Friday, June 2, 1995/ Jyaistha 12, 1917 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Thirteenth Session (Tenth Lok Sabba) (Vol. XUI contains Nos. 41-42) LOK SABHA SECRETARIA T NEW DELHI Price: Rs. 5Q.OO {ORIGINAL ENGLISH PR~EEDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGliSH VERSION AND ORlGINAL HINDI' PROCEEDINGS J~CLUD£D, . IN HINDI VERSION WILL JWTREAT6.D AS AUTHORITATIV~ AND .NOT.THE TRANSLATION THEREOF.• ] Corrigenda to LoIt Sal:Da Debates (Bnglish versim) Friday, June 2, 1995/Jyaistba 12, 1917 (Saka). Col./Line 177-178/11 Maldia (Co1.3) Ha1dia 179-180/13 Dinjapur Dinajpur 18]-182/9 Din j a[Xlr Dinajpur 278/19 disPersed of disposed of 309/9 (Fran below) fortunate unfortunate 324/10 will above will also be given 376/1ast Kshirsagar, Shrimati Kshirsagar, Slrimati Kesarbai SOnaji Kesharbai SOnaji 381/1ast Singh, Sh ri Sant Ram Sing1a, Slri Sant Ram CONTENTS [Tenth Series, Vol. XLII, Thirteenth Session, 199511917 (Saka)} No 41, Friday, June, 2, 1995/Jyaistha 12, 1917 (Saka) COlUMNS ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS: 1·29 ·Starred Question Nos. 821, 822 and 824 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS: 29·276 Starred Question Nos. 823 and 825, 840 Unstarred Question Nos. 8279-8506 RE: CONSTITUTION (EIGHTY·SIXTH AMENDMENT) BILL 277-287 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 287-296 MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA 296-297 Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill 297 As passed by Rajya Sabha . Laid COMI).4ITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 297 Minutes - Laid COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT ASSURANCES 297 Thirty-first Report - Presented COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS 297 Nineteenth Report - Laid STANDING COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 298 Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth. Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Reports - Laid PETITION RE: REHABILITATION OF THE PERSONS DISPLACED BY 298-300 THE VINDHYACHAL SUPER THERMAL POWER PROJECT BEING SET UP BY THE NATIONAL THERMAL POWER CORPORATION - PRESENTED • The sign + marked above, the name 01 a Member indicates that the question was actuaRy asked on the ftoor 01 the House by that Member. (ii) COLUMNti Bills - Introduced (i) National Commission for Minorities (Amendment) Bill 300-302 (ii) Sick Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Amendment Bill 329-330 (iii) Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Bill 330 (iv) Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Bill 419-420 CONSTITUTION (EIGHTY-SIXTH AMENDMENT) BILL 302-419 (AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE 16) Motion to consider Shri Sitaram Kesri 301-303 Shri Rup Chand Murmu 303-305 Shri Kalka Das 307-312 Dr. R. Mallu 314-320 Shri Nitlsh Kumar 320-324 Shn K.P. Reddaiah Yadav 324-328 Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 328-329 Dr. Mumtaz Ansari 331-335 Shri Krishan Dutt Sultanpuri 335-338 Shri Ratilal Verma 339-340 Shri P. G. Narayanan 340-342 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 342-347 Shri Manikrao Hodalya Gavi! 347-349 Shri G.M.C. Ba!ayog, 349-352 Shri Chhedi Paswan 352-354 Shri Suraj Mandai 354-358 Sh,i Anadi Charan Oas 359-360 Shn Chitta Basu 361·~2 Shri Yaima Singh Yumnam 363-364 Shri r<amla Mishra Madhukar 364 Shn Srikanta Jena 364·365 (iii) COLUI.·1N5 Shri Dattatraya Bandaru 365-368 Shri Mohan Rawale 368-369 Shri Sitaram Kesn 369-372 Clauses 2 and 1 384-404 Motion to pass, as amended Shri Sitaram Kesri 403-304 STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE: APPROVAL OF CONSTINUANCE IN FORCE THE 420-446 PROCLAMATION IN RESPECT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR Shri S.B. Chavan 420-426 Shri Jaswant Singh 426-427 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan 427-431 Shri Saituddin Choudhury 431-434 Shri Gopi Nalh Gajapathi 434-436 Shri E. Ahamed 436-439 Maj. Gen (ReId.) Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri 439-442 Shri B. Akber Pasha 442-444 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA (d) if so. the details thereof; (e) whether the Government have received any com­ Friday June 2, 1995 /12 Jyaistha, 1917 (Saka) plaint about several companies including multinational com­ panies engaged in production of soft-drink. which have not The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock passed on these concessions to consumers; and [MR. SPEAKER in the Chailj (f) if so, the action being taken by the Govemment against these companies? SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura) : Today I have given a notice for the suspension of the Question Hour to [English] discuss the adjournment motion because two serious railway accidents have taken place ... (Interruptions) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI M. V. CHANDRASHEKHARA MURTHY): MR. SPEAKER: Nothing is going on record. (a) to (f). A statement is laid on the Table of the House. (Interruptions) ' ... STATEMENT ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Part (a) Yes, Sir. 11.01 hrs. Part (b) The Government have announced excise duty reduction on number of items of mass consumption in Budget [Translation] 1995-96. The details are given in the Budget Speech and the Memorandum explaining the Provisions in the Finance Excise 'Duty Concessions Bill. 1995. The major items on which excise duty was reduced and the extent of reduction are indicated in Annexure r. '821. + SHRI RAM SINGH KASHWAN : Parts (c) and (eI) : The price of commodities is determined SHRI SATYA DEO SINGH: by market forces and depends on muhiplicity of factors including cost of production, demand arid supply position and Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state: level of taxation. Excise duty is levied at production point and there is a long chain of intermediaries between production (a) whether the Government have declared several ex­ point and the consumer who add their cost and profits to the cise duty reductions on a large number of items of mass ex-factory price. However, for protecting the interest of consumption including soft drinks; consumers in respect of pre-packed commodities the fol­ lowing steps have been taken by the Ministry of Civil Sup­ (b) if so. the details thereof; plies, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution : (c) whether the Government have taken any step to 1. An advertisement has been issued in the National ensure that these excise duty reductions are passed on to the Newspapers inviting the attention of the manufac­ consumers; turers of pre-packed commodities to pass on the • Not recorded 3 Ora/ Answers JUNE 2, 1995 Ora/ Answer.s 3A benefit of recent tax cuts to consumers. dards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Com­ modities) Rules, 1977. 2. All the Chief Ministers of the States and UTs have been requested to take necessary steps under the 5. Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices (BICP) has rules to ensure that the consumers ar.e not charged ; been requested to conduct a study to examine more than the revised price announced by the whether the industries have passed on the benefits ,mimufacturers. of tax concessions to the consumers in respect of some selected ite:ns on sample basis. 3. The Presidents of ali the four apex Industry Asso­ ciations have been requested to ensure that their Part (e) . It has been reported that generally the retail members pass on the benefits of duty concessions prices of soft drinks have not come down after the Budget. to the consumers. Part (f) : No specific legal action against any company is 4. All the Secretaries in charge of the Weights and under consideration for the present. However, concerned Measures Department in the State and Union Ministries of the Government of India will be asked to discuss Territories have been requested to ensure the this matter with industries for which they have administrative strict implementation of the provisions of the Stan- responsibility. ANNEXURE I Major items of general consumption on which duty was reduced in 1995-96 Budget Commodity Pre Budget Post Budget 2 3 Aerated waters 50% 40% Antiseptic creams 30% 20% Aluminium & its artic:;:,s 20% 15% Articles of asbestos cement 30% 25% Audio tape deck mechanism 25% 20% AudioNideo magQetic t~pe~ 30% 20% Ball bearings 20% 15°. Ceramic laboratory war.es 30% 20% Certain floor covering~ 30% 20% Cocoa and cocoa preparillions 25% 20% 50% 40% Oecorative·lamitlates 30% 25% 4 Ora/ Answers JYAISHTHA 12, 1917 (SAKA) Ora/ Answers 4A Commodity Pre Budget Post Budget 2 3 Dry cell batteries 25% 20% Fireworks 20'10 15% Glass containers 30% 20% Glass&glassware produced by mouth blown process 20% 10% Glazed ceramics 30% 20% Glazed Tiles 40% 30% Household porcelain and chinaware 30% 15% Insulated wires and Cables 30% 25% Leather cloth 35% 25% Malt based food preparations 25% 20% Mattress support. articles of bedding 30% 25% Parts of motor vehicles and two wheelers 20% 15% Perfumed hair oil 30% 20% Plastic Resins 30% 25% Polyester Filament Yarn 69% 57.5% Polymer based paints 30% 20% Rubber pipes and tubes 30% 25% Sewing threed (Nylon or polyester blended) 34.5%/69% . 23~'~ Sharbat, 'handai & Similar products 50% 20% Travel sets for personal toilet 50% 40% {Translation} provide relief to consumers by reducing the excise duty. I would like to ask the Government whether prices have Shri ram singh kashwan : Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Govern· decreased in the same proportion in which relief in excise ment iIIlended to enhance the industrial growth rat,. and duty has beeln granted ? May I know the steps taken ~ .5 Oral Answers JUNE 2,1995 Ora/ AnswelS 6 eliminate middlemen so that maximum benefit goes to ihe Govemment intended that the manufacturer should control consumer? the prices in such a way that consumer is benefited as a result of this concession. The hon'ble Minister has admitted that on [English] any item and particularly in respect of soft drinks the prices have not, come down. He has said: SHRI M.V. CHANDRASHEKHARA MURTHY: The Gov­ emment have annouced the excise duty reduction on a [Eng/ish] number of items of mass consumption in the recent Budget 1995-96. As per the study undertaken, fall in prices in some "It has been reported that generally the retail prices of the cases was noticed regarding paints and vamishes, cosmet­ soft drinks have not come down after the Budget.' ics and toilet preparations, paper and paper board, man­ made filament.
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