tf.i-'Vffriryirf^Vrr^liffr'Taftri'fft*^*—*^^^ ' •'.'- ''> i '-2? , t-5i-sr%'*3' ^•' IT-- •••• fTt-t 15. I p THE NOTRE DAME 0 i Scholastic FEBRUARY 12, 1954 "^mm. ."•H-^^'*"* "'^I HOW THE STARS GOT m MARGE and GOWER CHAMPION met as schoolkids at dancing school. Their paths criss-crossed for years as each sought a career. Finally, Gower, back from Service, "teamed up" with Marge After months of rehearsal, they were a sensation in TV, movies and stage. They are now Mr. and Mrs. -&MIU>f/BSSa!!dfiAVOR /IMELS PGfiEE Wrm MORE PED THAN; ANJV OTHER. OC^ARETTE I Notre Dame Men Have Made Gilbert's Their No. 1 BRAND NAME Store The names behind the name pOR 38 years the name Gilbert's has been backed by hun­ dreds of nationally known brand names .. names that, by their lonsr association with Gilbert's have come to symbolize the quality and complete satisfac­ tion you alwa\'s expect at this store. FAMOUS BRAND NAMES that are known to be "Trademai'ks of Quality" GILBERT'S SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN! February 12, 1954 'i!»S!PPBSWgBWW!!^W5«e!S«!S55!S3!S5?R35S5!!^^ Want to travel and study Parker-Winterrewd Inc. abroad? Still Water, But Not So Deep I find myself only partially in agree­ ment with opinions expressed in the Jan. 15 "Back Page" column. But, let's for now, not resort to inane recriminations Take a university-sponsored over sociological and economical consid­ tour via TWA this summer erations. By the by, let's penetrate more and earn full college credit deeply than the APPEARANCE of while you travel Notre Dame and its students. Visit the countries of your choice Has it ever occurred to you men what .. study from 2 to 6 weeks at a influence you might bear on this situa­ foreign university. You can do both tion? As such prominent spokesmen, on one trip ivhen you arrange a uni­ through such an influential medium, it versity-sponsored tour via TWA. should be of great concern. The mode of Itineraries include countries in dress is plainly an external expression Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Special study tours available. of the conformity and intellectual in­ Low all-inclusive prices with TW A's ertia that permeates this place. A good economical Sky Tourist service. bit of the blame for this reprehensible For information, Avrite: John H. situation goes to you for your dull, un­ Furbay, Ph. D., Director, Air World imaginative writing. It is unnecessary Tours, Dept. CN, 380 Madison Ave., to Siingle out any one edition or any par­ New York 17, N. Y. Be sure to men­ ticular column. It goes on from week to tion countries you wish to visit. week. A noteworthy sample appears this week in the leaden remark, "No column last week, but there is one this week," supposedly oiFered as a sophisticated ntmi mo»u> MIKUMI witticism. This school has much that others lack, RESTRING but, by the same token, Notre Dame stu­ dents miss a lot that is good college-type WITH life that other schools have. One such is what this situation paints to: a buoyan­ cy and keenness in the school atmos­ phere, usually well placed by the campus papers and radio. (Please, please don't point to the bedraggled example of the screeching mob pandemonium of football rallies and satisfy yourself that I'm Complete service to all Air STANDS OUT wrong because you'll be utterly smash­ Force, Army, Navy, and in ploy ing my basic presupposition: that you Marine Personnel. Uniforms, are capable of level headed thinking.) • Harder Smashes Of course, at other schools this is supple- Caps, and accessories — • Better Cut and Spin mentarily aided by a much gayer and entire ready - to - wear or more resourceful social life than here. tailored made to measure. (I know. You have all sorts of retorts You may pay when you STANDS UP here, too, bless your little minds.) receive your Government in your ratket L, '>!i Apparently, it goes without noting allowance. • Moisture Immune that the latter, as the saying has it, is • Lasting Liveliness bigger than both of us and will probably Placing your order early remain the same for many classes hence. means better service. However, as regards the former, the COSTS lESS field is open. This should serve to im­ ffian gut press upon you men the magnitude of ATPROX. SnUNGMG COST: the need, the opportunity, and the chal­ Pro-Fected Braid....$6.00 lenge for a bit .of journalistic acumen. Parker-Winterrowii Uirifi-Ply Braid .$5.00 I feel quite sure it is possible and would Ine. not only be ravenously welcomed but, its At tennis shops and effect would be far reaching and would TAILORS-CLOTHIERS sporting goods stores. certainly yield no harm. 1151/2-1171/2 No. Main St. So, let's not jump so quickly and thoughtlessly on the more superficial UPSTAIRS (Continued on Page 32) The Scholastic Conference Will Examine Current Labor Conflicts A conference on collective bargaining and arbitration, sponsored jointly by the Department of Economics, College of Law, and the American Arbitration As­ by Ken Murphy sociation, will be held here Friday, Feb. 26. More than 500 representatives of Top of the Week labor, management, education, and the Notre Dame football will continue . legal profession are expected at the an­ nual convention. Slippin' fhe Clue Highlights of this year's session will Eemember back in the dear, dim past when the last issue be a discussion of Pi-esident Eisenhow­ of the Scholastic came out, we proposed a question to our er's proposed amendments to the Taft- public? It concerned the Irish all-opponent football team in Hartley Law, a practice collective bar­ 1949, and ran something like this: "What major league base­ gaining session, and a panel discussion on recent trends in labor arbitration. ball player of the past season was selected on that opponent James J. Spillane, regional director of team?" No one has hit the nail on its proverbial head yet, the Federal Mediation Service in Chica­ so we'll slip you a clue, Lou. go, will serve as modei-ator for the prac­ CLUE NUMBER ONE: It wasn't Joe tice collective bai'gaining session which DiMaggio. (There will be another help­ telling where your vocabulary will end will consider seniority, union security, ful hint next WEEK, ,if nobody's light- up if you stay at this new-fangled game grievances, and other issues. bulb has lit up by then.) long enough. Signs of the Times Never Bet Against ND, the Yankees, Dioinoncls Jewelry Watches The Freshman bi-anch of the YCS, ap­ or the Murphys parently overwhelmed by the enormity A noted philosopher once remarked: J. Trelhewey of the occasion, passed out some signs "There are three types of Irishmen—the in the freshman halls during exam week high, the low, and the Murphys." Be JOE, THE JEWELER for the yearlings to hang on their gates. this as it may, the old namesake still has 104 N. Mam St. JMS. BMg. The signs were rather remai-kable works a commanding lead around campus with of art, with the words "I'M STUDY­ no less than 28 fellow-Murphys listed in ING" printed in bold black type on a the 1953-54 vei-sion of the Student Di­ yellow background. rectory. A pretty good idea, we thought. GLASSES miED This is a decrease of five over the Satisfactory Optical Service in 'Course the fledglings couldn't hang them number which saturated the campus last up on their swinging doors before they South Bend for over 50 yeors. yeai-, but one consolation lies in the fact Lenaes Ground in Our Own SDiop. had initiated a few minor changes, which that eight freshmen entered this year to included the erasure of the S T U from help replenish the ranks. STUDYING and the addition of FOR Another consolation is that the Kellys, J. BURKE A CHANGE underneath the original who gave the Murphys a run for their Optometrist message. Rather remarkable works of money last year, appear to have faded in 01. W. G. BOGARDUS art in their own respect. the stretch and have decreased to 17, re­ DR. M. I. MITTEIIMAYER linquishing second place to the Sullivans. A9Boeiat4* Football Is A Word But the Sullivans, with 20 numbered in 228 So. MUdiigan St. their ranks, don't appear to be serious There may be something to reports of contenders at the present. a de-emphasis on football after all. This Say, you know Ave'd better be careful conclusion was arrived at after your or we're liable to be investigated by the ever-alert reporter perceived definite ten­ NCAA for recruiting. dencies toward a new rage on campus —Scrabble. Toujours L'Amour SPAGHEHI RAVIOLI Now Scrabble, like football, is a game. And in Scrabble, as .in football, the one The University of Laval Le Carabin CHICKEN STEAKS scoring the most points wins the game. came up Avith a pretty good one the other In fact, when it comes right down to it, day: TF« CaUir to BamquetM about the only noticeable difference be­ "—Certainement, j'ai une 'job' pour and Parties tween the two is that in football you vous. The new tradition at Notre Dame Icick extra points and in Scrabble this is Balayez le magasin. is strictly taboo. —Mais, monsieur, je suis un univer- Scrabble does hold one great big ad­ sitaire! Flamingo Restaurant vantage over football, too. It helps you —Je regrette, mais c'est la 'job' la .increase your word-power.
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