• \ ''" ~!" >• '• '" .;'•' y ' ''*"•',' ' U ' " . ' '•'.• THE Remember Mama' CONCORDIAN To Be Presented Tonight at 8:00 "LRemember Mama," the spring produc- Volume XXXVIII Concordia College, Moorhead, Friday, May 10, 1946 Number 25 tion of the Concordia Theatre, will be presented in the college Chapel. Leading roles will be played by Dorothy Solem as Mama; Margaret Schroeder, Katrin; Ralph Wallin, Papa; and Lamar Runestad, Uncle Chris. District Officers Are Elected LWA Campaign Mrs. Norma G. Gilbert is the di- rector. Gets Slow Start Based on the story "Mama's At Luther League Conventions Bank Account" by Kathryn For- According to the latest re- bes, Van Druten's stage version At the Northern Minnesota District Luther League conven- ports of Lutheran World Ac- centers around Mama Marta Han- tion and Choral Union which was held at Bemidji the week tion solicitors, Concordia stu- son and her family. The small of May 5, officers for the following year were elected. dents, in the first four days of world of the Hanson family re- Reverend Ernest Gjelten of Comstock, a Cobber graduate the campaign, have contribut- volves around Mama, and all four of 1940, was elected president. ed S185.85 toward the $1,200 children accept her authority un- Serving as vice president will be goal that has been set. questioningly. Rev. F. E. Eikeland of Warren. Week'sChapelSchedule The sophomore class leads Papa Lars Hanson is Mama's Miss Alice Egeland from Fisher, in the amount contributed with chief mainstay, and is character- *-Concordia graduate of 1941, was a sum of $94.85 already turned ized by his teasing humor and un- elected secretary, and Rev. Leo- To Include Programs By in. Next are the freshmen with nard T. Thompson, Glenwood, fi- $62.50, followed by the seniors nance director. Pocket Testa- Orchestra, Brotherhood and juniors. Clarence Modin, in charge of ment secretary will be Miss Students of the sophomore class Esther Gjerde of Pelican Rapids. the drive, asks all students to are to present the program in give their contribution to the Retiring officers are Rev. L. M. chapel on Monday, according to solicitors today if possible in Larsen, '28 of Stephen, Rev. L. the schedule released. order to bring the campaign to E. Evans of Bemidji, Miss Lor- On Tuesday the Agassiz high a close soon. raine Thorson, resident head of school orchestra of Fargo will Fjelstad hall, and Rev. T. C. Han- play. Conducting-the orchestra is son, Roseau. Harlow Berquist. MARGARET SCHROEDER Reelected as director of the Speaking on Wednesday is Rob- Nominating Committee Choral Union for next year was ert Onkka. The program is pre- Prof. Paul J. Christiansen, head sented by the newly organized of the music department at Con- college Lutheran Brotherhood Prepares Forum Slate Rve Neophytes cordia. Rev. Harold S. Nasheim of and will also include a trumpet Election of members of next Benson, president; Miss Ellen trio composed of Donald Hagen, year's Student Forum will take Bye of Bemidji, secretary, and Philip Stenehjem and Ronald place Tuesday in the Main build- Rev. Leonard Thompson of Glen- Johnson. Richard Hoffland will ing. A slate of candidates drawn Pledge To APG render a vocal selection. wood, treasurer, comprise the up by the nominating committee Neophytes will be initiated into other officers of the Choral Union Doctor J. W. Johnshoy will be was accepted at a student body Alpha Phi Gamma, national hon- for next year. chapel speaker on Thursday and meeting yesterday. The following orary journalistic fraternity, at a Speakers at the convention this on Friday Norwegian Indepen- students were nominated: social function to be held next year included Rev. Sidney A. dence Day will be observed ac- For president, Willys Nord, week according to Ruth Mertz, Rand of the Concordia religion cording to custom at Concordia. Clarence Modin and Ansgar Ryk- president. department. The concert choir ap- The Seventeenth of May program ken; vice president, Harley Carl- is under the direction of Prof. J. Prospective members include DOROTHY SOLEM peared Sunday with the Chora] A. Holvilc son and Rolf Aaseng; secretary- Loretta Thomas, Beatrice Lund- Union and also presented a short treasurer, William Mattke and blad, Joyce Kvaalen, Marjorie selfish devotion to his family. program of anthems. Raymond Farden; religious repre- Katrin, their oldest daughter, sentative, Elwood Bohn, Robert Mueller and Marguerite Elling- New officers were also elected son. tells the story of significant hap- at the North Dakota district con- Students Toflnst net Onkka and Ronald Soderquist; penings in their life, and repre- vention held in Fargo during the Literary representative, Lil- Requirements for entrance into sents author Forbes, the tyro lian Hilnio and Selma Berge; mu- the fraternity are two years' re- eternally hopeful'of literary suc- same period. Named president BibleJSchools portorial experience on The Con- was Rev. O. O. Brandt, Rugby, N. sic representative, Ralph Wallin, cess. Lamar Runestad and Philip Ste- cordian or a staff position on the Mama is a power with relatives D., vice president, Rev. E. O. Gil- Parochial schools in this terri- Cobber or The Concordian. bertson '36, Crosby, N- D-, secre- tory will claim the attention nehjem; athletic representative, outside her immediate family, too. tary, Miss Esther Broaten, also of of Cobber students this summer. Vernon Grinaker and Waldo Miss Lundblad serves at pres- She finds means of outwitting the Rugby, and treasurer, Mr. J. C. Rev. C. M. Hanson, Rev. Sidney Jerde; and social representative, ent as circulation manager of The domineering sister, Aunt Jenny Lund, Minot, N. D. Rand and Prof. Peter Anderson Jean Edhlund, Ella Schryver and Concordian, Miss Thomas, as ad- (Avis Swanson) and the whining are receiving and fulfilling* re- Constance Levin. vertising manager, and Misses sister Aunt Sigrid (Lois Macnab) Other officers elected were while she bolsters the morale of Pocket Testament secretary, Miss quests from pastors in the north- Results of the election will be Kvaalen, Mueller and Ellingson west. published in the next issue of The have completed two years as re- timid Aunt Trina (Mary Kathryn Ruth Johnson, Fargo, N. D., Enger). choral union director, Rev. S. D. Orville Sunde will teach in Max, Concordian. porters. Sorgen '31, Valley City, N. D., and N. D., Marlys Stenson in Hanna- A wholesome philosophy of life assistant choral union directors, ford, N. D., Doris Bakke and Ada is expressed throughout the play Rev. R. S. Aanestad '36, Hatton, Groth in Warwick, N. D., and in such lines as, "Comes a time N. D., and Rev. Alfred Karlstad, Mildred Warwick and Mildred Apollo Boys' Choir Plauded when you got to get down on your Watford City, N. D. Eastvold in Pekin, N. D. knees," and "He pays with better "As a youth I longed to sing in years of age. These boys repre- things than money." The effect Rev. C. A. Berson, Berthold, N. Dolores Severtson will teach in a choir and never was able. I or- sent several different states and of such a philosophy on the lives; D. and Rev. A. O. Lee, Lakota, Halstad, Leslie Ann McRae in ganized the choir so that other of the various characters forms, Borup and Patricia Dragseth at one foreign country, Switzerland. N. D., were appointed Senior and little boys who wanted to sing Each spring an audition is held the core of the plot, which sets, Junior league contact men, re- Hazen, N. D. might have a chance,'* explained forth the pattern of life of Nor- spectively. when boys from the entire nation Teaching at Nome, N. D., will Coleman Cooper, director of the come to try out. Teachers and di- wegian Americans. be Edith Sevalson, at Richey, Apollo Boys' choir, when ques- rectors also send in names of Mont., Arland Fiske, at Reynolds, tioned concerning his incentive prospective members. Science Club Will N. D., James Setnes and at Joplin, for beginning such a musical or- Mont., Paul Guldseth. ganization. For two months during the from summer, 35 boys attend a camp Sherman Korshavn will teach Since the choir was founded by Discuss 'Chemistry' in Grand Forks, N. D., Eleanor near Dallas, Texas. A beneficial Mr. Cooper in 1935, it has estab- schedule of music and recreation At the meeting of the Science Eastvold at New Eppington, S. D., lished itself among the major Reporter's Marilyn Miller at Mohall, N. D., is maintained in which each boy club last Tuesday a film on tele- musical organizations of America. has three and a half hours of pri- vision was shown. Topics dealing and Janet Hill at Driscoll, N. D. The choir, which appeared ibe- vate instruction daily. This in- with sound were presented by Teacher at Alberta will be Nor- fore an appreciative audience in struction includes voice, piano, Notebook mbers °f t^e organization. ma Stene, at Hettinger, N. D., the Moorhead armory last Mon- ear training and sight-reading. By DOLORES SEVERTSON Ralph Rygg discussed the Ruth Ann Waage and at Breck- day evening, is composed of boys On Saturdays the choir rehearses. Theory of Sound," Elvin Lee enridge, Arlys Johnson. ranging in age from nine to 14 It is during the summer that they Mary Thorstenson came to his- spoke on "Sound As Applied to In addition many students plan master their music. tory class one day with her hair the Human Voice" and Anton to teach in their home congrega- braided. Prof. Nordlie surveyed Iverson discussed "Sound As Ap- tions. At the end of the summer, 21 the group—then turned and said, plied To Music and Harmony." Concordia Graduate of the 35 boys are selected to "After this, Miss Thorstenson, Doctor Konrad Lee demonstrated make two annual tours.
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