. i ■ 1 i f f . ' ' ' ■ weotnssDAT, AVGVftf n , iv a t\* Averas# Daily Cfrenlation Tha Weather Manchesier Evening Herald Fas the Moath at July, 1944 Foropoet ef 1). S. Weather Boseen an hour. Tb* clergy and th* teettons, and told about kta b o ^ " F ^ y Year* a NORMAN BENTZ Partly clondy with Httle choage Hi* Woman’s Foralg* M l^on- r_lf -chu^ch-eam* In as butts for many which I* I ■ • - ■ - •»- l»vt. Weyant F. Oarriaon. »<» of ary Society of the Church of the Rotary Club which' li now but of print after Its Sheet Metal Week — ■a>*W 8,728 In temperature todoyt llrlday con­ Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert T. of his Joke* for Rev. Gllb*rt main­ tblid edition. •rraegha. Naar la lEuj^ntttgU^rmb siderable clondlaesa. with thus- Nasarene will be In charge of the ' * Member ef the Aoilt of 3B Ashworth atroet, V* meeUng thl* eVenlng at 7-.30 at tains churches should be human­ der showers and moch eoelor. ■omawhare In Franc*. H# was a ised in ordST to hold their place la Boreoa at (^rcnlatleae tho' church. Hears Pastor th* Brat **rVlc* group the busy life of today. ___ .... ,.............. T-... ... ... \ Manchester^A City of Village Charm - - STST IlU sId ExpedlUonary M t FOR TOP VALUE CAU. 8*cond Ueut. Edna L. Rohan, of Citing hla owncpcongregatlon* as , aB4 Mr*. H»rry Kltototnr, Force to Mad tn N o n w d y afUr examples, Rev. Gilbert said that IN A NEW BO^B D-Day. Ha ia a graduate of Man­ 517 Hartford road, a nurse with Rev. George W. Gilbert (OlaaalSed AdynrtMag en Faga, IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1944 , (TJVELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CE! HoUiater atraet, *r* the U. s; Army Air Cprp* ot the I most every Sunday aervtce is pre- VOL. LX in., NO. 271 two week*’ V^noatlo^'^Tiw chester High school snd, was em­ esded by a baseball game, which Sm the Ones Being Bnilt By spe^Si^SO * ployed by S e Kcl-Strom Toot Com­ European Theater of Operation*, Speaks Here; Tells of *M Cod. During 3i*tr with W* parent*, Mr. and Mr*. according to a noUce from head- often hold* up the meeting* for ■M Mrn r. ana*nd Mr*. Malcolm Mol- Fiwd Bolduc 9f Ford *tre*t. pany of Hartford before entering Humorous Incidents. fifteen minute* or more *o th* GREENBROOKE FRESH CANDY ^ the NlanUc W w ro*A Wa- quarUra to thl* paper, la using her the service. •Kill a*- - a^ aurglcal nuraeMMMm f£\to Ainaid th«the final innings can be played. 8*rv- are occupyki* the Kltch- Icea were 'usualV followed by H O M E S, IN C Tb*. following local people wore The datjghter bom on Au|ru*t W wornwork orof methe unit, uuiduring„.b the m**a Touching only lightly, on his 49 POPUI.AB HAKESI ome. noticed on the boardwalk ^ Ocean recepUon of Invaalon casualties to '■lunch which on more than one oc­ to Private and Mra. -l°kn M. odd years as s country preacher. casion called for shortening hi* On Waher Strhet Grove. N. J.. jast week: Mr. Md Matchett of 109 Foster the hosplUl li which she »■ *«^* Rev. George W. Gilbert, of Middle- Malor John Lyon* 1* Mr*. Winiam Hamilton of School ing. Lieutenant Rohan served with sermon In order that the coffee Fm tvthar Ma^au Umi aen at au*, of the local Salvation been named Carol Ann. P^vate town entertained the Rotary Club, street: WlUlam Kean, custodian of Matchett has left for a new base the R ^ Cross Blood Donor* of last night at the Country Club might not spoil. Alexandes Janda Oa. ly ^ rp * during ^''* •***!"^ the Trad# achool, Mr. and Mia. Baltimore before entering the aer- He mentioned briefly his session Osatar atiaat a* at M ^ and-Mr*. J. H. Swwt after a ten-day furlough. with a continuous round of jokss a ’ V Oliver TurklngtorP- of Bigelow vic# in October 1943. Before leav­ and humor entitled "Old Ideas in tlie Legislature when h* first ^the week hi* aon-ln*law and ing for overaeaa early thl* year U U a r m s \ r Captain and Mr*. Bldred street, Mrs. James Leggett of Or­ Director* o f*V e Orang* Hall About New Fogles” that kept the advocated good farm roada and chard atreet. Mrs. James McCann she wa* atoUimed at the general sponsored electricity for farming ^ _ d ll ot Kltannlng. ^ Corporation will hold their month­ hospital In Camp Forrest, Tenn. members In k hilarious mood for and Mr*. Edgar Heard of Wetherell street, Mrs. Rebecca ly meeting Friday evening, Aug­ /\ CapUln and Mrs. Wright of HoO atreet; Mr. and 18 at eight o’clMk ot ^ Mrt. William Leggett, Mias Ruby ust y b3mo vUiUng relative* In Washington Social club qu*rt*r*. \ I . will a**lst with the meet- Leggett and Mrs. Agnes Leggett Ifc^iergeant Major Ly«m« urge* Bbauger, an of Spruce street: also [jiieal *oldler* and bandsmen to David A'ddy. One of tho *tl^ra^ nd.and assist the visitor*. tlons was the New Tork Staff ODD FELLOWS BLDG. Band of the Sslratlon Army. TELEPHONE 2-118*" H A L E ’ S Label Takes The Risk Out Of iila ty C. Keeney T ^ t. Ho. 14. Pvt. Louis I.,*n»ano. of *9 Chest­ ^Ung tomorrow e'«n^g at « nut atreet, who was inducted Into ■ / Yanks Move Inland After Southern France Landing ck »t the home of the Army on July 30. 1* recrivlng ,/■ Allies Will Occupy of 40 Parker atreet. his basic training at Camp Croft, Buying Your Fur Coat, r.®"™ semng siaiKheBter 8. a “V : ____ . -m- ' -m r -A A n r i ajuicb c o f b a n An automobile owned by H. F. Reich and Japan, (Ranwn As Qoeea AM») Hildreth, of 16 Wadsworth streeL And Vicinity Is Your Assurance Of Quality^ Fashion And 8PUUTLAL MEOnJM which had been parked on the hill In Plunge; Coastal Bth Daoghter of a Seventh 8oo in front of h(* home night Bum With a VaU. last. sUrted to roll down the hin ____ . n Daily, laclodtag 8un«ay, just after 3 o’clock yesterday Dependahiliiy. Roosevelt Avers t A. M. to e P. M. Or By App^nt- morning. Preclaoly wjiat caused flL la the Service of th* Peo- the car to start 1* not known, but for M Years. _ It continued down the hill ana First Definite Asi^rtion Units Hold 50 Milfei I Church Street, Hartford, Coon. actvss Main atreet. Here U c ^ « Huge Fleets Phone d-t024 in conUct with a uUlltle* pole, Th# Enemies Will Not Be cfaah wa* heard by neighbor* who reported to the police. The front able to Use Uncondi* To Hit Japs Invaders Drive Within Swift Tanks anH M< part of th# car waa badly dam­ tional Surrender to French Rise torized Infantry f l o o r l a y in g aged. .10 Miles o f Historic Keep Allied Forces D ay b y D ay Old \ Fortified Naval 13-Mile Push A a n d s a n d in g Advertisement— Up Against BefialsUng and Waxiag. Out of HomelandsS^ Base o f Toulon and Aunay River froi Estimates Olailly Oh?*- Th* offlo* of Dr..Barney Wlch t e d SOI.VOI.D man. Chiropodist, will b* c l o ^ Washington, Aug. 17.—(/P) iVimito Promise Dose of To Same Distance Nazi Units Chartres; May 'FELEPHONK 8264 until Sept. 6. /I —President Roosevelt re­ Potnerhouse Tactics in From Cannes; Nazis Fleeing Germans turned to Washington today Nonstop War; Home Report Allied Air- Another Trap; frona a 16,000-mile war trip Supplied with Guns and into the Pacific to declare Front Given Prai^^, Borne Units in City. Ammunition by Al~ dians Moving Rapl Roofing—Asbestos that Allied Armies will drive HALE'S SELF . lied Planes; Street Supreme Headquarters \ in and occupy Germany and By AI Uopklng Rome, Aug. 17.— —Al­ i Siding and Rock Th# Orlglnsl In N«w EngUmdl Japan even should resistance Guam, Aug 11— (Delayed)—(Jf) lied troops have punch^ out Fighting in Toulon. lied Expeditionary Fo] •Wool Insolatibn collapse short of enemy bor­ — Adpiiral Cheater W. Nimitg, a solid front 50 miles broad Aug. 17.-^/P>—Swift ders. It wa* the first delicts as­ promising Japan a dose of power­ and about 80 miles deep along London, - Aug. l7—(JF)—Supplied <»n tanks and motorized iBipart THURSDAY SPtCIALS! sertion that Germany and Japan house tactics, emphasized today on th e coast of southern France. with guns and ammunition drop­ fantry advanced within -gwaateed. will not be able to use the Allies’ hla first visit to reconquered Guam miles of Paris today- in a !«• skSshOon to* aa 'own war goal—unconditional sur- Maj. G^. Alexander M. ped by Allied planes, Frenchmen . render—to keep our forces out of that the great fleets. under Ad­ American Infantrymen and amphibious vehicle* move Inland on a road leading from the aoutheni Patch’s ^venth Army head­ have risen in armeu revolt agaihst mile plunge across the Aunn /their homelarda. ^ mirals Spruance and Halsey were coast of France east of Toulon a* the beachhead area established In the August 15 landing la widened. the Nazis throughout Haute Savoie river from Chartrea ready to wage nonstop war against quarters announced .todsy. WIB Not Escape Occupation the Japanese. (AP wirepboto via Signal Corps radio). On the west the invasion province In southeast France, re­ was captured along with Barton Instating Co. Canning Tomatoes This time, the president said, ports from the French frontier at three, key cities of Orleans, The Largest He praised the hOm* front for forces drove within 10 miles of I t — ttirttart aMBlS Germany will not eacapo the mili­ providing the tools necessary for the hiktoric old fortified Naval Geneva said today.
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