![Gazettejune 8,2(0) Convocation a Rousing Success](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PublicalionsMail Registration No. 551 988 I \olwnl: 32 Number 19 GazetteJune 8,2(0) Convocation a rousing success limeMinisterJeanCh.ltUenlold grad1l81eSlhallheY lll'e. leavmg school aI a tune when job opporturul1O for young Ppeople are more plentiful thanlhcyhavebeen.maJongume "Indeed. it is a time ofboundlc:ss opportunity inCanada," said Dr. Chrtticn, afierreccivingan honorary doctor of laws degree fium Mcmorial. "We are aI Ihccrestoftbe ncw global economy OurpooplchavcentbracOO lhepov.erofthe Intemel, reaching OOt across ~ and lime mnes, aCTOI\$CYbef';pace Ourreseareber; are piorJeering new IOChno1ogies and processc:'>. Ourentrepreoeurs arc creatively showcasing new product, and serviccs, Our exporrer;areconqueringnewll13l'lets.~ Andy Jones of <:omedy troupe COOCO fame o;aid Ne.... foond­ land and Labl1ldorart mu'itbc made b)'andforlhepoopJeoflhis pl'O\'l1>CC 'We do really have wmelhing 'Cf)', 'Cf)' specialltett: and we aU knowtllat,"saidMr.Jone',who=i"edanltooorarydo<.1oroflef ten degree. "BUI we mU'1 leU oorfearless 1eaderslhal ildidn't eomc: about bocause it made a profil orbecllUSC il Was for loorists, II was gettel1l1ed by human beings- logelhcr in our complex, evolved,andstill vcrydyn.amic NewfoondlandculllHCnlll1uredby the pooplc of Ncwfoondland in inslilUlions soch as Ihc wtis'ersily and lhescltoolsy>tcm. ~And the art lhaleomcs from thatcullure should bcHailableto ourov.npooplc flJ'iland Lueron for !he lOurists," These were among !he pieces of adv~ offered 10 the 1,400 Mcmorialstudcntswho~!he~lII!hePhysil:a1Education building during !lpling Convocalion 2000, held May 24-26 in St John'sMQIl:thanl00studentsOOllS'ocatedaiSirWilfredGrenfell Collegc in Corner Brook May S Other hooornry graduates were lhe plime minister's broIher, lI!I'I'Ibo>n oil"" COlX:O c~ 1""'P" ~ rKogniz.d fo< lhe<, ct>mnutme<>l 1o N"""oundl~nd ~nd LIb<",*" an.nd renowned research ';C;emisl Dr. Michel Chrelien; Mr Jones ....ure du"ng MemOfl.I', <pring convocation, (L-R) Andy /OMS. COlhy Jones, Mary 'M>I'" and Greg M.lone we<e CODCO CQlItemporaries. Cathy Jones. Mary Walsh and Greg Mal­ ."leddoctoroll..u.... d<-g,.,.,.(h""" u...)du,inS'r..convo<<l1ionc"'emonyM>y 2SinSl. john'~_I-\onQr.ry ooe; hi~lorian Dr PelerNellIY; fonnerfedcral cabinel minisler wo:<e.,>o.w.rde<l'oPrimeMini<l ~.nChr«.....;t""p'imeminill"".brod.....,......,.,..".. .......fCh"'i<'n1iIlDt ~"'" Ch''''....., hi"""i." 0.. P_ NNry; 10<""" ft..def.1 cab<"'" min,"..... Mon;"",,, II<!gin; sen.tor W,lh.m ROfT1Jll<ey; Mortiq"" Begin: Senalor William Rompkey: businessman Craig 1u;"'.~"m.:mC'aigDobbin;>ndfolklor'''.ndlmgu'''Dr_)ohnWid<lowson Dobbin: and fo1klori!>l and linguist Dr. John Widdo\o.son, Springeonvocationin Sl.John'swasMC1t1OIiaI's5O!hsoch=­ emony. which became a degree-granling instilution in 1949 and oonfem:d ilS first degrecs in 1950 A Viking milJcnnium cxhibilion aI Ihc Arts and Culture Ccntre forcedMcmorial 10 ll'J()',e;ls annual spring gradualion eeremony 001 oflhai sen""forlhc first time since Ihceany 1970s, But the Major funding for Drug ncw s'enue, in the gym oflhc Phys Ed Building, was more than adequate. aceooling to gnldllalC and family members Information Centre Focuhy wooaltended the firnconvocalion on June 3,1950, were invited 10 participate in !he opening sc'-sion when Dr, David providing irnpcxtanl drog informalion to health pro­ Bv SHARON GRAY .u5OtIr,pag<,1 unding in the amounl of $25.0,000 for the fessionals throughoul the provincc." said Mr, Grimcs Newfoundland and Labrador Drug Informa­ Dr A~e1 Meisen. university pre'idenl. said lhe F11Ol1Cett1re,locatedatMerl1Ol1a1-sSchoolof Newfourxllandand LabradorD!ug InformationCro­ llllrrnacy,wasannouncedJune6fromabl'oadnul11­ trepro\idesanimportanIOllITeachsel"\'icctohealth \IlrofsponsorsincllldinglheprO\'incialgos'emrncnt, professionals. including pharmaci'1s, physicians. tOCialionsll'prescnlinglheheallhprofessionals nur;es,nurscpractilioncrsandOlhers. dllliSClhcs-ellltC,andncwcorpornlesJlOf'SO<'i "Thi, funding anllOUncemC11( pI'Ovides us wilh an Roger Grimes_ mill'-Sler of Hcallh and Commumty opportunity to renew relaliOl15hips among \he School s..si=,~hisdepartmenlha>clHl\ml11edS50.lXXl of Pharmacy, lhe ulli'cn.ily,the minislryofHeallh ~funding to the Drug lnfonnalion Centre over !he andConuTIllItilyScnices,lhcCanadiallp/larmaccul;­ rnrthreeyear'l,TncolherS2(X},lXXlinfundingover cal indu1I)',IhcNe.... foundlandPharmaceulicalAs...o­ 1frtey'ear<;i,hcingpros'idcdinncarequalshares cialion and pharmacies in Newfoundland and bj-the followingcompamcs and <.W'ganiUlKns AW1I Labrador," 7.tr>e<:a. Hristol-MyersSquihh.Eli Lilly, Janssen­ Thedirectorof\heSchoolofPharmacy,Dr,Chris Drtho, Hoffman LaRochc, Nos'ophann, Wal-Mart Loomis, said lhal this funding announcement is Phlrmacy, Newfoundland and Labrador Heallh imporumlforanumberofreasons,First,ilailowslhc 8oIIrdsAssoeiation, and the Newfoundland Phanna­ DruglnformationCcn~IoCQllun""i1:'lessenliairole mOcaIAssociation in promoting the safe and effective use of medica­ "I would like 10 thank Ihosc providing funding as it Dons,Gis-cn lhe ever_increasing use, cornplexity and _lo)'CIII'Io_ dtmonstrates how effective we can all be when gov­ sec DRUGS, page 2 ~~:~~::~~~:''''''~:i:MIl1I"~ ~~n Ch,<;ti<,n .nd hi, llIllTlelIl. indusuy andphannacislS work logelherin 2 lAudte o JuM: 8, 2:000 j(»,~frotrtpapJ DRUGS.~fr-pa~J Pitt.prot"__nIlU,sl.mnnerdlllclionll(llldllllhislorie_ roaofdrup.8CCaItoKf\oK:esprovidedbydlc andpublic'porl5lX"'bassupponedd'lecen~in ~andtheirfamilie5wiUabobetn::atedlOa~ DruJlnformationCm~isanimponanl_1O p1ayfollowtn,lhelusloryofoonvocationIlManoriai. NewfoondWKIand ....bndor, Scoond,thefunding Theroleofthecenln:islOpromoIethesafeand Amona the academic highlight5 is the p-aduation of the fil'Slcl. bue hu brtwlaIcd to include Ihe pI'O\'inciai gov­ effective use of medications through currauand -- of5tUdenlli in the new oollaborative baehelor of nursilll emmell! and tiSOCiations represent;nJ the health objectivedru& infonrwtion to health professionals prot"~ ...ilollKthe Drua lnfmnDlnC'.a!ft. Ihrouchoullhe pm~lIla'. In thel"U1lre·. rust fi~e offered dwu&h apartnaWp arnnamxoc arnonc !he tIRe sdloolI olllUl'5Ull: Memorial Uaivasity's School of NUBiJI&," .-.eII.III~-mcroftllfJlOfW.... yan;ofopenUgaa.lbcnwen:a"'oI~_U71W& ~forNurRn,SlUlbealDdlheWestemReJionalSdtolll iafomllllioDiIlquRs~Ablu:lixc:alb_ Nlnilrc-~rc.aIII\'llCIlIioaan:bciall!mDICdfrom '11lB -...oanmI is.~euq*- 01 ofl20 reoei..mper..-orbDcdaY·"l\atF pe:r fal:dy_DIr. a ooopcnb'o'e ~ in beaIdl m~tJhlllllbc IIIOlIIh.MoMofdlcc*arefrom~ ..id1 fW.OOIIYOl:IIdl~bepaOll~Fiveoflhilieclilio. IDYenII),lheplO'-1IlCIIIJO"mIlIIaIIandlhefll-· aftnfrompbysicilm.llIIZXI.nuneprX1iDonen the~,~ mac:eIIDGIIJndulUymCIIIIda.-saidDr.L.oomiI andOlbahealthprot"~ "'The~l"<ic~providedbyOUldru,mformation The~ginformalionpbllrmaci"llIthecenln:, phanna<.'ISllll'ellleumpleof1bevaluableroielhai Audrey FullZ.re$elrchesanswen to inquiries ~CIllplaYll1thedelivayoreffe;.ll~and Ihrotighthecen~·.Ie)ubooklibraryandfiles.a saf'elWitbenpytolbeatizensofNewrlllllldbDd a:Jllll'lI'eriz~theexpertiaeoflhefacuky G4?l~~ andlMndor,- IlItheSdloolol~andlhen:aotlrtl5ordlc TheNe9>fulncllandIlldLailrado:rDrualllfonna­ HellllhScieooesLinry. .= Bed and Breakfast lioDC....-eopenedo-SqJleolber I, 19'Jot,Illdlc SeboololPbarmal:y ..llhaliliallllppO'lbdfte J'2$byfi'o'en':lal'dlllld~-bMedam­ **** pIIIIC$. ........ fLniIncfroma...-ldyolfXJrp(l'* RoryHar\ey.bi5 ..ifeJaneIlldIhcirIllnliOrilllopher andMXmeLbyheraila....... DlllldJeFnser ... her_cmstianPavey.-'byamullltudeoffr1mds.. SanlhstudiedllltheSaemt HeanCm>-aJl, thIi­ DrmtlytlppllSlltHotd N~ndhuul fu. and III DaIJoI&sieUm>"efSity.paWatatgin 1955. FoIlowmg • 'J'UI In England. she n:twned 10 many Deluxe suites willi double jacltzzi & firep/ac Riehanl and to senle in Ollawa. Afler years ..... fn:e­ Rom~"h, gt'I~U'QYS ~ sptculily lance ~her. Sandr~ disco~ert:d her own ~oice in Allroom'MVW'l11suilt'blltk theeariy 1970s.ShebecameOna.... 6:!llOrrlrSalllf· NI~ .in' MIJfta:)N and won. SIlO,:eu.-.. d a..-.u DI!>OOunts for 10000I;('rsta)"s&: MUN bookings Her fil'l-l book. 11It' Pri,vu Cilplaai. publisbed III I'IIIJ...... the ~ Genenrl A..-.d. Her_· 1'honr-:7fI}..7'12-757701"1-&.sS-75J-.7577 ond,T..,..srn~M,u.....hipI)pniIed. E-maIl mocmanorenfId.oom DrGvo)-"D·sllfclon&~ ... 'e-vofOlllldland \\'(obsj~ _.wordpLay.com/mccoubrey I.athel97lk.sbe ...oneoflhefev. ..-hororesa"the bIoonunZ of Ne..round!and's exll'aORlmaryculllnl n:naJ~ - ~FIowen on the Rock" - in her o"'n phra~e. She promoted Newfoundland's artistic aocomplislunents tirelessly and eloquelll1y. Her con· tnbutionswerer"ell:Olni~byanhorMJrarydegree Ii'omMMIllri.alUNYerSal)'aodbyeleroontotheHall Amanda Bishop ol~oltheAnsQulc:ildNell.fe:uJdland'" I.indor.OlIMayI7,nn.s-n·.~1O Gazette ~1usil;lCI.dml"""""B~ 19,olTom.y.-J IWlI)'c.Mayl8.2OX),1ea,... wub~11leI1»­ Canadml ~ ,,'.. rempllzd by her appoinI­ ~ B~ _IOIheOrderolCanada-TbeLDVesurure ...... lies her Gary'" Stwal (McGndll EDm:J.:o..-ids..- siSlers Jackie (husba-rld Cl1Ii, Connon) and Li~ nwIe~byHerExedmcyAck1eooeClark­ (~SheldooWade). boyfiiend 0.-isl0pl'a Mnn. son. Ooftations may he made 10 the Sandra Fruer GRAI'tlIC$: lh<qGtilOlll gnmdmother JOlIn Bishop, and many odler n:latives Gwyn FQundalion. do CommunIty FOIIndalion of It.X;l1.ol..('(WnI.l'1'OQ:~laG,U·Jean(ftlwn and friends, Gn:ater Toronto, I Dundas Slref:t West, Suite 502, SharonGny' SusenJohnson' PelcrMoms' IvanMUZ)'Chka Amanda'! inherited taJene was foslered !t Holy Toronto, Onl., M~G lZ3. Parking adjaeent 10 !he DianaQo.nnttol· MegretYIIb6Iey Tnrntyin Tom.y, ...-tw:nsheSlll&insd>ooldloiBand
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