EPILEPSY WARNING PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE BEFORE PLAYING THIS GAME OR BEFORE ALLOWING YOUR CHILDREN TO PLAY. Certain individuals may experience epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when subjected to strong, flashing lights for long periods of time. Such individuals may therefore experience a seizure while operating computer or video games. This can also affect individuals who have no prior medical record of epilepsy or have never previously experienced a seizure. If you or any family member has ever experienced epilepsy symptoms (seizures or loss of consciousness) after exposure to flashing lights, please consult your doctor before playing this game. Parental guidance is always suggested when children are using a computer and video games. Should you or your child experience dizziness, poor eyesight, eye or muscle twitching, loss of consciousness, feelings of disorientation or any type of involuntary movements or cramps while playing this game, turn it off immediately and consult your doctor before playing again. PRECAUTIONS DURING USE: • Do not sit too close to the monitor. • Sit as far as comfortably possible. • Use as small a monitor as possible. • Do not play when tired or short on sleep. • Take care that there is sufficient lighting in the room. • Be sure to take a break of 10-15 minutes every hour. USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE OF THE SINGLE USE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT 1 Table of conTenTs INTRODUCTION 6 INSTALLATION 6 SYstEM REQuirEMEnts 7 UPdatES and ForuM SUPPort 7 INTERFACE 8 MAIN MENU 9 OPTIONS 9 MEDIA 9 GAME 9 AI 10 SYSTEM 10 SCRIPTS 10 CAMPaigns & SCEnarios 11 Tutorial SCEnarios 11 Loading, DELEting, & REnaMing A GAME 12 SAVing A GAME (& PBEM) 12 PlaY BY EMail (PBEM) 12 WINNING THE GAME 14 VictorY Points (VP) 14 National MoraLE (NM) 15 GAME SCALE 16 THE MAP 17 NAVIGATING THE MAP 20 REgions & SEA ZonES - TERrain & StructurEs 21 CIVILIZATION LEVEL 21 TraNSPORT NETWORK 21 TERraIN TYPE 22 STRUCTURES 23 TRENCHES 25 Auto-Garrisons 26 STATES 26 DEPartMEnts (THEatErs) 27 MAP FILTERS 28 ARMY Organization 28 UndErstanding thE Stack PanEl 28 WHAT IS A UNIT? 29 WHAT IS AN ELEMENT? 30 ManiPulating Stacks 30 FIXED UNITS 31 COMMAND CHAIN 31 ARMY 32 CORPS 33 DIVISION 35 2 LEADERSHIP 36 Out-of-COMMand-Chain PEnaltY 37 ProMoting & REliEVing LEadErs 37 UNIT ATTRIBUTES 38 NATIONALITY 38 STATE OF ORIGIN 38 SPECIAL ABILITIES 39 NATO SYMbol and Unit TYPE 39 UPGraDING 39 COMbat PowER (“Pwr”) 40 NUMBER of ElEMEnts and ExPEriEncE 40 CohEsion 40 ManPowEr 40 ElEMEnt AttributES –InsPEction PanEl 41 LEADER ATTRIBUTES 41 raNK 42 SPECIAL ABILITIES 42 STraTEgic Rating & ActiVation 43 OffEnsiVE & DEFEnsiVE Ratings 43 SEnioritY 43 Political Cost 44 ExPEriENCE 44 RandoMizED GENErals OPtion 44 FLEEts 44 ORDERS 45 MOVEMENT 45 RESTING 46 Blocking MoVEMEnt & EVasion 47 Patrol ValuE 47 EVasion ValuE 48 Finding thE EnEMY at SEa 48 IntErcEPtion & COMbination 48 SPEcial OrdErs & MoVEMEnt 49 Rail & RIVER MoVEMEnt 52 REgular SEA MoVEMEnt 52 EMbark and DisEMbark to Port 53 AMPhibious Landing 53 PosturEs 53 RulES of EngagEMEnt (ROE) 54 Assault and OffEnsiVE PosturE ROEs 54 DEFEnsiVE and PassiVE ROEs 54 Raids 55 Fog of War 56 DETEction ValuE 56 HidE ValuE 56 SUPPLY 57 Out of SUPPLY PEnaltiEs 57 3 SUPPLY SourcEs 57 SUPPLY Distribution & DEPots 58 Rail, RIVER & SEA TransPort 59 DEPots 59 SUPPLY Wagons 59 naVal units 60 FOraging 61 CliMatE & WEathEr 61 Attrition 62 MilitarY Control 62 EffEcts 63 Controlling StructurEs 64 LOYaltY 64 LOYaltY EffEcts 64 InfluEncing LOYaltY 64 THE War EconoMY (REsourcES) 65 MEn 65 usagE 66 MonEY 66 SUPPliEs 68 War SUPPliEs 68 GENEraL SUPPLY 68 AMMunition 68 Industrialization 68 BlockaDE & Raiding COMMErcE 69 Raising Units 70 Construction FiltErs 71 ConstructiblE Units 71 WHERE to RaisE Units 72 How to RaisE Units 73 PossiblE causES PREVEnting thE construction of Units 73 Construction AssEts and LIMits 73 ConscriPts 74 MonEY 74 War SUPPliEs 74 ForcE Pools 74 Units undER Construction on thE MaP 74 Build DUration 75 Partisans 76 GAMEPlaY: ARMY organization and trooP rolES 77 ForEign EntrY 78 Managing Your Nation 79 Unit RostEr 79 Draft OPtions 79 Financial OPtions 80 4 EconoMIC OPtions 80 INVEstMEnt in Production 80 STEAMboats and Railroads 81 Political OPtions 82 MoVing Your CAPital 82 OthER DIPloMatic (I.E., ForEign EntrY) OPtions 82 PrisonER ExchangE 83 OBJEctiVES ScrEEn 84 REgional DEcisions 84 DEcision ModE 85 COMbat in thE FIEld 86 Engaging in COMbat 86 BattlE PlannEr 87 Marching to thE Sound of thE Guns 88 Withdrawal 88 FrontagE 89 COMbat RangE 89 FirE COMbat 90 Unit MoraLE 91 MELEE COMbat 91 BattlE AftERMath 91 naVal coMbat 93 siEGE coMbat 93 StorMing A StructurE 94 LossES & REPlacEMEnts 95 APPEndicEs 97 GlossarY & AbbrEViations 97 shortcut KEYEs 98 citY icons 100 nato SYMbols 101 SPEcial AbilitY Icon DEfinition 102 REgional DEcisions List 107 LOYaltY RElatEd 107 MonEY RElatEd 108 REgional DEVEloPMEnt RElatEd 109 Partisans and PETTY War RElatEd 111 Far-WEst RElatEd 112 DEFEnsE RElatEd 113 Unit-raising RElatEd 114 NAVal WarfarE RElatEd 115 AMErican CIVil War TIMElinE 116 crEdits 123 5 InTroduction Civil War II (CW II) is a historical strategy game using simultaneous turn resolution – also called a WEGO system – that places players at the head of the United States (USA) or Confederate States (CSA) of America during the American Civil War (1861-1865). It can be played either against the computer’s artificial intelligence (AI) or against a human opponent using file transfer protocols such as email or online file sharing services P( BEM). Players assume the role of military and political leaders leading the Armies and Fleets of their nation during these five years of bitter struggle throughout a divided nation, or smaller scenarios or campaigns depicting only a portion of this civil war. Both sides will strive to capture and hold key Objectives, destroy enemy forces in order to break their will to fight and hopefully win the war. Although clearly focused on military operations, key political and economic factors are also modeled in great detail by historical options and regional decisions that can affect the course of the war. There is more to war than battles: the parties may work to gain or prevent foreign support for the Confederacy, increase production capacity through targeted investment, prevail in the economic war of blockade and commerce raiding, and seek to wreak havoc on the enemy economy and divert their troops by raiding behind the lines. Many events have a substantial impact on National Morale, which reflects the struggle to break the enemy’s will to continue the fight. If neither side can break the other’s morale, victory points will determine the result of the game. InsTallation Start your computer and insert the DVD labeled CW II into your DVD drive (or run the installer if you downloaded from the our online store). The setup program will start automatically. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the game. If using the disk version and Autoplay is not activated, start the setup program by double clicking on My Computer, then on the icon of your DVD drive and finally on “setup.exe”. Microsoft (R) DirectX 9.0c (R) is included in the game installer and if you do not already have it please install it when prompted during the games installation. Once the game has been installed, you can start it from the Windows Start menu or the 6 desktop shortcut. Note that the DVD is not required to play the game. Removing the game: select “Add/remove programs” in the Control Panel. Select Civil War II, and then click “Add/remove”. This will uninstall Civil War II, including saved games (so back them up beforehand). sysTem requIremenTs Minimum Requirements Processor: Intel Pentium or AMD, 1500 MHz RAM: 2 GB Graphic Card: 128 MB RAM, DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card: 16-bits, DirectX 9.0c compatible CD Rom: x 8 Peripherals: Microsoft compatible keyboard and mouse Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, Seven Hard Disk: 2000 MB free disk space DirectX: Version 9.0c Recommended Requirements Processor: Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon, 2000 MHz RAM: 2 GB Graphic Card: 128 Mb RAM, DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card: 16-bits, DirectX 9.0c compatible CD Rom: x 8 Peripherals: Microsoft compatible keyboard and mouse Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, Seven (1536 Mb of RAM for Vista) Hard Disk: 2000 MB free disk space DirectX: Version 9.0c updaTes and forum supporT AGEOD strives to fix any identified problems as soon as possible with “patches” which can be downloaded using the built in auto update program accessed from the launcher or from the following web page: http://www.ageod-forums.com/. Updates found there may add further content to the game from time to time, and DLCs may be available for purchase. In case of technical problems, [email protected] is available to you and you may 7 ask for help on the AGEOD forum. A proof of purchase (serial number) may be asked for in some cases. InTerface A wealth of game information can be accessed through so-called “tooltips”. If you hover your mouse long enough over a particular item on the screen, a text box will appear with detailed information about the corresponding feature. Figure 1: Hovering your mouse over a region will display a black “tooltip” box with additional information about the region. The tooltip delay is set to “instantaneous” by default, but it can be adjusted in the Options Menu. Note: Tooltips are extremely valuable for accessing information about almost everything in the game, including features not documented in this manual. Don’t hesitate to explore the various tooltips for the game screens as these can aid greatly in understanding the details of the game.
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