Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83292-2 - The Geology of Mars: Evidence from Earth-Based Analogs Edited by M. G. Chapman Index More information Index Earth Analog Areas Clayton Valley sand dunes, SW USA, Alaska, 28, 311–12 236, 241 Algodones sand dunes, SW USA, 235–6, Columbia River Basalts, 135–6 248, 253 Coral Pink sand dunes, SW USA, 135, 236 Altai Mountains region, Russia, 308, Deccan traps, 135–6, 411–12 312–13 Dumont sand dunes, SW USA, 236, 239 Antarctica, 15, 182, 206, 401–2 Dyngjufjo¨ll Ytri, Iceland, 190–2 Aral Sea basin, 313 East Greenland (Jameson Land), 267–9, Armansfell, Iceland, 195–6 271 Atacama desert, South America, 303 Ephrata Fan, Washington State, 310 Badwater Basin, Death Valley, U.S.A., 323, Etendeka-Parana flood basalt region, 135 338–45 Ethiopian flood basalt region, 135 Barringer (Meteor) Crater, Arizona, Eureka sand dunes, SW USA, 236, 240 52–4, 434 Fernandina caldera, Galapagos, Big Dune, SW USA, 236, 241 72, 76, 83 Black Sea basin, Eurasia, 313, 314 Finke River, Australia, 299, 301 Bolivian Altiplano, 355 Great Basin, western USA, 235, 239–42 Bristol Trough/Palen sand dunes, SW Great Sand Dunes National Monument, USA, 236, 237 SW USA, 236, 241, 243–4, 248 Bruneau sand dunes, SW USA, 236, 244 Harris Fjeld, Greenland, 268 Cactus/LaPosa Plain sand dunes, SW Haughton Crater, Canada, 61–3, 412, USA, 237–9 438, 443, 445, 453 Cady Mountains/Kelso sand dunes, Hekla, Iceland, 187–9, 195, 197 SW USA, 238–9 Herdubried, Iceland, 183, 185 Canyonlands National Park, Utah, 371–83 Herdubreidarto¨gl, Iceland, 189 Carrizozo lava flow, New Mexico, 95, 97, Hludufell, Iceland, 186 108–10 Hrafnabjo¨rg, Iceland, 189 Channeled Scabland, USA, 24, 245, 248, Ibex sand dunes, SW USA, 236, 239, 240 254, 310–12 Inyo Domes, California, 220 Chott el Jerid, Tunisia, 324–5, 328–32 Jemez volcanic field, New Mexico, 97–8 Chott el Rharsa, Tunisia, 324–9 Karoo-Ferrar traps, 135 Christmas Valley sand dunes, SW USA, Karthala Caldera, Grand Comoros 236, 244–5 Islands, 81 457 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83292-2 - The Geology of Mars: Evidence from Earth-Based Analogs Edited by M. G. Chapman Index More information 458 Index Earth Analog Areas (cont.) Popigai Crater, Russia, 63–4 Kerguelen Plateau, 135 Porcupine River, Alaska, 308, 312 Kilauea caldera, 79, 82, 86, 89, 152 Pu’u ‘O’o, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, Killpecker sand dunes, SW USA, 236, 244, 152, 311 248 Puchezh-Katunk Crater, Russia, 64–6 Lake Bonneville region (ancient), 242, 308, Ruapeu Volcano, New Zealand, 224 312, 334 Ries Crater, Germany, 54–6 Lake Missoula region (ancient), 245, 308, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico, 95, 97, 109, 313, 316 112, 114, 117, 119 Laki, Iceland, 20, 109, 139, 141–4, 161, 163, Salton Sea region, SW USA, 248 213 Salton Sea sand dunes, SW USA, 236–7, Lagafell, Iceland, 190, 191 249 Laguna Blanca, South America, 354–7, 359 San Pedro caldera, Nicaragua, 87, 89 Laguna Verde, South America, 354–6, Sand Mountain dunes, Nevada, 236, 241–2, 359–61 245, 247, 248 Lena River, Siberia, 281–7, 291 Santiago caldera, Nicaragua, 87, 89 Licancabur Lake, South America, 351–5 Shiprock (volcanic neck) monument, Licancabur Volcano, South America, 351, New Mexico, 95, 116 352, 365 Siberia shield, 182, 279–81, 289 Little Sahara sand dunes, SW USA, Siberian traps, 135, 137 236, 242 St. Anthony sand dunes, SW USA, 236, Lonar Impact Crater, India, 411, 412, 244 415, 416 Tsagaan Nuur, Mongolia, 334–7 Mansi paleolake, Siberia, 313 Valles Caldera, New Mexico, 95, 97, Manson Impact Crater, Iowa, 412 103, 104 Masaya caldera, Nicaragua, 73, 87, 89 Verkhoyansk Mountains, Russia, 279 Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua, 87, 88 Vredefort Impact Crater, Africa, 412 Mauna Loa caldera, Hawaii, 74, 79, 86, 89 Wadi Mareef, Egypt, 298, 299 McCartys lava flow, New Mexico, 95, White Sands, SW USA, 236, 243 108–10 Winnemucca sand dunes, SW USA, 236, Meteor Crater, Arizona (see Barringer 242, 248 Crater) Yakutia, Siberia, 28, 279–81 Mojave Desert, western USA, 235–9 Mokuaweoweo caldera, Mauna Loa Mars Missions Hawaii, 74, 89 Mariner Missions, 5, 10, 244, 249, 250, 252, Moses Lake sand dunes, SW USA, 236, 297, 304 243, 245–6, 252 Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Mission, Naefurholtsfjo¨ll, Iceland, 187–9, 195–7 8, 254–5, 290, 414, 426, 451 Narbona Pass Volcano, New Mexico, 95, Spirit, 332 115–16 Opportunity, 2, 332–4, 402 Navajo sand dunes, SW USA, 236, Mars Express/European Space Agency 242–3 (ESA) Mission, 4, 8, 127, 189, 197, 290, Navajo Volcanic field, SW USA, 343, 414, 426 115–17 Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mission, 2, Nindiri caldera, Nicaragua, 87, 88, 90–2 8, 127, 152, 212, 250, 252, 265, 290, Ontong-Java plateau, 135 298–300, 426 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83292-2 - The Geology of Mars: Evidence from Earth-Based Analogs Edited by M. G. Chapman Index More information Index 459 Mars Odyssey Mission, 8, 212, 252, 290, Hellas Basin, 3, 8, 11, 16, 23, 29 426 Hephaestus Fossae, 154 Mars Pathfinder Mission, 133, 251, 253, Hesperia Planum, 16 306–7, 309 Highlands (Mars), 11, 20, 120, 127, 252, Viking Orbiter Mission, 1, 5, 10, 71–2, 297, 300, 407–8 151, 212, 250, 252–3, 292, 297 Interior layered deposits (ILD), 178–207 Isidis Planitia, 8, 120, 154, 159 Martian Terrains Ismenius Lacus, 338, 339 Adamas Labyrinthus region, 4 Juventae Chasma, 179, 186, 192, 195, Alba Patera, 7, 10, 11, 25, 71 203–4 Acidalia Planitia, 28, 127, 154 Kasei Valles, 10, 179, 282, 307–8, 314 Amazonis Planitia basin, 19, 23, 130, 154, Lowlands (Mars), 26, 252 156–7, 159 Lunae Planum, 10 Aonia Terra region, 12 Ma’adim Vallis, 252 Apollinaris Patera, 102 Marte Valles, 154 Ares Valles, 29, 279, 281–7, 291 Mangala Vallis, 4, 307 Argyre Basin, 8 Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) Arrhenius region, 154 outcrops, 127 Arsia Mons, 6, 15, 19, 23, 72–6, 130, 212, Melas Chasma, 179, 184, 186, 192, 195, 219, 221 204 Ascraeus Mons, 71, 72, 80–4, 91 Memnonia Fossae, 307 Athabasca Valles, 132, 307, 308 Memnonia region, Mars, 218, 338–9 Baetis Mensa, 204 Meridiani Sinus/Terra/Planum, 2, 290, Candor Chasma, 179, 180, 184, 187, 189, 332–45, 410, 414 197–9, 204–5 Nanedi Valles, 299–300, 302 Candor Mensa, 184, 186, 188, 192, 193, Nirgal Vallis, 24, 251, 253, 266, 298, 299, 206 302, 306 Ceraunius Tholus, 25, 102 Olympus Mons, 6, 7, 11, 13, 29, 30, 71, 72, Cerberus Fossae, 131, 307 79, 85, 86, 90–2, 154, 212 Cerberus plains, 127, 130–2, 154, 307 Ophir Chasma, 179, 180, 189, 198, 204 Ceti Mensa, 184, 186, 204, 206 Pavonis Mons, 71–2, 76–80 Chryse Planitia, 12, 23, 127, 306–7 Tantalus Fossae, 10 Coprates Chasma, 129, 179, 204, 379 Terra Cimmeria, Mars, 272–4 Daedalia Planum, 212, 218, 221 Tharsis radial grabens/troughs/fractures, Dorsa Argentea, 29 21–3, 105–7, 133, 373, 377, 389–90 Elysium Mons, 23, 131 Tharsis radial wrinkle ridges, 21–3 Elysium Region, 10–12, 19, 24, 28, 102, 127, Tharsis Montes, 6, 7, 11, 12, 22–23, 29, 129, 131, 154 71–92, 102, 178–80 Ganges Chasma, 179, 190, 191, 204–6 Tharsis region, 10–12, 15, 22–3, 29, 105–7, Ganges Mensa, 184, 186, 195, 203 129, 225, 303, 307 Gorgonum impact crater, Mars, 272–3 Ulysses Patera, 74 Gusev Crater, 252, 290, 332, 414 Utopia Planitia, 4, 8, 15, 28, 29, Hadriaca Patera, 11, 102 127, 154 Hebes Chasma, 179, 186, 205 Valles Marineris, 10, 21–3, 30, 129, 178–80, Hebes Mensa, 204–5 202–6, 376–9 Hecates Tholus, 25 Vastitas Borealis Formation outcrops, 26 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83292-2 - The Geology of Mars: Evidence from Earth-Based Analogs Edited by M. G. Chapman Index More information 460 Index Meteorites Modis/ASTER Airborne Simulator ALH84001 (Mars), 131, 401–2, (MASTER) instrument, 340–5 408–9 Thermal Infrared Mapping ‘‘Bounce’’ rock (Mars?), 401–2 Spectrometer (TIMS), 252, 340 Chassignites (Mars), 131, 401–2 Mars Howardite, Eucrite, and Diogenite Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) (HED) igneous (Vesta) meteorites, 400, instrument, 28, 59, 134, 417 407–8 High Resoluting Stereo Camera (HRSC) Lafayette (Nakhlite) meteorite (Mars), 131, instrument, 72, 197 401–2, 410 High Resolution Imaging Science Nakhlites (Mars), 131, 401–2, 410 Experiment (HiRISE) camera Shergottites (Mars), 131, 401–2, 407–8 instrument, 4 Mars Observer Camera (MOC) NASA analog projects instrument, 2, 25, 26, 30, 31, 71–2, Apollo 17 Astronaut Integrated (AIM) 90–2, 186, 197, 212, 250, 265, 292, Simulations, 436, 438 299–300 Desert Research and Technology Study Mars Observer Laser Altimeter (RATS) project, 434, 435, 438 (MOLA) instrument, 11, 19–26, Extreme Environments Mission Operations 28–30, 90–2, 250, 299–300 (NEEMO) project, 436, 438 Miniature Thermal Emission Haughton (Crater)-Mars Project (HMP), Spectrometer (mini-TES) MER rover 432, 438 instrument, 342–5 Haughton (Crater) Remote Science Mo¨ssbauer MER rover instrument, 414 Experiment (HoRSE) at HMP, Neutron Spectrometer instrument, 204, 431–53 281 International Space Station (ISS), 437, 438 Panoramic Camera (Pancam) Mars Analog Research and Technology instrument, 2, 332 Experiment (MARTE), 437, 438 Thermal Emission Imaging System Mars Arctic Research Station (MDRS), (THEMIS) instrument, 28, 71–2, 434, 438 90–2, 152, 186, 197, 212, 217, 254–5, Mobile Agents Project, 435, 438 342–5 NASA Oceanographic Analog Missions Thermal Emission Spectrometer Project (NOAMA), 433, 438 (TES) instrument, 11, 217, 251, 254, 342–5 Remote Sensing Instruments Viking Orbiter Camera Instruments, 1, Earth 15, 60, 71–2, 212, 249, 250 Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Visible and Infrared Mineralogical Spectrometer (AVIRIS) instrument, Mapping Spectrometer (OMEGA) 340 instrument, 197, 342–5, 414 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org.
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