A Comprehensive Plan for the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma The Guthrie Plan Prepared by RDG Crose Gardner Shukert Town Planners Omaha and Des Moines 2002 Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the friendship, support, and committment of the citizens of Guthrie. We dedicate this plan to them with best wishes for a great future of the city. We would like to express special gratitude to the Mayor, City Council, and their staff for their support, insight, and assistance. We also thank the Planning Coordinating Committee for their hours of work, matched only by their supply of insight and good ideas. We appreciate the efforts of these people and others who joined the process of developing this plan. Mayor City Manager Jon Gumerson Joseph Portugal City Council Plan Coordinator Grant Aguirre Melody Kellogg Robert Davis Walter Chambers, Jr. Director of Community Development Randy Foster Ronnie Ford Brad Morelli Jason Murphey Director of Municipal Services Glenn Hayes Planning Commission Ed French, Chair Doug Hehn Ralph Galbraith Rene’ Spineto Charles Smith Table of Contents 1 Introduction Chapter 1 5 A Profile of Guthrie Chapter 2 13 A City of Distinctive Quality Chapter 3 33 Growth and Land Use Chapter 4 53 An Urban Design Program Chapter 5 65 Housing for Guthrie’s Future Chapter 6 77 A Balanced Transportation System Chapter 7 95 A Quality Park and Recreation System Chapter 8 113 Quality Public Services INTRODUCTION PROFILE CONCEPT LAND USE URBAN DESIGN HOUSING TRANSPORTATION PARKS PUBLIC SERVICES 1 INTRODUCTION unusual quality, Oklahoma’s first unusual quality, capital and a city that combines superb uthrie is a city of rich history and A PLAN FOR GUTHRIE Introduction assets. will take advantage of the community’s special future, based on taking community actions that future, provide a comprehensive vision of the city’s a comprehensive provide G The Guthrie Plan is designed to environment. architecture with a distinctive natural architecture Roles of a Comprehensive Plan Indeed, taking advantage of growth opportunities is especially important to Guthrie, which covers over INTRODUCTION 17 square miles of area within its municipal limits. Taking advantage of land resources can improve the efficiency of city services, and take better advantage of existing facilities. A decreased marginal cost of basic services allows the city to afford community features PROFILE that in turn make it more competitive at attracting residents and businesses. Guthrie completed its last comprehensive plan in 1977, CONCEPT in a very different planning environment. Today’s Guthrie’s initial growth during the late nineteenth city represents a place mobilized to take advantage of and early twentieth centuries was based on its central substantial opportunities. Some of the specific role in the settlement and early governance of priorities of this current Plan for Guthrie include: Oklahoma. This role, reinforced by the presence of LAND USE the Santa Fe Railroad, was formalized by the • The need to capitalize on growth potential and designation of the city as Oklahoma’s territorial environmental attributes in ways that encourage capital and, for three years, the capital of the State of growth while maintaining and conserving Oklahoma. Capital status gave building in Guthrie a community quality. quality of civic importance and aspiration, resulting in its superb architecture that remains one of the city’s • The need to establish strong centers for economic URBAN DESIGN greatest assets. After the relocation of the capital to development, diversifying the city beyond its Oklahoma City, Guthrie continued to grow at a slower current specialty retail and general service base. rate, reaching its population peak in 1920. Since that peak, the city’s population has fluctuated along with • The need for development of the road network HOUSING the economic health of local industries. In 2000, necessary to unify the city and provide better Guthrie’s population of 9,925 made up only about 29% access between the north and south sides of the of Logan County’s population, down from a peak of city. 51% in 1960. During the same time, Guthrie has grown significantly in area. • The issues of aging infrastructure and housing stock within the historic community. Yet today, Guthrie also finds itself on the cusp of significant opportunities for growth. The northward • The need to take advantage of the city’s unique TRANSPORTATION expansion of urban development in the Oklahoma City attributes and lakes, creating a quality of life that metropolitan area has brought major development can make Guthrie a place of choice in the to the edge of Guthrie. The city’s combination of direct Oklahoma City metropolitan area. PARKS Interstate 35 access, a major regional airport, and the Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railroad mainline This plan is designed to respond to the new presents substantial economic development opportunities presented to the city in the 21st century. opportunities. Finally, the city offers present and prospective residents a unique combination of historic ROLES OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN architecture and lake environments. These unique assets can lead to a resurgence of growth in Guthrie if This comprehensive development plan for Guthrie has two fundamental purposes. The first provides an PUBLIC SERVICES properly managed and marketed. essential legal basis for land use regulation such as 2 zoning and subdivision control. Secondly, this INTRODUCTION Approach and Format comprehensive plan presents a unified and compelling THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: vision for a community – derived from the aspirations APPROACH AND FORMAT of its citizens – and establishes the specific actions necessary to fulfill that vision. The comprehensive plan takes a thematic and goal- oriented approach to the future development of LAND USE PROFILE CONCEPT • The Legal Role Guthrie. The plan considers eight key areas of concern to the city, corresponding to its most important Communities prepare and adopt comprehensive strategic development and investment issues. The plans for legal purposes. Cities adopt zoning and traditional sections of a comprehensive plan, such as subdivision ordinances to promote the “health, safety, land use, housing, infrastructure, and transportation, morals, and general welfare of the community.” Land are interwoven, enabling the plan to tell the story of use regulations such as zoning ordinances recognize the city’s future development and presenting an that people in a community live cooperatively and integrated vision of the city’s growth. have ceratin responsibilities to one another. These regulations establish rules that govern how land is The eight chapters are: developed within a municipality and its extra- territorial jurisdiction. 1. A Profile of Guthrie URBAN DESIGN However, a city may not adopt land use ordinances This chapter considers demographic and economic without first adopting a comprehensive development variables in Guthrie, and includes forecasts of the city’s plan. The basis for this is the premise that land use future population. decisions should not be arbitrary, but should follow an accepted and reasonable concept of how the city 2. A City of Distinctive Quality should grow. HOUSING This chapter examines the character of Guthrie and The Guthrie Plan provides the ongoing legal basis for the forces that created the city’s urban pattern. It the city’s continuing basis to regulate land use and uses this character to establish a vision of the future development. It establishes the general distribution community and to establish development principles TRANSPORTATION of land use in the city and establishes criteria to guide designed to bring about that future. decision makers in considering future growth directions and proposals. 3. Growth and Land Use • The Community Building Role This theme addresses growth projections and needs for Guthrie and establishes directions for the city’s Guthrie’s comprehensive development plan has an future growth and development. The theme takes the even more significant role in guiding the growth of position that managed growth can produce the PARKS the community. This plan establishes a picture of greatest economic and qualitative benefits for the city. Guthrie’s future, based on the participation of It also provides a framework by which decision- residents in the planning of their community. This makers can evaluate and act on individual land use PUBLIC SERVICES vision is particularly crucial at this time in the issues. community’s history. Beyond defining a vision, the plan presents a unified action program that will 4. An Urban Design Program implement the city’s goals. Indeed, the plan is designed as a working document that both defines the future In Guthrie, with its strong attraction to outside and provides a working program for realizing the visitors, good design is clearly tied to the city’s city’s great potential. economic health. This section addresses community design issues, and establishes guidelines and policies 3 Approach and Format needed to maintain the character of a unique • Analysis of Existing Conditions. This section provides community. a detailed analysis of the facts, issues, and trends that INTRODUCTION affect the fulfillment of each theme. The facts and 5. Housing for Guthrie’s Future analysis section provides extensive information and statistics that can provide a useful basis for decisions This theme examines the housing and neighborhood and policy development. conditions in Guthrie and presents
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