Southern California on the Hill ACCESS Washington, D.C. March 9 - 12, 2009 Southern California is 23 million people live and work in Southern California – more residents than any state with the exception of all of California and Texas. America’s Recovery Engine More than 140,000 jobs identified by Southern The country’s leading center for the California municipalities can be created by “shovel-ready” projects while increasing mobility entertainment, manufacturing and emerging and preserving natural resources in one of the nation’s most populous regions. green industries, Southern California is the engine that will drive our nation’s economic 400,000 jobs are associated with the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). LAX is recovery. The region is poised to create and working to accommodate the next generation of aircraft. A single daily roundtrip, transoceanic preserve more than 1 million jobs and generate flight of an Airbus A380 is worth 3,900 jobs and significant economic activity through its airports $723 million in economic output annually. and ports, which serve as the top entry point for all 1.2 million jobs are related to the ports goods and visitors entering the United States. of Los Angeles and Long Beach. America’s gateway to the world, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Investments to the region’s more than 9,000 miles Beach together are the world’s fifth-busiest port of freeway lanes spanning across 38,000 square complex. The nation would lose an estimated $1 billion per day without our ports. miles will create thousands of new jobs for projects vital to the efficient movement of goods to the rest 441,200 jobs are tied to International Trade in Southern California. Southern California has an of the state and the nation. international economy. The value of two-way trade in the Los Angeles Customs District is $329.4 billion – the largest in the nation. Southern California on the Hill – Access 11 million jobs are generated by U.S. copyright Washington, D.C. brings together the largest industries. Southern California is the entertainment delegation of bipartisan Southern California capital of the world, helping to contribute more than $1 trillion to the U.S. economy through movies, business and civic leaders to advocate for the region television, music, books, videogames and software each year. With more than 200 delegates, this year’s each year. trip is focused on advancing policies and More than 80,000 jobs are supported by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). investments that create jobs and accelerate The second-largest employer in Los Angeles County, economic recovery for the nation. Together, we LAUSD educates more than 700,000 students entering college and the workforce each year. can restore America’s prosperity. Statistical sources: Computer and Communications Industry Association; Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation; Los Angeles World Airports; Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach; StimulusWatch.org. 2009 Pr i o r i t y is s u e s So u t h e r n Ca l i f o r n i a iS am e r i C a ’S re C o v e r y en g i n e AVIATION EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Provide Increased Funding for Airport Improvements in Federal Aviation Support Early and Pre-K Education Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Support legislation that promotes quality early education, Ensure additional funding for the modernization process including the creation of the Early Learning Challenge Grant at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) through the FAA Program proposed by President Obama, to support states Reauthorization. Allow LAX to collect passenger facility in their efforts to expand access to high quality early charges as a pilot project to complete capital improvements. education programs. An investment in early education is Los Angeles is in the process of modernizing facilities and proven to enhance educational outcomes in later years that building new infrastructure to revitalize LAX. will lead our nation’s economy for years to come. Use Federal Stimulus Money to Revitalize LAX Improve No Child Left Behind Act Urge Congress to use stimulus money for the billions of Support adequate funding and regulatory changes to No dollars worth of shovel-ready projects ideal for stimulus Child Left Behind. Creating various pathways for success, funding at LAX. Projects include a central taxiway, decreasing year-round focus on standardized testing and mechanical maintenance in terminal buildings, completion reducing dropout rates is instrumental to effectively obtain of the Bradley West Terminal and many other infrastructure a skilled workforce. Additionally, support efforts to improve projects. These projects will create thousands of jobs, assessment system of student progress to ensure infusing millions of dollars into the local and national preparedness to compete in our global economy. economy. Provide Multiple Pathways to College and Career Increase Funding for Security Measures at LAX Support programs that integrate rigorous college prep Urge the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to course work with applied learning and Career and Technical provide additional funding to complete upgrading the Education (CTE) in order to reduce dropout rates and better in-line baggage handling facilities at LAX to ensure rapid prepare students for both college and career. The Promoting and comprehensive screening of passenger luggage. Innovations to 21st Century Careers Act will help strengthen LAX is a major destination and departure airport, servicing the transition from high school to postsecondary education. tens of millions of passengers each year. Support Postsecondary and Higher Education Urge Federal Lawmakers to Continue Funding Increase investments in Pell Grant and other financial aid, C-17 Production Gear Up and TRIO programs to improve access to Urge federal lawmakers to continue ordering C-17s for U.S. postsecondary opportunities for low-income students. military operations. Boeing’s C-17 is an important product Reintroduce and pass the DREAM Act to provide higher for military and humanitarian aid missions. In addition, the education opportunities to immigrant students. Ensure C-17 production facility in Long Beach, California provides a higher education efficiency through an investment in vital economic stimulus locally and in 41 other states. research funding for four-year institutions and resources for community colleges. Support the American Opportunity Resist Restrictions to Flight Times at Tax Credit and implement FAFSA simplification. Burbank Airport Urge the FAA to resist attempts by Burbank Airport to Refocus Efforts on Workforce Development impose early curfews on commercial and private aircraft Prioritize investments to create new and green jobs, assist operations. This would force permanent relocation of displaced workers, and create pathways to high demand, flights and aircrafts to other airports in the region, high growth industries. Advocate for increased funding for increasing local congestion and producing disproportionate the Workforce Investment Act (WIA); pass the Summer Jobs aircraft noise in other communities. In order to disperse air Stimulus Act of 2009 (S. 267, Sen. Patty Murray, D-WA); and ground traffic, airport regionalization is vital in the support appropriations for the Green Jobs Act of 2007 (HR Los Angeles basin. 2847, U.S. Rep. Hilda Solis, D-CA); pass the Green-Collar Youth Jobs, Education, and Training Stimulus Act (S. 268, Sen. Patty Murray, D-WA); fully fund the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act; and encourage mid-career professionals to enter teaching by eliminating the Social Security penalties. So u t h e r n Ca l i f o r n i a iS am e r i C a ’S re C o v e r y en g i n e ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE CHANGE global warming without hurting our economy. Focus on Develop New and Strengthen Existing Clean investment in clean technology, renewable energy tax credits, Technology Incentives expanding offsets and implementing a cap-and-trade system Enable further local investment by extending renewable for greenhouse gasses. Also, promote uniform national energy production tax credits, making them available regulations rather than different state-by-state standards. for companies of all sizes. Southern California has an unprecedented investment in renewable and clean energy technology. Amend IRS tax codes to allow solar federal tax GLOBAL INITIATIVES credits to be available for businesses and institutions who use local public financing. Support Free Trade and Open World Markets Resist the urge to erect barriers or increase protectionism – such moves would invite retaliation and will not restore the Help Southern California Weatherize and Retrofit economy’s health. Enforce existing trade rules and obligations Energy Efficient Buildings when appropriate and necessary to keep foreign markets open. Provide federal stimulus money to energy-efficiency upgrades Approve pending Free Trade Agreements to increase commerce to new and existing buildings through funding for conservation for U.S.-based businesses and their employees and bring much- programs, tax credits, equipment rebates and utility sponsored needed foreign capital into the United States. energy audits. Southern California is a national leader in energy efficiency practices but needs federal support to Renew Trade Promotion Authority meet aggressive climate change requirements. Ensure that Renew Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) which expired in bill language applies credit fairly for different climates, such June 2007, to help kick-start the stalled WTO Doha Round as those in warmer western states. negotiations and give the administration the authority to negotiate free trade agreements that will open new markets Support Innovative Hollywood Freeway Central Park in key trading partners to American products. Renewing TPA Support federal funding to begin development of the would show our commitment to expanding trade opportunities Hollywood Freeway Central Park, an innovative project that and keeping markets open. will serve as a national model for the creation of new green space in a dense, urban environment.
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