Sii<> Certificate -will be allowed and confirmed as the said Act Andrew Robinson, formerly of Hutwo.;:h In the County of directs, unless Cause be sliewn to the contrary on or before the Durham, late of Alder'gate-street, London, Gentleman. 45th of' Jiine instant.- William Millar, formerly of Kinj-street St. Giles's in the 'He-reas the acting Commissioners in the Commission Fields, U:e of Cumberland-stie^t ne :r the Middlesex Hos= W ^of Bankrupt awarded againft Isaac Thornton; of Fleet- pital, both in Middlesex, Grocer and Cheesemonger. streets London, Wine and Brandy Merchant, Dealer' and Peter Hardcastle, lorn-.erly of White Hart-vard Catherine- Chapman, have certified to the Right Hon. Henry Earl Da- street in the Strand in the County of Middlesex, Jace of thurst, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that said Isaac H irplane Tcwer-street, London, Cooper. Thornton- hath in all Things conformed according to the Direc­ James Stiel, formerly of Sa.isbury-court in the Pari/h of St» tions Of the several Acts of Parliament made concerning Bank­ Bride in the City of London, late of Mary Le Bone High-*> rupt* J This is to give Notice, that by virtue of an Act passed street in the County of Middlesex, Gentlrman. -in the Fifth Year of his late Majesty's Reign, his Certificate James Proud love, formerly of Giey Eagle-stree, late of •will be allowed and confirmed, as tbe said Act directs, unleis Wheeler-street in the Parish of Christ Church Spitalfields in Cause* be Ihewii to the contrary on or before the 25th of June the Counry of Middlesex, instant. James Beake, formerly of Ickh^m in thfi County of Kent, late of the Little Old Bailey in the City of London, Vic= HE following Persons being Prisoners for tualler. Debt, in the respective Prisons, or Goals, Thomas Qzard, formerly a Mate on Board the Buckingham T Man of War ac Portsmouth in the County of Southampton^ hereafter mentioned, do hereby give Notice, That late of the Istand of Antigua in the West Indies, Ma° they intend to take the Benefit of an Act of Par­ riner. liament, passed in the Sixteenth Year of the Reign Daniel Williams, formerly of Oravel-lane Christ-church, of His present Majesty King George the Third, Surry, late of Parsons-yard St. Leonard Shoreditch, Mid^ intituled, An Aa for the Relief of Injolvent Debtors; dlefex, Blacksmith. Samuel Warren, formerly of Newgate-market, London, late and for the Relief of Bankrupts in certain Cafes } at f of St. John's-court Cow-lane West Smithfield St. Sepulchre, the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace \ London, Butcher. to be held in and for the County, Riding, Divi­ Thomas Oa) ton, formerly of Puddledock-hill St, Ann Black sion, City, Town, Liberty or Place, or any Ad­ Fryers, late of Long-alley Moorfields St, Leonard Shore* journment thereof, which Ihall happen next after ditch, Middlesex, Goldsmith. George Norton, formerly of Portland-street Oxford Markets THIRTY Days from the F IRS T PH1)U late of Hosier-lane West Smithfield St, Sepulchre, London, cation of the under-mentioned Names. And they Baker. do likewise give Notice, that true and perfect Sche­ Thomas Perkins, formerly of the Strand St. Clement West-. dules, containing a Discovery of all their Real and minster, late of St. Bride's Passage St, Bride's, London, Personal Estates (hereafter to be sworn to) are now Musician. Timothy Sheffield, formerly of Long-lane West Smithfield St, ready 30 be.delivered to any Creditor applying for Sepulchre, London, late of Grafs-hopper-court Charter^ the-same to the respective Gaolers or Keepers, or house-street St, Sepulchre, LondQn, Watch-movement- th^ir Deputies, pursuant to the Directions of the said maker. Act. John Hunt, formerly of Long-lane Weft Smithfield St. Se» pulchre, London, late of West-street West Smithfield St, Sepulchre, London, Watch-movement-maker. Prisoners in WOOD-STREET Compter in Thomas Smith, formeriy of TothiI-street Gray's-inn-lane, the City of London, late of Leicester-street Gray's-inn-lane, both iii Middlesex, Horse-dealer. First: Notice* William Murray, otherwise MuTry, formerly of Crispin-streeS Richard Thornhill, formerly of GrayVinn-hne, late of street Spitalfields, late of Charles-street Cripplegatej Lon­ Redlion-paffig* in the Patish of St. Andrew above the Bars don, Dyer. in the'County -of Middlesex, Gentleman. John Nicholls, formerly of Enfield Town, late of Gray's-inn^* John'Baily, formerly of tbe Inner-temple, late of Breams* lane St. Andrew Holborn, both in the County of Middle^ -buildirig-s Chanciry-lane in the County of Middlesex, sex, Victualler. ,. Esquires" ••• - Isaac Levy, formerly of Cock-court Jewry-street near Aldgate Marmaduke Lake, formerly of Fleet-street in the Parifli of in the City of London, Dealer and Chapman. rStV Btide, late of Red cross-street in the Pirisli of St. Giles, both in the City of London, Clockmaker. Second Notice. James Owen, formerly of Aldersgate-street in the Pari/h of Nathaniel Lilly, formerly of Eagle-street in the Parisli of Sta St.fBdtolph, late of Fore-street in the Parishes St. Giles George Bloomsbury in the Coun'y of Middlesex, late of • Cripplegate,- both in the City of London, Poulterer. Churchyard-court Harp-alley in the Parijh of St. Bride irt James Caimichael, formerly of St. Matthew's Bethnal-green, the City cf London, Tinplate-worker, lateof Whitechapel-road, both in Middlesex, Baker. Joseph Wright, formerly of Water-lane White-friars in the Third Notice. •City of London; late of Frog-lane in the Parish of St. John Isaac, formerly of Chancery1-lane in the Parisli of St. An-** Mary fflington in the County of- Middlesex, Victualler. drew Holborn, lateof Cursitcr-stTeet in the Pari/h of St. Dun» "Williaih Gibbins otherwise Gibbons, formerly of Enfield in stan in the West, both in the County of Middlesex, Gen­ the County of Middlesex, late of the Minories in the Pa­ tleman. rish of-St. Botolph Aldgate in tbe City of London, Far­ James Thistlethwaite, otherwise Thistlethwayte, formerly of mer. * the City of Bristol, late of Kmg-street, Cheapside, in tho James Hayward, formerly of Allen-street St. James's Clerken­ City of London, Gentleman. well in the C&unty of Middlesex, late of George-street St. Joseph Taylor, late of Round-court, St. Martin le Grand, in ,Sepulchre' in th* City of London, Whitesmith. the Paish of St. Leonard Foster.hne in the City of London^ John Packer/ fo*rtie*-ly- of Angel-court Aldersgate-sl reet in the Dealer in Tongue3. :> f-Giiy. of London, late of Ironmonger-row ' St. Luke's Old- James Taine, formerly of Ma'den-Iane, late of Paul's-alley, street, Middlesex, Victualler. both ih the Parish of St. Michael Wood-Æreet in the City of Paul Little-white, formerly'of Bury St. Edmond's in the London, Bricklayer. .County of Suffolk, late ofFeatherstone-street St. Luke's John Cuthbert, formerly of Little Britain in the Pari/h o? Old-stfreet in the Countyof Middlesex, Ivory-turner. St. Botolph Aldersgate in the City of London. Iate of Elizabeth Hiltoti, formerly of Fore-street St. Giles's Cripple- White-row, Spitalfields, in the County of Middlesex, VtS« -. gate, late ttf Fountain-cou^t Cheapside, both in the City of tualler. LoEdon, Broker. "Nathan-Hanson*, formerly of Dean-street St. Olave Southwark in the County of "Surrv, late of Trott's court Virgjnia- Prisoners in WHITECHAPEL Gaol ira i street St. George's Ratcliffe-highway in the County of the County of Middlesex. Middlesex, Merchant and Dealer in Corn and Flour. Jbhn" Fletcher, formerly of Foster-lane, London, Peruke- Second Notice. tinaker, late tof Staining-lane in the Pari/h of Sr. Mary fl John Birch, formerly of Rag street Clerkenwell, hte of (Staining, London;- Bell-yard Whitechapel, both in Middle/ex, Blacksmith. Jeremy Sambreoke, formerly of Little Russel-street Covent- Anthony London, formerly of Saint Matthew Bethnal-green - garden, Victualler, late Of Flower-de-luce-court Fleet-street in the County of Middlesex, late of Writtle in the County ,in the City of London. of Essex, Gardener. John Adams, formerly t>f Deptford in the Couhty of Kent, Isaac Ducker, formerly of'"Saint Botolph Aldgate^, London^ late of Shadwell, Middlesex, Mariner. late of St. John Wapping, Middlesex, Millwright. John Ravenscroft the younger, formerly of BayneVstreet St. John Martin,' late of St. Leonard Shoreditch, Middlesex, James's Clerkenwell, late of Ship-yard St. Clement Danes, Weaver. b6th in'Mlfldlescx, Wiredrawer. Samuel Horton, formerly of St. Botolph Bisliopsgate, London* Peter Fafcoa, formferiy of St. Margaret's, Lothbury, late of late of Brick-lane Bethnal-green, Middlesex,. Taylor. Three Ton-court Little-Moorgate, both in the City of James Pulman, late of Ratcliff highway St. Paul ShadwelL, London, P^rfuttoer and Hairdresser; Middlesex, Mariner. Charles Churchill, formerly of St. JohnVsquare, late of Thomas Frow, late of Winsield.street St. Mary Whitechap«ls, Knightsbridge, both ill the Couuty of Middlesex, Geatle- Middlesex, Horner. SMB, '."-. ''*' A* Sarah Falkner, late of St, George's Middlesex, Widow* .
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