The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS October 29 Commencement 1. The Class ol 1944 at the Baccalaureate Mass, Sac­ red Heart Church. 2. Procession from the Main Building to the Mass. 3. V-12 John Hickey receives the Byron V. Kanaley Prize. 4. Hon. Harry F. HeUy,'17. de­ livers the Commencement Address. 5. Rev. John J. Cavanaugh. C.S.C., reads the Centenary Letter from the Pope. 6. Bishop O'Connor oi Supe­ rior delivers the Baccalau­ reate Sermon. 7. V-12 John F. Q-Hora re­ ceives the J. Sinnott Meyers Burse in journalism. 8. Another view ol the Mass procession. Navy and fac­ ulty leading. 9. Leo T. Crowley, foreign economic administrator, re­ ceives his T.T.T) Vol. 22 DECEMBER. 1943 No. 2 The Notre Dame Alumnus ly ha\-e his best interests at heart is of secondary nature. He is a God-given guarantee that yout- happiness shall never be permanently interrupte<! AUi^nuU (lelUf4J0ui RiJieUn and that your future with him shall hold un. qualified happiness. -BY REV. JOHN P. LYNCH. C.S.C.: You have reached, through the Grace of God, The editor of this column submitted to be the author, a letter written by a happiness hitherto unknown and unappreciated. one ai-ticle which Jim Armstrong and N. D. boy who takes time off from his Your great desires of a living personification of Bill Dooley thought more appropriate soldiering duties thousands of miles your own attributes have been fulfilled. Your at another time. from home to say this to a father prayers, your faith, loyalty and devotion to Our Lord and His Blessed Afother have been rich ly I respect their and mother on the priceless gift of -a rewarded and you have merited the honor, that is judgment, and I child: now yours. Your present happiness and your guess Our Lady Dear Slargie and Joe. honorable position in society is a very grec t does too because At long last the much awaited moment has credit and the source of much joy to the rest ot Our Lady imme­ coma and has already gone bringing with it a the family. All of us are pleased in you and as diately presented Riorious addition to our family. How I wish that happy as -yve can possibly be in your great joys a new, probably I could see your little son and share in the per­ and our prayers are pledged to you and your son better, article fect happiness that he has given to you. How for continued bliss together. written b y o n e wonderfully fortunate you are that AJmighty of her Army boys God has honored you with a son born to His There has been mudi controversy as to the in a land thou­ Own Image and Likeness. I join with you in the wisdom of bringing a child into the world at Father Lyndi sands of miles g^rateful appreciation to Our Lord for your son's this particular time but I believe that a child is from home but successful arrival. fortunate to be born during these troubled still warm with the glorious Spirit of times because he shall be an everlasting symbol Notre Dame. It all happened this way: The long anxious months of cautious prepara­ of the many treasures of free men for which so tion and patient waiting are now a thing of the great a number of our countr:>'men — and fathers The justifiably proud father (a prom­ l)ast. You have now dedicated your lives to the too — have suffered unrevealed hardships and inent physician and surgeon) of this task of educating your son in the traditions of a given their lives. Those things for which we are Notre Dame boy came to visit me down true Catholic American — those same traditions fighting are wrapped up in the unit of your son's here in Philadelphia, bringing two arti­ which are being so courageously defended and body and soul. It seems impossible that the cher­ cles — one being the December Reader's preserved for him today on our many battlefields. ished values of our religion, our country and Digest containing a well done argument The trust that Almighty God has placed in you family can be included in such a fragile bundle, by. a Catholic mother against "Planned is the greatest trust that can be placed in the but they are instilled into your son and he shall, Parenthood"; the other "being a letter hands of a young couple. Your own flesh and when he comes of age when he can understand which his boy, a fairly recent N. D. blood, your son whose life is an intricate part of and appreciate his priceless inheritance, be for­ graduate, had written to his brother your own, has been bom and shall grow and ever grateful to His God and parents and his and sister-in-law on the birth of their live according to the manner in which you ac­ country for what he has received. first baby. cept your heavenly responsibility. Whether your child will live to be a credit to you and to the It is not now a question of can he become The N. D. grad, known well to this people who arc interested depends solely ujion worthy of us, rather it is a challenge to us to editor, was a daily Communicant at whether or not you, and the rest of us, will become worthy of him — your son who has been Notre Dame; he expressed one time a prove worthy of having such a pnceless gift in given to you by God and who is next to God liking for—and he practices—that story: our midst. Himself. God bless the three of you and guide "God first, others second, I am third" you into the life of treasured happinesses which (published here some months ago). In In the future, your path shall bo very trying you shall enjoy from the moment of his birth the Army he has turned down a chance and tiresome so much so that oftentimes all will to eternity. seem to be of no avail but when that moment for a commission believing he can do At this momentous occasion God's blessing. more for his associates by stajfring in arrives, you shall have renewed encouragement their ranks with them: he intends to through your little tot who depends upon you for (Sgned) Paul devote his future life as a layman, work­ his security. You shall come through whatever ing for and with boys. crises you may encounter because you now have We can't improve on that — so we'll someone of your very own to strengthen '•-the just add that Jim and Bill were prob­ He's entitled to wear an N. D. mono­ bonds that you cemented last year. Your lives ably right about the first article sub­ gram. He can't wear it in the Army, of have now been repledged and rcdedicated to the mitted and we think they got their course, but he shows it daily in his life welfare of your son. All that does not immediate­ hunch from Our Lady, right above the because it's engraved on his heart, a bet­ Alumni Office on the dome. ter place; and with it all he has a sense She's still running things, thank God, of thimior. He wrote a letter to the un­ at Notre Dame and we think she wants born son a month or two before the us to add her blessings and greetings to baby^ birth, telling him why, when he her boys all over the world — and to as­ grew up he should go not to the college sure us all that she is watching wher­ oi his- daddy or his mother, but to the ever we are and asking each of us to college of his uncle — Notre Dame, Our remember her and to be worthy of her, Lady's college but a man's college nev­ and, above all, of that Child she gave ertheless. to all of us 1,900 years ago. Now that you've got a Jittle of his On this momentous occasion, — re­ background I ^ve you his letter, a let­ calling another Birth, — God's blessing ter of which any priest would be proud on all of you wherever you are! The Notre Dame Alumnus This magazine is published bi-monthly by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Entered as second class matter October 1. 1939, at the Postofnce. Notre Dame, Indiana, tmder the act of Ausnist 24. 1912. Member of the American Alumni Council and of the National Catholic Alumni Federation. Jaznes E. Armstrong. '25, Editor; WilUazn R. Dooler, '26. Mcmoging Editor VOL. 22 DECEMBER, 1943 NO. 2 100th Commencement, Last for Duration Reading of Pope's Letters is Highlisht of Oct. 29 Ceremonies; Honorary Degrees Awarded to Commencenient Speakers and to Leo Crowley and Admiral Nimitz; Scannell Receives Faculty Prize. Notre Dame's 100th Commencement on mander of the United States Pacific honor with great pleasure and in all Friday, Oct. 29, closed with muffled Fleet. The degree will be conferred upon humility." drums the Centenary Year of the Uni­ Admiral Nimitz when conditions permit versity and was the last formal com­ him to visit the University campus With the return of a class small in mencement exercise for the duration.
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