October 13, 2007 In this issue Women pray with PNGUM leaders New “home” for SNZ Conference Adventist World issue Sydney’s iGeneration concert celebrated the role young people play in supporting those in need by raising funds for the ADRA Appeal. ADRA hosts Sydney iGeneration concert SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES n September 1, the iGeneration con- talented performers and an enthusiastic cert was held in Sydney to celebrate audience,” said co-host Litiana Qiosese. the contribution of young people to “Watching the young people get involved Othis year’s Adventist Development not only on the night but also in doing and Relief Agency (ADRA) Appeal. something to help the poor was great. This The concert featured a number of Aus- generation can make a difference.” tralian artists including Australian Idol Young people from the Greater Sydney Students fi nalist Joseph Gatehau, popular Chris- Conference gained entry to the concert on tian singer Skylla, Endless Praise and presentation of an ADRA Appeal church Melissa Otto. treasurer’s receipt that showed they had The iGeneration concert was hosted by raised $A50 or more for the Appeal. They serve local Adventist youth speakers and includ- also received a free iGeneration T-shirt. ed segments with giveaways and interviews For those unable to fundraise for ADRA, with ADRA supporters. tickets for entry were sold at at the door. community “The night was really fantastic, with very (Continued on page 3) ISSN 0819-5633 3399 CCover.inddover.indd 1 11/10/07/10/07 33:44:34:44:34 PPMM 95 $14 AUS 50 $18 NZ AnotherAnA other collectionco of real- lillifefe stories ini the tradition ofo OrOrdindarydindar People— ExEExtraordinarytraordina God. ordinary 60 people 60 stories 1363 pagges. of faith Paperback,PPapeperbbaackk, 136 pages. Be amazed and inspired by our authors from around our division, sharing their experiences of God’s leading in their lives. Available NOW at your friendly Adventist Book Centre xOrdinaryPeopleBook2.indd 1 1/10/07 3:46:35 PM news ADRA hosts Sydney CD launched with Play Today iGeneration concert COORANBONG, NEW SOUTH WALES (Continued from page 1) he popular Play Today praise and wor- ship series continues to grow with the The concert was held at the Sydney launch of the third book and the fi rst Adventist College, Strathfi eld campus. TCD on September 15. It was organised by the Greater Sydney Dr Lyell Heise and Valmai Hill’s Play Conference to encourage young people to Today 3 contains 14 songs—a mix of hymns participate in the fi ght against poverty and and contemporary praise and worship— support the ADRA Appeal. with piano arrangements for beginners and “The iGeneration campaign is about intermediates. inspiring young people to get involved in Each song includes: a note about the Valmai Hill with one of her changing the world. Many of them said students, Brooke Carter. song’s origins; at least one Bible reference; that they learned a lot about poverty and a note to piano teachers about how to use Dr Heise coordinated the production of what can be done to help,” said the confer- the song in their lessons; lyrics, including the book in his role as director of the South ence’s director of ADRA services, Malcolm those in repeat choruses or verses; and tips Pacifi c Division’s Institute of Worship. Mrs Rea. “And their response to supporting the for worship leaders. The CDs for the books Hill, a piano teacher who serves as a mem- ADRA Appeal was amazing, with those at contain instrumental backing music for ber of the institute’s board, arranged each the concert representing about $A23,000 every song—38 in total. of the songs.—Brenton Stacey dollars raised for the Appeal.” Candice Jaques, ADRA Australia’s com- Women pray with PNGUM leaders munication coordinator, says, “iGeneration was named not only for the generation now LAE, PAPUA NEW GUINEA using popular i-technology such as iPods and iPhones, but as a call to action for this he Papua New Guinea Union Mis- generation to become ‘involved,’ make an sion (PNGUM) offi ce in Lae was ‘impact’ and go on to ‘inspire’ others to do recently crowded with women from the same. T a local congregation who went there The iGeneration campaign is being to pray with church leaders and offi ce staff implemented in other conferences to ac- during their lunch hour. knowledge the important role young people Although the women regularly pray for play in supporting those in need through the staff members, they had not previously the ADRA Appeal.—RECORD staff /Can- prayed with them at the offi ces. The pro- The group of women who gathered dice Jaques gram included singing, a short devotional to pray for leaders and employees talk and a prayer session. After the prayer at the PNGUM offi ces in Lae. session, the women each gave a bag of all about,” Pastor Kola comments. “The mixed vegetables to each of the leaders church is a community of believers and we and employees. need to pray for each other and to provide PNGUM’s personal ministries director for one another’s needs.” and prayer ministries coordinator, Pastor Agnes Kola, director of women’s minis- Benjamin Kola, was full of praise for the tries for the PNGUM, told the women she women, as well as the men who escort- was happy they were putting into practice ed them to the head offi ce. “What these what they had been taught in and about women did is a good picture of the church the ministry that women can perform. More than 300 young people attended and speaks volumes of what the church is —Matupit Darius the iGeneration concert in Sydney. Offi cial Paper of the South Editor Nathan Brown Mail: Signs Publishing Company Pacifi c Division Seventh- Associate editor David Edgren 3485 Warburton Highway day Adventist Church Editorial assistant Adele Nash Warburton, Vic 3799, Australia ABN 59 093 117 689 Editorial assistant Jarrod Stackelroth Phone: (03) 5965 6300 Fax: (03)Tim 5966 Cahill 9019 with one of the Socceroo’s younger www.adventist.org.au Copyeditor Graeme Brown Email Letters: [email protected] at the Sydney farewell for the team. Editorial secretary Kristel Rae Email Newsfront: [email protected] Vol 112 No 39 Layout Nathan Chee Email Noticeboard: [email protected] Cover: Candice Jaques Senior consulting editor Barry Oliver Subscriptions: South Pacifi c Division mailed within Australia and to New Zealand, $A43.80 $NZ73.00. www.record.net.au Other prices on application. Printed weekly. October 13, 2007 3 39 News.indd 3 1/10/07 4:01:22 PM news MVAC commerce New “home” dedicated students serve for SNZ Conference community CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND DOONSIDE, NEW SOUTH WALES he new administrative offi ce for ountain View Adventist College the South New Zealand (SNZ) teacher Zenon Els and his Year Conference was dedicated by Dr 10 Commerce class have been TBrad Kemp, associate general M busy sorting out household items secretary of the South Pacifi c Division, and food products donated by fellow stu- on September 14. dents and staff at the college to the class as Conference president Pastor Craig part of a community-service project they Gillis took the opportunity to refl ect organised during August. on the history of the SNZ administra- The new administrative offi ce of the These items have been distributed to tion. “The separation of New Zealand South New Zealand Conference. families in the school who need some as- into two conferences, thus forming Since that time, eight different offi ces sistance, which the Commerce class de- the South New Zealand and North New have been used. “This most recent move has signed to be seen as a “hand-up” rather Zealand Conferences, came into effect on occurred in order to allow ease of access for than a “handout.” In total, 72 baskets were April 1, 1915,” he reports. visitors and create larger offi ce space for our prepared and included generous donations employees,” says Pastor Gillis. from Sanitarium Health Food Company, The building is situated close to who have been strong supporters of the the Christchurch airport, and is project. easily accessible and convenient, Mr Els says, “This community-service Pastor Gillis says, adding that he project has gone better than we expected believes it will be “a credit to the and next year we will defi nitely be looking cause it represents.” at doing it again!”—Fiona Lelilio “I’d like to give special thanks to the previous president and treas- The South New Zealand Conference offi ce staff : (left urer, Pastor Lindsay Sleight and to right) Pastor Willie Strickland, associate director Russell Jones, whose vision and of youth ministries for the New Zealand Pacifi c Union foresight had sought the lease Conference, Ricky Howe, Edwina Davis, Melissa Scott, Melissa Savage, Brigid Peddie and Pastor Craig Gillis, of the new building,” he adds.— president of the South New Zealand Conference. Sarah Grecea Some of the baskets prepared by the class. achievements on the basketball tral Coast Academy of Sport. style and etiquette that will help court and was awarded “Female —Brenton Luchow young people become more con- Athlete for 2007.” This award is fi dent and self-assured. Students chosen from across nine diff er- ◆ Macarthur Adventist School, are learning telephone manners, ent sports. Nicole Hynes (Year Macquarie Fields, NSW, has dining etiquette and everyday 11) was named “Netball Athlete gone one step further in pre- courtesies. Every fortnight, they for 2007.” She was chosen from paring their high school students focus on a diff erent topic, such ◆ Two Central Coast Adventist among all the netball players for life by providing them with as “posture and deportment” and School (CCAS), NSW, students, based on the Central Coast.
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