballystroan] Goods £8.00 £4.22 220 Blair Blare James Coleraine Macosquin Unidentified [Clanlary] Goods £4.00 £2.13 151 Blair Blair William Keenaght Aghanloo Carbullion Goods £3.00 £1.60 89 Bourne Bourne Robert Tirkeeran Faughanvale Tullymore [?] Goods £3.26 £1.70 143 Boyd Boyd Alexander Keenaght Drumachose Ballycrum Goods £3.00 £1.60 135 Boyd Boyd Jo Keenaght Drumachose Drummond Goods £9.00 £4.80 Tamlaght 122 Boyd Boyd John Keenaght Drumakerne [?] Goods £3.50 £1.86 Finlagan 159 Brazier Brazier Richard Keenaght Magilligan Ballymaclary [Ballymlary] Goods £9.00 £4.80 78 Brazier Brazier Paul Tirkeeran Faughanvale Muff [Moigh] Goods £5.55 £4.40 181 Brookes Brookes Joshuagh N. E. Liberties Coleraine Town of Coleraine Goods £4.00 £2.13 178 Brown Brown John N. E. Liberties Coleraine Town of Coleraine Goods £8.00 £4.22 190 Bryce Brice Robert Coleraine Killowen Unidentified [Knockanerne] Goods £6.00 £3.20 297 Burrows Burrows William Loughinsholin Magherafelt Annaghmore [?] [Tamnagh] Goods £5.00 £2.67 251 Caldwell Coldwell Wm Coleraine Aghadowey Segwey Ballymulholland 163 Caldwell Collwell Matthew Keenaght Magilligan Goods £6.00 £3.20 [Ballymahollan] 165 Caldwell Collwell John Keenaght Magilligan Drumnahay [Drumneagh] Goods £6.00 £3.20 Clondermot 36 Caldwell Caldwell Robert Tirkeeran Cloghore Goods £3.00 £1.60 [Glendermott] 127 Campbell Campbell Robt Keenaght Drumachose Limavady [N’Lemavady] Goods £3.00 £1.60 245 Canning Canning Paule Coleraine Aghadowey Agivey [Fagivey Clondermot 22 Carey Cary Trist. Tirkeeran Enagh [Annagh] Lands £2.00 £1.60 [Glendermott] 242 Cargill Cargill John Coleraine Aghadowey Ballinrees 259 Catherwood Catterwood Robert Coleraine Desertoghill Movenis [Moyneys] W. Macafee 2 24/03/2012 Subsidy Rolls for Co. Londonderry 1662 [Sorted by Surname, Barony, Parish and Townland] Record Surname Surname as spelt in Forename Barony Parish Townland On what Valuation Subsidy Notes No. [Standardised] Subsidy Roll valued levied 263 Church Church Mr Geo Coleraine Desertoghill Moyletra ToyMoiletratoy] 303 Clotworthy Clotworthy Mary Loughinsholin Desertlyn Moneymore Lands £9.66 £7.61 Tamlaght 102 Clyde Cloyd James Keenaght Ballykelly Goods £3.26 £1.74 Finlagan Clondermot 30 Clyde Cloyd Jo Tirkeeran Ballyoan [Ballygowan] Goods £3.00 £1.60 [Glendermott] 211 Cochrane Cocheran William Coleraine Dunboe Quilly [Quilie] Goods £3.38 £1.65 Clondermot 49 Cochrane Cogheran John Tirkeeran Coolkeeragh [Colekeragh] Goods £4.00 £2.12 [Glendermott] Clondermot 50 Cochrane Cogheran John Tirkeeran Cormacke [?] Goods £4.00 £2.12 [Glendermott] Clondermot 51 Cochrane Cogheran John Tirkeeran Cormuck [?] Goods £4.00 £2.12 [Glendermott] 71 Cochrane Cocheran Geo. Tirkeeran Faughanvale Aghacarney [?] Goods £5.00 £2.65 74 Cochrane Cocheran Hugh Tirkeeran Faughanvale Carmoney [Carwoony] Goods £3.00 £1.60 69 Cochrane Cocheran John Tirkeeran Faughanvale Coolkeeragh [Colekeragh] Lands £2.00 £1.60 For Will Basill of Co. Dublin, esq. Tamlaght 100 Connor McKnogher Turlogh Keenaght Glack Goods £5.37 £2.85 Finlagan 160 Cooke Cooke George Keenaght Magilligan Ballyscullion [Ballycullin] Goods £6.00 £3.20 Clondermot 40 Cooke Cooke Wm Tirkeeran Drumagore [Drumegore] Goods £3.00 £1.60 [Glendermott] 275 Cornwell Cornewall Allexander Loughinsholin Ballyscullion Bellaghy [Ballyaghy] Goods £6.00 £3.20 283 Corr [?] o'Coer Morris Loughinsholin Artrea Unidentified [Ballym'Ilmory] Goods £4.00 £2.13 216 Costerdine Costerdine Edward Coleraine Macosquin Macosquin [Moycosquin] Lands £4.00 £2.13 176 Cox Cockes John N. E. Liberties Coleraine Town of Coleraine Goods £3.10 £1.65 187 Craig [?] Graige Hugh N. E. Liberties Coleraine Town of Coleraine Goods £7.00 £3.73 City & Liberties of 9 Crawford Crawford James , elder N. W. Liberties Templemore Goods £3.05 £1.65 Londonderry Tamlaght 107 Creswell Criswell James Keenaght Carrowmuddle [Carramuddle] Goods £4.50 £2.42 Finlagan 162 Crow Crow John Keenaght Magilligan Doaghs Goods £6.00 £3.20 W. Macafee 3 24/03/2012 Subsidy Rolls for Co. Londonderry 1662 [Sorted by Surname, Barony, Parish and Townland] Record Surname Surname as spelt in Forename Barony Parish Townland On what Valuation Subsidy Notes No. [Standardised] Subsidy Roll valued levied 164 Cunningham Cunningham James Keenaght Magilligan Unidentified [Broaghmore] Goods £3.00 £1.60 172 Cuppage Cuppage Stephen N. E. Liberties Coleraine Town of Coleraine Goods £9.00 £4.80 Clondermot 26 Curran O'Curran Richard Tirkeeran Gransha [Granshagh] Goods £3.00 £1.60 [Glendermott] 238 Cushnahan O'Cushnagan Owen Coleraine Errigal Tamnymore [Tamneymore] Clondermot 24 Dalgles Dalgles John Tirkeeran Clooney [Cloune] Goods £3.00 £1.60 [?] [Glendermott] 246 Dalrymple Dunrumple Morris Coleraine Aghadowey Agivey [Fagivey 81 Davenport Davenport Charles Tirkeeran Faughanvale Derryarkin Goods £6.00 £3.20 270 Dawson Dawson Thomas Loughinsholin Ballyscullion Tamniaran [Tamnyaran] Lands £3.75 £3.00 258 Dempsey O’Dempsey Knogher Coleraine Aghadowey Land Agivey [Lanagivey] Not in Hearth Roll. Kinculbrack 62 Devenney O'Devenny Owen Tirkeeran Cumber Goods £5.00 £2.65 [Conquillybracke] Tamlaght 121 Dinin Dinin John Keenaght Carrowmuddle Goods £3.00 £1.60 Finlagan 192 Dinsmore Dunsmore John Coleraine Killowen Drumaquill [Dromaquill] Goods £5.00 £2.67 Listed in parish of Dunboe. 221 Doherty O'Doghertye Africa Coleraine Macosquin Cam Goods £3.82 £2.03 City & Liberties of 10 Doherty O'Dogherty Donell N. W. Liberties Templemore Goods £3.05 £1.65 Londonderry Ballymaclanigan 58 Doherty O'Dogherty Owen Tirkeeran Cumber Goods £5.65 £2.75 [Ballym'Clanaghan] 279 Donnell Donnell James Loughinsholin Ballyscullion Tamniaran [Tamnyaran] Goods £5.90 £3.15 82 Donogh Donogh Jo Tirkeeran Faughanvale Derryarkin Goods £5.00 £2.65 For Drapers Co. - servant of Mary Clotworthy, 302 Downing Dunning Robert Loughinsholin Desertlyn Moyola Lands £9.66 £7.61 widow. 57 Duddy O'Duddy Tiege Tirkeeran Cumber Listress [Listras] Goods £3.00 £1.60 128 Duncan Duncan John Keenaght Drumachose Limavady [N’Lemavady] Goods £5.00 £2.67 252 Eaton Eaton Richard Coleraine Aghadowey Mullowinch 219 Eaton Eaton John Coleraine Macosquin Macleary [McClary] Goods £4.00 £2.13 W. Macafee 4 24/03/2012 Subsidy Rolls for Co. Londonderry 1662 [Sorted by Surname, Barony, Parish and Townland] Record Surname Surname as spelt in Forename Barony Parish Townland On what Valuation Subsidy Notes No. [Standardised] Subsidy Roll valued levied 256 Ellison Ellison George Coleraine Aghadowey Bovagh [Donagh]] Not in Hearth Roll. Clondermot 23 Elvin Elvin John Tirkeeran Clooney [Cloune] Goods £10.56 £5.65 [Glendermott] 225 Farley Farley William Coleraine Macosquin Coolyvenny [Coolevenny] Goods £3.00 £1.60 Clondermot 27 Feeney O'Feieny Owen Tirkeeran Enagh [Annagh] Goods £3.00 £1.60 [Glendermott] 296 Fisher Fisher John Loughinsholin Magherafelt Magherafelt [Magheryfelt] Goods £4.00 £2.13 Fishmongers' Fishmongers' Tamlaght To be paid by chief tenants Christopher & 91 Keenaght Lands £12.10 £9.65 Company Company Finlagan Thomas Freeman & Nicholas Lane 203 Forrest Forrest James Coleraine Dunboe Liffock [Lefforke] Goods £6.00 £3.20 Tamlaght 103 Forrest Forrest Jo Keenaght Tawnymullan [?] Goods £3.00 £1.60

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