THE CITY RECORD. _______ OFFICIAL JOURNAL. ________ VOL. XXIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1901. NUMBER 8,631, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Abstract of the transactions of the Bureau of the City Chamberlain for the week ending August 31, 1901. OFFICE OF THE CITY CHAMBERLAIN, NEW YORK, September 12, 1901. Hon. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, AJajor: SIR-In pursuance of section 196, chapter 378 of the Laws of 1897, I have the honor to present herewith a report to August 31, 1901, of all moneys received by me and the amount of all warrants paid by me since August 24, 1901, and the amount remaining to the credit of the City on August 31, 1901. Very respectfully, PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamberlain. DR. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, in account with PATRICK KEENAN, Chamberlain, during the week ending August 31, 190I. CR. 1901. 1901. Aug. 3r To Additional Water Fund.............................................. $8,958 ax Aug. 24 ByBalance .............................................................. ............ I $r,6ao,i3i 14 Additional Public Park Fund ............................... ......... roo no American Museum of Natural History ................................ r6, 65 CITY OF New YORK. Armory Fund .................................... .... ............... 275 oo " 3e Arrears of Taxes: Anti-toxine Fund .................................................... a4r 27 Borough of Manhattan. ...I Gilon..................I $91,387 40 Block Tax Assessment Map Lund.................................... r.6nr o5 Borough of The Bronx..... " ............... ,' 24,030 09 Botanical Garden, Bronx Park ........................................ 6,954 75 Borough of Brooklyn....... ................ 26,886 55 Bridge Over Bast River, between Boroughs of Manhattan and Queens. r,7o9 85 Borough ofQueens......... I " ................. X0,028 z5 Bridge Over Fast River, between Boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. ,,56z 46 Borough of Rich mond......I " ................. 86s o6 Bridge Over Harlem River at First and Willis Avenues ........... .. 31,rz3 19 $153,198 38 Bridge Over Harlem River, One Hundred and Forty-fifth to One Interest on Taxes: Hundred and Forty-ninth Street.... ..... .............. ..... 81,705 88 Borough of Manhattan..... Gilon .................. $6,478 78 Bridge Over Bronx River at One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Street. 24 19 Borough of The Bronx..... " ............... .. 2,365 76 ' go Bridge Over Bronx River at Westchester Avenue (Permanent,......... 36 45 Borough of Brooklyn........ ................. 2,r3r Bridge Over New York and Harlem Raihrcad ............... ......... 24 no Borough of Queens......... " ................. 865 45 Bridge Connecting Pelham B.ty Palk and City Island-Construction o:. 271 78 Borough of Richmond...... 11 .................I 62 82 Borough of Brooklyn ....................................... ......... rt,384 22 11,905 72 Bridge Over Newtown Creek, from Grand Street, Borough of Brooklyn, Street Improvement Fund-January I, 1898: to Grand Street, Borough of Queens-Construction of ............. 511 on Borough of Manhattan..... Gilon .................. 1 $1,511 12 Borough of Queens ................................................... 30 00 Borough of The Bronx .....I " .................'. 2,133 32 Borough of Richmond ............................................... 464 84 Borough of Brooklyn...... " ................. 362 71 Croton Water Food..... ............................................. 2 Borough of Richmond......, .. .................i II 31 ,750 33 4,018 46 College of The City of New York-New Sites, etc ........ ............ x4,485 33 Change of Grade Damage Commission, Twenty-third and Twenty. Interest on Assessments-Street Improvement Fund : fourth Wards .................................................... 5,295 50 Borough of Manhattan..... Gtlon .................. $8o 86 Construction of Private Sewers, Borough of The Bronx............ 54 68 Borough of The Bronx...... " ................. I 62 25 Construction of Private Sewers. Borough of Brooklyn ................. v3 26 Borough of Brooklyn......, " .................. 5 17 Construction and Maintenance of Public Parkways .................... 8 Borough of Richmond...... " ................. 35 53 32 248 63 Central Park-Construction of. ....................................... r4 53 Dock Pond .......................................................... 79,279 52 Fund for Street and Park Openings: Department of Water Supply, Borough of Brooklyn, i9oo .............. 54 0o Borough of Manhattan..... lI Gilon ..................: 6ae 53 Department of Water Supply, Boroug-1 of Brooklyn, 1901 ............. 87,670 40 Borough of The Bronx....., " .................I, 30,575 06 Department of Building,, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx- 10,597 59 Special Fnnd .................................................... so 0o Interest on Assessments-Fund for Street and Park Openings: Department of Public Charities, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens- Borough of Manhattan....., Gilon .................I $r o9 218 33 Building Fund ................................................... 3,984 90 Borough of The Bronx.....'' ' .................I Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of Manhattan-New Stock or ai9 4' Plant ............................................................ 2,240 CO Interest on Twenty-sixth Ward Bonds, Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of Brooklyn-New Stock or 1899, etc., Borough of Brooklyn...... Gilon ...................... h o6z Plant ............... ....................................., 6 0 00 Intere,t on Interest on Twenty- ixtt Ward ,30 Bonds, x899, etc., Borough of Brook-i Excise 'taxes, New York County ................................... 434 45 9 6o Excise Taxes, Kings County ......................................... x,053 33 lyn................................. .' .................... East River Park-Improvement of Extension .......................... Jamaica Avenue Improvement-Assess-1 ` 6 r6 08 Extension of Riverside Drive to Boulevard Lafayette .................. 170 0o ment Fund, Borou;h of Brooklyn. ............•...••••. 53, Fire Department Fuml-Sites, etc.................................... r,roo no Sewer Assessments, ywenty-ninth Ward,~i Fund for Gratuitous Vac _ination ..................................... 105 00 Borough of Brooklyn-Installments, .............., 158 36 Fund for Street and Park Openings ................................... 7r,4 22 79 1899, etc ............................ High School Fund....................................... ............ 33.500 Co Opening and Grading Asessments,) Hester Street Park Fund ............................................. 5,250 00 Bi9,oroug hc.. Brook.Brook- .......I ........... ... 19 8I Jefferson Park-Improvement of ...................................... t8 74 lyy e-Installments,6 99, y Mulberry Bend Park-Construction of......... ....................... 4 20 Flagging Tax Assessments, Thirtieth ~ Maintenance and Improvement of Public Parks, Brooklyn Heights..... t4 00 Ward, Borough of Brook) n-Install- New York Public Library Fund................. ...................... r4 co ments, 1900 ......................... " ..................... 35 17 Interest on Assessments, Borough of, New Hall of Record-Building Food ................................. 2,500 no 20 4 New East River Bridge Fund ......................................... t66 67 Brooklyn ....................... ... ..................... Arrears of Water Rents, x898, etc., floe. New York Zoological Garden Fund ................................... 1,o5a So 85o 7., New York and Brooklyn Bridge........... I ......................... 22,461 79 ough of Brooklyn ................... ..................... i Public Driveway, Construction of ................................... 179 50 Interest on Water Rents, iSg8, etc., Bor- Police Department Fund-Sites and Buildings ....................... r6,aog 20 ough of Brooklyn .......... ........i " ..................... 71 Rapid Transit Fund, No. a ........................................... Water Rents, Long )eland City, Borough) . 25,x40 73 " ..................... 174 ca Repaving-Chapter 35, Laws of 5892.................................. Boo 76 of Queens .......................... Repaving Streets, Borough of Manhattan ....................... ..... 304 00 Interest on \Vater Rents, Long Island ..................... 19 37 Repaving Streets, Borough of Brooklyn ............................... x44 45 City. Borough of Queens............ Repaving Streets, Borough of Q.teens ................................. -4,485 2 Unclaimed salaries and Wages.......... Timmerman ................ 333 92 5 Street Incumbrance Fund, Boroughs of Repaving Streets, Borough of Richmond .............................. ro5 49 96 co Riverside Park and Drive-Completion of Construction ............... 6 Manhattan and The Bronx.... ..... Nagle ..................... 53 37 Return of Trfal Fees, Municipal District Refunding Assessments Paid in Error, Borough of The Bronx.......... r8t r7 Wilson .................. r7 w Refunding Assessments Paid in Error, Borough of Brooklyn........... 7x7 41 Courts ............... ............. Police Department-Police Fund, r9o1.. Murphy. .................. tr8 go Refunding Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of Manhattan ......... ..... 265 62 2,800 no Refunding Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of The Bronx ................ a 09 Theatncaland Concert Licenses......... ................... Refunding Taxes Paid in Error, Borough of Brooklyn......... ., 186 86 Commissions-Public Administrator..... Hoes ......................' 677 64 Tapping Pipes ..........................
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