![Congressional Record—Senate S1873](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
March 23, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1873 report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisi- ant to law, a report relative to the acquisi- forty-fourth President of the United States tion Regulation; FAR Case 2008–006, En- tions made annually from entities that man- of America, Barack Obama, the Nobel Peace hanced Competition for Task- and Delivery- ufacture articles, materials, or supplies out- Prize for his ‘‘extraordinary efforts to Order Contracts—Section 843 of the Fiscal side of the United States for fiscal year 2009; strengthen international diplomacy and co- Year 2008 National Defense Authorization to the Committee on Homeland Security and operation between peoples’’; and Governmental Affairs. Act’’ (RIN9000–AL05) received in the Office of WHEREAS, it is important for commu- EC–5180. A communication from the Sec- nities throughout the Nation to recognize the President of the Senate on March 22, retary of Transportation, transmitting draft this momentous occasion; 2010; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- legislation to provide authority to com- NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RE- rity and Governmental Affairs. pensate Federal employees for the two-day SOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF EC–5171. A communication from the Acting period in which authority to make expendi- THE CITY OF LAUDERHILL, FLORIDA: Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Ac- tures from the Highway Trust Fund lapsed, SECTION 1: Each ‘‘WHEREAS’’ clause set quisition Policy, General Services Adminis- and for other purposes; to the Committee on forth above is true and correct and is incor- tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Homeland Security and Governmental Af- porated herein. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisi- fairs. SECTION 2: The City Commission of the tion Regulation; FAR Case 2008–040, Use of EC–5181. A communication from the Sec- Standard Form 26—Award/Contract’’ City of Lauderhill, Florida joined by the retary of Transportation, transmitting, pur- Honorable Mayor Richard J. Kaplan, on be- (RIN9000—AL48) received in the Office of the suant to law, a report relative to the Tribal- President of the Senate on March 22, 2010; to half of the citizens of the City of Lauderhill, State Road Maintenance Agreements; to the Florida, hereby recognizes and congratulates the Committee on Homeland Security and Committee on Indian Affairs. Governmental Affairs. President Barack Obama, for the award of EC–5182. A communication from the Staff the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. EC–5172. A communication from the Acting Director, United States Commission on Civil SECTION 3: The City Clerk is hereby au- Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Ac- Rights, transmitting, pursuant to law, the thorized and directed to provide copies of quisition Policy, General Services Adminis- report of the appointment of members to the this Resolution to President Barack Obama, tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Missouri Advisory Committee; to the Com- Joseph Biden, Vice-President of the United report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisi- mittee on the Judiciary. States, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United tion Regulation; FAR Case 2008–012, Clari- EC–5183. A communication from the Staff States House of Representatives, Honorable fication of Submission of Cost or Pricing Director, United States Commission on Civil Florida Governor Charlie Crist, the National Data on Non-Commercial Modifications of Rights, transmitting, pursuant to law, the League of Cities, the Florida League of Cit- Commercial Items’’ (RIN9000–AL12) received report of the appointment of members to the ies, the Broward County League of Cities, in the Office of the President of the Senate Kansas Advisory Committee; to the Com- Ken Keechel, the Honorable Mayor of on March 22, 2010; to the Committee on mittee on the Judiciary. Broward County, to the media, and to any Homeland Security and Governmental Af- other interested persons. fairs. EC–5184. A communication from the Staff Director, United States Commission on Civil SECTION 4: If any Section, sentence, EC–5173. A communication from the Acting Rights, transmitting, pursuant to law, the clause or phrase of this Resolution is held to Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Ac- report of the appointment of members to the be invalid or unconstitutional by any court quisition Policy, General Services Adminis- Pennsylvania Advisory Committee; to the of competent jurisdiction, then said holding tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Committee on the Judiciary. shall in no way affect the validity of the re- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisi- EC–5185. A communication from the Staff maining portions of this Resolution. tion Regulation; FAR Case 2009–035, Extend SECTION 5: This Resolution shall take ef- Use of Simplified Acquisition Procedures for Director, United States Commission on Civil Rights, transmitting, pursuant to law, the fect immediately upon its passage and adop- Certain Commercial Items’’ (RIN9000–AL52) tion. received in the Office of the President of the report of the appointment of members to the Senate on March 22, 2010; to the Committee District of Columbia Advisory Committee; to f on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- the Committee on the Judiciary. EC–5186. A communication from the Staff INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND fairs. JOINT RESOLUTIONS EC–5174. A communication from the Acting Director, United States Commission on Civil Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Ac- Rights, transmitting, pursuant to law, the The following bills and joint resolu- quisition Policy, General Services Adminis- report of the appointment of members to the tions were introduced, read the first tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Nevada Advisory Committee; to the Com- and second times by unanimous con- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisi- mittee on the Judiciary. sent, and referred as indicated: tion Regulation; Federal Acquisition Cir- EC–5187. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, By Mr. DEMINT (for himself, Mr. BEN- cular 205–39; Introduction’’ (FAC 2005–39) re- NETT, Mr. VITTER, Mr. RISCH, Mrs. ceived in the Office of the President of the Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- HUTCHISON, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. BOND, Mr. Senate on March 22, 2010; to the Committee LEMIEUX, Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mr. on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘National Emission Standards for Haz- INHOFE, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. GRAHAM, fairs. and Mr. ENSIGN). EC–5175. A communication from the Acting ardous Air Pollutants for Area Sources: As- phalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manu- S. 3152. A bill to repeal the Patient Protec- Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Ac- tion and Affordable Care Act; read the first quisition Policy, General Services Adminis- facturing; Technical Correction’’ (FRL No. 9128-1) received in the Office of the President time, read the second time, placed on cal- tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the endar. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisi- of the Senate on March 18, 2010; to the Com- mittee on Environment and Public Works. By Mr. GRASSLEY: tion Regulation; FAR Case 2008–015, Pay- S. 3153. A bill to provide a fully offset tem- ments Under Fixed-Price Architect–Engineer EC–5188. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, porary extension of certain programs so as Contracts’’ (RIN9000–AL26) received in the not to increase the deficit, and for other pur- Office of the President of the Senate on Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- poses; read the first time; read the second March 22, 2010; to the Committee on Home- time, placed on calendar. land Security and Governmental Affairs. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. EC–5176. A communication from the Acting titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans: Alaska’’ (FRL No. JOHNSON, Ms. LANDRIEU, and Mr. Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Ac- INOUYE): quisition Policy, General Services Adminis- 9091-5) received in the Office of the President tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the of the Senate on March 18, 2010; to the Com- S. 3154. A bill to amend the Public Health report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisi- mittee on Environment and Public Works. Service Act to reauthorize and extend the tion Regulation; FAR Case 2008–036, Trade f Fetal Alcohol Syndrome prevention and services program, and for other purposes; to Agreements—Costa Rice, Oman, and Peru’’ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS (RIN9000–AL23) received in the Office of the the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, President of the Senate on March 22, 2010; to The following petition or memorial and Pensions. the Committee on Homeland Security and was laid before the Senate and was re- By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself and Governmental Affairs. ferred or ordered to lie on the table as Mr. HATCH): EC–5177. A communication from the Acting indicated: S. 3155. A bill to require reporting on cer- tain information and communications tech- Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Ac- POM–93. A resolution adopted by the Com- quisition Policy, General Services Adminis- nologies of foreign countries, to develop ac- mission of the City Lauderhill, Florida con- tion plans to improve the capacity of certain tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the gratulating President Barack Obama on his report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisi- countries to combat cybercrime, and for award of the Nobel Peace Prize; to the Com- other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign tion Regulation; Technical Amendment’’ mittee on the Judiciary. (FAC 2005–39) received in the Office of the Relations. President of the Senate on March 22, 2010; to Resolution No. 10R–02–46 By Mr. BROWNBACK (for himself and the Committee on Homeland Security and WHEREAS, the Nobel Peace Prize has been Ms. LANDRIEU): Governmental Affairs. awarded 90 times to 120 Nobel Laureates be- S. 3156. A bill to develop a strategy for as- EC–5178.
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