Limnol. Oceanogr., 35(S), 1990, 1 182-1195 0 1990, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Oxygen isotopic composition of bottom seawater and tunicate cellulose used as indicators of water masses in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas Abstract -Oxygen isotopic composition of rivers, evaporated surface ocean waters, bottom seawater and tunicate cellulose were used melting glaciers, and melting sea ice can be as short-term and long-term indicators, respec- tively, of water-mass characteristics in the north- separated and water types characterized (e.g. ern Bering and Chukchi Seas. Oxygen isotopic Epstein and Mayeda 1953; Tan and Strain composition of northeastern Bering Sea waters is 1980; Bedard et al. 198 1). In contrast to the influenced by Yukon River inflows of IsO-de- variability in the surface ocean, average 180 : pleted continental water mixing with relatively 180-enriched waters contributed by the Anadyr 160 ratios for the deep (> 500 m) sea vary Current. Tunicate cellulose sampled under Alas- by < 1%~ when expressed in the conven- ka coastal water is more depleted in IsO than that tional 6 notation: collected under Bering shelf and Anadyr waters, which reflects the oxygen isotopic composition 6180 = (Rstd/R,mple- 1) X 1030/oo (1) of these waters. Tunicate cellulose collected un- der the mixed Bering shelf water displays inter- where R = 180 : l 6O and std is Standard Mean mediate 6180 values. Oxygen isotopic analyses of Ocean Water (SMOW). The low variability bottom seawater were used to determine the spa- in V80 values of waters in the deep sea has tial location and influence of continental and led to widespread use of oxygen isotopes as coastal-derived precipitation and of sea-ice for- mation on water-mass structure on the continen- a paleothermometric indicator. The a18O tal shelf of the northern Bering and Chukchi values of carbonate, silica, and phosphate Seas. Results indicate that the oxygen isotopic precipitated by both living and fossil marine composition of tunicate cellulose, averaged over organisms, such as foraminiferans, radio- multiple seasons, may serve as a long-term bio- larians, coccolithophorids, diatoms, and chemical indicator of water-mass patterns in ice- covered polar regions where continuous sampling barnacles, have been used to estimate tem- is impractical. peratures of the water in which the organism lived, based on temperature-dependent equilibrations between the oxygens of water Stable oxygen isotopes in surface marine and of the biomineralized phase of interest waters have been used to study oceanic cir- (e.g. McCrea 1950; Mikkelsen et al. 1978; culation. When combined with salinity and Moore et al. 1980; Killingley and Newman temperature data, water contributions from 1983). These methods assume relatively lit- tle variation (N 1 .O%G)in the al80 values of Acknowledgments deep-ocean water over geological time-an We thank the following people for assistance at sea assumption supported by independent ev- during the study: D. Adkison, D. Veidt, T. Whitledge, idence (Ferronsky and Polyakov 1982). V. Koltun, and B. Sirenko. R. Highsmith provided The al80 values of seawater vary tem- tunicate samples collected in June 1988. D. Winter performed the mass spectrometric analyses. L. Coach- porally and spatially in portions of the ocean, man and three anonymous reviewers gave comments such as on shallow continental shelves in- that improved the manuscript. fluenced by freshwater input, particularly at Financial support was provided by NSF grants DPP high latitudes. Oxygen removed from sea- 88-l 3046, DMB 84-05003, and DMB 88-96201 and water by organisms should reflect oceanic DOE grant 87-ER60615. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also provided financial and logistical assistance circulation in such circumstances. The pur- that allowed participation in the 1988 Third American- pose of our study was twofold: to analyze Soviet Joint Expedition to the Bering and Chukchi al80 values of seawater as a short-term in- Seas. Logistical and financial support was also provid- dicator of water-mass location in the shal- ed during the 1987 cruise by the ISHTAR project (NSF DPP 84-05286). We thank the Captain and crew of the low arctic and to investigate whether the RV Akademik Korolev and RV Thomas G. Thompson 6180 values of cellulose synthesized by tu- for cooperation in the field. nicates can act as a long-term (multiseason) 1182 Notes 1183 biochemical indicator of water-mass pat- St. Lawrence Island, which forms due to terns. Our intent was unconventional com- winter cooling and ice formation (Coach- pared to that of traditional oxygen isotopic man et al. 1975). studies of biosynthesized materials. Instead Salinity and 180 content are related in of relating the 6180 values of the biosyn- most ocean waters, with similar processes thesized materials to variations in water influencing both in tandem (Epstein and temperature, we sought to relate the al80 Mayeda 1953; Ferronsky and Polyakov values of tunicate cellulose to the ambient 1982). Thus, the major water masses in our 6l*O values of different water masses in a study can also be distinguished by 6180 val- shallow, polar system. ues. The salinity-al80 relationship can be- The shallow shelf of the northern Bering come decoupled when multiple freshwater and Chukchi Seas (averaging ~70 m) is ice sources of differing al80 values mix with covered for 7-8 months of the year. The saline water, leading to differences in al80 summer physical oceanographic regime in- values but not the salinity of the mixtures. cludes three major water masses that are Another deviation from the salinity-al80 re- steered bathymetrically northward across lationship can occur when sea ice forms and the northern Bering shelf into the Chukchi the resultant brine rejection increases the Sea (Coachman et al. 1975; Schumacher et underlying waters’ salinities but does not al. 1983; Walsh et al. 1989; Fig. 1). These significantly change a1*O values (Redfield water masses are defined by T’S profiles and and Friedman 1969; Vetshteyn et al. 1974; are characterized by the following average Ferronsky and Polyakov 1982). In this cir- bottom-water properties in summer: Ana- cumstance, a18O values will more accurately dyr water (AW; S > 32.5o/oo, T = - l.O- separate water masses than will salinity. 1.5”C) on the western side of the system, Thus, on shallow continental shelves in po- Bering shelfwater (BSW; S = 3 1.8 to 32.5o/oo, lar regions, where both freshwater runoff and T = 0- 1.5”C) in the middle region, and Alas- brine rejection can change seawater 180 ka coastal water (ACW, S < 3 1.8!&, T 2 4°C) composition and salinity, respectively, the near the Alaska coast (Walsh et al. 1989). combination of both measurements can dis- North of Bering Strait in the Chukchi Sea, tinguish changes or continuity in water-mass water originating from along the Siberian composition otherwise unobservable with coast to the west and north is carried to the salinity measurements alone. southeast by the Siberian Coastal Current DeNiro and Epstein (198 1) observed that (S > 33?&, T < - 1°C; Coachman et al. cellulose 6180 values from tropical and tem- 1975; Coachman pers. comm.). perate aquatic plants and tunicates were Both AW and BSW originate south of St. 27 + 3o/oomore positive than the al80 values Lawrence Island. AW originates in the of the water in which they grew. No signif- northern Bering Sea as a branch of the Be- icant temperature effects on isotopic frac- ring Slope Current (S - 33.27~), which di- tionation were observed during cellulose vides east of Cape Navarin and transits the synthesis in freshwater plants or during in Gulf of Anadyr as the Anadyr Current vitro carbonyl exchange reactions that may (Coachman et al. 1975; Walsh et al. 1989). govern the fractionation observed between The AW passing northward through Ana- cellulose and water (Sternberg and DeNiro dyr Strait contains 80-90% water from the 1983). Although tunicates have not been Bering continental slope (Bering Slope Cur- cultured under different temperature re- rent), with the rest coming from waters in gimes, the similarity of the offsets between the Gulf of Anadyr, runoff on the west side, the al80 values of water and tunicate cel- and Bering shelf water on the east side. In lulose for animals that lived at temperatures the central Gulf of Anadyr, water is colder differing by as much as 15°C (DeNiro and (T < -O.SOC) and less saline (S 5 32.37~) Epstein 198 1) suggests that, as in plants (Ep- than AW to the west. BSW is a mixture of stein et al. 1977; DeNiro and Epstein 1979), water from the Bering Sea mixing with the there is no significant temperature effect on less saline, cold pool of resident water on oxygen isotopic fractionation in tunicate the northern Bering Sea shelf just south of cellulose. Before this study, no research had 1184 Notes 67 + water circulation 65 63 \ BERING SEA 61 BERING SLOPE Fig. 1. Study area showing local water circulation, water masses, and bathymetry (modified from Coachman et al. 1975; Walsh et al. 1989). been done to investigate the l*O composi- known as a tunic, along with inhalent and tion of polar tunicate cellulose. exhalent siphons at one end and an attach- Ascidians (often called sea squirts) are ment surface at the other. The fibrous ma- sessile tunicates that occur attached to rocks, trix of the tunic is composed primarily of a pilings, or ships as well as within fine sed- type of cellulose, called tunicin, that occurs iments (Barnes 1980). These animals are in variable amounts, with proteins, poly- characterized by a tough outer body wall, saccharides, blood cells, and inorganic com- Notes 1185 pounds (Ushakov 1955; Alexander 1975; the laboratory.
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