Mathematics People of mathematics, including distributive normal forms, Hintikka and Caffarelli Receive independence-friendly logic, definability, infinitely deep Rolf Schock Prizes languages, and extremality assumptions in mathematical theories. Two mathematicians are among the winners of the Rolf Jaakko Hintikka was born in Vantaa, Finland, in 1929. Schock Prizes for 2005. The Schock Prize in Logic and He received his Ph.D. from the University of Helsinki in Philosophy was awarded to JAAKKO HINTIKKA of Boston 1956. He has taught at Helsinki, at the Academy of Fin- University “for his pioneering contributions to the logical land, Florida State University, and Stanford University and analysis of modal concepts, in particular the concepts of has been at Boston University since 1990. He has authored knowledge and belief.” The Schock Prize in Mathematics or coauthored more than thirty books and monographs, was given to LUIS A. CAFFARELLI of the University of Texas including The Principles of Mathematics Revisited, and his at Austin “for his important contributions to the theory works have been published in nine languages. Five volumes of nonlinear partial differential equations.” of his selected papers have been published, and a com- The versatile philosopher and artist Rolf Schock prehensive examination of his thought, The Philosophy of (1933–86) described in his will a prize to be awarded in Jaakko Hintikka, appeared in 2004 as part of the Library such widely differing subjects as logic and philosophy, of Living Philosophers. He has held the John Locke Lec- mathematics, the visual arts, and music. The Royal Swedish tureship at Oxford University, the Hägerström Lectureship Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine at Uppsala University, and the Immanuel Kant Lectureship Arts, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Music have at Stanford University. He has been the recipient of the awarded these prizes every other year since 1993. Each Wihuri International Prize (1976), a Guggenheim Fellow- prize carries a monetary award of SEK 400,000 (about ship (1979–80), and honorary doctorates from the US$56,400). University of Liège, the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, and the Universities of Uppsala (2000), Oulu (2002), and Jaakko Hintikka Turku (2003). Jaakko Hintikka is known as the main architect of game- theoretical semantics and of the interrogative approach Luis A. Caffarelli to inquiry and also as one of the architects of distributive Luis A. Caffarelli is the world’s leading specialist in free normal forms, possible-world semantics, tree methods, boundary problems for nonlinear differential equations. infinitely deep logics, and the present-day theory of Differential equations are the mathematician’s foremost inductive generalization. He was one of the philosophers aid for describing change. In the simplest case, a process who established “possible-world” semantics for modal that depends on one variable alone—for example, time— logic, a form of semantics that attempts to improve our may be described by an ordinary differential equation. understanding of modal concepts, not only such concepts But more complex phenomena are dependent on many as “necessary” and “possible” but also concepts such more variables: perhaps time plus one, two, or three as “knowledge”, “belief”, “ought”, “right”, and “wrong”. spatial variables. These processes require the use of Hintikka’s system is based on the concept of a “model set”, partial differential equations and are very common in that is, a set of sentences that may be understood as a mathematical descriptions of natural phenomena. Usu- partial description of a possible world. In his semantics, ally, important data are locked at a boundary—the earth’s systems of such model sets are investigated. Hintikka surface, for example, when studying weather. But mathe- has applied his semantics to many different fields. His matical solutions become much more complicated if the semantic analysis of the concepts of “knowledge” and boundary is free—that is, if it can vary, such as, for example, “belief” has led to what was later called epistemic logic, the boundary between frozen and unfrozen soil. Caf- which has been highly influential both within and outside farelli’s work has provided pioneering solutions to many of philosophy. For example, it is of fundamental impor- such problems that have long defied mathematicians. tance for pioneering work in datalogy and game theory. Luis A. Caffarelli was born in Argentina in 1948. He His mathematical interests are in logic and foundations received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of 762 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 52, NUMBER 7 Mathematics People Buenos Aires in 1972. He has taught at the University of program engaging girls (grades 8 and 9) in mathematics Minnesota, the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, and science activities on the ESU campus. Her Interdisci- the University of Chicago, and the Institute for Advanced plinary Science and Mathematics provides ESU students Study. He holds honorary doctorates from the École Nor- with opportunities for early research experiences. Partic- mal Supérieure, Paris; the Universidad Autónoma de ipants include students majoring in biological sciences, Madrid; and the Universidad de la Plata. physical sciences, mathematics, and computer science. Mathematicians who have previously received the Schock Among the institutional awards are the following: Prize are: Solomon Feferman (2003), Richard P. Stanley The Department of Mathematics at the University of Iowa (2003), Elliott H. Lieb (2001), Yuri Manin (1999), Dana S. is the largest single awarder of mathematics doctorates to Scott (1997), Mikio Sato (1997), Andrew Wiles (1995), and minorities in the nation. Articulated less than ten years Elias M. Stein (1993). ago, Iowa’s commitment to increasing the numbers of minority graduate students has resulted in a well-crafted —From a Royal Swedish Academy news release recruiting campaign to convince students that the envi- ronment is a supportive one. A standing committee has responsibilities from student admissions to monitoring Presidential Mentoring Awards their progress. Alliances with other institutions including, Announced but not restricted to, those serving minority students has resulted in substantial support from external grants and On May 16, 2005, President Bush announced the recipients new and continuing collaborations with minority faculty of the 2004 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, elsewhere. Currently, the department has 21% underrep- Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring, a program resented minority graduate students. It is ensuring conti- supported and administered by the National Science nuity by institutionalizing structures, thereby permitting Foundation (NSF). Each award includes a US$10,000 grant the growth of a community where organizations work for continued mentoring work. together. The awards honor individuals and institutions that have The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and enhanced the participation of underrepresented groups— Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) has established an such as women, minorities, and people with disabilities— array of mentoring activities at scientific meetings, teacher in science, mathematics, and engineering education at all workshops, and through its own annual conference. It levels. Since its inception in 1996, the PAESMEM program has recognized eighty-seven individuals and sixty-seven engages in broad partnerships with other professional institutions. Each year’s awardees add to a widening organizations. The society provides and supports oppor- network of outstanding mentors in the United States, tunities for students to strengthen their presentation skills assuring that tomorrow’s scientists and engineers will and self-confidence and to make connections with scien- better represent the nation’s diverse population. This year, tists. Recently established and expanded student chapters nine individuals and five institutions received the award. have brought to 2,862 the number of student members, Among the individual awardees are the following: which should broaden the organization’s reach. An ongo- LENORE BLUM of Carnegie Mellon University helped pioneer ing project to develop biographies of Hispanic/Latino the Expanding Your Horizons program at Mills College in and Native American scientists serves as an inspiration to 1973. The program—designed to introduce young female students from these populations. students to women in science and related careers—has since gone national through the Math/Science Network. Blum’s —From an NSF announcement leadership has also been instrumental in transforming the culture of computing at Carnegie Mellon to embrace diversity as critical for the field and future of our nation Sloan Receives 2005 and by creating a model mentorship organization, Women@SCS, for women students in computer science. Information-Based RICHARD LADNER of the University of Washington pio- neered computer networking for the deaf-blind using Complexity Prize large print and paperless Braille displays. He is dedicated to increasing the number of students with disabilities who The recipient of the 2005 Information-Based Complexity will pursue graduate degrees. Ladner’s mentoring efforts Prize is IAN SLOAN, Scientia Professor at the University of extend beyond the university, reaching students at the New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. The prize consists of high-school level. He is also a strong advocate for women US$3,000
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